A responsible authority or the Minister may wholly or in part waive or rebate the payment of a prescribed fee that the authority or the Minister has received or is entitled to receive in connection with matters other than an amendment to a planning scheme, if—
(a) an application is withdrawn and a new application is submitted; or
(b) an application is for land used exclusively for charitable purposes; or
(c) in the opinion of the responsible authority or the Minister the payment of the prescribed fee is not warranted because of the minor nature of the consideration of the matter decided or to be decided; or
(d) in the opinion of the responsible authority the payment of the prescribed fee is not warranted because the application or determination imposes on the authority no appreciable burden or a lesser burden than usual; or
(e) in the opinion of the responsible authority or the Minister the application or determination assists—
(i) the proper development of the whole or part of the State, region or municipal district; or
(ii) the preservation of buildings or places in the State, region or municipal district that are of historical or environmental interest.