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TRANSPORT LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL 1992 EXPLANATORY NOTES Clause 1 states the short title of the Act. Clause 2 declares the purpose of the Bill as amending the Transport Infrastructure (Roads) Act 1991. Clause 3 provides for a fund called the Driver Training Fund; provides for the fund to consist of the balance of the Driving Training Centre Fund, amounts received from the issue of personalised number plates, fees and charges received by the department from the provision of driver training services, goods, information or from the hiring of the Centre and any gift, device or bequest; provides for the corporation to carry out the conditions of a gift, devise or bequest; provides for how the corporation may apply money in the fund; provides for how the corporation may invest any monies in the fund. Clause 4 provides for the Driving Training Centre Act 1981 to be repealed. © The State of Queensland 1992