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       BILL 2000




Queensland FISHERIES AMENDMENT BILL 2000 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Section Page 1 Short title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 Act amended . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 Insertion of new pt 1, div 3, sdiv 1, hdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 Amendment of s 4 (Definitions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 Insertion of new pt 1, div 3, sdiv 2, hdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Amendment of s 32 (Making management plans) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 Amendment of s 33 (Procedure to make management plan) . . . . . . 5 8 Replacement of s 35 (What management plan must deal with) . . . 5 35 What management plan must deal with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 9 Amendment of s 36 (What management plan may deal with) . . . . 5 10 Replacement of ss 38 and 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 38 Management plan may provide for quota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 39 Amendment of management plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 39A Effect of repeal of management plan on authorities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 11 Insertion of new pt 5, div 3, sdiv 5A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Subdivision 5A--Leases 66A Lease of authority (other than permit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 66B Effect of lease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 Amendment of s 67 (Suspension or cancellation of authorities) . . . 9 13 Amendment of s 68 (Procedure for cancellation or suspension) . . . 9 14 Amendment of s 73 (Registers of authorities) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 15 Amendment of s 92 (Duty of person who takes or possesses noxious or nonindigenous fisheries resources) . . . . . . . . . 9 16 Omission of s 121 (Management of declared fish habitat areas) . . 10



2 Fisheries Amendment 17 Amendment of s 124 (Chief executive may rehabilitate or restore land etc.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 18 Amendment of s 199 (Powers of tribunal on appeal) . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 19 Insertion of new s 223A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 223A Provision for Fisheries (Spanner Crab) Management Plan 1999 . . . 11 20 Insertion of schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 SCHEDULE DICTIONARY 21 Amendment to omit headings following cross references . . . . . . . . 12



2000 A BILL FOR An Act to amend the Fisheries Act 1994



s1 4 s5 Fisheries Amendment The Parliament of Queensland enacts-- 1 title 2 Short Clause 1. This Act may be cited as the Fisheries Amendment Act 2000. 3 amended 4 Act Clause 2. This Act amends the Fisheries Act 1994. 5 of new pt 1, div 3, sdiv 1, hdg 6 Insertion Clause 3. Part 1, division 3-- 7 insert-- 8 `Subdivision 1--Dictionary'. 9 of s 4 (Definitions) 10 Amendment Clause 4.(1) Section 4, `In this Act--'-- 11 omit, insert-- 12 `The dictionary in the schedule defines particular words used in this 13 Act.'. 14 (2) Section 4, definitions-- 15 relocate to the schedule as inserted by this Act. 16 of new pt 1, div 3, sdiv 2, hdg 17 Insertion Clause 5. After section 4-- 18 insert-- 19 `Subdivision 2--Key definitions'. 20



s6 5 s9 Fisheries Amendment of s 32 (Making management plans) 1 Amendment Clause 6. Section 32(1), `a fishery'-- 2 omit, insert-- 3 `the following-- 4 (a) a fishery; 5 (b) a fish habitat or declared fish habitat area; 6 (c) a fish way; 7 (d) fisheries resources; 8 (e) aquaculture.'. 9 of s 33 (Procedure to make management plan) 10 Amendment Clause 7. Section 33(1), `for a fishery'-- 11 omit. 12 of s 35 (What management plan must deal with) 13 Replacement Clause 8. Section 35-- 14 omit, insert-- 15 management plan must deal with 16 `What `35. A management plan must state its objectives and how they are to be 17 achieved.1'. 18 of s 36 (What management plan may deal with) 19 Amendment Clause 9.(1) Section 36, `for the fishery'-- 20 omit, insert-- 21 `for this section'. 22 (2) Section 36, examples 1, 2, 6 and 7, `the fishery'-- 23 1 See also section 39(3) (Amendment of management plan).



s 10 6 s 10 Fisheries Amendment omit, insert-- 1 `a fishery'. 2 (3) Section 36, example 3-- 3 omit, insert-- 4 5 `3. Management of a fishery by a system of authorities and for any of the 6 following in relation to the authorities-- 7 (a) their issue; 8 (b) their conditions; 9 (c) whether they can or can not be amended, renewed or transferred; 10 (d) if they can be amended, renewed or transferred--conditions for the 11 amendment, renewal or transfer; 12 (e) for their cancellation or suspension or for how the chief executive may 13 cancel or suspend them.'. (4) Section 36, examples-- 14 insert-- 15 16 `12. Boundaries of, and buffer zones for, a fish habitat or declared fish habitat 17 area. 18 13. Regulation of development in a fish habitat or declared fish habitat area. 19 14. How a fish way must be operated. 20 15. How a fish habitat, declared fish habitat area or fisheries resources are to be 21 managed or restored. 22 16. Fish migration.'. of ss 38 and 39 23 Replacement Clause 10. Sections 38 and 39-- 24 omit, insert-- 25 plan may provide for quota 26 `Management `38. A management plan may prescribe, or authorise the issue of, a 27 quota. 28



s 11 7 s 11 Fisheries Amendment of management plan 1 `Amendment `39.(1) The chief executive may amend a management plan only if the 2 chief executive has-- 3 (a) prepared a draft amending management plan and taken reasonable 4 steps to engage in consultation about the draft; or 5 (b) conducted a review of the plan, or part of the plan to which the 6 amendment relates, the result of which included a proposal to 7 make the amendment. 8 `(2) However, subsection (1) does not apply if, under the Statutory 9 Instruments Act 1992, section 46,2 a regulatory impact statement is not 10 required to be prepared for the amending management plan. 11 `(3) The management plan may provide for how the consultation or 12 review must be conducted. 13 `(4) In this section-- 14 "amend" includes repeal. 15 of repeal of management plan on authorities 16 `Effect `39A. If a management plan is repealed, authorities issued by the chief 17 executive in relation to the plan end, unless the plan otherwise provides.'. 18 of new pt 5, div 3, sdiv 5A 19 Insertion Clause 11. Part 5, division 3-- 20 insert-- 21 5A--Leases 22 `Subdivision of authority (other than permit) 23 `Lease `66A.(1) A regulation or management plan may provide for the 24 following for an authority, other than a permit-- 25 2 Statutory Instruments Act 1992, section 46 (When is preparation of a regulatory impact statement unnecessary?)



