Northern Territory Repealed Regulations

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This legislation has been repealed.

[This Regulation commenced on 02 March 2023 and was repealed by the ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS ORDER (NO. 2) 2023 which commenced on the 30 October 2023.]



Northern Territory of Australia

Financial Management Act 1995
Interpretation Act 1978
Public Sector Employment and Management Act 1993

Administrative Arrangements Order 2023
I, Hugh Crosbie Heggie, Administrator of the Northern Territory of Australia, acting with the advice of the Executive Council, under section 35 of the Interpretation Act 1978 and for the Financial Management Act 1995 and the Public Sector Employment and Management Act 1993, make the following order.

  1. Commencement and application

(1) This order commences on 2 March 2023.

(2) This order has effect subject to any Act.

  1. Revocation of previous orders

Any Administrative Arrangements Order in force immediately before the commencement of this order is revoked.

  1. Nomination of Agencies for Financial Management Act 1995 and Public Sector Employment and Management Act 1993

(1) A department or other authority or body listed in Schedule 1, Part 1, is nominated as an Agency for:

(a) the Financial Management Act 1995; and

(b) the Public Sector Employment and Management Act 1993.

(2) A department or other authority or body listed in Schedule 1, Part 2, is nominated as an Agency for the Financial Management Act 1995.

  1. Allocation of Acts, areas or activities of government, government authorities or entities and Agencies to Ministers

The Minister holding a Ministerial office mentioned in Schedule 2 is allocated:

(a) administration of each Act listed in Schedule 2, column 1 for the Ministerial office; and

(b) responsibility for each area or activity of government and government authority or government entity listed in Schedule 2, column 2 for the Ministerial office; and

(c) administration of each Agency specified in Schedule 2 for the Ministerial office to the extent that administration relates to the Acts, areas or activities of government and government authorities or entities mentioned in paragraphs (a) and (b).

  1. Allocation of Acts, areas or activities of government and government authorities or entities to Agencies

An Agency listed in Schedule 2 is allocated:

(a) administration of each Act listed in Schedule 2, column 1, for the Agency; and

(b) responsibility for each area or activity of government and government authority or government entity listed in Schedule 2, column 2, for the Agency.
Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the Northern Territory of Australia on 2 March 2023.

Responsible Minister:

Chief Minister


Schedule 1 Nominated Agencies

Part 1 Agencies for Financial Management Act 1995 and Public Sector Employment and Management Act 1993

Auditor-General's Office

Department of the Attorney-General and Justice

Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet

Department of the Legislative Assembly

Department of Corporate and Digital Development

Department of Education

Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security

Department of Health

Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade

Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

Department of Treasury and Finance

Land Development Corporation

Northern Territory Electoral Commission

Northern Territory Emergency Service

Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service

Office of the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption

Ombudsman's Office

Police Civil Employment Unit

Part 2 Agencies for Financial Management Act 1995

Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority

NT Home Ownership

Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services

Northern Territory Treasury Corporation

Schedule 2 Allocation of administration of Acts and responsibility for areas or activities of government and government authorities or entities

Chief Minister

Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet
Assembly Members and Statutory Officers (Remuneration and Other Entitlements) Act 2006
Assembly Members' Remuneration (Basic Salary) Act 2022
Essential Goods and Services Act 1981
Flag and Emblem Act 1985
Inquiries Act 1945
Interpretation Act 1978
Jabiru Town Development Repeal Act 2021
Public Information Act 2010
Referendums Act 1998
Succession to the Crown (Request) (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2013
Transfer of Powers Act 1978
Transfer of Powers (Further Provisions) Act 1978
Transfer of Powers (Self-Government) Act 1978
Remuneration Tribunal
Cabinet and Executive Council services
Coordination and development of government policy
Coordination of government administration and activities
Coordination of intergovernmental relations (except financial relations)
Economic development, including regional and Aboriginal economic development
Economic policy
Investment attraction
Investment promotion and market engagement
Obtaining information from, and directing work to be done by, Agencies on behalf of the Chief Minister and Cabinet
Parliamentary Counsel and legislative drafting
Regional development, including leadership and coordination of government policy and activities
Royal Commissions and inquiries
Security and emergency recovery
Social policy
Strategic communications

Department of the Legislative Assembly
Constitutional Convention (Election) Act 2011
Legislative Assembly Members (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1987
Legislative Assembly (Disclosure of Interests) Act 2008
Legislative Assembly (Members' Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards) Act 2008
Legislative Assembly (Powers and Privileges) Act 1992
Legislative Assembly (Security) Act 1998
Legislative Assembly
Constitutional conventions

