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Queensland University of Technology Law and Justice Journal |
number of theories seek to explain how increases in women’s participation
in job markets relate to decreases in women’s
wages.[1] While not contesting the
general observation that as more women enter an employment field, wages tend to
decrease in that field,
this paper addresses a rather more restricted result. A
decrease in relative wages can lead to women entering a field. Certainly,
are not attracted to low salaries per se. Rather, as a salary is
suppressed below market rates, employers in that field must increase other
benefits in order to maintain
their employment
levels.[2] It is possible that these
increased benefits may be relatively more attractive to women than to men. I
propose that Australian
academia, especially in the areas with a high paid
professional private sector, is just such a case. I look specifically at law,
and ask the question: Is this a problem, or an opportunity? Should this
phenomenon be opposed or used?
A university
administrator[3] recently noted to me
that the professoriate in my faculty will become more balanced by gender because
men want higher pay and women
appreciate the hours. When pressed, she explained
that although there is pressure for increased “efficiency” and
hours, she does not think that movement will succeed. Likewise, while
I was calling universities to get general information about
academic law in
Australia, a head of school discussed this topic with me. He thought that
academic law should particularly suit
women with small children: “If there
is no baby sitter, stay home”. He expressed three concerns with
employees: publications,
teaching quality, and availability to students. Given
the state of electronic communication, he considered availability to be easily
maintained. Thus, academic faculty should be able to function from home if they
wished. He claimed to have no interest in controlling
academic staff
members’ time, although one would suspect that he would like the school to
have significant input in scheduling
of units. He did acknowledge that certain
of his superiors do want academic staff to be on campus for regular work
Academic salaries have not risen as much as legal salaries recently. For
example, consider the years between 1986 and 1993, the most
recent years with
consistent data available. In 1986 lawyers earned an average of about 80
percent of average academic salaries.
By 1993, law salaries had risen to equal
academic salaries.[5] See figure 1.
During the 1990s the government tightened university funding and loosened
regulations on the private sector, therefore
it is likely that this trend
continued in kind if not degree.
Becker contrasted her experience practicing law and serving as an
associate dean with “being a regular faculty
member”.[6] While her
observations are not quantified, they are convincing. Three of her comparisons
are particularly telling on the issue
of working hours. In administration and
practice she “had to keep track of vacation and sick days”,
“worked a
good portion of most weekends” and “had to be
physically present at work many more hours than any brand of pantyhose
comfortably accommodate.”
Few Australian women professionals in
private legal practice take their full entitlement of parental leave due to
pressure to maintain
their careers.[7]
Hunter and McKelvie document that barristers face particular constraints imposed
by court schedules, solicitor contracts, and the
premium placed on continuous
practice. These constraints limit barristers’ ability to adjust work
schedules around other needs.[8]
Personally, my wife and I have found it much easier to adjust academic schedules
around child rearing needs than to adjust law practice
Universities and academic staff both care about wages and staff control
of work schedules. Of course, they do not precisely agree.
Universities would
prefer to pay lower salaries for any given quality of employee, and to have more
control over work schedules.
Staff members desire the opposite: higher wages
and more staff control over their work schedules (flexibility). In large, free
and well-informed markets, employers and employees find a mutually agreeable
(tolerable) balance. In this balance, both employees
and employers
“trade” lower wages for more flexibility and vice versa. In
this trade-off, women tend to emphasise control over work schedules more than do
men.[9] There are many biological,
cultural, and social reasons for this difference. These reasons centre on, but
are not limited to, caring
for young
children.[10] For example, part-time
solicitors in large Australian law firms were primarily women with young
Consider a
colleague’s experience in her first private practice position. Katherine
(not her real name) was called for an interview
with a small but high-pressure
litigation practice. She wanted to work for this firm, but did not want to work
the normal 70 to
80 hours per week. In her second interview she proposed a
billable hours target of 1800 hours per year and a salary 20 percent lower
advertised. They accepted her reduction in hours – although they
subsequently still tried to get her to work more hours
– and rather than
reducing her salary, they acknowledged that she was not on a track for
partnership until she removed her
hours cap.
One way to organise this
information about willingness to trade salary for control over work-times is to
draw it in a diagram. Consider
figure 2. The curve labelled
“University” shows all the combinations of salary and control over
staff work-times that
the university’s representatives consider equally
satisfactory. The curve labelled “Staff” indicates all the
of salary and work-time control that a standardised staff member
would consider equally satisfactory. Since equally satisfactory
points are
linked, these are called indifference curves (IC).
The indifference
curve for the university slopes down to the right indicating that the university
would be willing to surrender control
over time to academic staff – a
movement to the right – if there is also a decrease in wage – a
movement downward.
