This legislation has been repealed.
[This Regulation commenced on 30 November 2022 and was repealed by the Racing and Wagering Act 2024 (Act No. 8, 2024) which commenced on the 01 July 2024.]
As in force at 30 November 2022
Table of provisions
As in force at 30 November 2022
Rules under the Racing and Betting Act 1983
These Rules may be cited as the Greyhound Racing Rules 1981.
These Rules shall come into operation on 1 March 1981.
In these Rules, unless the contrary intention appears:
advertise means to publish in a written, printed or oral form.
animal material:
(a) means any processed or tanned or cured skin or hide of an animal; but
(b) does not include anything that contains animal bone, blood, faeces, urine or flesh.
appeal means an appeal instigated under Part XXV.
Appeal Committee means the Appeal Committee as constituted under rule 256.
approved means approved by the Commission.
attendant means a person, other than the owner or trainer, who handles greyhounds at a meeting or a qualifying trial.
Chief Steward means the Chairman of Stewards appointed under rule 83(2).
club means a greyhound racing club or a body or group of persons holding or proposing to hold a meeting or qualifying trial in the Territory and registered to do so.
Commission has the same meaning as under the Racing and Betting Act 1983.
defaulter means a person declared under rule 241(1) to be in default in payment of moneys to the Commission or a club.
disqualified means disqualified under these Rules, whether directly or by the adoption of a disqualification made by a club and:
(a) where a person is so disqualified – means the person shall not, during the disqualification period, transact a registration matter with the Commission or have a right or benefit conferred by registration under these Rules or be entitled to retain in his possession or control a certificate of registration in relation thereto; and
(b) where a greyhound is so disqualified – means the greyhound shall, during the disqualification period, be and remain unregistered and shall not, unless approved, be eligible to be transferred into new ownership.
drug means a chemical, medicine or substance which may affect or be capable of affecting the speed, stamina, courage or conduct of a greyhound and includes a vitamin administered other than orally.
event means a race or qualifying trial.
grader means a person appointed to that office under rule 105.
greyhound premises means any place within the boundaries of a property where activities associated with greyhound-racing or training for greyhound-racing occur or are intended to occur.
grounds means a dog racing ground licensed under the Act.
judge means a person appointed under rule 175 to officiate as a judge at a race or trial.
kennel means an area, enclosure, place or course used for the purpose of accommodating greyhounds competing at a meeting.
lure means a lure activated by artificial means.
maiden means:
(a) in relation to a flat race – a greyhound which, at the time of starting, has not won or been awarded first place in a flat race where greyhounds race behind a lure otherwise than by way of a walk-over; and
(b) in relation to a hurdle race – a greyhound which, at the time of starting, has not won or been awarded first place in a hurdle race where greyhounds race behind a lure otherwise than by way of a walk-over.
meeting means a meeting at which greyhound racing is to be carried on.
official means a person appointed by the Commission or a club to officiate as a secretary, steward, kennel attendant, identification officer, starter, judge, lure-driver, grader, veterinarian or timekeeper, or in some other capacity directly connected with greyhound racing.
official draw means the draw after the completion of the box draw given to the secretary of a club by the Commission.
owner includes:
(a) a part-owner, lessee or part-lessee of a greyhound;
(b) a person who exercises or purports to exercise a right of ownership over or to have an interest in a greyhound; or
(c) where the owner is not present at the relevant meeting, a trainer or other person who handles the owner's greyhound.
person, for Part XXI, see rule 211A.
prescribed fee means, in relation to a matter specified in these Rules, the fee specified in Column 2 of the Schedule opposite the rule specified in Column 1 of the Schedule.
private trial track means a privately conducted training track used and maintained solely for the purpose of educating and training a greyhound owned or trained by the person declared in an application for registration as the owner, lessee or manager of the private trial track.
public trial track means a training track used by the general public for the purpose of educating and training greyhounds, for which service the registered owner or manager may ask a fee.
qualifying trial means a trial of greyhounds in competitive pursuit of a lure conducted in accordance with these Rules, by which one or more of the greyhounds may qualify to enter for a race at a meeting.
race means the competitive pursuit of a lure for prize or reward by 2 or more greyhounds at a meeting.
registered means registered by the Commission.
registration authority means a body responsible for the registration of persons for the purposes of greyhound racing in a State of the Commonwealth.
reweigh means the registered weight of a greyhound after a reweigh conducted in accordance with rule 157.
secretary includes a person designated as, or who performs executive duties as, a secretary or manager of a club.
service, in relation to the impregnation of a bitch, includes service by natural methods and by means of artifical insemination.
starter means:
(a) in relation to a person – a person appointed under rule 160 to start a race or qualifying trial; and
(b) in relation to a greyhound – a greyhound which has been placed in a starting-box for the purposes of a race or qualifying trial and which has not been subsequently withdrawn prior to the start of the race or qualifying trial by order or permission of the stewards.
steward means a person appointed under rule 82 to control a meeting or qualifying trial or to adjudicate on a matter which may arise at or from a meeting or qualifying trial.
suspended means suspended under these Rules whether directly or by adoption of the Commission of a suspension imposed by a club and, in relation to a person so suspended, means the person shall not, during the continuance of the suspension have, exercise or enjoy a right, priviledge or benefit under or arising from these Rules.
the Act means the Racing and Betting Act 1983.
trainer means, in relation to a greyhound, the person registered as the trainer of that greyhound.
veterinarian means a registered veterinarian within the meaning of the Veterinarians Act 1994.
warn off means to prohibit from entering upon and remaining on a registered greyhound racecourse or registered greyhound trial track.
warned off means a notice of a decision by the Commission or by a club prohibiting a person named thereon from entering a course under its control.
weight record card, in relation to a greyhound, means the card issued by the Commission to the owner of the greyhound for the purpose of recording the weight from time to time of that greyhound.
(1) These Rules shall apply to a club, a member of a club and a person who takes part in a meeting, race, qualifying trial or other proceeding or matter purporting to be conducted under or which is controlled by these Rules.
(2) A person or a club to whom these Rules apply is deemed to consent to be bound thereby.
(3) A person or club to whom these Rules apply shall be liable in respect of a breach or non-observance of these Rules to the penalty that may be imposed under these Rules.
(1) Subject to the Act, the Commission shall control and regulate greyhound racing in the Territory.
(2) Where a question arises which is not provided for by these Rules that question shall be determined by the Commission.
Subject to these Rules, where a member, employee, delegate or officer of the Commission suspects that a dishonest, corrupt, fraudulent or improper act in connection with a greyhound or greyhound racing is about to, or may take place, or has taken place at a meeting or qualifying trial, he may, without prior reference to the Commission, for the purpose of preventing, detecting or inquiring into that act:
(a) enter and inspect any land, ground, course, track, building or other place in or about which a meeting or qualifying trial is being held, or is about to be held, or has been conducted;
(b) make, alter or vary the arrangements for the conduct of a meeting or qualifying trial;
(c) require and obtain from a secretary of a club conducting a meeting or qualifying trial production of all books, particulars of nomination, and documents relating to the meeting or qualifying trial or to a greyhound nominated or present at that meeting or qualifying trial;
(d) order the examination of a greyhound;
(e) take possession of a greyhound;
(f) order the withdrawal of a greyhound from a race or qualifying trial;
(g) order the removal of a muzzle, rug, bandage or other appliance from a greyhound;
(h) remove a judge, steward or other official and act in his stead, or appoint a substitute for the person so removed;
(j) where he is of the opinion that the committee of the club responsible for conducting the meeting or qualifying trial has failed or neglected to do so, appoint an official necessary for the proper conduct of a meeting or qualifying trial;
(k) investigate, or direct stewards to investigate, a dishonest, corrupt, fraudulent or improper act or practice in connection with a greyhound or greyhound racing, whether anticipated or perpetrated; and
(m) convene and conduct, or direct stewards to convene and conduct, an inquiry in accordance with Part XXIII.
Subject to these Rules, a decision, order or direction made or given by or on behalf of the Commission under these Rules shall be complied with by a registered club, its committee, officials, stewards, and employees, and by an owner, trainer, attendant or person associated with greyhound racing in respect of whom that decision, order or direction is made or given.
Subject to these Rules, the Commission may:
(a) cancel or refuse to renew a certificate of registration granted to a person, club or greyhound trial track;
(b) disqualify a person or greyhound from participating in greyhound racing for such period as it deems fit;
(c) suspend a person from the right to train, or a greyhound from racing, for such period as it deems fit;
(d) warn off a person; and
(e) impose a monetary penalty provided for in these Rules.
The Commission may, where it is of the opinion that such action is in the interest of the proper conduct of greyhound racing, by notice in writing given to a club, prohibit a person from participating or being employed in greyhound racing, whether in an honorary capacity, or for reward or remuneration as an official or employee of the club.
(1) A person registered with an approved registration authority and residing outside the Territory is deemed to be registered with the Commission for the purposes of these Rules.
(2) A greyhound registered with an approved registration authority is deemed to be registered with the Commission for the purposes of these Rules.
(3) A termination or suspension of the registration, or disqualification of, a person or greyhound by an approved registration authority shall, on notification to the Commission, have effect as though the termination, suspension, or disqualification had been imposed by the Commission.
(4) For the purpose of imposing a penalty upon a person or a greyhound convicted of an offence under these Rules, a prior conviction of an offence of a similar nature under the Rules of an approved registration authority shall be deemed to be a prior conviction for an offence under these Rules.
The Commission shall prepare and maintain the following registers:
(a) a register of owners;
(b) a register of trainers;
(c) a register of attendants;
(d) a register of breeders;
(e) a register of assumed names;
(f) a register of syndicate names;
(g) a register of greyhound trial tracks and the managers and assistant managers of greyhound trial tracks;
(h) a register of mechanical lure licences; and
(j) a register of clubs.
(1) The Commission may, by instrument in writing, delegate to a person all or any of the powers and functions conferred or imposed upon it by these Rules.
(2) A delegation under subrule (1) is revocable at will and does not prevent the Commission exercising a power or performing a function conferred or imposed upon it under these Rules.
The fees prescribed in the Schedule shall be payable to the Commission in relation to the matters specified in that Schedule and, where no such fee is prescribed in relation to a matter, the Commission may make, and shall be paid, a charge for such other service provided, or act done, by or on behalf of the Commission.
A club shall not conduct a meeting or qualifying trial unless the club is registered.
(1) An application for the registration or the renewal of the registration of a club shall be made in the approved form, accompanied by the prescribed fee and a copy of the registered constitution of the club and the rules of the club, to the Commission.
(2) It shall be a condition of the registration or the renewal of the registration of a club that the club adopts and uses approved rules.
(1) Subject to these Rules, the Commission may determine an application made under rule 15 by:
(a) registering or renewing the registration of a club; or
(b) refusing to register or renew the registration of a club.
(2) Where the Commission registers or renews the registration of a club under subrule (1)(a), the certificate of registration issued to the club shall be displayed in the offices of that club.
The Commission may, after an inquiry in accordance with Part XXIII, suspend or cancel the registration of a club which is found:
(a) to have committed a breach of a term or condition of its registration;
(b) to have committed a breach of these Rules or of an order or direction of the Commission;
(c) to have failed to comply with a decision made by or on behalf of the Commission in accordance with these Rules and notified in writing to the secretary of the club;
(d) to have committed a breach of the constitution or rules of the club;
(e) to be in default in respect of the payment of moneys payable to the Commission;
(f) to have impeded the Commission or a person lawfully acting on behalf of the Commission in the discharge of a duty or the exercise of a power, or to have refused or failed to render such assistance as the Commission considers to have been appropriate and necessary; or
(g) to have done or omitted to do, or to have permitted a person subject to its direction or control to do or omit, an act or thing contrary to the best interests of greyhound racing.
A club shall forward to the Commission within 14 days after its annual meeting:
(a) a balance sheet and an income and expenditure account duly audited and certified by an approved public accountant showing the true state of the club's finances;
(b) the original certificate of the public accountant certifying the correctness and accuracy of the balance sheet and income and expenditure account; and
(c) a list of office bearers of the club as elected at the annual meeting.
Where a change in office-bearers of a club occurs, the change shall be notified in writing to the Commission not later than 7 days after the change occurred.
(1) An official appointed by a club shall not:
(a) directly or indirectly engage in a betting transaction in respect of a meeting at which he officiates;
(b) own, lease, train or have a pecuniary interest in a greyhound competing at a meeting or qualifying trial at which he officiates; or
(c) act as an attendant of a greyhound at a meeting or qualifying trial conducted by the club unless directed to do so by the stewards.
(2) A member of the committee of a club shall not receive remuneration, direct or indirect, for that office.
(1) Subject to these Rules, the committee of a club shall have the control and supervision of racing on the grounds of that club.
(2) The committee of a club may, at its discretion, refuse to admit a person to its grounds, and may cause a person to be removed therefrom.
(3) Subject to rule 257, a registered person who is refused admittance to, or is removed from, a course or its grounds under this rule may appeal against the decision.
A committee of a club may only inquire into and deal with a matter relating to the conduct of racing on its grounds if that action has not already been taken by the stewards controlling the meeting or qualifying trial.
