TABLE OF PROVISIONS Long Title Preamble PART 1 -- Preliminary 1. Short title 2. Commencement PART 2 -- Children’s Court of Western Australia Act 1988 3. Part 6 repealed PART 3 -- District Court of Western Australia Act 1969 4. Part IX repealed PART 4 -- Freedom of Information Act 1992 5. Act amended by this Part 6. Section 6 amended 7. Section 7 amended 8. Section 8 amended 9. Section 48 amended 10. Glossary amended PART 5 -- Justices Act 1902 11. Part X repealed PART 6 -- Library Board of Western Australia Act 1951 Division 1 -- Amendments 12. Amendments Division 2 -- Transitional provisions 13. Interpretation 14. State archives to continue as such 15. Certain State archives to be restricted access archives 16. State archives with unrestricted access not to be restricted 17. Provisions that apply until record keeping plan approved 18. Agreements as to State archives 19. Applications to restrict access to archives not limited PART 7 -- Local Courts Act 1904 20. Part X repealed PART 8 -- Public Sector Management Act 1994 21. Section 29 amended PART 9 -- Royal Commission (Custody of Records) Act 1992 22. Act amended by this Part 23. Section 3 amended 24. Section 4 amended 25. Sections 5 to 12 repealed 26. Section 13 amended 27. Section 14 amended 28. Section 15 amended[Assented to 28 November 2000]