As staff control over time increases, the slope of the curve
increases. This shows that when academic staff have high levels of
the university would be increasingly unwilling to give yet more control to the
staff. Likewise, when the university
already has considerable control over
staff time (areas on the left of the diagram) the university would concede some
for relatively small reductions in wage.
The staff members
would also be indifferent to a loss of control over work-time only if it came
with an increase in salary. Thus,
the indifference curve for the staff members
also slopes downward to the right. However, unlike the university, at lower
of staff control of work-time, staff members would require greater
increases in compensation to remain indifferent to further reductions
in control
over their time. Expressed differently, when the employer controls work-times
closely, a bit of freedom is very valuable
(steep slope) to the employee.
Conversely, when employees can work whenever they like, being able to at least
set one meeting time
and require everyone to be there may be very valuable
(steep slope) to an employer.
These diagrams also illustrate an
additional element of choice. Staff members do not take jobs below and to the
left of the indifference
curves because of alternate opportunities. The
placement of the curves shows, in effect, the next best job available to the
employee.[12] A job to the
lower left has lower pay and less work-time autonomy. We will refer to
the employee’s curves as indifference/offer curves (IOCs).
this simplified diagram, all staff members have the same preferences and the
university acts as a unified whole. Allowing preferences
to differ between
individuals and within the university makes the diagram fuzzy, but does not
substantially change the results.
There are a few other core assumptions that
drive this diagram, and they are worth reviewing explicitly. First,
universities desire
lower salaries for academic staff and desire higher levels
of control over work schedules. Second, as university control over staff
members’ time decreases, the remaining control is increasingly valuable to
the university. Third, academic staff prefer higher
wages and more autonomy
over their time. Fourth, as staff members’ control over their time
decreases, the remaining control
is increasingly valuable to the staff members.
Fifth, potential staff members are informed about alternative employment. The
is useful and relevant only to the degree that these assumptions apply
to any given situation.
The diagram can be modified to illustrate gender
differences in values of control over work-times. A steeper slope means a
value of control over work-time. That is, a steeper slope means that a
greater increase in salary would be required to compensate
for lost work
flexibility. Now suppose we add a sixth assumption that women value flexibility
more than men do. Therefore, women’s
indifference curves are steeper than
men’s at all levels of control over work-times. See figure 3.
This figure shows an industry with predominantly male employment. By
altering the employer’s preferences (lower and wider IC)
we can easily
illustrate an industry with predominantly female
employment.[13] In figure 3, the
university can reach the men’s IOC with the relatively high wage and low
flexibility point A (flexibility
of FA, salary of SA).
In order for the university to hire women, given their preferences for
time-control and wages, the university would have to provide
a package at point
B. Since B lies outside of the IC with A, the university prefers A. Given this
configuration of preferences,
academic staff would be predominantly
The results change dramatically when a wage lower than SA
is imposed on the university. See figure 4. Suppose that the government
imposes wage SG on the universities, possibly through low funding.
In order to hire men at the imposed wage, universities would have to reach point
C, providing flexibility at FM. Counter-intuitively, women are
willing to work at a lower level of flexibility FW than are men at
this low wage. The deeper intuition behind this is that men do not value
additional flexibility much at high levels,
and so must receive large amounts of
it to be indifferent to a wage reduction. The result is that the university
provides the imposed
wage and flexibility at FW, and university
employment becomes increasingly feminine.
If one accepts the assumptions
behind the diagrams, then one should consider that it is likely that lowered
salaries are a force for
feminisation of the legal academic workplace. Further,
this force is not simply that men have surrendered the field, leaving it
to be
passively filled by women, as Strober’s relative attractiveness theory
would have it.[14] Rather, women and
men both compare salary to flexibility, and feminization occurs through a
attractiveness.[15] In this
comparative attractiveness, both genders compare the attractiveness of various
goods (flexibility and salary). However,
the comparative attractiveness concept
does not imply that women are on an equal footing with men in labour markets.
The comparative
attractiveness of flexibility and salary across genders is built
upon alternatives in employment and considerations of family care.
Each of
these foundations may arise from external constraints imposed upon women. What
comparative attractiveness contributes is
a suggestion of potential opportunity,
placed on equal footing with disadvantage in the labour sector.
Although realistic assumptions and direct logic yield an interesting
result, it is expedient to check observations. Gender distributions
employment between associate lecturer, lecturer, and senior lecturer in
Australian Schools of Law are consistent with the theoretical
result above. If
women are entering law more now than in the recent past, one would expect
relatively more men among senior lecturers
and relatively more women among at
entry level, either associate lecturer or lecturer. Twenty Australian Schools
of Law identify
their staff by academic rank on their web-sites and gender can
be identified for nearly all of these academicians by personal name
photographs. Seventeen of these 20 law schools indeed have relatively more
women in the junior ranks than at senior
lecturer.[16] This result is
consistent with the theory developed above. However, other factors such as
discrimination could also lead the same
observation. A more complete empirical
analysis would require data on experience, publications, teaching, service, and
other work
related characteristics for academicians in law. Yet even with more
thorough data and analysis, discrimination could not be precluded
as a cause for
women constituting relatively more of junior staff. Currently, the author is
content that real world observations
do not contradict expectations and that
colleagues recognise that the forces described here fit their experiences and
their observations
of their universities. Since theory, personal experiences,
and observations match well, perhaps the next step should not be detailed
statistical analysis of the obvious, but rather a political decision.