(1) Where a matter is dealt with by a committee of a club, the committee may:
(a) warn off its grounds, disqualify, or suspend a person who, in the opinion of the committee, is liable to disqualification or suspension under these Rules, or who is guilty of improper conduct at a meeting or qualifying trial; and
(b) disqualify from winning an event, or being placed in an event, a greyhound liable to be disqualified or suspended under these Rules.
(2) Subject to these Rules, the committee of a club may impose on a person referred to in subrule (1)(a) a maximum fine of 35 penalty units in respect of the offence leading to the disqualification or suspension, in addition to, or instead of, any other penalty that may be imposed.
Part IV Registration of persons and names
A person shall not act as or represent himself to be the owner or trainer of a greyhound used or entitled or intended to be used for greyhound racing unless the person is the holder of a current certificate of registration as an owner or trainer of the greyhound, as the case may be.
(1) A person seeking to register or renew his registration as an owner of a greyhound shall make an application to the Commission in the approved form accompanied by the prescribed fee.
(2) A person who makes an application under subrule (1) shall give satisfactory evidence to the Commission of his character, fitness and experience to be so registered.
Subject to these Rules, the Commission may determine an application made under rule 25 by:
(a) registering or renewing the registration of an applicant; or
(b) refusing to register or renew the registration of an applicant.
(1) A person who seeks to train a greyhound for the purposes of greyhound racing shall make an application in the approved form accompanied by the prescribed fee to the Commission for registration or the renewal of registration as a trainer of greyhounds.
(2) Subject to these Rules, the Commission may determine an application under subrule (1) by:
(a) registering or renewing the registration of an applicant; or
(b) refusing to register or renew the registration of an applicant.
(3) A certificate of registration as a trainer shall only be issued in one of the following categories:
(a) private trainer; or
(b) public trainer.
(4) The Commission shall not register a person as a private trainer unless that person trains greyhounds solely for a syndicate or solely for a person registered as an owner, and a person so registered shall not be eligible for registration as a public trainer.
(5) The Commission may require that an agreement for the training of a greyhound be entered into in the approved form.
(1) A registered trainer shall not commence training a greyhound unless he has notified the Commission or the stewards, in writing, that he is the trainer of the greyhound.
(2) A registered trainer shall ensure that his name is endorsed as the trainer on each nomination form submitted for a greyhound of which he is the trainer.
(1) A person shall not be registered as an owner or the trainer of a greyhound unless he provides proper accommodation for the greyhound.
(2) The accommodation referred to in subrule (1) shall be established and maintained in the approved manner and at all reasonable times shall be open to inspection by a steward or employee of the Commission.
(1) A person seeking to register or renew his registration as an attendant shall make an application in the approved form accompanied by the prescribed fee to the Commission.
(2) A person who makes an application under subrule (1) shall give satisfactory evidence to the Commission of his character, fitness and experience to be so registered.
Subject to these Rules, where the Commission receives an application under rule 30 it may:
(a) register or renew the registration of an applicant; or
(b) refuse to register or renew the registration of an applicant.
An application to use an assumed name shall be made in the approved form accompanied by the prescribed fee to the Commission.
(1) Subject to these Rules, where the Commission receives an application under rule 32, it may:
(a) grant permission to a person to use an assumed name; or
(b) refuse permission to a person to use an assumed name.
(2) A person who is registered as the owner of a greyhound which he trains himself is not eligible to use an assumed name in respect of that greyhound.
(1) For the purposes of these Rules, a person shall not use a name other than:
(a) his own full name; or
(b) an assumed name in respect of which he has been granted permission under rule 33(1)(a).
Maximum penalty: 35 penalty units.
(2) Where a person is granted permission under rule 33(1)(a) to use an assumed name, that person shall, for the purposes of these Rules, use that assumed name only and shall not use his true name.
(3) A person shall not be entitled to use or continue to use an assumed name similar to or likely to be confused with the true name of a person registered as the owner or lessee of a greyhound.
(4) A person shall not be entitled to use more than one assumed name at any one time.
(1) For the purposes of these Rules, a combination of 2 or more persons owning or leasing a greyhound shall be deemed to be a syndicate.
(2) A greyhound shall not be registered in the name of a syndicate, and a lease of a greyhound to a syndicate shall not be effective, unless the syndicate has been registered.
(3) A syndicate may own or lease more than one greyhound but shall not own or lease a greyhound in combination with another syndicate or person.
(1) An application to register a syndicate name shall be made in the approved form accompanied by the prescribed fee to the Commission and shall contain the following particulars:
(a) the proposed name of the syndicate;
(b) the full address of the syndicate; and
(c) the full name, address and occupation of each member of the syndicate,
and shall be signed by each member of the syndicate.
(2) The first-named member referred to in subrule (1)(c) shall be deemed to be the manager of a syndicate.
(3) Only the manager of a syndicate or the trainer is authorized to nominate or withdraw a greyhound in the name of the syndicate, and his receipt for prize-money or a trophy in respect of that greyhound shall be a complete discharge to a club.
(4) The manager of a syndicate shall be deemed to be authorized to act for and to represent the syndicate and to be responsible for the observance of these Rules, but the manager shall not sell or otherwise dispose of a greyhound owned or leased by the syndicate without obtaining the prior consent in writing of all the syndicate members.
(1) Subject to these Rules, where the Commission receives an application under rule 36(1) it may:
(a) register a syndicate; or
(b) refuse to register a syndicate.
(2) A syndicate name shall not be registered or used if it has not been approved.
(3) A syndicate shall not be registered where a member is a company or other corporate entity, except where the company or other corporate entity is acting as the executor or administrator of a deceased member.
(4) A syndicate shall not be registered if a member is a person whose interest in a greyhound would, under these Rules, operate to prohibit the greyhound from being nominated for or started in a race.
(5) A syndicate shall notify the Commission in writing if a member is a disqualified person and, upon receipt of that notification, that member shall be deemed to no longer be a member of the syndicate.
(1) A change in the membership of a syndicate, including the death of a member, a change of manager or registered address of a syndicate, is required to be notified in writing to the Commission within 7 days of the change so occurring.
(2) A member of a syndicate may make an application in writing to the Commission to cancel the registration of the syndicate and, if the Commission is satisfied that it is reasonable and proper to cancel the registration, the Commission shall cancel that registration.
(3) In the event of the termination of a syndicate by the members, notice of the termination shall be given in writing to the Commission by each member of the syndicate.
(4) A notice is not required to be given under subrule (3) where a syndicate terminates by effluxion of time.
(5) A notice to be given or communication to be made to a syndicate by the Commission shall be deemed to have been duly given or made if given or made in writing to the manager of the syndicate or left at or sent by prepaid post to the registered address of the syndicate.
(6) The Commission shall not be responsible for the due observance by the persons concerned of the constitution or rules of a syndicate.
Part V Registration of greyhounds
A greyhound shall not be eligible to be nominated for a race or qualifying trial unless it is registered.
A greyhound under the age of 14 months shall not be permitted to start in a race or a qualifying trial.
(1) An application for the registration and naming of a greyhound shall be made in the approved form accompanied by the prescribed fee to the Commission.
(2) An application under subrule (1) shall contain the following particulars:
(a) the breeding of the greyhound;
(b) the date of whelping;
(c) the colour and sex;
(d) the breeder's name and signature;
(e) the proposed names of the greyhound in order of preference;
(f) the applicant's full name, signature and residential address; and
(g) the identification markings of the greyhound,
and other particulars as the Commission may request.
(1) In specifying the proposed names of a greyhound in an application made under rule 41:
(a) the use of initials or figures is prohibited;
(b) the Commission may deem the use of a proposed name as undesirable and that name shall not be used; and
(c) the Australian and New Zealand Greyhound Association reserves the right to allot a name for the greyhound where the proposed name is not allowed or is not available.
(2) For the purposes of these Rules, only the registered name of a greyhound shall be used.
Subject to these Rules, upon receiving an application under rule 41, the Commission may:
(a) register a greyhound; or
(b) refuse to register a greyhound.
Division 2 Sire and studmaster
(1) Under these Rules, a greyhound shall not be used for stud purposes as a sire unless that greyhound is registered as a sire.
(2) An application for the registration or the renewal of the registration as a sire shall be made in the approved form accompanied by the prescribed fee to the Commission by the registered owner of the sire, or a person authorized in writing by the owner for that purpose.
(3) Where an application is made under subrule (2) the Commission may require a certificate from an approved veterinarian certifying that a greyhound is capable of performing the duties of a sire.
Subject to these Rules, upon receiving an application under rule 44, the Commission may:
(a) register or renew the registration of a sire; or
(b) refuse to register or renew the registration of a sire.
(1) A certificate of registration of a sire authorizes the person named in the certificate to act as studmaster in relation to that sire.
(2) Where the Commission is not satisfied that an applicant under rule 44(2), other than the registered owner, is a suitable person to act as studmaster, it may require as a condition of registration that some other and acceptable person be nominated by the applicant to act as studmaster.
(1) A service by a registered sire shall be by natural methods, except that a bitch may be impregnated by means of artificial insemination with the prior consent of the commission.
(2) The number of bitches served by a registered sire shall not exceed 14 in any 28 day period.
(3) Where a registered sire fails to produce 10 reported litters from any 20 bitches served, the Commission may direct the stud-master, at his own expense, to present the sire to a veterinarian at a place and for a period specified by the Commission so that a veterinary test to determine its fitness to be a sire may be carried out.
(4) Where the Commission is not satisfied with the results of a veterinary test conducted under this rule, the Commission may, by notice in writing to the studmaster, suspend the registration of the sire for a period, being not longer than 28 days, specified in the notice.
(5) Where a period of suspension imposed on a sire under subrule (4) expires, the Commission may direct the studmaster to submit the sire to such further veterinary tests as it deems necessary to determine the fitness of that sire to be registered as a sire.
(6) Where the Commission is not satisfied with the results of further veterinary tests conducted under subrule (5), it may suspend the registration of the sire until the studmaster can show that the greyhound can perform its stud duties in a satisfactory manner.
(1) The artificial insemination of a bitch shall be carried out by a person authorized in writing by the Commission.
(2) If the owner of the bitch so requests the artificial insemination shall be carried out in his presence or in the presence of a person nominated by him.
(3) Where a bitch is to be artificially inseminated with semen from a sire registered in another State, Territory or country, the semen must be collected, sealed, certified and dispatched under the supervision of a person authorized by the relevant authority in the State, Territory or Country where the sire is registered.
(4) A quantity of semen obtained from a donor sire shall be used for one impregnation only, and may not be divided for the further artificial insemination of the same bitch or of another bitch.
The Commission may publish the results of the number of services performed by a registered sire and the number of progeny produced from those services.
(1) The studmaster shall, within 14 days of a service taking place, lodge with the Commission, in the approved form accompanied by the prescribed fee, a notification of the service, containing the following particulars:
(a) the name of the sire and dam;
(b) the date of service;
(c) a copy of the certificate of registration number of the bitch presented for service;
(d) the ear-brand number of the bitch;
(e) the name and address of the registered owner of the bitch; and
(f) if service is by means of artificial insemination, an endorsement to that effect by the studmaster and one other person who witnessed the service.
(2) In the case of artificial insemination, the person producing the bitch for service shall supply the studmaster with a written authority from the registered owner of the bitch, approving service by those means, and unless the notification of service is endorsed, under subrule (1)(f), by the registered owner or his agent, that authority shall be lodged with the Commission together with the notification.
(3) The Commission shall accept a notification of service if satisfied that it complies with this rule and that service has been effected in accordance with these rules.
(1) Where a person producing a bitch for service is not the registered owner of the bitch, the studmaster shall require that person to supply an authority signed by the registered owner giving permission for the bitch to be serviced.
(2) An authority produced under subrule (1) shall be retained by the studmaster who shall lodge it with the Commission together with the notification of service.
(1) Where a bitch is produced for servicing by a registered sire, the studmaster shall demand the certificate of registration of the bitch and shall compare the identification particulars shown on that certificate with the bitch produced for service.
(2) A studmaster shall not permit a service to be performed on a bitch that does not conform to the certificate of registration purporting to relate to that bitch.
Division 3 Whelping and litters
The registered owner of a dam shall, within 14 days of the whelping of progeny resulting from a service performed by a registered sire, give a notice in the approved form to the Commission containing the following particulars of whelping:
(a) the breeding of the sire and dam;
(b) the date of the whelping;
(c) the number of the whelps;
(d) the general colour of each of the whelps;
(e) the sex of each of the whelps; and
(f) the kennelling place of the dam and her progeny.
(1) Unless otherwise approved, a greyhound whelped in the Territory shall not be eligible to be registered unless the litter in which it was produced was registered.
(2) An application for the registration of a litter shall be made in the approved form accompanied by the prescribed fee to the Commission by the registered owner of the dam who produced the litter or by a person authorized by the owner in writing for that purpose and shall be lodged with the Commission within 3 months of the whelping date.