Auditor-General's Office
Audit Act 1995

Northern Territory Electoral Commission
Electoral Act 2004
Elections and electoral matters

Office of the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption
Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Act 2017
Public interest disclosures
Whistleblower protection

Ombudsman's Office
Information Act 2002 (Parts 6 and 7, except sections 98(1) to (3), (5) and (6) and 99)
Ombudsman Act 2009
Ombudsman for the Northern Territory
Freedom of information

Minister for Health

Department of Health
Alcohol Harm Reduction Act 2017
Cancer (Registration) Act 2009
Disability Services Act 1993 (Parts 3 to 7)
Emergency Medical Operations Act 1973
Food Act 2004
Health Practitioners Act 2004 (except Part 3)
Health Practitioner Regulation (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2010
Health Service Act 2021
Medical Services Act 1982
Medicines, Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act 2012
National Disability Insurance Scheme (Authorisations) Act 2019
National Health Funding Pool and Administration (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2012
Notifiable Diseases Act 1981
Private Hospitals Act 1981
Public and Environmental Health Act 2011
Radiation Protection Act 2004
Surrogacy Act 2022
Termination of Pregnancy Law Reform Act 2017
Tobacco Control Act 2002 (except provisions about smoking in liquor licensed premises, licensing and enforcement)
Transplantation and Anatomy Act 1979
Volatile Substance Abuse Prevention Act 2005
Water Supply and Sewerage Services Act 2000 (sections 46, 49(3) and 50(2))
Alcohol and other drug services
Alcohol management plans
Alcohol treatment and rehabilitation
Establishment of a National Resilience Centre
Forensic disability services
Health (including hospital and medical services)
Human quarantine
Morgues (Northern Territory wide)
Public health
Restrictive Practices Authorisation Unit
Services to people who are aged
Sexual assault services
Water quality

Not allocated to an Agency
Menzies School of Health Research Act 1985
Menzies School of Health Research
University medical education and research

Minister for Alcohol Policy

Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet
Liquor Commission Act 2018
Liquor Commission
Alcohol policy (except liquor regulation and compliance)

Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade
Liquor Act 2019
Liquor regulation and compliance

Minister for Major Projects

Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet
Ichthys LNG Project Act 2008
Solar Project (Australia-Asia Power Link) (Special Provisions) Act 2022
Civil space industry
Commercial facilitation of major projects and significant investments
Gas Taskforce
Investment facilitation
Management and implementation of economic reconstruction in the Territory
Team Territory

Land Development Corporation
Land Development Corporation Act 2003
Development and management of strategic industrial and residential land

Not allocated to an Agency
Darwin Waterfront Corporation Act 2006
Darwin Waterfront Corporation

Minister for Defence

Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet

Defence community liaison
Development of defence-related industries
Strategic Defence relations

Minister for Tourism and Hospitality

Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade
Tourism NT Act 2012
Tourism NT
Domestic and international air services

Minister for Parks and Rangers

Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security
Cobourg Peninsula Aboriginal Land, Sanctuary and Marine Park Act 1981
Nitmiluk (Katherine Gorge) National Park Act 1989
Parks and Reserves (Framework for the Future) Act 2003
Parks and Wildlife Commission Act 1980
Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1976 (except Part IV, Divisions 1 to 5)
Conservation Land Corporation
Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory
Territory Wildlife Parks
Aboriginal Rangers
Botanic gardens
Conservation and wildlife
Management of Territory parks and reserves
Wildlife management
Window on the Wetlands

Minister for Advanced Manufacturing

Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet

Whole of government oversight of the development of advanced manufacturing industries

