TABLE OF PROVISIONS Long Title Preamble PART 1 -- Preliminary 1. Short title 2. Commencement 3. Interpretation 4. Crown bound PART 2 -- Western Australian College of Teaching Division 1 -- Establishment of College 5. College established 6. College not an agent of the Crown Division 2 -- Board of management 7. Board of management 8. Functions of Board 9. Membership of Board 10. Constitution and proceedings 11. Remuneration and allowances 12. Meetings and minutes of meetings 13. Committees Division 3 -- Relationship of College with the Minister 14. College to give regard to advice of Minister 15. Minister to have access to information Division 4 -- Functions and powers 16. Functions 17. Powers 18. Delegation by College Division 5 -- Director and other staff 19. Director 20. Role of the Director 21. Staff, etc. 22. Use of government staff and facilities Division 6 -- General 23. Protection from liability 24. Duty not to make improper use of information 25. Common seal and execution of documents by College PART 3 -- Financial provisions 26. Funds of the College 27. Accounts 28. Audit 29. Annual report and other reports PART 4 -- Membership of the College Division 1 -- Persons who may teach in schools 30. Persons who may teach in schools 31. Persons who may be employed, engaged or given permission to teach in schools Division 2 -- Registered teachers 32. Provisional registration as a teacher 33. Requirements for provisional registration as a teacher 34. Registration as a teacher 35. Requirements for registration as a teacher Division 3 -- Limited authority to teach 36. Limited authority to teach 37. Requirements for limited authority to teach Division 4 -- Associate membership of the College 38. Associate membership of the College 39. Requirements for associate membership of the College Division 5 -- Applications 40. Applications 41. Renewal of membership of the College 42. Information in support of applications 43. Imposition and removal of conditions 44. Entitlement of applicant to make submissions 45. Notification of outcome of application 46. Annual fees 47. Register of teachers to be kept 48. Inspection of register PART 5 -- Certain information to be given to College Division 1 -- College to be notified about certain matters 49. DPP or Commissioner of Police to notify College about committal, conviction etc. of teachers 50. Employer to notify College about suspension or dismissal of teacher from school 51. Member to notify College about certain legal actions 52. Member to notify College about loss of qualifications Division 2 -- Criminal record checks 53. College may request consent to undertake a criminal record check 54. Criminal record check PART 6 -- Cancellation of membership in certain instances 55. Membership to be cancelled where sexual offence involving a child has occurred 56. Membership may be cancelled where certain registration requirements not complied with 57. Membership to be cancelled where consent to undertake criminal record check not given to College as requested 58. Effect of cancellation of membership of College 59. Notification to be given of cancellation of membership PART 7 -- Disciplinary proceedings Division 1 -- Preliminary 60. Interpretation 61. Inappropriate and trivial complaints 62. Disciplinary action may be ordered for unprofessional conduct 63. Unprofessional conduct 64. Disciplinary actions 65. College or committee to conduct inquiry 66. Notice to be given to affected person and attendance of affected person 67. Inquiry open to public 68. Procedure and evidence 69. Rights of affected person as to evidence and witnesses 70. Evidence and findings in other proceedings 71. Representation at inquiry 72. Powers of inquiry 73. Notification of findings 74. Record of inquiry 75. Publication of adverse findings 76. Failure to comply with notice under section 72 77. Disruption of inquiry 78. Cancellation of conditions 79. Suspension 80. Publication of proceedings etc. PART 8 -- Review of certain decisions 81. Review PART 9 -- Miscellaneous 82. False or misleading information 83. Pretending to be entitled to teach in a school 84. Legal proceedings 85. Rules 86. Regulations 87. Forms may be approved 88. Consequential amendments 89. Transitional provisions 90. Review of Act SCHEDULE 1 -- Constitution and proceedings of Board SCHEDULE 2 -- Sexual offences SCHEDULE 3 -- Consequential amendments SCHEDULE 4 -- Transitional provisions[Assented to 10 June 2004]