(3) An application made under subrule (2) shall contain the following particulars:
(a) the registered names of the sire and dam;
(b) the date of whelping;
(c) the number of whelps;
(d) the sex of each of the whelps;
(e) details of the identification markings of each whelp specifying the colour of each including the colour of its toe-nails; and
(f) a certificate of inspection by an approved person.
(4) A litter shall be registered not later than 6 months after the date of whelping.
(5) Where an application under subrule (2) to register a greyhound from a litter is made later than 3 months after the date of whelping, and before the expiration of the period specified in subrule (4), the greyhound may be registered as an aged greyhound.
Subject to these Rules, upon receiving an application under rule 53, the Commission may:
(a) register the litter; or
(b) refuse to register the litter.
Where a greyhound registered outside the Territory has been purchased by a person resident in the Territory, the purchaser shall notify the Commission of the purchase within 7 days of that purchase.
The Commission may, at its discretion, dispense with the registration of a service or litter whether or not the time for registration has expired.
A registered greyhound shall not be permitted to compete in a race or qualifying trial unless the greyhound, upon payment of the prescribed fee by the owner or trainer of that greyhound, has been ear-branded by an officer of the Commission, or an approved registration authority, and the certificate of registration in respect of that greyhound has endorsed on it the same number and letter series as the ear-brand.
When a greyhound dies, the owner shall, within 7 days:
(a) notify the Commission of the death; and
(b) return the certificate of registration in respect of that greyhound to the Commission.
VI Greyhound trial tracks
A person who takes a greyhound onto an unregistered greyhound trial track commits a breach of these Rules.
Maximum penalty: 35 penalty units.
A person who permits or allows a greyhound of which he is the registered owner or trainer or which is under his control to be taken onto an unregistered greyhound trial track commits a breach of these Rules.
Maximum penalty: 35 penalty units.
(1) An application for the registration of a greyhound trial track shall be made in the approved form accompanied by the prescribed fee to the Commission together with a copy of the plans and specifications of the track, including details of the construction of the track, appurtenances and surrounds.
(2) An application for the renewal of the registration of a greyhound trial track shall be made in the approved form accompanied by the prescribed fee to the Commission.
(3) The Commission may require an applicant under this rule to appear before the Commission and to supply information in respect of the application as the Commission deems necessary.
Where the Commission receives an application under rule 61, it may:
(a) register or renew the registration of a greyhound trial track; or
(b) refuse to register or renew the registration of a greyhound trial track.
(1) An application for the registration or renewal of the registration of a greyhound trial track shall specify one natural person who it is proposed shall be the manager of the track.
(2) The owner of a greyhound trial track may also be nominated as the manager of the track.
(3) Where an owner appoints an assistant manager of a greyhound trial track he shall give notice in the approved form to the Commission.
(4) A person who takes part in the management of a greyhound trial track, and who is not registered with the Commission as the manager or as an assistant manager of that track, commits a breach of these Rules.
Maximum penalty: 35 penalty units.
(1) A greyhound trial track shall not be used or open for use unless the person registered as the manager of the track or, where the manager is absent in accordance with an approved leave of absence, an approved acting manager, is personally present at that track.
(2) Where a breach of subrule (1) occurs, the Commission may cancel the registration of the greyhound trial track.
(1) Where the ownership of a registered greyhound trial track is about to be transferred to or become vested in a person other than the registered owner, that person shall apply for the transfer in the approved form accompanied by the prescribed fee to the Commission.
(2) The Commission may, upon receiving an application under subrule (1), grant or refuse to grant an application for the transfer of registration.
(3) Where the Commission grants an application under subrule (2), it shall issue a certificate of registration to the new owner.
(1) Where a registered owner becomes bankrupt, his trustee shall make an application to the Commission for the endorsement on the certificate of registration of the trustee's name, or of the name of some person nominated by the trustee as agent for the trustee.
(2) Between the time of filing an application under subrule (1) and the determination of the application by the Commission, a greyhound trial track may be carried on by the trustee in bankruptcy or some other person authorized in writing by the trustee.
(3) A person who carries on the business of a greyhound trial track under this rule is subject to the same duties, liabilities, obligations, disqualifications and penalties as if he were the owner of the track.
(1) Where the owner of a greyhound trial track dies:
(a) a member of his family of or over the age of 18 years; or
(b) an approved person on behalf of the family of the deceased owner,
may carry on the business of the track for a period not exceeding 28 days after the death of the owner.
(2) Prior to commencing to carry on business under subrule (1), the member of the family shall notify the Commission of the death of the owner and give such particulars as the Commission may require.
(3) The person carrying on the business under subrule (2), or any other person who claims preference over that person may, within the period of 28 days after the death of an owner, apply to the Commission for the endorsement of that person's name on the certificate of registration as agent of the deceased estate pending transfer of the certificate of registration.
(4) The Commission may order the endorsement on a certificate of registration as agent, the name of one of the applicants under subrule (3) as the Commission thinks fit.
(5) Upon the grant of probate of the will of a deceased owner or of letters of administration of his estate, the executor or administrator shall make an application to the Commission for a transfer of the certificate of registration to himself or to another person nominated by him.
(a) a person registered as the owner, manager or assistant manager of a greyhound trial track fails to comply with these Rules or any conditions attached to his or the track's certificate of registration;
(b) a person knowingly permits, or knowingly fails to take all necessary steps to prevent, the occurrence at that track of a breach of these Rules;
(c) a person is convicted of an offence against the Act;
(d) the manner of conduct, management or control of that track is, in the opinion of the Commission, detrimental to greyhound racing; or
(e) the condition of that track or the surrounds is dangerous to persons frequenting the track or unsuitable for the trialing or training of greyhounds,
the Commission may, after due inquiry in accordance with Part XXIII, cancel or suspend the registration of the track and the registration of a person as the owner, manager or assistant manager of that track.
(1) Where an application for the registration of a greyhound trial track is refused or where a certificate of registration of a greyhound trial track is cancelled by the Commission, notice of the refusal or cancellation shall, unless the applicant or registered owner was before the Commission at the time when the decision was made, be served on the applicant or owner, as the case may be, within a period of 7 days commencing from the date on which the Commission decided on refusal or cancellation.
(2) Where the registration of a greyhound trial track is cancelled, the order of cancellation shall come into effect on and from the date specified by the Commission in the notice.
A steward or an officer authorized by the Commission may, subject to the production of his authority if demanded, at all reasonable times enter on and inspect a registered greyhound trial track and any appurtenances thereto, not being a dwelling-house, and may require a person registered with the Commission to supply him with such information as he may consider reasonably necessary for the purposes of administering these Rules.
A person who:
(a) bets or wagers on a greyhound trial track;
(b) awards, in respect of a greyhound trial or training race, money; or
(c) commits an act in connection with a greyhound trial track which, in the opinion of the Commission, is or may be detrimental to the best interests of greyhound racing,
commits a breach of these Rules.
Maximum penalty: 35 penalty units.
VII Registration in general
This Part applies to Part III, Division 1 of Part IV, Divisions 1 and 2 of Part V and Part VI.
(1) A certificate of registration shall be issued by the Commission in relation to a registration or renewal of registration granted in accordance with these Rules.
(2) A certificate of registration referred to in subrule (1) shall remain the property of the Commission and a right of property or other interest shall not pass to or become vested in a person to whom the certificate has been issued or who may, for the time being, have the custody of a certificate.
(3) A certificate of registration shall be returned to the Commission on request by the Commission.
(1) The Commission may impose conditions in respect of a registration granted under these Rules.
(2) Where a registration is granted subject to conditions, the conditions shall be endorsed on the certificate of registration in respect of that registration.
(3) The breach or non-observance of a condition imposed under this rule shall be deemed to be a breach of these Rules.
(1) A registration or renewal of registration granted in accordance with these Rules shall, unless sooner cancelled by the Commission, continue in force on and from the date upon which it is granted to and including the last day of the next ensuing February.
(2) Unless otherwise approved, an application for the renewal of a registration granted under these Rules shall be made on or before the last day of January in the current year of registration.
A person shall produce his certificate of registration when requested to do so by a steward, member or employee of the Commission, or by an official of a club where that person is operating.
(1) A person who has lost, misplaced or destroyed his current certificate of registration may make an application in writing to the Commission for a duplicate certificate, accompanied by the prescribed fee and a statutory declaration as to the circumstances surrounding the loss, misplacement or destruction and the efforts that have been made to recover the certificate.
(2) Upon receiving an application under subrule (1), the Commission may issue a duplicate certificate of registration.
VIII Change of ownership and leasing of greyhound
Where a registered greyhound is sold or disposed of, the registered owner of the greyhound shall, within 48 hours of the sale or disposal, notify the Commission in writing of that sale or disposal and shall specify the name and address of the person to whom the greyhound has been sold or given.
(1) A person who purchases or otherwise acquires a registered greyhound shall, within 7 days of purchasing or acquiring the greyhound, make an application in the approved form accompanied by the prescribed fee to the Commission for registration of the transfer of ownership.
(2) An application under subrule (1) shall be accompanied by the certificate of registration of that greyhound and a copy of the receipt for the purchase money or some other evidence satisfactory to the Commission to establish ownership of that greyhound.
Subject to these Rules, where the Commission receives an application under rule 79(1), the Commission may:
(a) grant the transfer of ownership; or
(b) refuse to grant the transfer of ownership.
(1) Subject to these Rules, where an owner of a registered greyhound has leased the greyhound to another person for purposes of racing or breeding, he shall register the lease of the greyhound with the Commission in the approved form accompanied by the prescribed fee and the certificate of registration of that greyhound.
(2) Upon receiving notification of a lease under subrule (1), the Commission shall:
(a) endorse the expiration date of the lease and the names of the lessees on the certificate of registration of the greyhound; and
(b) forward the certificate of registration to the first-named lessee.
(3) Where a lease referred to in subrule (2) expires, the first-named lessee shall, within 7 days of that expiration, return the endorsed certificate of registration to the Commission which shall cancel the endorsement and forward the certificate of registration to the owner of the greyhound.
(1) Stewards may be appointed by the Commission or, where approved, by a club and, subject to these Rules, the powers and duties of a steward shall be defined by resolution of the body appointing him.
(2) Where a steward appointed by a club is removed by the club, that club shall notify the Commission of the reasons for his removal.
(3) The Commission shall not be responsible for the payment of stewards appointed by a club.
(1) Where the Commission appoints a steward to act at a meeting or qualifying trial conducted by a club, the club shall be notified in writing of the appointment, and shall be subject to the direction of the steward so appointed, except in relation to proceedings before the stewards.
(2) Where more than one steward is appointed under subrule (1), the Commission shall appoint one of the stewards to be Chairman of Stewards.
(3) A Chairman of Stewards shall have a deliberative vote as well as use of casting vote at all proceedings before the stewards.
(4) Subject to these Rules, in a proceeding before stewards in relation to the conduct of a meeting or qualifying trial, a majority of the stewards present shall exercise the powers given to stewards under these Rules but, where only one steward is present, those powers may be exercised by him.
Subject to these Rules, and a direction given by the Commission, the stewards may make, alter or vary an arrangement for the conduct of a meeting or qualifying trial.
(1) Subject to subrule (2), a meeting or qualifying trial shall be deemed to commence at 8 o'clock on the morning of the day on which the meeting is to be held, or the qualifying trial run, as the case may be, and end at midnight of that day.
(2) The powers of the stewards, in relation to a matter connected with or arising out of a meeting or qualifying trial, shall commence as soon as the original draw has been displayed in the office of the Commission and shall continue for a period of 4 months after the meeting or qualifying trial has been conducted, and for such further period, notwithstanding that that period of 4 months, and any extension under this subrule thereof, may have expired, as the Commission allows.
(1) Where a greyhound performs unsatisfactorily in a race at a meeting or in a qualifying trial, the stewards may hold an inquiry and take such action as they consider necessary.
(2) Stewards supervising a meeting or qualifying trial shall, at the conclusion of the meeting or qualifying trial, notify in writing the Commission and the relevant committee of a club of their findings in respect of all investigations or inquiries arising out of that meeting or qualifying trial.
(3) Stewards shall, within 48 hours or 2 working days of a disqualification, fine or suspension of a person, or the disqualification of a greyhound by the stewards, notify the Commission and the relevant committee of the penalty imposed, and shall forward to the Commission a transcript or tape-recording of the evidence taken and their findings, in relation to the events leading to the inquiry before the stewards.
(4) Where stewards alter or amend a programme or the order in which races are run at a meeting or qualifying trial they shall, within 72 hours or 3 working days after the meeting or qualifying trial, give a written report to the Commission and the relevant committee of a club, specifying their reasons for the alteration or amendment.