Minister for Mining and Industry

Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade
Bonaparte Gas Pipeline (Special Provisions) Act 2007
Construction Industry Long Service Leave and Benefits Act 2005
Energy Pipelines Act 1981
Geothermal Energy Act 2009
McArthur River Project Agreement Ratification Act 1992 (except provisions about royalties)
Merlin Project Agreement Ratification Act 1998 (except provisions about royalties)
Minerals (Acquisition) Act 1953
Mineral Titles Act 2010
Mining (Gove Peninsula Nabalco Agreement) Act 1968 (except provisions about royalties)
Mining Management Act 2001
North East Gas Interconnector Pipeline (Special Provisions) Act 2015
Petroleum Act 1984 (except provisions about royalties, provisions relating to environmental regulation of exploration and production of petroleum and Part V, Division 2)
Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1981
Tanami Exploration Agreement Ratification Act 2004
Trans-Territory Pipeline and Blacktip Gas Projects (Special Provisions) Act 2005
Validation (Mining Tenements) Act 1987
NT Build
Energy operations regulation
Energy (oil, gas and geothermal) titles administration
Energy (oil and gas) pipeline operation regulation and pipeline title administration
Environmental management of geothermal energy operations
Environmental management of mining operations
Film, television and new media
Gas industry development
Industry strategy and policy
Industry engagement and participation
Mining development
Mining titles administration
Northern Territory Geological Survey
Offshore Supply Base
Oil and gas strategy, policy and industry development
Petroleum industry development
Petroleum titles administration
Regulation and management of mining and energy operations

Minister for Northern Australia and Trade

Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade

International engagement
Northern Australia development policy, coordination and intergovernmental liaison
Trade development, strategy and policy


Department of Treasury and Finance
Administrators Pensions Act 1981
Advance Bank Integration Act 1998
Appropriation (2021-2022) Act 2021
Bank of South Australia (Merger with Advance Bank) Act 1996
Companies (Unclaimed Assets and Moneys) Act 1963
Competition Policy Reform (Northern Territory) Act 1996
Electricity Reform Act 2000 (provisions about price regulation and provisions about the setting of licence fees)
Financial Agreement Between the Commonwealth, States and Territories (Approval) Act 1994
Financial Management Act 1995
Financial Relations Agreement (Consequential Provisions) Act 2000
First Home Owner Grant Act 2000
Fiscal Integrity and Transparency Act 2001
Gaming Control Act 1993 (provisions about taxes and levies)
Gaming Machine Act 1995 (Part 8)
Government Owned Corporations Act 2001
Legislative Assembly Members' Pensions Act 1979
Legislative Assembly Members' Superannuation Contributions Act 2004
McArthur River Project Agreement Ratification Act 1992 (provisions about royalties)
Merlin Project Agreement Ratification Act 1998 (provisions about royalties)
Mineral Royalty Act 1982
Mining (Gove Peninsula Nabalco Agreement) Act 1968 (provisions about royalties)
Motor Accidents (Compensation) Act 1979
Motor Accidents (Compensation) Commission Act 2014
Motor Vehicles Act 1949 (Part V)
Payroll Tax Act 2009
Petroleum Act 1984 (provisions about royalties)
Property Activation Act 2019
Racing and Betting Act 1983 (Part IV, Division 5 and Part IVA, Division 5)
Revenue Units Act 2009
Soccer Football Pools Act 1978 (provisions about duties)
Stamp Duty Act 1978
Superannuation Act 1986
Superannuation Guarantee (Safety Net) Act 1993
Taxation Administration Act 2007
Territory Insurance Office (Sale) Act 2014
Totalisator Licensing and Regulation Act 2000 (provisions about wagering tax)
Unclaimed Superannuation Benefits Act 1998
Water Supply and Sewerage Services Act 2000 (except sections 32(1) and (5), 46, 49(3), 50(2), 52(2), 55(1), 57(2), 61(1) and 63(5), (6) and (7))
Budget management
Commercial analysis
Economic policy and analysis
Economic regulation (excluding energy)
Financial management
Insurance policy
Intergovernmental financial relations
Mining royalties
Own source revenue
Public finance policy
Public sector superannuation policy and administration
Public sector wages policy
Public sector workers' compensation administration
Statistical policy and coordination
Utilities market regulation (excluding energy)

Northern Territory Treasury Corporation
Northern Territory Treasury Corporation Act 1994
Financial asset and liability management
Territory borrowings

Not allocated to an Agency
Utilities Commission Act 2000
Utilities Commission of the Northern Territory

Minister for Education

Department of Education
Education Act 2015
Education and Care Services (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2011
Higher Education Act 2004
Teacher Registration (Northern Territory) Act 2004
Approval and accreditation of higher education institutions and courses
Distance education
Early years education and care services and regulation
Grants for educational organisations
Planning, development and administration of schools and vocational education and training in schools
Student assistance schemes
Teacher registration and regulation of teaching profession

