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1 Appropriation Bill 2007 Appropriation Bill 2007 Explanatory Notes General Outline Policy Objectives of the Bill Section 21(a) of the Financial Administration and Audit Act 1977 provides that for each financial year, the Treasurer is to present to the Legislative Assembly a Bill for an ordinary Annual Appropriation Act. The policy objectives of the Bill, the reasons for those objectives and the ways in which the policy objectives will be achieved by the Bill are detailed in the Budget Speech and the accompanying Budget Papers. The Bill provides for: · Appropriation for 2007-08 to fund the cost of delivering departmental outputs, administered items and equity adjustment in that year and certain outputs, administered items and equity adjustment delivered in the previous year but not previously funded; and · Supply for 2008-09 to allow the normal operations of government to continue until the Appropriation Bill for 2008-09 receives assent. Notes On Provisions Clause 1 provides for the short title of the Act. Clause 2 provides that for each department, the vote amount mentioned for the department in Schedule 2 is appropriated for the 2007-08 financial year for the department for application to its departmental outputs, equity adjustment and administered items as stated in Schedule 2. It also provides that part of the vote amount may be applied for some payments necessary in respect of departmental outputs, equity adjustment
2 Appropriation Bill 2007 and administered items delivered in 2006-07 which departments were not paid for by the end of that financial year. Clause 2(3) provides that the total amount of $30 155 840 000 includes the amount already authorised by the Appropriation Act 2006, section 3, to be paid for the financial year starting 1 July 2007. Clause 3 provides that the amount of $15 000 000 000 is authorised to be paid for the 2008-09 financial year for departments for application to their departmental outputs, equity adjustment and administered items until the Appropriation Bill for 2008-09 receives assent. Clause 4 repeals the Appropriation Act 2004 (2004 Act No. 17) and Appropriation (Supplementary 2003-4) Act 2005 (2005 Act No. 1). Schedule 1 sets out how the amount appropriated from the Consolidated Fund for the year starting on 1 July 2007 is to be distributed between departments, other than the Legislative Assembly and parliamentary service. Schedule 2 details the total amount appropriated for each department for application to its outputs, equity adjustment and administered items for the financial year. Accountable Officers may apply the total of funds received from the Treasurer for departmental outputs across the individual outputs of the department. Under section 24 of the Financial Administration and Audit Act 1977, the Treasurer may pay a department's appropriation in amounts different to those set out in the Annual Appropriation Act, provided that the total Vote amount is not exceeded. If the Treasurer considers there is a surplus in one or more of the headings of a department for a financial year and a deficiency in another heading or headings of a department, the Treasurer may allocate an amount to one or more of the headings that are deficient from the heading or headings in surplus. Section 24A of the Act, provides for an amount called the Treasurer's Advance which is included in the Vote for the Treasury Department but which may be used for purposes that may be delivered by any department. Amounts from the Treasurer's Advance may be paid by the Treasurer to other departments for departmental outputs, equity adjustments or administered items, even though the amount appropriated to other departments under the relevant Annual Appropriation Act for the financial year will be exceeded.
3 Appropriation Bill 2007 The total Vote for Department of Infrastructure (formerly The Coordinator- General) reflects the return to the Consolidated Fund of equity provided in previous years to the Department for South East Queensland water projects. These projects are being undertaken by special purpose vehicle companies that are now directly financed through the Queensland Treasury Corporation. Legislative Standards Consultation Appropriate consultation has been undertaken with departments in establishing the appropriations payable to them pursuant to this Bill. © State of Queensland 2007