(1) Without limiting the generality of their powers at a meeting, stewards supervising a meeting may, subject to these Rules:
(a) regulate and control, inquire into, take cognizance of and adjudicate upon the conduct of an official, owner or trainer and a person attendant on or connected with a greyhound at a meeting;
(b) enter any land, ground, course, track, booth, building, kennels, stand, enclosure or other place used for the purpose of a meeting;
(c) expel or exclude a person from a meeting;
(d) remove from a meeting, the judge, starter, clerk of the course, timekeeper, broadcaster, commentator or other official, except the secretary or manager of the club, and appoint a substitute official;
(e) alter or amend the programme of a meeting or the order in which races comprising the programme shall be run;
(f) extend the time allowed for starting;
(g) inquire into or investigate a matter, act or omission which, in their opinion, is negligent, dishonest, corrupt, fraudulent or improper in connection with a greyhound or greyhound racing;
(h) require and obtain production of and examine all books and documents relating to a meeting;
(j) receive and determine a question or objection arising in relation to greyhound racing at a meeting; and
(k) charge a person for a breach of these Rules and impose a penalty provided for in these Rules.
(2) The powers exercisable by the stewards supervising a meeting may be exercised by stewards supervising a qualifying trial.
(3) Stewards may exercise the powers conferred upon them by the Commission or by the committee of a club, and may delegate their powers under these Rules by instrument in writing to a person officiating at a meeting or qualifying trial.
(1) A steward shall not act or be present at a hearing or determination of a matter in which he is pecuniarily interested or affected, nor shall a steward adjudicate upon a dispute, protest or matter in which he is involved in a personal, as opposed to an official, capacity.
(2) A steward shall not:
(a) have an interest in a wager or bet on a greyhound race;
(b) engage directly or indirectly in a business connected with the sale, lease, breeding or management of a greyhound; or
(c) be directly or indirectly interested in the ownership of a greyhound.
(1) Where a matter is dealt with by stewards they may, after an inquiry in accordance with Part XXIII:
(a) warn off a person;
(b) disqualify a person or greyhound; or
(c) suspend a person,
for any term.
(2) Subject to these Rules, stewards may impose on a person a maximum fine of 100 penalty units in respect of each offence in lieu of, or in addition to, a disqualification, suspension, warning off or other penalty.
(3) Stewards may disqualify from winning an event or being placed in an event, a greyhound liable to be disqualified or suspended under these Rules.
Stewards may exclude and cause to be removed from a place under their control:
(a) a person required by these Rules to be excluded and removed from a course;
(b) a person or greyhound whose name for the time being appears on a disqualification list of the Commission;
(c) a person who has been declared by an approved registration authority to have been guilty of a corrupt or fraudulent practice and whose sentence still remains in force;
(d) a person whose presence the Commission, committee of a club or stewards deem undesirable; or
(e) a person warned off any of its courses by the Commission, a registered club or stewards.
Notwithstanding that a person who shall be liable to be excluded or removed under rule 90 may have paid to enter a course or an enclosure, he shall not by reason of such payment be deemed to have acquired an irrevocable licence to go into or remain in the course or enclosure and the stewards, their officers or agents may remove such a person from that course or enclosure without being liable to an action for damages in respect of such a removal.
Stewards may, at their discretion or at the direction of the Commission, institute and pursue to conclusion an inquiry in accordance with Part XXIII for the purpose of ascertaining whether a disqualified or undesirable person has a connection with or influence upon greyhound racing or a registered trainer of a nature capable of proving, in their opinion, detrimental to greyhound racing and, if such connection or influence is established to their satisfaction, the stewards may fine, suspend or disqualify a person or registered trainer involved, or recommend to the Commission that such a person be warned off.
(1) The Commission may appoint a veterinarian to be a Commission veterinarian.
(2) The powers and duties of a veterinarian appointed under subrule (1) shall be as determined by the Commission.
(1) For the purposes of these Rules, the Commission may nominate a veterinarian to officiate at a meeting or qualifying trial.
(2) Where the Commission notifies a club in writing that a veterinarian has been nominated to officiate at a meeting or qualifying trial:
(a) a reference in these Rules to an officiating veterinarian shall be read and construed as a reference to the Commission veterinarian nominated in relation to that meeting or qualifying trial; and
(b) another veterinarian, whether appointed by the club conducting the meeting or qualifying trial or otherwise, shall not act for the purposes of these Rules in relation to that meeting or qualifying trial.
Where a Commission veterinarian acts at a meeting or qualifying trial, the Commission may charge the club conducting the meeting or qualifying trial a fee for the services of that veterinarian.
XI Allotment, postponement and programme of meetings
A club shall apply annually in writing to the Commission for approval of dates on which the club intends to conduct meetings in the following year.
(1) Subject to subrule (2), upon receiving an application under rule 96, the Commission may grant or refuse an application for approval for a meeting or series of meetings, or may grant the application for a date or time other than that applied for.
(2) In exercising its power under subrule (1), the Commission shall have due regard for the following:
(a) whether on the date or dates specified in the application a meeting will be conducted by another club within a contiguous area which, in the opinion of the Commission, would materially jeopardize the success of the meeting for which approval is sought;
(b) the merit of rival claims of a club which proposes to conduct a meeting on the same date specified in the first-mentioned application; and
(c) the interests of greyhound racing generally.
Where the Commission grants an application under rule 97, the Commission shall issue a certificate of approval to the relevant club.
The Commission may cancel or withdraw or vary a certificate of approval issued under rule 98 where, in the opinion of the Commission, the cancellation or withdrawal or variation is desirable in the interests of greyhound racing.
(1) The Commission may require the committee of a club to alter a proposed programme or to vary the conditions of a race, or may reject the conditions and substitute such conditions which, in the opinion of the Commission, are preferable.
(2) Unless otherwise approved, a club shall not conduct more than 10 races at a meeting.
(1) Subject to this rule, the stewards or the committee of a club may postpone or abandon a meeting before or after the commencement of the meeting but shall report the facts of the postponement or abandonment to the Commission by telegram or telephone immediately after that postponement or abandonment.
(2) The stewards or the committee of a club shall not postpone a meeting which has been advertised unless the decision to postpone the meeting has been made, and the public notified by broadcast or other means available:
(a) in the case of a night meeting – before 4 o'clock in the afternoon on the advertised date of the meeting; or
(b) in the case of an afternoon meeting – before 11 o'clock in the morning on the advertised date of the meeting,
unless the meeting is postponed by reason of sudden storm or tempest, power failure, mechanical breakdown or other unavoidable cause.
(3) Except with the consent of the stewards, the committee of a club shall not postpone or cancel a meeting on the day on which it is to be conducted.
(4) A person shall not have a claim for loss or damage by reason of the postponement or abandonment of a meeting in accordance with these Rules.
(1) An application to conduct a meeting on a later date in substitution for an abandoned or postponed meeting shall be made to the Commission as though it were an application to conduct a meeting made under rule 96.
(2) Where a meeting is postponed prior to 9.30 o'clock in the morning on the day of the meeting, a withdrawal previously notified, other than in respect of a period of continuing incapacity by reason of injury or sickness, shall be declared null and void.
(3) Where a meeting is postponed after 9.30 o'clock in the morning on the day of the meeting and the allocation of reserves has been conducted, the race fields shall not be increased.
In relation to a meeting the club conducting the meeting shall publish an official programme containing the following particulars:
(a) the starting time for each race;
(b) the name of each greyhound drawn to compete in a race and, where applicable, the reserves for each race;
(c) the breeding, month and year of whelping, colour and sex of each greyhound;
(d) the name of the owner and trainer of each greyhound;
(e) the box draw number and the rug colour allotted to or drawn for each greyhound; and
(f) such other particulars as the Commission may direct.
Where there is a variation between:
(a) a particular in the official programme for a meeting or qualifying trial; and
(b) a particular indicated on the certificate of registration in relation to a greyhound owner or trainer,
notice of the variation shall be:
(c) posted on the club's public notice track-board or in a prominent position at the track; and
(d) announced over the public address system prior to the commencement of the meeting or qualifying trial, or at such other times as will ensure that the public is made aware of the variation prior to the betting commencing on the race in which the greyhound involved in the variation is to compete.
XII Grading and nomination of greyhounds
The Commission may appoint a person to act as a Commission grader.
(1) The Commission shall formulate a system for the grading of races and may direct a club and a person employed as a grader to give effect to the system.
(2) Commission graders shall be subject to the authority of the Commission and shall be answerable to the Commission for the proper drawing up of fields.
The Commission may direct a committee or a club to submit to the Commission details of nominations of greyhounds received for a meeting or qualifying trial for the purpose of enabling the drawing up of fields to be carried out by a grader.
Subject to these Rules, the appointment of a Commission grader to carry out the drawing up of fields for races at a meeting or qualifying trial shall not prevent the club conducting the meeting or qualifying trial from:
(a) deciding the order in which the races shall appear on the programme;
(b) deciding what class or classes of races shall appear on the programme;
(c) promoting special races; and
(d) declining to receive a nomination, or thereafter rejecting a nomination, for a greyhound, without assigning a reason.
(1) Subject to subrule (2), where a greyhound is, in the opinion of the stewards, withdrawn without a reason after the box draw has been conducted, the person effecting the withdrawal of the greyhound shall be guilty of a breach of these Rules.
Maximum penalty: 35 penalty units.
(2) Subrule (1) shall not apply where a greyhound is withdrawn from a race:
(a) for which the distance varies from that for which the greyhound was nominated; or
(b) for a meeting or qualifying trial for which the greyhound was not nominated.
(1) Where a greyhound has won or been awarded first place in a race, the stewards of the meeting shall endorse the certificate of registration of that greyhound with the notation:
(a) "No longer eligible for maiden flat"; or
(b) "No longer eligible for maiden hurdle events",
as the case may be.
(2) Where a race for maiden greyhounds is held which consists of heats and a final, and the final is to be held on a date subsequent to the heats, a greyhound which has won a heat and competes in and wins a race before that final is held, is not eligible to compete in that final.
(3) Unless approved, a maiden class greyhound shall not be allowed to compete in a race above the maiden grade.
(1) A greyhound is a juvenile until and including the last day of the corresponding month of its whelping in the second year thereafter and shall remain a juvenile for a race which was programmed to be run within that period but postponed to a date after that period.
(2) Where a greyhound is a juvenile for a heat of an event, it shall remain a juvenile after that period for all races leading to and including the final of that event.
A greyhound shall not be graded or drawn in a race or qualifying trial unless the greyhound has been nominated in accordance with these Rules.
(1) The owner or trainer of a greyhound may nominate the greyhound for a race or qualifying trial by lodging with the Commission or the club conducting the race or qualifying trial an approved nomination form.
(2) Subject to any other direction by the Commission, a club shall not accept a nomination for a race or qualifying trial unless the nomination is in the approved form.
(1) Subject to these Rules, in relation to syndicates, where a greyhound is to be raced in the name of 2 or more persons, only the manager or the trainer of the greyhound is authorized to:
(a) nominate, accept or withdraw that greyhound for a race or qualifying trial; and
(b) receive prize money or a trophy won by that greyhound.
(2) Subject to subrule (3), and the Rules in relation to syndicates, the person first named:
(a) in the certificate of registration of a greyhound; or
(b) in the lease of a greyhound,
shall be deemed to be the manager.
(3) A person other than the person first named in a certificate of registration or a lease may be appointed as manager where a memorandum appointing him has been signed by all the other owners and lodged with the Commission.
(4) The appointment of a manager may be cancelled and another manager appointed by a further memorandum signed and lodged under subrule (3).
An owner who has registered an assumed name with the Commission shall not nominate or cause to be nominated for a race or qualifying trial a greyhound owned but not trained by him unless the full and proper name of the trainer training that greyhound is stated upon the nomination form.
A greyhound owned or leased by a syndicate shall not be nominated in a race or qualifying trial where a member of the syndicate is a disqualified person.
Where an owner of a registered greyhound:
(a) nominates the greyhound for a race or qualifying trial; and
(b) dies before the official draw is published,
the nomination of that greyhound for the race or qualifying trial shall be deemed to be withdrawn.
An official shall not alter or make an addition to the particulars given on a nomination form.
Maximum penalty: 35 penalty units.
The person liable for the payment of moneys due to a club in respect of the nomination of a greyhound is the nominator.
Subject to the provisions of these Rules in relation to withdrawal, where a greyhound is sold, leased or transferred after the draw for a meeting or qualifying trial has been published, it shall be sold, leased or transferred with its engagements.
(1) A nomination of a greyhound shall be subject to approval and the Commission may take cognizance of the advice, if any, of the committee of the club conducting the meeting or qualifying trial in respect of the approval of the nomination.
(2) The Commission may, for a period of 28 days after receipt of a nomination, reject the nomination without assigning a reason and, except where the rejection is based on a breach of these Rules, refund the fee.
(3) The Chief Steward may direct a club to refuse the nomination of a greyhound but such refusal shall not, unless approved, remain in force for more than one month from the date of refusal.
(4) Stewards at a meeting may direct that a greyhound run a satisfactory trial in the presence of the stewards before it is again nominated, and an owner or trainer to whom a direction is given shall not nominate that greyhound or permit it to be nominated thereafter for a race or qualifying trial until the stewards otherwise direct.
A nomination form received by a club in respect of a meeting or qualifying trial shall be retained by the club for a period of not less than 4 months.
The time and place for the nomination of a greyhound and for the conduct of a box draw for a race or qualifying trial shall be determined and advertised by the Commission and a nomination shall not be received thereafter unless otherwise approved.