Not allocated to an Agency
Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education Act 1999
Charles Darwin University Act 2003
Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education
Charles Darwin University
Advanced education planning and development
Development, accreditation and delivery of higher education and vocational training programs for Indigenous people
University education and research

Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics

Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics
Aerodromes Act Repeal Act 2002
AustralAsia Railway Corporation Act 1996
AustralAsia Railway (Special Provisions) Act 1999
AustralAsia Railway (Third Party Access) Act 1999
Building Act 1993 (except provisions relating to the regulation and licensing of occupations)
Commercial Passenger (Road) Transport Act 1991
Control of Roads Act 1953
Crown Lands Act 1992 (except section 79)
Crown Lands Freehold (Conversion from Crown Leasehold) Act 1980
Lands Acquisition Act 1978
Lands Acquisition (Pastoral Leases) Act 1982
Licensed Surveyors Act 1983 (except provisions relating to the regulation and licensing of occupations)
Marine Act 1981
Marine Safety (Domestic Commercial Vessel) (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2013
Miscellaneous Acts Amendment (Aboriginal Community Living Areas) Act 1989
Motor Vehicles Act 1949 (except Part V)
Northern Territory Land Corporation Act 1989
Pastoral Land Act 1992 (provisions about Aboriginal community living areas)
Place Names Act 1967
Planning Act 1999
Plumbers and Drainers Licensing Act 1983 (except provisions relating to the regulation and licensing of occupations)
Port of Darwin Act 2015
Ports Management Act 2015
Public Transport (Passenger Safety) Act 2008
Rail Safety (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2012
Special Purposes Leases Act 1953
Swimming Pool Safety Act 2004
Traffic Act 1987
Valuation of Land Act 1963
Development Consent Authority
Planning Commission
The AustralAsia Railway Corporation
Assets and program management
Building advisory services
Designated ports (including regional harbourmasters)
Freight and logistics industry
Infrastructure planning, management and delivery
Land administration
Land information
Land use planning and development assessment
Lands and planning
Maritime industry
Ports development
Procurement (infrastructure services)
Public transport
Rail industry
Recreational boating safety
Regional air services development
Release of industrial and residential land
Road network management
Road safety
Road transport
Strategic growth and infrastructure planning
Transport assets
Transport policy and planning

Minister for Territory Development

Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics

Whole of government oversight and coordination of infrastructure and land release required for the development of the Northern Territory

Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Security

Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security
Bushfires Management Act 2016
Environmental Offences and Penalties Act 1996
Environment Protection Act 2019
Environment Protection (Beverage Containers and Plastic Bags) Act 2011
Lake Eyre Basin Intergovernmental Agreement Act 2009
Litter Act 1972
Marine Pollution Act 1999
National Environment Protection Council (Northern Territory) Act 1994
Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority Act 2012
Nuclear Waste Transport, Storage and Disposal (Prohibition) Act 2004
Pastoral Land Act 1992 (except provisions about Aboriginal community living areas)
Petroleum Act 1984 (Part V, Division 2 and provisions relating to environmental regulation of exploration for and production of petroleum)
Soil Conservation and Land Utilisation Act 1969
Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1976 (Part IV, Divisions 1 to 5)
Waste Management and Pollution Control Act 1998
Water Act 1992
Water Efficiency Labelling Standards (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2014
Weeds Management Act 2001
Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority
Aboriginal carbon and water policy
Biodiversity conservation and assessment
Conservation of pastoral land
Environment protection and sustainability
Environment strategy and policy
Environmental assessment
Environmental compliance and enforcement
Environmental management of energy (oil and gas) operations
Land and water resources assessment and management
Office of Climate Change
Office of Water Security
Pastoral land administration
Rural bushfire management
Strategic direction on environmental matters
Volunteer bushfire management
Weed management

Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

Department of Health
Mental Health and Related Services Act 1998 (except Part 15)
Mental health services

Minister for Equality and Inclusion

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

Men's policy
Women's policy

Minister for Youth

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

Whole of government children's strategic policy
Whole of government youth strategic policy
Youth affairs and Office of Youth

Minister for Seniors

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

Pensioner and carer concessions
Seniors Card
Senior Territorians policy

Minister for Housing and Homelands

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities
Community Housing Providers (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2013
Housing Act 1982
Chief Executive Officer (Housing)
NT Home Ownership
Aboriginal housing
Community and social housing
Government employee housing
Homelessness services
Housing loans
Public housing
Remote communities and homelands
Town camps

