TABLE OF PROVISIONS Long Title Preamble PART 1 -- Preliminary matters 1. Short title 2. Commencement 3. Terms used in this Act 4. Meaning of finding of guilt 5. Other reference provisions PART 2 -- Offenders to whom Act applies Division 1 -- General 6. Reportable offenders 7. Corresponding reportable offenders 8. New South Wales reportable offenders 9. Reportable offences 10. Class 1 offences 11. Class 2 offences 12. Class 3 offences 13. Offender reporting orders Division 2 -- Past offender reporting orders 14. Terms used in this Division 15. Commissioner may apply for reporting orders 16. Fixing a hearing 17. Evidence 18. How application to be disposed of 19. Court may make reporting orders 20. Attendance at hearings 21. Notification of orders made in absence of respondent 22. Appeals 23. Appeal does not stay order PART 3 -- Reporting obligations Division 1 -- Initial report 24. When the report must be made 25. When new initial report must be made by offender whose previous reporting obligations have ceased 26. Initial report by reportable offender of personal details 27. Persons required to report under corresponding Act Division 2 -- Ongoing reporting obligations 28. Reportable offender to report annually and as required by Commissioner 29. Reportable offender to report changes to relevant personal details 30. Intended absence from Western Australia to be reported 31. Change of travel plans while out of Western Australia to be reported 32. Reportable offender to report return to Western Australia or decision not to leave 33. Report of other absences from Western Australia Division 3 -- Provisions applying to all reporting obligations 34. Where reports must be made 35. How reports must be made 36. Right to privacy and support when reporting 37. Receipt of information to be acknowledged 38. Additional matters to be provided 39. Power to take fingerprints 40. Power to take photographs 41. Reasonable force may be used to obtain fingerprints and photographs 42. Retention of material for certain purposes 43. Reporting by remote offenders Division 4 -- Suspension and extension of reporting obligations 44. Suspension and extension of reporting obligations Division 5 -- Reporting period 45. When reporting obligations begin 46. Length of reporting period 47. Reduced period applies for young reportable offenders 48. Extended reporting period if reportable offender still on parole 49. Reporting period for corresponding reportable offenders 50. Reporting period for New South Wales reportable offenders Division 6 -- Exemption from reporting obligations 51. Application of Division 52. District Court may exempt certain reportable offenders 53. Order for suspension 54. Commissioner and certain chief executive officers entitled to be parties to proceedings 55. Commissioner to be notified of order 56. No costs to be awarded 57. Applications not to be heard in public on application of party to proceedings 58. Restriction on right of unsuccessful applicant to re-apply for order 59. Cessation of order 60. Application for new order Division 7 -- Suspension of reporting obligations of certain reportable offenders 61. Commissioner may approve suspension of reporting obligations 62. Cessation of approval Division 8 -- Offences 63. Failure to comply with reporting obligations 64. Providing false or misleading information 65. No time limit for prosecutions 66. Bar to prosecution for failing to report leaving Western Australia Division 9 -- Notification of reporting obligations 67. Notice to be given to reportable offender 68. Courts to provide sentencing information to Commissioner 69. Notice to be given when reporting period changes 70. Supervising authority to notify Commissioner of certain events 71. Notices may be given by Commissioner 72. Power of detention to enable notice to be given 73. Failure to comply with procedural requirements does not affect reportable offender’s obligations Division 10 -- Modified reporting procedures for participants in witness protection programs 74. Term used in this Division 75. Who this Division applies to 76. Report need not be made in person 77. Determination as to whether this Division applies 78. When determination takes effect 79. Modification of reporting obligations PART 4 -- Community Protection Offender Register 80. Requirement to establish and maintain Community Protection Offender Register 81. Access to the Register to be restricted 82. Confidentiality 83. Restriction on who may access personal information on protected witnesses 84. Reportable offender’s rights in relation to Register PART 5 -- Prohibition orders Division 1 -- Preliminary 85. Terms used in this Part 86. Evidence Division 2 -- Orders 87. Commissioner may apply for orders 88. Fixing a hearing 89. How application to be disposed of 90. Court may make child protection prohibition orders 91. Term of child protection prohibition orders 92. Interim child protection prohibition orders 93. Conduct that may be the subject of orders 94. Explanation of orders 95. Consent orders Division 3 -- Variation or revocation 96. Variation or revocation of child protection prohibition orders 97. Fixing a hearing 98. How application to be disposed of Division 4 -- Attendance at hearings 99. Attendance at hearings 100. Notification of orders made in absence of respondent Division 5 -- Offence 101. Failure to comply with orders Division 6 -- Appeals 102. Appeals 103. Appeal does not stay order 104. Applications not to be heard in public 105. Commissioner to be given information relating to reportable offenders 106. Restriction on publication of identity of reportable offenders and victims 107. Prohibition orders have no effect to extent of inconsistency with certain other orders 108. Recognition of prohibition orders made in other jurisdictions PART 6 -- Other matters 109. Protection from liability 110. Delegation by Commissioner 111. Effect of spent convictions 112. Civil standard of proof 113. Certificate concerning evidence 114. Regulations 115. Minister to review and report on Act 116. Consequential amendments to Sentencing Act 1995 SCHEDULE 1 -- Class 1 offences SCHEDULE 2 -- Class 2 offences SCHEDULE 3 -- Class 3 offences[Assented to 8 December 2004]