Part XIII Box
draw and reserves
(1) The starting-box occupied by a greyhound at a race or qualifying trial shall be determined by an approved double box draw.
(2) The draw for the box positions at a meeting or qualifying trial shall be advertised and shall be carried out in the presence of the public at the offices of the Commission or at an approved place under the supervision of the Commission or stewards.
(3) The official box draw shall be displayed in the offices of the club conducting the meeting or qualifying trial to which the draw relates.
(4) A greyhound drawn as a reserve may be included in a draw in accordance with rule 126.
(1) Where, in the opinion of the Commission, it is in the interests of greyhound racing, the Commission may cancel a box draw previously conducted.
(2) Where a box draw has been cancelled under subrule (1), the Commission may order a new draw to be conducted in relation to a meeting, race or qualifying trial.
(1) A reserve greyhound may be included in the official draw for a race or qualifying trial and shall be graded for the event in which it may compete and shall be subject to the same conditions and penalties which attach to the other greyhounds in the draw.
(2) Subject to subrule (3), where a reserve greyhound replaces a withdrawn greyhound, the reserve greyhound shall be allotted the box position of the first greyhound withdrawn from the race.
(3) Where more than one greyhound is shown in the official draw as a reserve, the reserve greyhounds shall be added to the race or qualifying trial for which they are drawn in the order of preference as shown on the official draw.
(4) Where a panel of reserve greyhounds is drawn, the reserve greyhounds shall be added by ballot to the events for which they are required.
Where a withdrawal from a race occurs prior to the box draw or where less than 8 starters are drawn, the following boxes are to be left vacant:
(a) with 7 starters – box number 5;
(b) with 6 starters – box numbers 3 and 6;
(c) with 5 starters – box numbers 3, 5 and 7;
(d) with 4 starters – box numbers 2, 4, 6 and 8;
(e) with 3 starters – box numbers 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8; and
(f) with 2 starters – box numbers 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.
(1) A greyhound, other than a reserve greyhound, drawn to start from a box number specified in Column 1 of the table to this rule shall wear the numeral and rug colour specified in Column 2 of the table opposite the box number so specified.
(2) A reserve greyhound shall wear the numerals and rug colours specified in relation thereto in the table to this rule.
Column 1
Column 2
Box number
Rug colour
Black and white stripes
Green and white stripes
Red, white and blue stripes
(1) Where a greyhound is injured or suffering from an illness after the publication of an official draw and is to be withdrawn:
(a) the greyhound shall be produced to the stewards for inspection on the day or night of the meeting or qualifying trial; or
(b) a veterinarian's certificate or, where a veterinarian is not available, a statutory declaration by the person withdrawing the greyhound stating the condition of the greyhound, shall be handed to the stewards.
(2) A Commission steward may require that a greyhound referred to in subrule (1) shall be produced and made available for examination at a time and place designated by him.
A greyhound which has been included in the official draw for a meeting or qualifying trial and which is not produced to race at that meeting shall not be eligible to compete in another race for a period of 30 days from the date of that meeting or qualifying trial unless:
(a) prior permission was granted by the stewards for the greyhound to be withdrawn; or
(b) the reason why the greyhound was not produced is submitted in writing to the Commission and the Commission determines an alternative period for which the greyhound cannot start in a race or qualifying trial.
XIV Procedure prior to events
Prior to greyhounds being kennelled for a meeting or qualifying trial, the stewards shall, together with the kennel attendants and starting officials:
(a) inspect the track, kennels and starting-boxes for cleanliness and for matter that could be injurious to a greyhound or mar the greyhound's true running; and
(b) inspect and test the equipment used in the running of a race or qualifying trial,
and test and inspect the starting-boxes prior to the running of a race or qualifying trial.
(1) Where an inspection under rule 131 has been completed and the stewards are satisfied:
(a) that the kennels and starting-boxes are in a fit and proper state for the greyhounds to be enclosed;
(b) that the equipment used for the running of a race or qualifying trial is satisfactory and operating efficiently; and
(c) that the track is satisfactory,
the stewards shall issue a certificate to that effect to the secretary of the club conducting the meeting or qualifying trial.
(2) Where, after an inspection in accordance with rule 131, the stewards are not satisfied with a matter referred to in subrule (1), they shall inform the secretary of the club conducting the meeting or qualifying trial of the matter and the secretary shall forthwith take action to remedy that matter.
Where the stewards have issued a certificate under rule 132(1), they shall instruct the kennel attendants and starting officials that they have carried out their inspections and that they now hold those attendants and officials responsible to see that a person does not interfere with or perform an act that would mar a greyhound's true performance in a race or be detrimental to the proper conduct of a meeting or qualifying trial.
(1) A person shall not enter any kennels without the permission of the stewards unless he is:
(a) an authorized employee of a club conducting a meeting or qualifying trial;
(b) an authorized employee of the Commission; or
(c) a person who is registered with the Commission, or by an approved registration authority, as an attendant, owner, or trainer.
(2) A person shall not handle a greyhound competing in a race or qualifying trial unless he is:
(a) the registered owner, registered trainer or authorized registered attendant of the greyhound;
(b) an authorized official or employee of a club or the Commission; or
(c) a steward or a person authorized by the stewards for that purpose.
Unless permitted by the stewards, a greyhound not drawn to compete at a meeting or qualifying trial shall not be allowed on the grounds or in the kennel area where the meeting or qualifying trial is being held.
(1) The owner or trainer of a greyhound competing at a meeting or qualifying trial shall produce the greyhound to the stewards at or before the time specified in subrule (2).
(2) Unless otherwise approved, a greyhound competing at a meeting or qualifying trial conducted by a club shall be in the hands of the stewards not later than 60 minutes before the advertised time of the starting of the first race of that meeting or qualifying trial.
(3) Where the owner or trainer of a greyhound fails to produce the greyhound at or before the time specified in subrule (2), the owner or trainer shall be guilty of a breach of these Rules and the greyhound shall not be allowed to compete in the event for which it has been drawn.
(1) The stewards shall check the markings of a greyhound produced to compete at a meeting or qualifying trial with the certificate of registration issued for the greyhound.
(2) The stewards shall check the owner's name on the certificate of registration issued for a greyhound against the particulars appearing in the official programme and any variation in the particulars shall be reported in writing to the secretary of the club conducting the meeting or qualifying trial.
(1) Subject to subrule (3), a greyhound shall not be permitted to compete in a race to be conducted by a club unless:
(a) the certificate of registration of the greyhound;
(b) the certificate of registration of the owner or, if the greyhound is owned by a syndicate, of the representative of the syndicate; and
(c) where the owner is not the trainer, the certificate of registration of the trainer,
are produced to the stewards at the time of kennelling.
(2) Subject to subrule (3), a person shall not fail to produce the certificate of registration of a greyhound or his certificate of registration as an owner or trainer.
Maximum penalty: 35 penalty units.
(3) Where the stewards are satisfied as to the identity and registered status of a person referred to in subrule (1), they may waiver the requirement of his production of his certificate of registration.
(1) A greyhound produced to compete at a meeting or qualifying trial shall be identified by comparison with the particulars contained in or endorsed on the certificate of registration.
(2) Where a greyhound is, in the opinion of the stewards, not in a satisfactory condition, the greyhound shall not be permitted to start, and the stewards may refuse permission for it to be kennelled.
(1) A greyhound shall not be permitted to compete in a race or qualifying trial unless it has been ear-branded in accordance with these Rules.
(2) A greyhound shall not be examined for ear-branding until after a comparison has been made with it against the particulars contained in or endorsed on the certificate of registration at the time of presentation for kennelling, and an ear-brand only shall not be acceptable as sufficient identification.
A greyhound kennelled to compete at a meeting or qualifying trial shall be identified and examined by the stewards immediately before leaving the kennels and, where a greyhound is, in the opinion of the stewards, not in a satisfactory condition, it shall not be permitted to start.
At the conclusion of a race or qualifying trial the greyhounds awarded the first 3 places by a judge shall be identified by the stewards before the pay-out signal is given and before the greyhounds are permitted to return to their kennels.
After the identification of a greyhound produced to compete at a meeting or qualifying trial, the steward carrying out the identification shall retain the certificate of registration issued in respect of the greyhound and that certificate, together with the certificate of registration of the owner of that greyhound, shall not be returned until after the greyhound has raced and the stewards have authorized the release of those certificates.
Where the stewards are satisfied that the certificate of registration produced in respect of a greyhound nominated for a race is the certificate issued in respect of that greyhound, but that the description contained in the certificate is inadequate, misleading or deficient, the stewards shall not alter the certificate but shall forward the certificate to the Commission together with details of corrections of listed particulars of the identification markings of the greyhound.
A club conducting a meeting or qualifying trial shall provide an enclosure for the preparation of greyhounds competing at that meeting or trial.
(1) Subject to this rule, a greyhound shall not be paraded wearing a nose strap unless the owner or trainer has obtained the permission of the stewards to do so.
(2) Where permission has been granted to an owner or trainer to parade a greyhound with a nose strap, the certficate of registration of the greyhound shall, upon payment of the prescribed fee, be endorsed accordingly.
(3) A greyhound referred to in subrule (2) shall not be paraded without a nose strap unless the stewards have authorized, upon payment of the prescribed fee, the removal of the endorsement referred to in that subrule.
A greyhound competing in a race or qualifying trial conducted by a club must wear an approved muzzle.
(1) Subject to this rule, a greyhound competing in a race or qualifying trial shall not use blinkers except where the owner or trainer has obtained the permission of the stewards for the greyhound to do so.
(2) Where permission has been granted to an owner or trainer to allow a greyhound to use blinkers in a race or qualifying trial, the certificate of registration of the greyhound shall, upon payment of the prescribed fee, be endorsed accordingly.
(3) A greyhound referred to in subrule (2) shall not compete in a race or qualifying trial without using blinkers unless the stewards have authorized, upon payment of the prescribed fee, the removal of the endorsement referred to in that subrule.
(1) Where, in the opinion of a veterinarian, a greyhound should not be permitted to race unless bandaged or strapped or wearing some other approved appliance, the veterinarian shall issue a certificate to that effect to the stewards who shall thereupon endorse the particulars of that certificate on the certificate of registration of the greyhound and notify the Commission in their report of the meeting or qualifying trial of the particulars of the endorsement.
(2) Where the certificate of registration of a greyhound has been endorsed under subrule (1), the greyhound shall not be permitted to compete in a race or qualifying trial without the bandage, strapping or appliance so specified, until such time as the stewards authorize, upon payment of the prescribed fee, the removal of the endorsement from the greyhound's certificate of registration.
Where a greyhound requires veterinary assistance at a meeting or qualifying trial, including the bandaging or strapping of the greyhound's legs, that assistance shall be given:
(a) under the supervision of a veterinarian after consultation with the owner or trainer; or
(b) where no veterinarian is officiating, by the owner or trainer of the greyhound, or other person approved by the stewards, and in the presence and under the supervision of a steward.
(1) Where, in the opinion of the stewards, a person is under the influence of an intoxicating liquor or drugs, or is incapable of handling a greyhound, that person shall not be permitted to lead or handle a greyhound on the track at a meeting or qualifying trial.
(2) The stewards may authorize a person to lead and handle a greyhound in lieu of a person not permitted by the stewards under subrule (1) to do so.
(3) Where a person not permitted by the stewards under subrule (1) to lead or handle a greyhound purported to be under his control refuses to allow another person so authorized by the stewards under subrule (2) to lead or handle the greyhound, the stewards may withdraw that greyhound, and the person so refusing commits a breach of these Rules.
The attendant of a greyhound shall allow the greyhound to walk at the end of a lead and shall not carry or assist that greyhound to the starting-boxes.
(1) Prior to the weighing of greyhounds drawn to compete in a meeting or qualifying trial, the scales to be used for that purpose shall be checked for accuracy by the stewards controlling the meeting or qualifying trial by means of a 10 kilogram weight and a 25 kilogram weight.
(2) The owner or trainer of a greyhound drawn to compete in a race or qualifying trial may request a club to carry out a check of scales in the same manner referred to in subrule (1).
(3) The scales and check weights used by a club shall be examined for accuracy prior to their initial use and thereafter every 6 months by an approved person and a certificate of accuracy shall be issued by such a person to the club.
Where a greyhound is produced to compete at a meeting or qualifying trial, the greyhound, after identification, shall be weighed by the stewards without collar or lead and shall be examined by the responsible officials before being placed in the kennels.
(1) Subject to subrule (2), a greyhound shall not be permitted to start in a race for which it was drawn where its weight varies by more than:
(a) one kilogram from the weight it last started in, or qualified for, a race in the Territory, a State or another Territory of the Commonwealth; or
(b) 0.6 kilogram from a weight established by it in a trial run over a distance of not less than 383 metres, which trial run was conducted before an approved official who:
(i) is satisfied with the trial run; and
(ii) enters particulars of the trial run in the weight record card relating to the greyhound.
