(1) As soon as practicable after the Minister under section 7(1) or 9(4) of the Act directs that a poll be held of producers, the returning officer must publish a notice ¾
(a) setting out the question on which the poll is to be held; and
(b) fixing the date for the close of voting in the poll; and
(c) stating the time for close of voting in the poll; and
(d) stating where and at what times the roll may be inspected; and
(e) stating whether or not it is compulsory for persons who are on the roll to vote at the poll.
(2) A notice under subregulation (1) must be published face="Symbol">¾
(a) in a newspaper circulating generally in Victoria; and
(b) if the Victorian Electoral Commission is authorised by the Minister under section 58B(1) of the Act to conduct a poll of producers in a participating jurisdiction, in a newspaper circulating generally in that jurisdiction.
(3) The date fixed for the close of voting in the poll must not be earlier than 14 days nor later than 42 days after the date that the notice under subregulation (1) is published.