Minister for Renewables and Energy

Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade
Electricity Reform Act 2000 (except provisions about price regulation, provisions about the setting of licence fees, provisions about safety regulation and provisions about supply and service provision under licence)
National Electricity (Northern Territory) (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2015
National Gas (Northern Territory) Act 2008
Economic regulation (energy)
Energy industry development
Energy policy and strategy
Renewables strategic policy
Utilities market regulation (energy)

Minister for Essential Services

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

Provision of funding for essential services for remote communities and homelands

Not allocated to an Agency
Electricity Reform Act 2000 (provisions about supply and service provision under licence)
Power and Water Corporation Act 1987
Power Generation Corporation Act 2014
Power Retail Corporation Act 2014
Water Supply and Sewerage Services Act 2000 (sections 32(1) and (5), 52(2), 55(1), 57(2), 61(1) and 63(5), (6) and (7))
Jacana Energy
Power and Water Corporation
Power Generation Corporation
Power Retail Corporation
Territory Generation
Electricity generation and supply operations
Public sewerage and drainage services operations
Public water supplies operations
Supply and service provision under licence

Minister for Aboriginal Affairs

Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet
Aboriginal Land Act 1978
Kenbi Land Trust Act 2011
Aboriginal affairs policy and coordination
Aboriginal Interpreter Service
Aboriginal land strategic policy
Community development for regional centres and remote communities
Office of Aboriginal Affairs

Minister for Treaty and Local Decision Making

Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet
Treaty Commissioner Act 2020
Local decision making
Negotiation of Treaty or Treaties

Minister for Business, Jobs and Training

Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade
Procurement Act 1995
Training and Skills Development Act 2016
Procurement Review Board
Apprenticeships and traineeships
Business and industry support and development
Business and skilled migration
Business innovation support and development
Financial assistance to industry associations and business
Labour market analysis
Procurement policy and reform
Quality of training
Territory Business Centres
Training and employment programs and assistance schemes
Vocational education and training administration

Minister for Agribusiness and Fisheries

Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) Act 2004
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Northern Territory) Act 1994
Animal Protection Act 2018
Biological Control Act 1986
Biological Resources Act 2006
Fisheries Act 1988
Gene Technology (Northern Territory) Act 2004
Hemp Industry Act 2019
Livestock Act 2008
Meat Industries Act 1996
Plant Health Act 2008
Poppy Regulation Act 2014
Veterinarians Act 1994
Animal protection
Hygienic production of meat for human consumption
Interstate agricultural quarantine
Protection of consumers of veterinary services
Primary industry biosecurity
Primary production and industry development

Minister for Public Employment

Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet
Annual Leave Act 1981
Correctional Officers Arbitral Tribunal Act 1950
Long Service Leave Act 1981
Police Administration Act 1978 (Part III)
Public Employment (Mobility) Act 1989
Public Holidays Act 1981
Public Sector Employment and Management Act 1993
Commissioner for Public Employment
Development and coordination of public and private employment strategies
Industrial relations
Public sector management and development

Minister for Major Events

Not allocated to an Agency

Northern Territory Major Events Company

Minister for Veterans' Affairs

Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet

Veterans' support and engagement

Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services

Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services
Child Protection (Offender Reporting and Registration) Act 2004
Criminal Property Forfeiture Act 2002 (Part 10A)
Emergency Management Act 2013
Fire and Emergency Act 1996
Firearms Act 1997
Police Administration Act 1978 (except Part III)
Police (Special Investigative and Other Powers) Act 2015
Telecommunications (Interception) Northern Territory Act 2001
Terrorism (Emergency Powers) Act 2003
Weapons Control Act 2001
Youth Justice Act 2005 (Part 3)
Northern Territory Emergency Service
Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service
Police Civil Employment Unit
Police Force of the Northern Territory
Emergency response
Emergency services
Fire and rescue services
Volunteer emergency management
Volunteer fire and rescue management

Minister for Territory Families

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities
Adoption of Children Act 1994
Care and Protection of Children Act 2007 (except Part 3.3)
Domestic and Family Violence Act 2007 (Part 5A)
Guardianship of Infants Act 1972
Youth Justice Act 2005 (except Parts 3 and 4)
Child guardianship
Child protection
Children and families policy
Children's services
Family and parent support services
Family responsibility agreements and orders
Family violence services
Interpreting and translating services
Out of home care
Youth detention
Youth justice

Minister for Prevention of Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

Whole of government responsibilities for the prevention of domestic, family and sexual violence