(2) Subject to subrule (3), where a greyhound is in breach of subrule (1), the stewards may, where they are of the opinion that, notwithstanding that breach, special circumstances exist which warrants them permitting the greyhound to start in the race to which the breach relates, permit that greyhound to start in that race.
(3) Where the stewards permit under subrule (2) a greyhound to start in a race, they shall:
(a) notify particulars of their decision over the public address system of the club at which the race is to be run; and
(b) submit a report on their decision to the Commission not later than 7 days after making that decision.
(1) The Commission shall maintain a record of the weights of all greyhounds produced to compete in a race, or which qualify for a race, and shall retain all such records for not less than 6 months after the date of such race or qualification.
(2) The owner or trainer of a greyhound shall not, when presenting the greyhound to run in a race or qualifying trial, upon the request of the stewards, fail to produce the weight record card relating to the greyhound.
(3) Where the owner or trainer of a greyhound does not, when presenting the greyhound to run in a race or qualifying trial, upon the request of the stewards, produce the weight record card relating to the greyhound, the stewards may:
(a) order the greyhound to be withdrawn from the race or qualifying trial in which it was drawn; or
(b) permit the greyhound to start in the race or qualifying trial in which it was drawn and order that the weight record card be delivered to the Commission not later than 3 working days after that race or qualifying trial.
(1) Where the stewards, after due inquiry, decide that a greyhound that has been produced to compete in a race or qualifying trial is at a weight, or in a condition, which might prevent the greyhound running truly according to its ability, the stewards may order the owner or trainer of that greyhound to withdraw that greyhound from the race or qualifying trial in which it was drawn, and the owner or trainer, as the case may be, to whom the order was given shall, accordingly, comply with that order.
Maximum penalty: 1 penalty unit.
(2) The owner or trainer of a greyhound the subject of an order under subrule (1) shall not permit the greyhound to race at a meeting or qualifying trial within 10 days after the date on which that order was given.
Maximum penalty: 1 penalty unit.
The measurement of a track shall:
(a) be taken one metre from the inside rail;
(b) be measured in metres; and
(c) be certified by an approved surveyor or civil engineer and a copy of the certificate given to the Commission.
(1) The starter for a race or qualifying trial may be appointed by the Commission.
(2) Where no appointment has been made by the Commission under subrule (1), the club conducting a meeting or qualifying trial shall appoint a starter for that event.
(3) Subject to a direction by the stewards, the starter is responsible for all matters in connection with the starting of a race.
(4) Where a greyhound is unmanageable, the starter shall report the circumstances to the stewards.
(5) The person responsible for the placing of a greyhound in the starting-box shall obey an order of the starter.
All starting-boxes shall be of an approved type.
(1) The starter shall ensure that a greyhound is put in its right position at the start of a race or qualifying trial.
(2) Subject to subrule (3), greyhounds shall be placed in the starting-boxes in the following order:
Numbers 1, 3, 5 and 7, followed by numbers 2, 4, 6 and 8.
(3) Prior to the start of a race or qualifying trial, the starter shall inquire of the registered person in charge of a greyhound, present at the starting-boxes, if the greyhound is hard to box and where that greyhound is declared to be hard to box, it shall be placed in its starting-box first.
(4) Where, in the opinion of the stewards, a greyhound proves hard to box and it has not been declared as such, the registered person in charge of that greyhound shall be in breach of these Rules.
Maximum penalty: 1 penalty unit.
(1) Before giving the starting signal to the lure driver, the starter shall ensure:
(a) that the greyhounds have been correctly placed in the starting-boxes;
(b) that the doors of the starting-boxes have been securely fastened; and
(c) that no greyhound is caught or held by a door of a starting-box.
(2) Where fault or misadventure connected with the starting-boxes occurs, the stewards may declare a greyhound to be a non-starter.
Where a greyhound turns in the starting-box, the position of the greyhound shall not be allowed to be corrected.
(1) A starter or other official shall not handle a greyhound after it has been placed in a starting-box.
(2) Where an occasion for handling a greyhound arises the starter may call upon the attendant of the greyhound to do so.
The starter shall not allow the greyhounds to be released from the starting-boxes:
(a) before the lure draws level with the boxes; and
(b) later than when the lure is one metre past the boxes,
or, in the case of a handicap race:
(c) before the lure has drawn level with the limit box; and
(d) later than when the lure is one metre past the limit box.
Where an automatic starting device is not in operation, the point at which the starter elects to start races shall be painted on the running rail or indicated by a disc.
A disc to denote the starting-place of the lure shall be erected 100 metres behind the starting-boxes or at such distance, not exceeding 100 metres, as will ensure that the lure reaches the starting-boxes approximately 7 seconds after being set in motion.
After the greyhounds have been released from the starting-boxes, the lure shall be taken to, and maintained as near as practicable at, a distance not less than 5 metres and not greater than 8 metres from the leading greyhound during the running of a race or qualifying trial.
(1) The Commission may approve a person to be a lure driver.
(2) A club shall have not less than 2 lure drivers in attendance at a meeting and the stewards may allocate the events for which any lure driver shall drive the lure.
(3) A club shall not employ a person in the capacity of lure driver for a race or qualifying trial unless that person is approved.
(4) The Commission may, without assigning a reason, by notice in writing, withdraw the approval of a person to be a lure driver.
Should a greyhound touch or pass the lure during a race the race shall be declared No Race.
(1) A hurdle shall be:
(a) not less than 65 centimetres in height;
(b) of an approved construction; and
(c) placed so as not to lean more than 10 degrees from the perpendicular.
(2) Where, in a hurdle race, a greyhound runs through the space provided for the lure or runs around a hurdle, not being a hurdle displaced by another runner in the race, that greyhound shall be disqualified.
(3) Where a hurdle has been displaced during the running of a hurdle race, the hurdle may be replaced if it has to be crossed a second time.
(1) The stewards may declare a race or qualifying trial to be a No Race where, in their opinion:
(a) circumstance occur which may appear to warrant such action being taken; or
(b) a mechanical or other defect occurs which has or might have the effect of preventing the race or qualifying trial being completed after the start.
(2) Where the stewards declare, or are considering whether to declare a race or qualifying trial to be No Race, they shall cause a warning signal to be given.
(3) Where the stewards have declared an event No Race an amber flashing light shall be displayed as a signal and an announcement shall be made over the public address system, or by some other means, to that effect.
(1) Where a race or qualifying trial is declared No Race under rule 173, the stewards may order that the race or qualifying trial:
(a) be rerun at the same meeting or qualifying trial;
(b) be postponed to a later date; or
(c) be abandoned.
(2) A greyhound may be withdrawn from the rerunning of an event declared No Race by the person in charge of the greyhound.
XVI Judges, dead-heats and objections
(1) The judge for a meeting or qualifying trial may be appointed by the Commission.
(2) Where no appointment has been made by the Commission under subrule (1), the club conducting the meeting or qualifying trial shall appoint a judge for the event.
(1) A race shall be judged on the principle of "first past the post".
(2) Where a greyhound refuses to follow the lure or leaves the track, irrespective of where the greyhound finishes, the judge shall decide the event as if that greyhound had not been a starter.
(3) A camera may be used to make a photograph of the greyhounds at the finish of an event to assist the judge in determining the respective positions of the greyhounds as they pass the finishing line.
(4) Whether by reference to a photograph or otherwise, the judge shall decide the places of the respective greyhounds in relation to the winning post by the position of the noses of the greyhounds as they pass the finishing line.
(5) A race shall be decided by the judge declaring a greyhound to have won or to be entitled to a place.
(6) Subject to alteration by the stewards in their discretion, the judge's decision is final.
(1) The judge shall place, in the semaphore, the numbers of the placed greyhounds in the order in which they passed the finishing line.
(2) Stewards shall not authorize the pay-out signal to be given until the identities of the greyhounds filling the first 3 places have been established.
Where, prior to the pay-out signal being given, a greyhound which has been placed by the judge is disqualified by the stewards for a cause other than fighting, failing to chase or marring the true running of a race, the judge shall, under the direction of the stewards, cause the number of that greyhound to be removed from the semaphore and alter the numbers of the placed greyhounds accordingly.
Where, subsequent to the pay-out signal being given, a greyhound is disqualified for a cause other than fighting, failing to chase or marring the true running of the race, the prize-money shall be awarded as though the greyhound had not started in the event.
(1) Where only one greyhound remains in an event scheduled to be conducted at a meeting, the stewards shall declare the event a walk-over in favour of that greyhound.
(2) This rule does not apply to match races.
(3) Where an event is declared under subrule (1) to be a walk-over in favour of a greyhound, the owner of the greyhound shall receive one-half of the money allocated for the first prize in that event.
(1) Where 2 or more greyhounds run a dead-heat for first place or a minor placing in a qualifying event, the greyhounds concerned shall be decided by a draw.
(2) If 2 or more greyhounds run a dead-heat in an event other than a qualifying event, the greyhounds concerned shall not run off, and the owners of the greyhounds shall divide all moneys or other prizes which any of them could take if the dead-heat were run off.
(3) If a dead-heat is declared for the second place and an objection is made to the winner of the event and sustained, the greyhounds which ran the dead-heat shall be deemed to have run a dead-heat for first place.
(4) If a dead-heat is declared for the second place in an event in which the winner is disqualified, and a greyhound was placed fourth, the owner of that greyhound shall receive the money allocated for third prize.
(5) Where a dead-heat is declared for second place, the owners of the greyhounds which dead-heated shall divide the second prize money as well as any prize-money allocated for the third prize.
(6) Where the owners or trainers of greyhounds which run a dead-heat cannot agree as to which of them is to receive a prize which cannot be divided, the stewards shall determine the question by lot and, if it becomes necessary, the stewards shall determine what sum of money, if any, is to be paid by the owner who takes the indivisible prize to the owner who does not take that prize.
Where stewards or the committee of a club decide that less than half the races in the programme for a meeting or qualifying trial shall not be run at the meeting or qualifying trial then, except where the race or races are postponed, the prize-money allocated for the race or races so abandoned shall be distributed evenly among the owners of the greyhounds eligible to compete at the time of the abandonment of that race or those races.
Where an objection is lodged with the Commission and the result of that objection could affect the result of a race, the stewards may direct the club conducting the event to withhold the payment of money or the award of a prize in relation to a greyhound which is or could be concerned pending the decision of the objection.
An objection may be made in relation to a greyhound where:
(a) there was a misstatement or omission in the particulars furnished at the time of nomination of the greyhound;
(b) the greyhound purporting to compete is not the greyhound nominated;
(c) the greyhound is or was not qualified, under the conditions for an event;
(d) the greyhound is or was not eligible to compete;
(e) the greyhound is or was disqualified;
(f) a person having an interest in the greyhound is or was disqualified, or was a defaulter; or
(g) the stewards, in the interest of greyhound racing, object to the greyhound.
(1) An objection to a greyhound participating may be made:
(a) by the stewards or by an official of a club; or
(b) by the owner or trainer of another greyhound which is nominated for the same event, on payment of a deposit of $50.
(2) An objection under subrule (1) may be lodged with the Commission:
(a) after the nomination of the greyhound concerned; or
(b) within 14 days of the conclusion of the meeting or qualifying trial at which the event took place.
(3) An objection made under subrule (2) shall be made in writing, and shall specify the ground upon which it is made, and particulars of the incident or facts alleged giving rise to the objection.
(1) Where an objection made under rule 185 is:
(a) found to be frivolous or vexatious; or
(b) not prosecuted,
the deposit shall be forfeited.
(2) An objection made under rule 185 shall not be withdrawn except by leave of:
(a) the committee of the club conducting the meeting or qualifying trial concerned;
(b) the stewards of the meeting or qualifying trial; or
(c) the Commission.
Where the Commission receives an objection under rule 185 it may, after giving due consideration to all the facts giving rise to the objection:
(a) uphold the objection and make such orders as it thinks fit; or
(b) dismiss the objection and, where applicable, forfeit an objection deposit.
(1) Where, as the result of an objection made under rule 185, a greyhound or person is disqualified and another greyhound thereby becomes the winner or is placed in the event in respect of which the objection was lodged, the owner or trainer of the greyhound so winning or placed is entitled to recover and receive from the owner or trainer of the greyhound so disqualified all moneys received by him from the club conducting the event in relation to that event.
(2) A club is not responsible for money paid out or a prize awarded in an event before an objection is lodged in respect of that event.
Where the result of an event is in dispute, until the dispute is decided, the greyhound which finished first and the greyhound in respect of which the event is claimed shall be liable to a grading variation that would be attached to the winner of that event.
(1) Subject to subrule (2), where a meeting or qualifying trial is conducted by a club the committee of that club shall, immediately after the completion of that meeting or qualifying trial, give to the Commission:
(a) any information relating to a decision by the club or its stewards on a pending inquiry, disqualification, suspension, warning off of a registered person or an appeal;
(b) a copy of the stewards' report on the meeting or qualifying trial;
(c) a copy of the official programme of the meeting or qualifying trial; and
(d) a copy of the official programme of the meeting or qualifying trial marked to show:
(i) the judge's placings;
(ii) the margin from the winner of each greyhound;
(iii) the time taken for the event;
(iv) the weight and box position of each greyhound;
(v) the withdrawals from each event;
(vi) the totalizator dividends in respect of each event; and
(vii) the official starting price for each greyhound.
