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Queensland TRADING (ALLOWABLE HOURS) AMENDMENT BILL 1994 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Section Page PART 1--PRELIMINARY 1 Short title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 Commencement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 PART 2--AMENDMENT OF TRADING HOURS ACT 1990 3 Act amended in Pt 2 and Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4. Amendment of s 1.1 (Short title) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 Amendment of s 1.3 (Objects of Act) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Amendment of s 2.1 (Meaning of terms) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 Amendment of s 2.2 (Exempt shops) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 Replacement of s 4.1 (This Part not to override Pt 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4.1 Section 4.4 subject to Industrial Commission orders . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 9 Amendment of s 4.3 (Closure of independent retail shops) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Replacement of s 4.4 (Closure of non-exempt shops) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4.4 Allowable opening hours of nonexempt shops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 11 Replacement of s 4.5 (Closure of non-exempt shops not to confer advantage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4.5 Closure of nonexempt shops not to confer advantage . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 12 Replacement of s 5.1 (Trading hours orders on non-exempt shops) . . . . . . 8 5.1 Trading hours orders on nonexempt shops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 13 Insertion of new s 5.3A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5.3A Industrial Commission hearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 14 Amendment of s 5.5 (Matters relevant to s 5.1 order) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 15 Omission of ss 5.11-5.13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2 Trading (Allowable Hours) Amendment 16 Insertion of new s 6.2A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6.2A Real estate sales prohibited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 17 Insertion of new Pt 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 PART 8--TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS 8.1 Extension of trading hours does not affect pay rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 8.2 Amendment of Industrial Commission orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 PART 3--AMENDMENT OF RETAIL SHOP LEASES ACT 1984 18 Act amended in Pt 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 19 Replacement of s 14A (Trading hours pursuant to retail shop leases) . . . . 11 14A. Trading hours under retail shop leases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 SCHEDULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 MINOR AMENDMENTS
1994 A BILL FOR An Act to amend the Trading Hours Act 1990 and the Retail Shop Leases Act 1984
4 Trading (Allowable Hours) Amendment The Parliament of Queensland enacts-- 1 PART 1--PRELIMINARY 2 title 3 Short This Act may be cited as the Trading (Allowable Hours) 4 Clause1. Amendment Act 1994. 5 6 Commencement Clause2. This Act commences on a day to be fixed by proclamation. 7 PART 2--AMENDMENT OF TRADING HOURS ACT 8 1990 9 amended in Pt 2 and Schedule 10 Act Clause3. This Part and the Schedule amend the Trading Hours Act 1990. 11 of s 1.1 (Short title) 12 Amendment Section 1.1, `Trading Hours Act 1990'-- 13 Clause4. omit, insert-- 14 `Trading (Allowable Hours) Act 1990'. 15 of s 1.3 (Objects of Act) 16 Amendment Clause5.(1) Section 1.3, `are'-- 17 omit, insert-- 18 `include'. 19
