TABLE OF PROVISIONS Long Title Preamble PART 1 -- Preliminary 1. Short title 2. Commencement 3. Meaning of terms used in this Act 4. Confiscable property -- synopsis 5. Application of Act to confiscable property PART 2 -- Confiscation of property 6. Unexplained wealth, criminal benefits, substituted property 7. Automatic confiscation of certain property 8. Drug trafficker’s property 9. Effect of confiscation -- registrable real property 10. Effect of confiscation -- other property PART 3 -- Identifying and recovering confiscable property Division 1 -- Unexplained wealth 11. Applications for unexplained wealth declarations 12. Unexplained wealth declarations 13. Assessing the value of unexplained wealth 14. Unexplained wealth payable to State Division 2 -- Criminal benefits 15. Applications for criminal benefits declarations 16. Criminal benefits declarations -- crime-derived property 17. Criminal benefits declarations -- unlawfully acquired property 18. Limitations and ancillary orders 19. Assessing the value of criminal benefits 20. Criminal benefits payable to State Division 3 -- Crime-used property substitution 21. Applications for crime-used property substitution declaration 22. Crime-used property substitution declarations 23. Assessing the value of crime-used property 24. Substituted property payable to State Division 4 -- Recovery of confiscable property 25. Recovery of unexplained wealth, criminal benefits or substituted property 26. Use of frozen property to meet liability 27. Use of effectively controlled property or gifts to meet liability 28. Confiscable property declarations 29. Restrictions on confiscation of declared confiscable property 30. Declarations of confiscation 31. Notice of confiscation of registrable property 32. Variation of declarations PART 4 -- Preventing dealings in confiscable property Division 1 -- Seizure of crime-used and crime-derived property 33. Seizure of crime-used or crime-derived property Division 2 -- Freezing notices for crime-used and crime-derived property 34. Issue of freezing notices 35. Form of freezing notice 36. Service and filing of freezing notices 37. Statutory declarations required under freezing notice 38. Duration of freezing notice -- registrable real property 39. Duration of freezing notice -- other property 40. Cancellation of freezing notices Division 3 -- Freezing orders for confiscable property 41. Applications for freezing orders 42. Proceedings for freezing orders 43. Freezing orders 44. Grounds specified in freezing orders 45. Scope of freezing orders 46. Service of freezing orders 47. Statutory declarations about frozen property 48. Duration of freezing orders -- registrable real property 49. Duration of freezing orders -- other property Division 4 -- Dealing with seized or frozen property 50. Prohibited dealings 51. Effect of dealings in frozen property 52. Permitted dealings in mortgaged property PART 5 -- Investigation and search Division 1 -- Preliminary inquiries 53. Information volunteered by financial institutions 54. Preliminary inquiries from financial institutions 55. Protection for financial institutions 56. Giving false or misleading information Division 2 -- Examinations 57. Applications for orders for examination 58. Orders for examination 59. Service of orders for examination 60. Conduct of examinations 61. Complying with examination orders Division 3 -- Production of documents 62. Application for production orders 63. Production orders 64. Inspection of property-tracking documents 65. Complying with production orders 66. Variation of production orders Division 4 -- Monitoring financial transactions 67. Applications for monitoring and suspension orders 68. Monitoring orders and suspension orders 69. Compliance with monitoring or suspension order Division 5 -- Secrecy requirements 70. Restricted disclosures 71. Making restricted disclosures 72. Disclosure to court Division 6 -- Detention, search and seizure 73. Power to detain persons 74. Search warrants 75. Searching detained persons 76. Additional powers 77. Later-produced documents 78. Warrants under other enactments PART 6 -- Objections to confiscation 79. Objections to confiscation of frozen property 80. Parties to objection proceedings 81. Release of frozen property 82. Release of crime-used property 83. Release of crime-derived property 84. Setting aside orders: other frozen property 85. Applications for release of confiscated property 86. Parties to proceedings 87. Orders to release confiscated property PART 7 -- Management of seized, frozen and confiscated property Division 1 -- Control and management of property 88. Management of seized property 89. Management of frozen or confiscated property 90. DPP’s capacity to carry out transactions 91. Applications by owner for control and management 92. Duties of responsible person Division 2 -- Disposal of deteriorating or undesirable property 93. Destruction of property on grounds of public interest 94. Sale of deteriorating property 95. Valuation and inventory of frozen property Division 3 -- Management of property by Public Trustee 96. Public Trustee’s power to appoint a manager 97. Public Trustee’s liability for charges on frozen property 98. Managing interstate property 99. Fees payable to Public Trustee 100. Obstructing Public Trustee PART 8 -- Court jurisdiction and evidentiary matters 101. Courts’ jurisdiction 102. Proceedings 103. Appearance by Attorney General 104. Stays of proceedings 105. Opinion evidence 106. Evidence that property is crime-used or crime-derived 107. Evidence of offence proceedings 108. Transcripts of examinations 109. Hearsay evidence 110. Evidence of compliance with production orders 111. Certificates under Misuse of Drugs Act 1981 112. Enforcing compliance with Act or court order PART 9 -- Interests in registrable property 113. Registration of interests in registrable real property 114. Registration of interests in other property 115. Imputation of knowledge that property is frozen 116. Instruments lodged with the Registrar of Titles PART 10 -- Mutual recognition of freezing orders and confiscation of property Division 1 -- Registration of WA orders in other jurisdictions 117. Interstate registration of freezing notices and orders Division 2 -- Recognition of orders of other jurisdictions 118. Registration of interstate orders 119. Effect of registration of interstate freezing orders 120. Effect of registration of interstate confiscation declarations 121. Duration of registration of interstate orders 122. Cancellation of registration of interstate orders Division 3 -- Charges on interstate property 123. Creation of charge 124. Cessation of charge 125. Priority of charge 126. Registration of charge on land 127. Registration of charge on property except land PART 11 -- Miscellaneous 128. Act binds States and Commonwealth 129. Property protected from seizure and confiscation 130. Confiscation Proceeds Account 131. Payments into and out of the Confiscation Proceeds Account 132. Obstructing police officers 133. Later applications, notices, orders or findings 134. DPP’s power to delegate 135. Orders relating to sham transactions 136. Proceedings against body corporate 137. Liability for carrying out functions under this Act 138. Effect of owner’s death 139. Legal professional privilege withdrawn 140. Regulations PART 12 -- Interpretation 141. Confiscation offences 142. Confiscable property 143. The constituents of a person’s wealth 144. Unexplained wealth 145. Acquiring criminal benefits 146. Crime-used property 147. Criminal use of property 148. Crime-derived property 149. Lawful acquisition of property 150. Service cut off date 151. Dealing with property 152. Value of property sold by State 153. Innocent parties 154. Transfer of property for value 155. Property-tracking documents 156. Effective control of property 157. Conviction of a confiscation offence 158. Charges for an offence 159. Drug traffickers and declared drug traffickers 160. Absconding in connection with an offence 161. Sham transactions Glossary[Assented to 6 December 2000]