Minister for Sport

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities
Major Cricket Events Act 2003
Community grants for recreation and sports associations
Sport and recreation
Sporting events
Sporting facilities
Territory Sports Academy
Water safety

Attorney-General and Minister for Justice

Department of the Attorney-General and Justice
Absconding Debtors Act 1978
Accommodation Providers Act 1981
Administration and Probate Act 1969
Advance Personal Planning Act 2013
Age of Majority Act 1974
Anglican Church of Australia Act 1975
Anti-Discrimination Act 1992
Australian Crime Commission (Northern Territory) Act 2005
Bail Act 1982
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996
Business Tenancies (Fair Dealings) Act 2003
Caravan Parks Act 2012
Care and Protection of Children Act 2007 (Part 3.3)
Catholic Church in the Northern Territory Act 1979
Children's Commissioner Act 2013
Choice of Law (Limitation Periods) Act 1994
Classification of Publications, Films and Computer Games Act 1985
Commercial Arbitration (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2011
Community Justice Centre Act 2005
Companies (Trustees and Personal Representatives) Act 1981
Compensation (Fatal Injuries) Act 1974
Construction Contracts (Security of Payments) Act 2004
Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading Act 1990 (except Parts 10 and 14)
Consumer Credit (National Uniform Legislation) Implementation Act 2010
Contracts Act 1978
Coroners Act 1993
Corporations Reform (Northern Territory) Act 2001
Corporations (Financial Services Reform Amendments) Act 2002
Corporations (Northern Territory Request) Act 2001
Correctional Services Act 2014
Courts and Administrative Tribunals (Immunities) Act 2008
Court Security Act 1998
Crimes at Sea Act 2000
Criminal Code Act 1983
Criminal Investigation (Extra-territorial Offences) Act 1985
Criminal Property Forfeiture Act 2002 (except Part 10A)
Criminal Records (Spent Convictions) Act 1992
Cross-border Justice Act 2009
Crown Proceedings Act 1993
Cullen Bay Marina Act 1992
Dangerous Goods Act 1998
Defamation Act 2006
De Facto Relationships Act 1991
De Facto Relationships (Northern Territory Request) Act 2003
Director of Public Prosecutions Act 1990
Domestic and Family Violence Act 2007 (except Part 5A)
Domicile Act 1979
Electrical Safety Act 2022
Electricity Reform Act 2000 (provisions about safety regulation)
Electronic Conveyancing (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2013
Electronic Transactions (Northern Territory) Act 2000
Encroachment of Buildings Act 1982
Evidence Act 1939
Evidence (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2011
Expungement of Historical Homosexual Offence Records Act 2018
Family Provision Act 1970
Fences Act 1972
Financial Sector Reform (Northern Territory) Act 1999
Financial Transaction Reports Act 1992
Fines and Penalties (Recovery) Act 2001
Guardianship of Adults Act 2016
Health and Community Services Complaints Act 1998
Health Practitioners Act 2004 (Part 3)
Information Act 2002 (Parts 1 to 5, sections 98(1) to (3), (5) and (6) and 99, Parts 7A, 8 and 10 to 13)
International Transfer of Prisoners (Northern Territory) Act 2000
Judicial Commission Act 2020
Juries Act 1962
Jurisdiction of Courts (Cross Vesting) Act 1987
Justices of the Peace Act 1991
Lake Bennett (Land Title) Act 2005
Land Title Act 2000
Law Officers Act 1978
Law of Property Act 2000
Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1956
Legal Profession Act 2006
Limitation Act 1981
Local Court Act 2015
Local Court (Civil Procedure) Act 1989
Local Court (Criminal Procedure) Act 1928
Married Persons (Equality of Status) Act 1989
Mental Health and Related Services Act 1998 (Part 15)
Misuse of Drugs Act 1990
Monetary Units Act 2018
Monitoring of Places of Detention (Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture) Act 2018
Mutual Recognition (Northern Territory) Act 1992
Northern Territory Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2014
Northern Territory Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Conferral of Jurisdiction for Native Title Matters) Act 2014
Oaths, Affidavits and Declarations Act 2010
Off-shore Waters (Application of Territory Laws) Act 1985
Parole Act 1971
Parole Orders (Transfer) Act 1981
Partnership Act 1997
Penalty Units Act 2009
Personal Injuries (Liabilities and Damages) Act 2003
Personal Property Securities (National Uniform Legislation) Implementation Act 2010
Personal Violence Restraining Orders Act 2016
Powers of Attorney Act 1980
Presbyterian Church (Northern Territory) Property Trust Act 1986
Price Exploitation Prevention Act 1949
Printers and Newspapers Act 1984
Prisoners (Interstate Transfer) Act 1983
Professional Standards Act 2004
Proportionate Liability Act 2005
Public Notaries Act 1992
Public Seal Act 1954
Public Trustee Act 1979
Radioactive Ores and Concentrates (Packaging and Transport) Act 1980
Real Property (Unit Titles) Act 1975
Registration Act 1927
Residential Tenancies Act 1999
Retirement Villages Act 1995
Return to Work Act 1986
Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 1995
Sale of Goods Act 1972
Sale of Goods (Vienna Convention) Act 1987
Salvation Army (Northern Territory) Property Trust Act 1976
Sea-Carriage Documents Act 1998
Sentencing Act 1995
Sentencing (Crime of Murder) and Parole Reform Act 2003
Serious Crime Control Act 2009
Serious Sex Offenders Act 2013
Sexual Offences (Evidence and Procedure) Act 1983
Sheriff Act 1962
Small Claims Act 2016
Sources of the Law Act 1985
Standard Time Act 2005
Status of Children Act 1978
Summary Offences Act 1923
Supreme Court Act 1979
Supreme Court (Judges Long Leave Payments) Act 1980
Supreme Court (Judges Pensions) Act 1980
Supreme Court (Rules of Procedure) Act 1987
Surveillance Devices Act 2007
Termination of Units Plans and Unit Title Schemes Act 2014
Terrorism (Northern Territory) Request Act 2003
The Commercial Banking Company of Sydney Limited (Merger) Act 1982
The Commercial Bank of Australia Limited (Merger) Act 1982
Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2010
Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1998
Trespass Act 1987
Trustee Act 1893
Unauthorized Documents Act 1969
Uncollected Goods Act 2004
Unit Titles Act 1975
Unit Title Schemes Act 2009
Uniting Church in Australia Act 1977
Validation (Native Title) Act 1994
Vexatious Proceedings Act 2006
Victims of Crime Assistance Act 2006
Victims of Crime Rights and Services Act 2006
Warehousemen's Liens Act 1969
Wills Act 2000
Witness Protection (Northern Territory) Act 2002
Work Health Administration Act 2011
Work Health and Safety (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2011
Youth Justice Act 2005 (Part 4)
Children's Commissioner
Health and Community Services Complaints Commission
Northern Territory Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Public Guardian
Work Health Authority
Administration of justice
Caravan parks
Civil and administrative review
Civil liberties
Community service complaints
Constitutional development
Consumer affairs
Corporate affairs
Correctional services
Courts administration
Crime prevention
Criminal prosecutions
Dangerous goods
Equal opportunity
Financial institutions
Guardianship of adults
Health complaints
Land titles
Land titles registration law
Law reform
Legal profession
Rent and price control
Safety regulation
Trade measurement
Work health and safety
Workers rehabilitation and compensation