5 Trading (Allowable Hours) Amendment (2) Section 1.3(a), before `trading'-- 1 insert-- 2 `allowable'. 3 (3) Section 1.3(d), `lawful'-- 4 omit, insert-- 5 `allowable'. 6 (4) Section 1.3(e)-- 7 omit, insert-- 8 `(e) to facilitate trading in tourist areas.'. 9 of s 2.1 (Meaning of terms) 10 Amendment Section 2.1, definitions "Industrial Commission", 11 Clause6.(1) "Industrial Court", "Industrial Inspector" or "inspector", "Industrial 12 Magistrate", "local authority", "Minister", "order", "Part" and 13 "place of public amusement"-- 14 omit. 15 (2) Section 2.1-- 16 insert-- 17 ` "Industrial Commission order" means an order made by the Industrial 18 Commission under Part 5, and includes an order made under the 19 Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1961 that continues to have 20 effect for the purposes of this Act; 21 "Industrial Inspector" or "inspector" means the Chief Industrial 22 Inspector and any other Industrial Inspector appointed for the purposes 23 of the Industrial Relations Act 1990; 24 "open", for a shop, means the shop is not closed; 25 "place of public amusement" means a place, or part of a place, used or 26 intended to be used-- 27 (a) as a cinema, theatre, dance hall or music hall; or 28 (b) for a circus; or 29
6 Trading (Allowable Hours) Amendment (c) for sporting entertainment; or 1 (d) for any other public amusement or entertainment; 2 whether or not a charge is, or is to be, made for admission;'. 3 (3) Section 2.1, definition "shop", paragraph (e), `order in council'-- 4 omit, insert-- 5 `regulation'. 6 of s 2.2 (Exempt shops) 7 Amendment Section 2.2(2)-- 8 Clause7.(1) insert-- 9 `(sa)marine shop; or'. 10 (2) Section 2.2(2)(za) and (3)(b), `order in council'-- 11 omit, insert-- 12 `regulation'. 13 of s 4.1 (This Part not to override Pt 5) 14 Replacement Section 4.1-- 15 Clause8. omit, insert-- 16 4.4 subject to Industrial Commission orders 17 `Section `4.1 Section 4.4 has effect subject to Part 5 and, if there is an 18 inconsistency between section 4.4 and an Industrial Commission order, the 19 order prevails and must be given effect.1'. 20 of s 4.3 (Closure of independent retail shops) 21 Amendment Section 4.3(3)-- 22 Clause9. omit, insert-- 23 1 This section must be read in conjunction with section 8.2 (Amendment of Industrial Commission orders).
7 Trading (Allowable Hours) Amendment `(3) If, under the Holidays Act 1983, a day is to be observed as a public 1 holiday in substitution for a day mentioned in subsection (2), the 2 substitution of the day as a public holiday does not apply for the purposes 3 of this section.'. 4 of s 4.4 (Closure of non-exempt shops) 5 Replacement Section 4.4-- 6 Clause10. omit, insert-- 7 opening hours of nonexempt shops 8 `Allowable `4.4(1) The occupier of a nonexempt shop must ensure the shop is not 9 open-- 10 (a) before 8 a.m., or after 9 p.m., on a Monday, Tuesday, 11 Wednesday, Thursday or Friday that is not a public holiday; or 12 (b) before 8 a.m., or after 5 p.m., on a Saturday that is not a public 13 holiday; or 14 (c) on a Sunday or public holiday. 15 `(2) In subsection (1)-- 16 "public holiday" has the meaning given by the Holidays Act 1983.'. 17 of s 4.5 (Closure of non-exempt shops not to confer 18 Replacement advantage) 19 Section 4.5-- 20 Clause11. omit, insert-- 21 of nonexempt shops not to confer advantage 22 `Closure `4.5(1) A person must not-- 23 (a) hawk goods; or 24 (b) exhibit or expose samples for the sale of goods by retail, take an 25 order for the sale of goods by retail, or sell goods by retail; or 26 (c) sell goods by auction; 27 at a locality on a day or during hours when a nonexempt shop in which the 28
8 Trading (Allowable Hours) Amendment goods are sold at the locality would be required under this Act to be closed. 1 `(2) This section does not apply to-- 2 (a) the conduct of a bazaar or fair, or the sale of work, for a religious, 3 charitable, educational or other purpose from which no private 4 profit is to be derived; or 5 (b) the normal conduct of business of an exempt shop or independent 6 retail shop.'. 7 of s 5.1 (Trading hours orders on non-exempt shops) 8 Replacement Section 5.1-- 9 Clause12. omit, insert-- 10 hours orders on nonexempt shops 11 `Trading `5.1(1) A Full Bench of the Industrial Commission may decide to allow 12 business to be conducted in a nonexempt shop on a day or during hours that 13 the shop would otherwise be required under section 4.4 to be closed. 