s 11 8 s 11 Fisheries Amendment (a) the lease of the authority by its holder; 1 (b) the transfer of a lease of the authority. 2 `(2) If a lease or transfer of a lease is permitted under a regulation or 3 management plan, section 65(2) to (7) applies to an application for the lease 4 or lease transfer-- 5 (a) as if a reference in the section to a transfer were a reference to the 6 lease or lease transfer; and 7 (b) with other necessary changes. 8 `(3) However, despite section 65(2)(c), an application for a lease transfer 9 must be accompanied by the holder's written approval. 10 `(4) An authority can not be leased, or a lease of an authority can not be 11 transferred, other than under this section. 12 of lease 13 `Effect `66B.(1) This section applies-- 14 (a) if the holder of an authority leases it under section 66A; but 15 (b) only while the lease continues to be in force. 16 `(2) The holder continues to be the holder of the authority. 17 `(3) However, the things authorised by the authority-- 18 (a) can not be done by the holder; but 19 (b) may be done by the lessee under the lease as if the lessee were the 20 holder. 21 `(4) A reference in the following to the holder of the authority is, if the 22 context permits, taken to include the lessee-- 23 (a) a provision of this Act, other than this section or section 4, 57, 65, 24 66A, 72 or 73(6); 25 (b) a regulation or management plan; 26 (c) the conditions of the authority.'. 27



s 12 9 s 15 Fisheries Amendment of s 67 (Suspension or cancellation of authorities) 1 Amendment Clause 12.(1) Section 67, heading, after `authorities'-- 2 insert-- 3 `by chief executive'. 4 (2) Section 67-- 5 insert-- 6 `(6) This section does not affect the suspension or cancellation of an 7 authority under a regulation or management plan.'. 8 of s 68 (Procedure for cancellation or suspension) 9 Amendment Clause 13.(1) Section 68, heading, after `suspension'-- 10 insert-- 11 `by chief executive'. 12 (2) Section 68(1), after `grounds exist'-- 13 insert-- 14 `under section 67(1)'. 15 (3) Section 68-- 16 insert-- 17 `(9) This section does not affect the suspension or cancellation of an 18 authority under a regulation or management plan.'. 19 of s 73 (Registers of authorities) 20 Amendment Clause 14. Section 73(6), after `an interest'-- 21 insert-- 22 `other than a lease'. 23 of s 92 (Duty of person who takes or possesses noxious 24 Amendment or nonindigenous fisheries resources) 25 Clause 15.(1) Section 92(1), from `must--' to `possessing the fisheries 26



s 16 10 s 17 Fisheries Amendment resources.'-- 1 omit, insert-- 2 `must immediately-- 3 (a) if the fisheries resource is a fish--kill it; or 4 (b) if the fisheries resource is a plant--destroy it.'. 5 (2) Section 92(3)-- 6 omit. 7 of s 121 (Management of declared fish habitat areas) 8 Omission Clause 16. Section 121-- 9 omit. 10 of s 124 (Chief executive may rehabilitate or restore land 11 Amendment etc.) 12 Clause 17.(1) Section 124(1), from `if a person--'-- 13 omit, insert-- 14 `if-- 15 (a) the land, waters, marine plants or fish habitat area has been 16 removed, destroyed or damaged; and 17 (b) the chief executive reasonably believes the removal, destruction or 18 damage was caused by an act or omission that constituted a 19 failure to comply with any of the following-- 20 (i) this Act; 21 (ii) a former Act; 22 (iii) the repealed Fisheries Act 1957; 23 (iv) a condition of an authority.'. 24 (2) Section 124(2), after `person'-- 25 insert-- 26 `who caused the removal, destruction or damage'. 27



s 18 11 s 20 Fisheries Amendment (3) Section 124(3), `for the contravention'-- 1 omit, insert-- 2 `against this Act constituted by the removal, destruction or damage'. 3 of s 199 (Powers of tribunal on appeal) 4 Amendment Clause 18. Section 199(3), `, for the purposes of this Act,'-- 5 omit, insert-- 6 `for this Act, other than this division,'. 7 of new s 223A 8 Insertion Clause 19. Part 11, after section 223-- 9 insert-- 10 for Fisheries (Spanner Crab) Management Plan 1999 11 `Provision `223A.(1) The Fisheries (Spanner Crab) Management Plan 1999, 12 section 94,3 is taken to have always applied to the eligible licences under the 13 plan numbered QFV10865K and QFV11689K. 14 `(2) This section expires the day after it commences.'. 15 of schedule 16 Insertion Clause 20. After section 238-- 17 insert-- 18 `SCHEDULE 19 `DICTIONARY 20 section 4'. 21 3 The Fisheries (Spanner Crab) Management Plan 1999, section 94 (Adjustment for transfers from 1990 to 21 January 1994)



s 21 12 s 21 Fisheries Amendment to omit headings following cross references 1 Amendment Clause 21.(1) This section applies to a section containing a cross reference to a 2 provision of the Act followed by the heading to the provision in round 3 brackets. 4 (2) The section is amended by omitting the brackets and the words in the 5 brackets. 6 © State of Queensland 2000


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