(2) Where a steward appointed by the Commission officiates at a meeting or qualifying trial, he shall be responsible for effecting the requirements of subrule (1) so far as they relate to stewards.
XVII Greyhound failing to chase lure, marring running or
(1) Subject to this rule, where, in the opinion of the stewards, a greyhound fails to chase the lure in a race, or mars the true running of a race, the greyhound shall not, unless otherwise approved, be drawn for nor allowed to compete in a race:
(a) in the case of a first offence – for a period of one month;
(b) in the case of a second offence – for a period of 3 months;
(c) in the case of a third offence – for a period of 12 months; and
(d) in the case of a fourth offence – for life.
(2) Before reaching a decision under subrule (1), the stewards shall require an examination of the greyhound concerned by a veterinarian or other approved person on the day or night of the meeting or qualifying trial.
(3) A veterinarian or other approved person conducting an examination under subrule (2) shall issue a certificate to the Commission as to his findings and such certificate shall be conclusive as to the facts certified therein.
(4) Where the stewards take action under subrule (1), they shall:
(a) submit a report to the Commission describing the circumstances of the incident; and
(b) notify the trainer of the greyhound of the penalty imposed.
(5) An owner or trainer may appeal against a penalty imposed under this rule by notifying the stewards in writing of his intention to appeal.
(6) When a greyhound is disqualified under subrule (1)(c), it shall complete a trial satisfactory to the stewards before again being nominated.
(1) Where, in the opinion of the stewards, a greyhound fights during a race or qualifying trial, the stewards shall submit a report of their findings to the Commission and shall disqualify the greyhound in accordance with subrule (4).
(2) Where practicable, the stewards shall hand a notice of the fact that a greyhound has been fighting and will be reported to the Commission, to the owner or trainer of the greyhound immediately after the race or qualifying trial, or prior to the removal of the greyhound from the kennels.
(3) Where it is impracticable to hand a notice referred to in subrule (2) to an owner or trainer, the stewards shall post the notice to the owner or trainer on the first working day following the meeting or qualifying trial at which the offence occurred.
(4) A greyhound which has been found guilty by the stewards of fighting during a race or qualifying trial shall be disqualified and shall not, unless otherwise approved, be drawn for, or allowed to compete in, a race:
(a) in the case of a first offence – for a period of one month;
(b) in the case of a second offence – for a period of 3 months;
(c) in the case of a third offence – for a period of 12 months; and
(d) in the case of a fourth offence – for life.
(5) A disqualification imposed on a greyhound which has been found guilty of fighting during a race or qualifying trial is final and is not open to appeal.
(6) Where a greyhound is disqualified under subrule (4)(c), the greyhound shall complete a trial satisfactory to the stewards before again being nominated.
(1) Where a greyhound is found guilty by the stewards of fighting, failing to pursue the lure or marring the true running of a race or qualifying trial, the stewards shall endorse the certificate of registration of the greyhound with the particulars of the offence.
(2) Where a certificate of registration of a greyhound is endorsed under subrule (1) with particulars of an offence, which is a first offence, and the greyhound, after the date of that endorsement, competes in not less than 10 races or qualifying trials without being found guilty of another offence of fighting, failing to pursue the lure or marring the true running of a race or qualifying trial, as the case may be, the Commission may, on the application of the owner, direct the stewards to remove particulars of the offence from the certificate of registration of the greyhound.
(3) Where the Commission gives a direction under subrule (2), the stewards shall remove particulars of the offence from the certificate of registration of the greyhound, and the greyhound shall be deemed, for the purposes of the application of that subrule and rules 191 and 192 in respect of a subsequent offence by that greyhound against the same provision of rule 191 or 192 in respect of which the first offence was committed, to have not been found guilty of that first offence.
Part XVIII Detection of drugs and identification of greyhound
(1) Subject to subrule (2), an owner, trainer or other person having charge of a greyhound shall not permit the greyhound to start in a race or qualifying trial knowing that a drug has been administered to that greyhound within 21 days preceding the race or qualifying trial, or since that greyhound last started in a race or qualifying trial, whichever is the lesser.
(2) Subrule (1) shall not apply where:
(a) the drug in question has been administered to the greyhound for the purpose of treating it for a condition affecting it;
(b) following completion of the treatment and prior to the race in question, a full description in writing in the approved form of the condition or abnormality for which the greyhound was treated, including the nature and quantity of a drug administered, the method of administration and the date or dates on which the treatment was given has been submitted in writing in the approved form to the Chief Steward at the office of the Commission by the owner, trainer or other person having charge of the greyhound;
(c) the Chief Steward has, before the race or qualifying trial, informed the steward in charge of the race or qualifying trial in question that he has received a full description referred to in paragraph (b) and authorizes the greyhound to start in the race; and
(d) a drug has not been administered to the greyhound after the submission to the Chief Steward of the full description referred to in paragraph (b).
(3) For the purposes of this Part, administer shall mean cause to give effect by mouth or rectally or by any other means inject, apply or otherwise introduce a drug into the body of the greyhound.
(1) Where a greyhound has been brought to a course for the purpose of engaging in a race or qualifying trial, or which has engaged in the race or qualifying trial, and is found by the stewards to have had administered to it a drug, and the Chief Steward has not received in writing in the approved form a full description of the administration of the drug as required by rule 194, the owner or trainer, as the case may be, shall be deemed to have committed a breach of these Rules.
Maximum penalty: 35 penalty units.
(2) An owner, trainer or person who, in the opinion of the stewards, had at any relevant time the charge or control of a greyhound brought to compete or competing in a race or qualifying trial, which is subsequently found by the stewards to have a drug contained in a specimen of its urine, shall be deemed to have committed a breach of these Rules.
Maximum penalty: 35 penalty units.
(3) Subject to these Rules, the stewards may disqualify an owner, trainer or person referred to in this rule for such period as they think fit.
(1) The stewards or committee of a club may carry out such tests as the stewards or committee shall deem necessary in order to determine whether a drug, stimulant or deleterious substance has been administered to a greyhound which has been entered for or run in a race or qualifying trial.
(2) For the purposes of subrule (1), the stewards or committee of a club may:
(a) take possession of and detain a greyhound for such period and under such conditions as the stewards or committee may think proper, without being liable for any damages in consequence of the exercising of such power; and
(b) fine, disqualify or suspend an owner, trainer or other person who prevents, or attempts to prevent, or interferes with the exercise by the stewards or committee of a power conferred under paragraph (a).
(1) Where the stewards or committee of a club have requested or instructed a veterinarian or approved analyst to carry out a test for the purposes of rule 196, the veterinarian or approved analyst shall be entitled to take from a greyhound such specimens and to carry out such tests of the greyhound as the veterinarian or approved analyst shall think fit and shall give the Commission a report on the findings of such tests.
(2) Where a veterinarian or approved analyst is unavailable at the time that the stewards may require specimens to be taken in accordance with subrule (1), a steward may take a specimen from a greyhound and that specimen shall then be forwarded to a veterinarian or approved analyst for analysis in accordance with subrule (1).
(3) A person authorizing, making or assisting in carrying out a test in pursuance of this rule shall not be liable for loss, damage or injury arising out of, or occurring during, the carrying out of the test.
Where a specimen is taken from a greyhound for the purposes of rule 196, the specimen shall be placed in a container by the stewards, and the container shall be sealed and identified with the date, the name of the greyhound and a description of the contents, and delivered to the Chief Steward with the seal unbroken and the Chief Steward shall then forward it to an analyst for analysis and report.
(1) Where, under rule 197 or 198, a drug is found to have been administered to or to be contained in a specimen of urine of a greyhound which has started in a race or qualifying trial, the stewards shall officially notify the owner or trainer of the greyhound:
(a) that upon analysis it has been found that a drug has been administered to or found to be contained in a specimen of urine of that greyhound;
(b) that an inquiry in accordance with Part XXIII into the circumstances surrounding the presence of the drug is to be held; and
(c) that pending an inquiry under paragraph (b), the greyhound shall not be allowed to compete in a race or qualifying trial unless the Commission, on the recommendation of the stewards, determines otherwise.
(2) This rule shall not apply where the stewards are satisfied that permitting the greyhound to start in a race or qualifying trial did not constitute an offence by reason of the operation of rule 194(2).
(1) Subject to subrule (2), the taking of a specimen under these Rules shall be carried out in the presence of the owner or trainer of the greyhound concerned or some person representing the owner or trainer of the greyhound.
(2) Where the owner or trainer of a greyhound or some person representing the owner or trainer of the greyhound has been informed that a specimen is to be taken, or an autopsy is to be performed upon the greyhound and they refuse, or neglect, to be present, the taking of the specimen or autopsy may be undertaken in their absence.
Where a greyhound dies at a meeting or qualifying trial before, during or after a race in which it has been entered, and a veterinarian is unable to determine the cause of death without performing an autopsy, an autopsy shall be performed by the veterinarian in the presence of one of the stewards and, where practicable, the owner or trainer of the greyhound or some person representing the owner or trainer.
Where it is necessary for a proceeding under these Rules to prove the findings of an analysis made or autopsy performed, a certificate which purports to have been issued by an approved analyst or veterinarian shall, without proof of the signature, be prima facie evidence of the matters to which it relates.
Division 2 Identification of greyhound
(1) The stewards may take possession of a greyhound for examination by a competent person as to identification.
(2) A person authorizing, making or assisting in the making of an identification under subrule (1) shall not be liable for loss, damage or injury arising out of or occurring during an examination for identification.
A person, other than an official of the club conducting the meeting or qualifying trial in relation to which an examination was made, at whose request the stewards have caused a greyhound to be examined as to identification, shall be required to pay the expense of the examination unless the greyhound is proved to be different from the greyhound described in the certificate of registration purporting to relate to the greyhound, in which case the expense shall, unless the Commission otherwise directs, be paid by the owner or trainer of the examined greyhound, whichever the Commission may determine.
(1) The Commission, stewards or the committee of a club conducting a meeting or qualifying trial may, without being liable for damages, take possession of a greyhound competing at a meeting or qualifying trial for up to 7 days, for the purpose of a test or examination as to identification.
(2) A charge to cover the cost of the upkeep of a greyhound during a detention under subrule (1) may be fixed by the Commission and shall be paid by the owner of the greyhound.
(3) Where a period of detention under subrule (1) has been completed, the owner shall make the payment required under subrule (2) and the greyhound shall be removed within 3 days by the owner of the greyhound or his agent.
XIX Seasonal condition and use after breeding
(1) Where the owner or trainer of a greyhound has reason to believe that the greyhound is or will be in season:
(a) he shall not nominate the greyhound for a race or qualifying trial to be conducted within 30 days thereafter; and
(b) he shall not present the greyhound for racing.
(2) A greyhound which, in the opinion of a veterinarian or the stewards, is in season, shall not be allowed to be kennelled or compete in a race or qualifying trial.
(3) A greyhound withdrawn from a race or qualifying trial by the owner or trainer of the greyhound or by order of the stewards by reason of the greyhound being in season, shall not be nominated for or allowed to compete in a race or qualifying trial to be conducted within 30 days of that withdrawal.
(4) For the purpose of assessing the commencing date for a period of ineligibility required by this rule, the date on which the greyhound has been withdrawn from a race or qualifying trial shall count as the first day of that period and the period shall end at 11.30 o'clock in the evening on the final day of the period of ineligibility.
(5) Where evidence is produced to the satisfaction of the Commission that a greyhound is not in season, the Commission may cancel a period of ineligibility imposed under this rule.
(6) Where a greyhound is nominated or presented for racing in breach of this rule, a person who made or concurred in the making of the nomination, or who was responsible for the presentation, shall be deemed to be guilty of that breach.
Maximum penalty: 1 penalty unit.
(1) A greyhound which has whelped a litter shall not be nominated for a race or qualifying trial to be conducted within 16 weeks after the date of the whelping.
(2) A greyhound which has whelped a litter shall not be nominated for a race until it has run a satisfactory trial in the presence of stewards.
(1) A greyhound which has performed a stud service shall not be eligible to compete in a race until 48 hours after the completion of the service.
(2) Where a greyhound which has been drawn to compete in a race has been or is to be used for stud services within the period of 48 hours prior to a meeting or qualifying trial, the owner or stud-master shall notify the stewards before 9.30 o'clock in the morning on the day of the meeting or qualifying trial.
(3) Where the stewards are notified in accordance with this rule, a period of incapacitation shall not be imposed on the greyhound by reason of its withdrawal from competition.
XX Incapacitation and veterinary treatment
(1) Where, at a meeting or qualifying trial, in the opinion of:
(a) the officiating veterinarian; or
(b) the stewards, where a veterinarian is not officiating,
a greyhound is suffering from a skin complaint of a kind which may be transmitted to other greyhounds, or is otherwise in an unclean condition, the greyhound shall not be kennelled and shall not be allowed to compete.