14 `(2) The Full Bench may make any order it considers necessary or 15 convenient to give effect to a decision made under subsection (1), including, 16 for example, an order specifying-- 17 (a) the earliest time when nonexempt shops may open on any day 18 and the latest time when nonexempt shops must close on any 19 day; or 20 (b) hours for trading wholesale different from the hours fixed for 21 trading retail; or 22 (c) different trading hours by reference to-- 23 (i) classes of nonexempt shops; or 24 (ii) localities, or parts of localities, where nonexempt shops are 25 situated.'. 26 of new s 5.3A 27 Insertion Clause13. After section 5.3-- 28 insert-- 29
9 Trading (Allowable Hours) Amendment Commission hearings 1 `Industrial `5.3A When dealing with an application under section 5.1 or 5.2, the 2 Industrial Commission must act as quickly, and with as little formality and 3 technicality, as is consistent with a fair and proper hearing of the issues.'. 4 of s 5.5 (Matters relevant to s 5.1 order) 5 Amendment Section 5.5, `may'-- 6 Clause14. omit, insert-- 7 `must'. 8 of ss 5.11-5.13 9 Omission Sections 5.11 to 5.13-- 10 Clause15. omit. 11 of new s 6.2A 12 Insertion Clause16. After section 6.2-- 13 insert-- 14 estate sales prohibited 15 `Real `6.2A A person must not conduct the business of selling real estate on 16 Anzac Day. 17 Maximum penalty--40 penalty units.'. 18 of new Pt 8 19 Insertion Clause17. After section 7.11-- 20 insert-- 21
10 Trading (Allowable Hours) Amendment `PART 8--TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS 1 of trading hours does not affect pay rates 2 `Extension `8.1 The extension of the trading hours of a nonexempt shop because 3 of-- 4 (a) the enactment of the Trading (Allowable Hours) Amendment Act 5 1994; or 6 (b) an Industrial Commission order; 7 is not intended to imply that the extended hours are to be the hours for 8 which ordinary rates of pay are to be paid under an award. 9 of Industrial Commission orders 10 `Amendment `8.2(1) In this section-- 11 "order" means an Industrial Commission order in force on the day this 12 section commences, but does not include an order-- 13 (a) mentioned in Schedule 4 of the Trading Hours--Non-Exempt 14 Shops Trading By Retail--State order; or 15 (b) prescribed by regulation. 16 `(2) If an order has the effect of prescribing-- 17 (a) an opening time on a day later than an opening time mentioned in 18 section 4.4; or 19 (b) a closing time on a day earlier than a closing time mentioned in 20 section 4.4; 21 the order is taken to prescribe the opening and closing times mentioned in 22 the section. 23 `(3) As soon as practical after this section commences, the Industrial 24 Registrar must amend the order to agree with section 4.4. 25 `(4) This section expires 3 months after it commences.'. 26
11 Trading (Allowable Hours) Amendment ART 3--AMENDMENT OF RETAIL SHOP LEASES 1 P ACT 1984 2 amended in Pt 3 3 Act This Part amends the Retail Shop Leases Act 1984. 4 Clause18. of s 14A (Trading hours pursuant to retail shop leases) 5 Replacement Section 14A-- 6 Clause19. omit, insert-- 7 hours under retail shop leases 8 `Trading `14A.(1) In this section-- 9 "core trading hours", for a retail shopping centre, means hours not 10 outside the allowable trading hours under the Trading (Allowable 11 Hours) Act 1990 that-- 12 (a) are stated in a resolution passed by the eligible tenants of the 13 centre under subsection (2) as the hours all retail shops in the 14 centre must open for trading; or 15 (b) until a resolution is passed--the tenants of the centre were 16 required, immediately before the commencement of the Trading 17 (Allowable Hours) Amendment Act 1994, to keep the retail shops 18 open for trading; 19 "eligible shop", for a retail shopping centre, means a retail shop in the 20 centre (whether or not the shop is leased under a retail shop lease); 21 "eligible tenant", for a retail shopping centre, means a tenant of a retail 22 shop in the centre (whether or not the tenant is a tenant under a lease 23 that is a retail shop lease); 24 "existing lease" means a retail shop lease current at the commencement of 25 the Trading (Allowable Hours) Amendment Act 1994. 26 `(2) A resolution is passed by the eligible tenants of a retail shopping 27 centre if-- 28 (a) the resolution is put to a vote of the eligible tenants by 1 or more 29
