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Liquid Fuel Supply (Ethanol)
Amendment Bill 2008




Queensland Liquid Fuel Supply (Ethanol) Amendment Bill 2008 Contents Page 1 Short title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 Act amended . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 Amendment of s 5 (Interpretation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 Replacement of pt 5A, hdg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 Replacement of s 35A (Requirement to purchase ethanol) . . . . . 4 Division 1 Preliminary 35A Purpose of pt 5A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 35AA Application of pt 5A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 35AB Definitions for pt 5A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Division 2 Required ethanol content for motor spirit sales 35AC Initial minimum percentage ethanol content . . . . . . . . 6 35AD Subsequent increased minimum percentage ethanol content ................................. 7 35AE Exemptions from ss 35AC and 35AD . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 35AF Returns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 35AG Requirement to keep records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Division 3 Offences 35AH False or misleading returns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 35AI Executive officers must ensure corporation complies with pt 5A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Division 4 Miscellaneous provisions 35AJ Allegations of false or misleading matters . . . . . . . . . 10




2008 A Bill for An Act to amend the Liquid Fuel Supply Act 1984



Liquid Fuel Supply (Ethanol) Amendment Bill 2008 [s 1] The Parliament of Queensland enacts-- 1 Clause 1 Short title 2 This Act may be cited as the Liquid Fuel Supply (Ethanol) 3 Amendment Act 2008. 4 Clause 2 Act amended 5 This Act amends the Liquid Fuel Supply Act 1984. 6 Clause 3 Amendment of s 5 (Interpretation) 7 Section 5-- 8 insert-- 9 `initial period, for part 5A, see section 35AB. 10 motor spirit, for part 5A, means prescribed motor spirit. 11 motor spirit-ethanol blend, for part 5A, see section 35AB. 12 primary wholesaler, for part 5A, see section 35AB. 13 relevant period, for part 5A, see section 35AB. 14 return, for part 5A, see section 35AB. 15 sell, for part 5A, see section 35AB.'. 16 Clause 4 Replacement of pt 5A, hdg 17 Part 5A, heading-- 18 omit, insert-- 19 `Part 5A Ethanol in motor spirit'. 20 Clause 5 Replacement of s 35A (Requirement to purchase ethanol) 21 Section 35A-- 22 omit, insert-- 23 Page 4



Liquid Fuel Supply (Ethanol) Amendment Bill 2008 [s 5] `Division 1 Preliminary 1 `35A Purpose of pt 5A 2 `The purpose of this part is to require a minimum ethanol 3 content in relation to the total volume of motor spirit sales in 4 Queensland. 5 `35AA Application of pt 5A 6 `(1) This part applies to the sale of motor spirit by a primary 7 wholesaler-- 8 (a) to a person in Queensland; or 9 (b) for delivery in Queensland, whether or not the sale is 10 made in Queensland. 11 `(2) However, this part does not apply to a sale of motor spirit by a 12 primary wholesaler to another primary wholesaler. 13 `(3) For subsection (1)(b), a sale of motor spirit is a sale for 14 delivery in Queensland if the terms of the sale or any contract 15 for the sale-- 16 (a) require a party to the sale to deliver, or arrange delivery 17 of, the motor spirit into or within Queensland; or 18 (b) provide for delivery of the motor spirit into or within 19 Queensland. 20 `35AB Definitions for pt 5A 21 `In this part-- 22 initial period means-- 23 (a) the period prescribed under a regulation; or 24 (b) if a period is not prescribed--a period of 3 years starting 25 3 years after the commencement of this section. 26 motor spirit-ethanol blend means motor spirit that contains 27 ethanol. 28 Page 5



Liquid Fuel Supply (Ethanol) Amendment Bill 2008 [s 5] Example-- 1 fuel known as E10 2 primary wholesaler means a relevant person who operates, or 3 supplies motor spirit, from any of the following facilities in 4 connection with the wholesaling of motor spirit-- 5 (a) an oil refinery; 6 (b) a shipping facility; 7 (c) a facility to which motor spirit is supplied by pipeline 8 from an oil refinery or shipping facility. 9 relevant period means-- 10 (a) each period prescribed under a regulation; or 11 (b) to the extent each period is not prescribed--each period 12 of 3 months starting at the beginning of January, April, 13 July and October in each year. 14 return means a return given under section 35AF(1). 15 sell, for motor spirit, includes the following-- 16 (a) sell the motor spirit by barter or exchange; 17 (b) supply the motor spirit for profit. 18 `Division 2 Required ethanol content for motor 19 spirit sales 20 `35AC Initial minimum percentage ethanol content 21 `(1) This section applies to the sale of motor spirit by a primary 22 wholesaler during the initial period. 23 `(2) The primary wholesaler must ensure the volume of ethanol in 24 motor spirit-ethanol blend sold by the wholesaler during each 25 relevant period is at least a fixed percentage of the total 26 volume of all motor spirit, including motor spirit-ethanol 27 blend, sold by the wholesaler during the relevant period. 28 Maximum penalty--200 penalty units or 12 months 29 imprisonment. 30 Page 6