Not allocated to an Agency
Legal Aid Act 1990
Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission
Legal aid (except Aboriginal legal aid)

Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing

Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade
Agents Licensing Act 1979
Architects Act 1963
Associations Act 2003
Auctioneers Act 1935
Building Act 1993 (provisions relating to the regulation and licensing of occupations)
Business Names (National Uniform Legislation) Implementation Act 2012
Business Names (National Uniform Legislation) Request Act 2011
Commercial and Private Agents Licensing Act 1979
Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading Act 1990 (Parts 10 and 14)
Co-operatives (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2015
Electrical Workers and Contractors Act 1978
Gaming Control Act 1993 (except provisions about taxes and levies)
Gaming Machine Act 1995 (except Part 8)
Kava Management Act 1998
Licensed Surveyors Act 1983 (provisions relating to the regulation and licensing of occupations)
Plumbers and Drainers Licensing Act 1983 (provisions relating to the regulation and licensing of occupations)
Plumbers and Drainers Licensing (Validation) Act 1990
Private Security Act 1995
Racing and Betting Act 1983 (except Part IV, Division 5 and Part IVA, Division 5)
Sale of NT TAB Act 2000
Sex Industry Act 2019
Soccer Football Pools Act 1978 (except provisions about duties)
Tobacco Control Act 2002 (provisions about smoking in liquor licensed premises, licensing and enforcement)
Totalisator Licensing and Regulation Act 2000 (except provisions about wagering tax)
Unlawful Betting Act 1989
Racing Commission
Casinos, gaming, wagering and lotteries
Horseracing, trotting and greyhound racing
Incorporated associations
Kava and tobacco
Occupational licences relating to land use, including building work
Occupational licenses relating to the other areas of government allocated to the Agency
Private security industry
Sex work industry
Smoking in liquor licensed premises

