(1) For the purposes of section 488AD(6)(c) of the Act, the prescribed requirements are that an officer carrying out a search—
(a) must ensure that the search is not conducted by more officers than reasonably necessary to ensure the safety of the officers and the person being searched; and
(b) in the case of a unclothed search—
(i) must conduct the search in a private place or an area that provides reasonable privacy for the detainee being searched; and
(ii) subject to section 488AC(3) of the Act, must not touch the detainee's body; and
(iii) must allow the detainee to dress in private immediately after the search is finished; and
(iv) if an item of clothing is seized from a detainee, must provide the detainee with appropriate clothing to wear; and
(v) must enter information in a register in accordance with subregulation (2).
(2) The officer in charge must establish and maintain a register that includes the following information in relation to each unclothed search carried out—
(a) the name of the detainee who is subjected to the unclothed search;
(b) the reason for the unclothed search;
(c) the date and time the unclothed search was conducted;
(d) the name and gender of all officers present at any time during the unclothed search;
(e) details of any article or thing seized during the unclothed search.