(1) As soon as practicable after the close of the poll, the returning officer, in the presence of any scrutineers that choose to be present, must—
(a) open the ballot-box; and
(b) produce unopened all signed ballot-papers received up to the close of the poll; and
(c) detach and separate the flap containing the voter's details from each ballot-paper envelope; and
(d) after the flaps have been detached, open each ballot-paper envelope and extract the ballot-paper; and
(e) count the votes taking into account the number of votes each voter may cast.
(2) Any ballot-paper that does not contain the word "YES" or the word "NO" written by the voter on the ballot-paper or contains both the word "YES" and the word "NO" is informal and must not be counted.
(3) A ballot-paper must not be rejected as informal for any reasons other than those prescribed in subregulation (2) so long as the voter's intention is clear.