This legislation has been repealed.
[This Regulation commenced on 21 April 1999 and was repealed by the CHARLES DARWIN UNIVERSITY (REPEAL OF BY-LAWS) BY-LAWS which commenced on the 04 December 2013.]
As in force at 21 April 1999
Table of provisions
This reprint shows the By-laws as in force at 21 April 1999. Any amendments that commence after that date are not included.
By-laws under the Charles Darwin University Act
These By-laws may be cited as the Northern Territory University (Convocation) By-laws.
In these By-laws, unless the contrary intention appears:
committee means the committee elected by a general meeting of Convocation under by-law 6(3) to conduct the business of Convocation.
membership means the membership of Convocation.
Registrar means the Registrar of the University, and includes a person from time to time acting in or performing the duties of the office of Registrar, and any person from time to time authorised by the Vice-Chancellor in writing to act as Registrar for the purposes of these By-laws.
(1) In addition to the classes of persons specified in section 25(1) of the Act, the following classes of persons are admitted to membership:
(a) all members of the staff of the University who:
(i) are employed by the University for not less than 20 hours a week; and
(ii) have been employed in the service of the University for a continuous period of not less than 12 months;
(b) all person who hold degrees or other awards of the Darwin Community College and the Darwin Institute of Technology and all graduates of the University of Queensland who pursued their courses of study at the University College of the Northern Territory.
(2) A reference to graduates of the University in section 25(1)(b) of the Act means those persons who have been awarded a degree or other award specified in by-laws 3 to 15 inclusive of the Northern Territory University (Degrees and Other Awards) By-laws.
(1) The Registrar shall keep and maintain, or cause to be kept and maintained, in any form or manner (whether by electronic means or otherwise), a register of the name and last notified address of each member of convocation who has applied to have his or her name and address recorded in the register under clause (1A) and all notices and other written material in respect of Convocation shall be sent only to the persons whose names and addresses are recorded in the register.
(1A) A member of Convocation may apply in writing to the Registrar to have his or her name and address recorded in the register.
(2) A member of Convocation whose name and address is recorded in the register must, at each two year interval, apply in writing to the Registrar to have his or her name and address kept in the register otherwise the Registrar shall remove that person’s name and address from the register.
(3) A member of Convocation whose name and address is recorded in the register may, in writing, at any time, request the Registrar to remove his or her name and address from the register.
(1) The functions of Convocation are:
(a) to consider any matter whatsoever for and in relation to the affairs and administration of the University and to make recommendations, as resolved by Convocation, in respect of such a matter to the Council; and
(b) to report to the Council not less than once in each calendar year on the activities of Convocation.
(2) Convocation shall have the powers necessary to carry out its functions.
(1) Convocation shall meet not less than once in each calendar year but, in any case, shall convene a general meeting once in each calendar year.
(2) The quorum at a meeting of Convocation is fifteen members.
(3) The business of a general meeting of Convocation shall include the election of a committee consisting of:
(a) a chairman;
(b) a member who is the secretary and treasurer of the committee; and
(c) five other members.
(4) At the first meeting of Convocation, which shall be a general meeting:
(a) the Vice-Chancellor shall be the presiding officer at that meeting; and
(b) the Registrar shall be the returning officer for the purposes of the election of the committee at that meeting.
(5) Subject to subsection (4), the chairman of the committee or his nominee shall preside at a meeting of Convocation.
(6) In relation to a question before a meeting of Convocation:
(a) voting shall be by ballot;
(b) each member of Convocation is entitled to one vote; and
(c) such a question is decided by a majority of votes cast and, in the case of an equality of votes, the question is resolved in the negative.
(7) A member of Convocation may appoint a proxy to attend and vote instead of that member at a meeting of Convocation.
(8) Convocation shall cause minutes to be kept of its meetings.
(1) The functions of the committee are:
(a) to conduct the business of Convocation for and on behalf of Convocation;
(b) to convene and conduct the meetings of Convocation; and
(c) to report on its operations at each meeting of Convocation.
(2) The committee shall have the powers necessary to carry out its functions.
(3) The committee shall act in accordance with resolutions, if any, of a meeting of Convocation.
(4) The quorum at a meeting of the committee is four.
(5) Where the chairman of the committee is not present at a meeting of the committee the members present shall appoint one of them to be chairman for the purposes of that meeting.
(6) In relation to a question before a meeting of the committee:
(a) voting is by a show of hands;
(b) each member who is present is entitled to a vote; and
(c) such a question is decided by the majority of votes of the members present and, in the case of an equality of votes, the chairman of the meeting has a casting vote.
(7) The committee may, as it thinks fit, establish subcommittees and appoint members to, and remove members from, those subcommittees.
(8) The committee or a subcommittee, if any, shall meet as often as the members of the committee or subcommittee determine.
(9) The procedures for the conduct of a meeting of the committee or a subcommittee, if any, shall except as otherwise provided by these by-laws, be as determined from time to time by the members of the committee or subcommittee.
(10) The office of a member of the committee becomes vacant if the member resigns in writing or is absent without leave from three consecutive meetings of the committee.
(11) The committee may, as it thinks fit, fill not more than two vacancies in its membership by co-opting members of Convocation and those members' terms of office shall terminate at the next general meeting of Convocation.
(12) A past member of the committee may stand for re-election to the committee.
(13) The committee shall cause minutes to be kept of its meetings.
Key to abbreviations
amd = amended od =
app = appendix om =
bl = by-law pt =
ch = Chapter r =
cl = clause rem =
div = Division renum =
exp = expires/expired rep
= repealed
f = forms s =
Gaz =
Gazette sch = Schedule
hdg =
heading sdiv = Subdivision
ins =
inserted SL = Subordinate
lt = long title sub =
nc = not commenced
Northern Territory University (Convocation)
23 September 1992
23 September 1992
Amendments of Northern Territory University
(Convocation) By-laws
1 September 1993
1 September 1993