This legislation has been repealed.
[This Regulation commenced on 06 November 1991 and was repealed by the TERRITORY WILDLIFE PARK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REGULATIONS REPEAL REGULATIONS which commenced on the 15 June 2011.]
As in force at 6 November 1991
Table of provisions
This reprint shows the Regulations as in force at 6 November 1991. Any amendments that commence after that date are not included.
Regulations under the Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act
These Regulations may be cited as the Territory Wildlife Park Management Committee Regulations.
In these Regulations, unless the contrary intention appears:
Chairman means the Chairman of the Committee.
Committee means the Territory Wildlife Park Management Committee established under regulation 3.
member means a member of the Committee.
Park means the areas known as the Territory Wildlife Park and the Berry Springs Nature Park, declared under section 12 of the Act and notified respectively in Gazettes Nos. 26A of 30 June 1978 and G51 of 23 December 1981.
There is established by these Regulations a committee to be known as the Territory Wildlife Park Management Committee.
(1) The Committee shall consist of 6 members of whom:
(a) one person shall be the Director, who shall be the Chairman;
(b) 4 persons shall be appointed by the Minister of whom:
(i) one person shall have expertise in financial or budgetary matters;
(ii) one person shall have expertise in zoological matters;
(iii) one person shall have expertise in education; and
(iv) one person shall be a representative of the tourism industry; and
(c) one person shall be appointed by the Minister.
(2) The Director may appoint a person to act in his or her place, and the person so appointed to act has all the functions and powers of the Director, other than this power to appoint another person.
(3) A person who is a member of the Legislative Assembly or of either House of the Parliament of the Commonwealth is not eligible to be appointed or to hold office as a member of the Committee.
(4) As soon as practicable after an appointment under subregulation (1)(b) or (c) has been made, the Minister shall cause notice of the appointment to be published in the Gazette.
(5) A member appointed under subregulation (1)(b) or (c) holds office for a period of 3 years but is eligible for reappointment.
(6) The performance of a function or the exercise of a power of the Committee is not affected by reason only of there being a vacancy in the office of a member.
A member appointed under regulation 4(1)(b) or (c) may resign office by writing signed by or with the authority of the member, delivered to the Minister.
(1) The Minister shall, as soon as practicable after:
(a) receiving the resignation of a member;
(b) becoming aware of a member's inability to continue as a member because of illness or for any other reason; or
(c) proof of a breach by a member of by-law 9,
terminate the appointment of the person as a member.
(2) The Minister shall, as soon as practicable after:
(a) becoming aware of the death of a member; or
(b) under subregulation (1), terminating the appointment of a person as a member,
appoint another person, with the same qualification for membership as the person in whose place the person is appointed, to be a member.
(1) The Chairman shall call such meetings of the Committee as are necessary for the exercise of its powers and the performance of its functions, but the number of meetings shall be not less than 4 in each calendar year.
(2) At any time:
(a) the Minister may direct; or
(b) not less than 3 members may request,
the Chairman to call a meeting of the Committee and the Chairman shall call a meeting accordingly.
(3) At a meeting of the Committee:
(a) the Chairman, if present, shall preside or, if the Chairman is not present, the person acting as the Chairman;
(b) 3 members constitute a quorum;
(c) questions arising shall be determined by a majority of the votes of the members present and, in the event of an equality of votes, the person presiding shall have a casting vote as well as a deliberative vote; and
(d) subject to these Regulations, the Committee shall determine the procedures to be followed at or in connection with the meeting.
(4) The Committee shall cause records of the Committee's meetings to be kept and, as soon as practicable after each meeting, shall cause a copy of the minutes of the meeting to be given to each member and to the Minister.
(5) The Committee may request the General Manager of the Park to attend at a meeting of the Committee and shall allow the Manager to address the meeting.
(6) A member may require the Committee to admit to a meeting of the Committee such persons as the member considers necessary to advise the member on matters being considered at the meeting and may require the Committee to allow such persons, or any of them, to address the meeting on the member's behalf, and the Committee shall admit those persons and allow them to address the meeting accordingly.
(7) A person admitted pursuant to subregulation (5) or (6) to a meeting of the Committee shall not vote on a matter at the meeting.
(1) The Committee shall, in the performance of its functions and the exercise of its powers, have regard to the plan of management.
(2) The functions of the Committee are to advise the Commission in relation to the following:
(a) the encouragement and regulation of the appropriate use, appreciation and enjoyment of the Park;
(b) the development of the Park, including physical development and expansion of the wildlife collection;
(c) the protection, conservation and management within the Park of native flora and fauna and the natural environment generally;
(d) the organisation of the capture and breeding of rare and endangered Territory wildlife;
(e) the carrying out of research relating to Territory wildlife;
(f) assistance in the environmental education of the community;
(g) the protection of the Park against damage;
(h) the formulation of commercial and tourism programs for the benefit of the Park; and
(j) the formulation of financial programs for the benefit of the Park.
(3) The Committee has the power to do all things that are necessary or convenient to be done for or in connection with, or incidental to the performance of, its functions and the exercise of its powers.
A member shall not disclose information obtained in the course of the member's duties as a member unless the disclosure is made in the course of those duties.
Key to abbreviations
amd = amended od =
app = appendix om =
bl = by-law pt =
ch = Chapter r =
cl = clause rem =
div = Division renum =
exp = expires/expired rep
= repealed
f = forms s =
Gaz =
Gazette sch = Schedule
hdg =
heading sdiv = Subdivision
ins =
inserted SL = Subordinate
lt = long title sub =
nc = not commenced
Territory Wildlife Park Management Committee
Regulations (SL No. 54, 1991)
6 November 1991
6 November 1991