What should be done? Is this feminisation that is driven by low relative
wages a problem to solve or an opportunity to grasp? Should
this author be part
of the process of these decisions and actions, or should he go on to other
theoretical work and request to be
informed about developments? Please E-mail
your thoughts and word of any actions to
Figure 1
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Distribution and Composition of
Employee Earnings and Hours—Australia (various years).
Figure 2
Willingness to Trade Flexibility for Salary
Figure 3
Willingness to Trade Flexibility for Salary
Figure 4
Flexibility and Fixed Salary
by Gender
[*] School of Economics, Faculty of Business and Law, Deakin University. I appreciate comments by K Lee Adams, participants at F-Law 2001 (Feminist Legal Academic Workshop) Brisbane, 14-16 February 2001 and an anonymous reviewer.
[1] O Ashenfelter and T Hannan,
‘Sex discrimination and product market competition: the case of the
banking industry’ (1986) 101 Quarterly Journal of Economics
149-173. K Bayard, ‘New evidence of sex segregation and sex differences
in wages from matched employee-employer data’ (1998)
University of
Michigan Econometrics and Economic Theory Paper No 9801. M Carter and S Boslego
Carter, ‘Women’s recent
progress in the professions or, women get a
ticket to ride after the gravy train has left the station’ (1981) 7
Feminist Studies 476-504. D MacPherson and B Hirsch, ‘Wages and
gender composition: Why do women’s jobs pay less?’ (1995) 13
Journal of Labor Economics 426-471. B Reskin and P Roos, Job Queues,
Gender Queues, Explaining Women’s Inroads into Male Occupations 1990.
E Sorensen, ‘Measuring the effect of occupational sex and race composition
on earnings,’ in R T Michael, H I Hartmenn
and B O’Farrell (eds)
Pay Equity: Empirical Inquiries 1989.
[2] Two key assumptions underlie
this conclusion. First, previous wage rates were balanced relative to other
markets and non-wage working
conditions. Second, individuals may enter or leave
the field of employment. Note that the time for entrance and exit would
to the length of time taken to adjust other
[3] Individuals will
remain unidentified beyond role and
[4] Rather than actually
increasing flexibility, universities may lag behind the private sector in a
broad drive toward greater employer
control. This position presented in this
paper addresses the difference in flexibility between universities and the
private sector,
rather than absolute levels of
[5] Australian Bureau
of Statistics, Distribution and Composition of Employee Earnings and
Hours—Australia (various
[6] S Becker,
‘Thanks, But I’m Just Looking: Or, Why I Don’t Want to Be a
Dean’ (1999) 49 Journal of Legal Education
[7] C Sherry,
‘Parenting and the legal profession’ [1999] LawIJV 26; (1999) 73 Law Institute
Journal 58-59.
[8] R Hunter
and H McKelvie, ‘Balancing Work and Family Responsibilities at the
Bar’ (1999) 12 Australian Journal of Labour Law 167-192.
[9] K Arnold, Lives of Promise; What Becomes of High School Valedictorians: A Fourteen-year Study of Achievement and Life Choices 1995. R Easterlin, ‘Preferences and prices in choice of career, the switch to business, 1972-87’ (1995) 27 Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 1-34. ‘Why women managers are bailing out’ Fortune August 18, 1986, 16-23.
[10] See for example M Thornton,
Dissonance and Distrust: Women and the Legal Profession 1996,
[11] M Martin,
‘Working nine to five: Not a way to make a living if you’re bringing
up young children’ (1992) 66 Law Institute Journal
[12] This diagram can
thus also show the impact to employment from changes in discrimination,
technology, etc in the economy as a
[13] It may be
interesting to note that gender-balanced results are much more restricted in
their configuration.
[14] M
Strober, ‘The relative attractiveness theory of gender segregation: the
case of physicians’ (1992) Proceedings of the 44th Annual
Meetings of the Industrial and Labor Relations Association at 42-50.
[15] This is a parallel to
comparative advantage, which compares two producers’ trade-off between
producing two goods. Although
I do not know of “comparative
attractiveness” being used before, the close parallel comparative
advantage makes it unlikely
that the former was coined
[16] Documented using
links from Macquarie University’s fine central resource Jurist Australia
on 21 and 22 July 2001.
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