Minister for Local Government

Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet
Burial and Cremation Act 2022
Crown Lands Act 1992 (section 79)
Local Government Act 2019 (except Chapter 8)
Local Government Grants Commission Act 1986
Local Government (Katherine Rates) Act 1999
Northern Territory Rates Act 1971
Nudity Act 1975
Pounds Act 1930
Status of Darwin Act 1959
Status of Palmerston Act 2000
Northern Territory Grants Commission
Local government
Local government funding

Northern Territory Electoral Commission
Local Government Act 2019 (Chapter 8)
Local government elections and electoral matters

Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities
Heritage Act 2011
Information Act 2002 (Part 9 provisions about archives management)
Meteorites Act 1988
National Trust (Northern Territory) Act 1976
Publications (Legal Deposit) Act 2004
Strehlow Research Centre Act 2005
Strehlow Research Centre Board
Archives management
Arts and cultural development
Arts grants
Collection and preservation of natural and cultural heritage
Heritage conservation
Library and information services
Management of cultural facilities

Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority
Northern Territory Aboriginal Sacred Sites Act 1989
Aboriginal sacred sites

Not allocated to an Agency
Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Act 2014
Board of the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory

Minister for Desert Knowledge Australia

Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade
Desert Knowledge Australia Act 2003
Desert Knowledge Australia

Minister for Corporate and Digital Development

Department of Corporate and Digital Development
Information Act 2002 (Part 9 provisions about records services)
Data Centre Services
NT Fleet
Banking arrangements
Corporate services reform
Corporate taxation advice
Cyber security of government computing environment
Digital government
Enterprise information communication technology projects
Freedom of information administration support
Government office accommodation
Human resources
Information communication technology policy and governance
Public sector corporate services
Public sector information architecture, information communication technology systems and services
Records services
Shared corporate services

Minister for International Education

Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade

International education strategy

Minister for Disabilities

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities
Carers Recognition Act 2006
Disability Services Act 1993 (except Parts 3 to 7)
National Disability Insurance Scheme (Worker Clearance) Act 2020
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) implementation

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) worker screening
Services to people with disabilities

Minister for Multicultural Affairs

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

Multicultural affairs

Appendix Ministers and ministerial offices

Natasha Kate Fyles
Chief Minister
Minister for Health
Minister for Alcohol Policy
Minister for Major Projects
Minister for Defence

Nicole Susan Manison
Minister for Tourism and Hospitality
Minister for Parks and Rangers
Minister for Advanced Manufacturing
Minister for Mining and Industry
Minister for Northern Australia and Trade

Eva Dina Lawler
Minister for Education
Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics
Minister for Territory Development

Lauren Jane Moss
Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Security
Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
Minister for Equality and Inclusion
Minister for Youth
Minister for Seniors

Selena Jane Malijarri Uibo
Minister for Housing and Homelands
Minister for Renewables and Energy
Minister for Essential Services
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs
Minister for Treaty and Local Decision Making

Paul Andrew Kirby
Minister for Business, Jobs and Training
Minister for Agribusiness and Fisheries
Minister for Public Employment
Minister for Major Events
Minister for Veterans' Affairs

Kathryn Jane Worden
Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services
Minister for Territory Families
Minister for Prevention of Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence
Minister for Sport

Chanston James Paech
Attorney-General and Minister for Justice
Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing
Minister for Local Government
Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage
Minister for Desert Knowledge Australia

Ngaree Jane Ah Kit
Minister for Corporate and Digital Development
Minister for International Education
Minister for Disabilities
Minister for Multicultural Affairs

Note for Appendix

This Appendix is for information only. The number and designation of Ministerial offices is determined by the Administrator under section 34 of the Northern Territory (Self-Government) Act 1978 (Cth). The Ministers are appointed by the Administrator under section 36 of that Act.

Date signed by Administrator
Date of
Administrative Arrangements Order
2 March 2023
S7 2 March 2023
2 March 2023

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