12 Trading (Allowable Hours) Amendment of the tenants or the landlord; and 1 (b) at least 7 days before the vote is taken, each eligible tenant is 2 given a written notice that includes-- 3 (i) the terms of the resolution; and 4 (ii) information about how and when the vote is to be taken; and 5 (c) voting is by secret ballot on the basis of 1 vote for each eligible 6 shop in the centre; and 7 (d) each eligible tenant is allowed to vote on that basis; and 8 (e) the resolution is supported by the tenants of at least 75% of the 9 eligible shops; and 10 (f) each person who casts a vote may scrutinise the counting of 11 votes. 12 `(3) A landlord must not require a tenant under an existing lease to 13 extend the hours that, immediately before the commencement of the 14 Trading (Allowable Hours) Amendment Act 1994, the tenant was required 15 to keep the retail shop open for trading. 16 Maximum penalty--100 penalty units. 17 `(4) However, a retail shop lease may include a term requiring the tenant 18 to keep the premises open for trading in the core trading hours for the retail 19 shopping centre. 20 `(5) A term of a retail shop lease that purports to impose on the tenant an 21 obligation to open the premises for trading outside the core trading hours 22 for the retail shopping centre is void. 23 `(6) However, if the term is in an existing lease, it is void only to the 24 extent that it requires the tenant to open the premises for trading outside the 25 core trading hours for the retail shopping centre.'. 26 27
13 Trading (Allowable Hours) Amendment CHEDULE 1 ¡S INOR AMENDMENTS 2 M section 3 3 1. Section 1.2(3)-- 4 omit. 5 2. In Part 1-- 6 insert-- 7 `Numbering and renumbering of Act 8 `1.4 Section 43 (Numbering and renumbering of provisions) of the 9 Reprints Act 1992 must be used in the next reprint of the Act produced 10 under the Reprints Act 1992. 11 `Repeal of Industrial Commission orders 12 `1.5(1) The following Industrial Commission orders are repealed-- 13 · Trading Hours--Non-exempted Shops Selling Boats--Gold 14 Coast Area 15 · Trading Hours--Non-exempted Shops Selling Boats--State 16 (Exclusive of the Gold Coast Area). 17 `(2) This section expires on the day it commences.'. 18 3. Section 1.6-- 19 omit. 20
14 Trading (Allowable Hours) Amendment SCHEDULE (continued) 4. Sections 2.1 (definitions "closing time" and "opening time"), 1 3.3(1)(a)(ii), (d) and (e), 3.5, 5.8 (1st mention), 5.10(1) (1st mention), 2 7.1(1), 7.5(b) (1st mention) and 7.7(1), before `order'-- 3 insert-- 4 `Industrial Commission'. 5 5. Section 3.1-- 6 omit. 7 6. Section 3.8-- 8 omit, insert-- 9 `Protection from liability 10 `3.8(1) In this section-- 11 "official" means-- 12 (a) the Minister; or 13 (b) an Industrial Inspector. 14 `(2) An official is not civilly liable for an act or omission done honestly 15 and without negligence under this Act. 16 `(3) If subsection (2) prevents civil liability attaching to an official, the 17 liability attaches to the State instead.'. 18 7. Sections 3.10 and 3.11-- 19 omit. 20 8. Section 4.2(2), `, (d) or (e)'-- 21 omit. 22
15 Trading (Allowable Hours) Amendment SCHEDULE (continued) 9. Part 5 heading, `; PERMITS FOR NON-PRIVATE PROFIT 1 PURPOSES'-- 2 omit. 3 10. Section 5.2(2)(e) and (f)-- 4 omit. 5 11. Section 5.3(2A)-- 6 omit. 7 12. Section 6.4(f) to (h) 8 omit, insert-- 9 `(f) a shop mentioned in the Anzac Day Act 1921, Schedule, Part 1; or 10 (g) a factory or shop to the extent that an activity mentioned in the 11 Anzac Day Act 1921, Schedule, Part 2 is carried on in the factory 12 or shop.'. 13 13. After section 7.10-- 14 insert-- 15 `Regulations 16 `7.11 The Governor in Council may make regulations under this Act, 17 including regulations imposing fees.'. 18 19 © State of Queensland 1994
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