Liquid Fuel Supply (Ethanol) Amendment Bill 2008 [s 5] `(3) In this section-- 1 fixed percentage means-- 2 (a) the percentage prescribed under a regulation; or 3 (b) if a percentage is not prescribed--5%. 4 `35AD Subsequent increased minimum percentage ethanol 5 content 6 `(1) This section applies, from the prescribed day, to the sale of 7 motor spirit by a primary wholesaler. 8 `(2) The primary wholesaler must ensure the volume of ethanol in 9 motor spirit-ethanol blend sold by the wholesaler during each 10 relevant period is at least a fixed percentage of the total 11 volume of all motor spirit, including motor spirit-ethanol 12 blend, sold by the wholesaler during the relevant period. 13 Maximum penalty--200 penalty units or 12 months 14 imprisonment. 15 `(3) In this section-- 16 fixed percentage means-- 17 (a) the percentage prescribed under a regulation; or 18 (b) if a percentage is not prescribed--10%. 19 prescribed day means the day immediately after the initial 20 period ends. 21 `35AE Exemptions from ss 35AC and 35AD 22 `The Minister may, under section 52, exempt a primary 23 wholesaler from the operation of section 35AC(2) or 35AD(2) 24 only if the Minister is satisfied the person can not obtain, at 25 the price prescribed under a regulation, a sufficient quantity of 26 ethanol to enable the person to comply with the section. 27 Page 7



Liquid Fuel Supply (Ethanol) Amendment Bill 2008 [s 5] `35AF Returns 1 `(1) A primary wholesaler must, within 1 month after the end of 2 each relevant period, give the Minister a return complying 3 with subsection (2). 4 Maximum penalty--200 penalty units. 5 `(2) The return must-- 6 (a) be in the approved form; and 7 (b) contain the following information-- 8 (i) the total volume of motor spirit sold, including 9 motor spirit-ethanol blend, during the relevant 10 period; 11 (ii) the total volume of ethanol, in the form of motor 12 spirit-ethanol blend, sold, during the relevant 13 period; 14 (iii) any other information prescribed under a 15 regulation. 16 `35AG Requirement to keep records 17 `(1) A primary wholesaler must, in the form and way, and for the 18 period, prescribed under a regulation, keep the records 19 necessary to enable the wholesaler to give the Minister the 20 returns required under section 35AF, unless the wholesaler 21 has a reasonable excuse. 22 Maximum penalty--200 penalty units. 23 `(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the records must include 24 details of transactions and other matters in relation to sales of 25 motor spirit that are prescribed under a regulation. 26 Page 8



Liquid Fuel Supply (Ethanol) Amendment Bill 2008 [s 5] `Division 3 Offences 1 `35AH False or misleading returns 2 `(1) A person must not give the Minister a return containing 3 information that the person knows is false or misleading in a 4 material particular. 5 Maximum penalty--200 penalty units or 12 months 6 imprisonment. 7 `(2) Section 47 does not apply to a return mentioned in subsection 8 (1). 9 Editor's note-- 10 section 47 (Use of false documents etc.) 11 `35AI Executive officers must ensure corporation complies 12 with pt 5A 13 `(1) The executive officers of a corporation must ensure the 14 corporation complies with this part. 15 `(2) If a corporation commits an offence against a provision of this 16 part, each of its executive officers also commits an offence, 17 namely, the offence of failing to ensure the corporation 18 complies with the provision. 19 Maximum penalty--the penalty for the contravention of the 20 provision by an individual. 21 `(3) Evidence that the corporation has been convicted of an 22 offence against a provision of this part is evidence that each of 23 its executive officers committed the offence of failing to 24 ensure the corporation complies with the provision. 25 `(4) However, it is a defence for an executive officer to prove 26 that-- 27 (a) if the officer was in a position to influence the conduct 28 of the corporation in relation to the offence--the officer 29 exercised reasonable diligence to ensure the corporation 30 complied with the provision; or 31 Page 9



Liquid Fuel Supply (Ethanol) Amendment Bill 2008 [s 5] (b) the officer was not in a position to influence the conduct 1 of the corporation in relation to the offence. 2 `(5) In this section-- 3 executive officer, of a corporation, means a person who is 4 concerned with, or takes part in, its management, whether or 5 not the person is a director or the person's position is given 6 the name of executive officer. 7 `Division 4 Miscellaneous provisions 8 `35AJ Allegations of false or misleading matters 9 `(1) This section applies to a proceeding for an offence against this 10 part described as involving-- 11 (a) false or misleading information; or 12 (b) a false or misleading document or statement. 13 `(2) It is enough for the complaint starting the proceeding to state 14 the document, information or statement was `false or 15 misleading' to the defendant's knowledge, without specifying 16 which.'. 17 18 Page 10


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