(2) For the purposes of subrule (1), the officiating veterinarian or the stewards, where a veterinarian is not officiating, shall sign and hand to the owner, trainer or person handling the greyhound a certificate as to its condition, and a copy of that certificate shall be forwarded by the stewards to the Commission with the stewards' report on the meeting or qualifying trial.
(3) A greyhound reported to the Commission under this rule is not eligible to race or to be nominated for a meeting or qualifying trial until:
(a) a certificate from a veterinarian has been given to the Commission by the owner or trainer of the greyhound certifying that the skin complaint is not of a kind which can be transmitted to another greyhound or that the greyhound is no longer in an unclean condition; and
(b) a clearance has been issued by the Commission.
(1) The owner or trainer of a greyhound may make an application to the stewards to withdraw a greyhound from a race or qualifying trial.
(1A) An application to withdraw a greyhound from a race shall be made by the owner or trainer of the greyhound to the stewards:
(a) where a meeting is held on Saturday, before 3.00 o'clock in the afternoon on the Friday immediately preceding that day; or
(b) in any other case, before 9.30 o'clock in the morning of the day of the race,
unless the condition of the greyhound causing its inability to compete in the race is not evident until after that time.
(1B) The owner or trainer of a greyhound who contravenes or fails to comply with subrule (1A) is punishable upon the offence being proved, in accordance with these Rules, by a maximum fine of 4 penalty units.
(2) Where an application is made under subrule (1), the stewards may:
(a) where the application is made:
(i) on the grounds that the greyhound the subject of the application is injured or sick, subject to subrule (3); or
(ii) on grounds other than grounds referred to in subparagraph (i),
grant the application; or
(b) reject the application.
(3) The stewards shall not grant under subrule (2)(a)(i) an application made under subrule (1) unless the greyhound the subject of the application is produced to the stewards on the day of the meeting or qualifying trial from which it is proposed to be withdrawn, or a veterinarian's certificate that the greyhound is not in a fit condition to race is produced or, where no veterinarian is available, a statutory declaration is made by the person responsible for withdrawing the greyhound stating that the greyhound is not in a fit condition to race.
(4) Where a statutory declaration is made under subrule (3), the stewards may still require the person making the statutory declaration to produce the greyhound the subject of the statutory declaration on the day of the meeting or qualifying trial, as the case may be, from which it is proposed to be withdrawn.
(5) The owner or trainer of a greyhound withdrawn under this rule shall not permit the greyhound to compete, and the greyhound shall not be elegible to start, in a race or qualifying trial within:
(a) where the greyhound was so withdrawn in pursuance of an application made under subrule (1) granted under subrule (2)(a)(i) – 10 days after that withdrawal, unless the greyhound is produced to the stewards at the meeting or qualifying trial from which the greyhound was withdrawn, and those stewards decide upon another period of incapacitation; and
(b) where the greyhound was so withdrawn in pursuance of an application made under subrule (1) granted under subrule (2)(a)(ii) – 8 weeks after that withdrawal, unless the stewards, after holding an inquiry into the grounds for that withdrawal, decide upon another period of incapacitation.
(6) For the purposes of assessing the commencing date for a period of incapacitation under this rule, the date on which the greyhound was withdrawn from the meeting or qualifying trial shall count as the first day of the period and the termination of the period shall be deemed to be 11.30 o'clock in the evening on the final day of incapacitation.
(1) Where a greyhound:
(a) is ordered to be withdrawn from a race or qualifying trial by the stewards; or
(b) is injured during the running of a race or qualifying trial,
the veterinarian officiating at the meeting or qualifying trial or, where no veterinarian is officiating, the stewards, shall issue a certificate imposing a period of incapacitation.
(2) The stewards shall cause the original certificate of incapacitation issued under subrule (1) to be handed to the owner, trainer or person handling a greyhound during a meeting or qualifying trial, and shall forward a copy of that certificate to the Commission with the stewards' report of that meeting or qualifying trial.
(3) Where it is not practicable for a certificate of incapacitation issued under subrule (1) to be handed to the owner, trainer or person handling a greyhound during a meeting or qualifying trial, the certificate shall, within 72 hours after the conclusion of the meeting or qualifying trial, be forwarded to the owner or trainer of the greyhound concerned by prepaid ordinary post to the last-known address of the owner or trainer, and shall be deemed to have been received by the addressee in the ordinary course of post.
(4) Where a certificate of incapacitation has been issued under subrule (1) and the owner or trainer of the greyhound is of the opinion that the greyhound is fit to race prior to the expiry date of the period of incapacitation, the owner or trainer may apply to the stewards for permission to prove the fitness of the greyhound and, if the fitness of the greyhound is proved to the satisfaction of the stewards, the stewards may direct that the period of incapacitation imposed be shortened.
(5) An owner or trainer of a greyhound named in a certificate of incapacitation issued under subrule (1) shall not permit the greyhound to compete, during the period of incapacitation, in a race or qualifying trial conducted by a club.
(6) Where a period of incapacitation is imposed on a greyhound under subrule (1), the stewards may direct that the greyhound shall undergo a veterinary examination to the satisfaction of the stewards before that greyhound shall be eligible to be nominated for an event.
(7) For the purpose of assessing the commencing date of a period of incapacitation imposed under this rule, the date on which a greyhound was withdrawn from a race or qualifying trial, or was injured in a race or qualifying trial, shall count as the first day of the period and the termination of the period shall be deemed to be 11.30 o'clock in the evening on the final day of incapacitation.
XXI Luring and baiting greyhounds, and unmuzzled
211A Meaning
of person
In this Part:
person means any individual or body corporate, whether or not registered by the Commission, who, by their position or conduct, is connected in some way to greyhound-racing.
A person commits a breach of these Rules if the person uses or attempts to use a live animal as bait, quarry or lure in connection with greyhound-racing or training for greyhound-racing.
Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.
212A Possessing live animals for use as bait
(1) A person commits a breach of these Rules if:
(a) the person possesses, or attempts to possess, on greyhound premises, or brings onto the premises, a live animal; and
(b) the live animal is:
(i) possessed, or attempted to be possessed or brought onto the greyhound premises for the purpose of being used as bait, quarry or lure in connection with greyhound-racing or training for greyhound-racing; or
(ii) capable, or reasonably likely to be capable, of being used as bait, quarry or lure in connection with greyhound racing or training for greyhound-racing.
Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.
(2) Subrule (1) does not apply if:
(a) the person keeps the animal on or at the greyhound premises as a domesticated pet or for rural or agricultural purposes; and
(b) the animal is not used, reasonably likely to be used or intended to be used in a way that would breach subrule (1); and
(c) the person gives the Commission prior notice of keeping the animal on or at the premises, in the manner and form required by the Commission.
212B Greyhound pursuing or attacking live animal
A person commits a breach of these Rules if the person:
(a) causes or allows a greyhound to pursue or attack a live animal; or
(b) fails to take all reasonable steps to prevent a greyhound pursuing or attacking a live animal.
Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.
212C Advertising, promoting or organising event involving live animals
A person commits a breach of these Rules if the person:
(a) advertises, promotes or organises an event that includes conduct that would breach rule 212, 212A or 212B; or
(b) is in any way directly or indirectly involved in engaging in, or is knowingly concerned with, conduct that would breach paragraph (a) or rule 212, 212A or 212B; or
(c) aids, abets, counsels or procures a person to engage in conduct that would breach paragraph (a) or rule 212, 212A or 212B.
Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.
212D Disqualification for breach of rules 212 to 212C
A person who commits a breach of rule 212, 212A, 212B or 212C:
(a) must be disqualified for life; and
(b) is not eligible to make a future application to the Commission for registration to be the owner or trainer of a registered greyhound under these Rules.
212E Using animal carcass or part of animal as bait
A person commits a breach of these Rules if the person uses or attempts to use an animal carcass or part of an animal as bait, quarry or lure in connection with greyhound-racing or training for greyhound-racing.
Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.
Note for rule 212E
Part of an animal includes skin, hair, bone, blood, faeces, urine or flesh.
212F Possessing animal carcass or part of animal for use as bait
A person commits a breach of these Rules if:
(a) the person possesses, attempts to possess, or brings onto greyhound premises an animal carcass or part of an animal; and
(b) the animal carcass or part of the animal is:
(i) possessed, or attempted to be possessed or brought onto the greyhound premises for the purpose of being used as bait, quarry or lure in connection with greyhound-racing or training for greyhound-racing; or
(ii) capable, or reasonably likely to be capable, of being used as bait, quarry or lure in connection with greyhound-racing or training for greyhound-racing.
Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.
Note for rule 212F
Part of an animal includes skin, hair, bone, blood, faeces, urine or flesh.
212G Greyhound pursuing or attacking animal carcass or part of animal
A person commits a breach of these Rules if the person:
(a) causes or allows a greyhound to pursue or attack an animal carcass or part of an animal; or
(b) fails to take all reasonable steps to prevent a greyhound pursuing or attacking an animal carcass or part of an animal.
Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.
Note for rule 212G
Part of an animal includes skin, hair, bone, blood, faeces, urine or flesh.
212H Advertising, promoting or organising event involving animal carcass or part of animal
A person commits a breach of these Rules if the person:
(a) advertises, promotes or organises an event that includes conduct that would breach rule 212E, 212F or 212G; or
(b) is in any way directly or indirectly involved in engaging in, or is knowingly concerned with, conduct that would breach paragraph (a) or rule 212E, 212F or 212G; or
(c) aids, abets, counsels or procures a person to engage in conduct that would breach paragraph (a) or rule 212E, 212F or 212G.
Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.
212J Disqualification for breach of rules 212E to 212H
(1) A person who commits a breach of rule 212E, 212F, 212G or 212H must be disqualified for not less than 10 years.
(2) If a special circumstance existed at the time of the breach, the Commission or the stewards may impose a disqualification of less than 10 years for the breach.
212K Using anything containing animal material as bait
A person commits a breach of these Rules if the person uses or attempts to use anything containing animal material as bait, quarry or lure in connection with greyhound-racing or training for greyhound-racing.
Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.
212L Possessing anything containing animal material for use as bait
A person commits a breach of these Rules if:
(a) the person possesses, attempts to possess or brings onto greyhound premises anything containing animal material; and
(b) the thing containing animal material is:
(i) possessed, or attempted to be possessed, or brought onto the greyhound premises for the purpose of being used as bait, quarry or lure in connection with greyhound-racing or training for greyhound-racing; or
(ii) capable, or reasonably likely to be capable, of being used as bait, quarry or lure in connection with greyhound-racing or training for greyhound-racing.
Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.
212M Greyhound pursuing or attacking anything containing animal material
A person commits a breach of these Rules if the person:
(a) causes or allows a greyhound to pursue or attack anything containing animal material; or
(b) fails to take all reasonable steps to prevent a greyhound pursuing or attacking anything containing animal material.
Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.
212N Advertising, promoting or organising event involving anything containing animal material
A person commits a breach of these Rules if the person:
(a) advertises, promotes or organises an event that includes conduct that would breach rule 212K, 212L or 212M; or
(b) is in any way directly or indirectly involved in engaging in, or is knowingly concerned with, conduct that would breach paragraph (a) or rule 212K, 212L or 212M; or
(c) aids, abets, counsels or procures a person to engage in conduct that would breach paragraph (a) or rule 212K, 212L or 212M.
Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.
212P Disqualification for breach of rules 212K to 212N
(1) A person who commits a breach of rule 212K, 212L, 212M or 212N must be disqualified.
(2) If a special circumstance existed at the time of the breach, the Commission or the stewards may take into account the special circumstance in deciding the period of disqualification.
212Q Witnessing breach of rules
A person commits a breach of these Rules if the person:
(a) witnesses conduct in person or by video, either live or recorded; and
(b) the conduct could be a breach of any of rules 212 to 212C, 212E to 212H or rules 212K to 212N; and
(c) fails to report the conduct to the Commission as soon as reasonably practicable.
Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.
212R Disqualification for breach of rule 212Q
(1) A person who commits a breach of rule 212Q:
(a) must be disqualified for not less than 5 years; or
(b) if the person is not a registered owner or trainer – is not eligible to make an application to the Commission for registration to be the owner or trainer of a registered greyhound under these Rules for 5 years.
(2) If a special circumstance existed at the time of the breach, the Commission may impose a disqualification, or ineligibility to register, of less than 5 years.
The following apply if a person claims a special circumstance existed at the time the person breached any of rules 212E to 212H, 212K to 212N and 212Q:
(a) the onus of establishing a special circumstance is on the person seeking to rely on the special circumstance;
(b) the special circumstance must have existed and had effect at the time the relevant breach occurred;
(c) special circumstances may include the following:
(i) the person had impaired mental functioning causally related to the breach;
(ii) the person had a particular illness or disability causally related to the breach;
(iii) the person was under duress that is causally related to the breach;
(iv) the person was coerced and the coercion was causally related to the breach;
(v) one or more objective circumstances that the Commission or the stewards consider, in the interests of justice, to constitute special circumstances in relation to the breach;
(d) the person's contribution to the greyhound-racing industry or any code of racing must not constitute a special circumstance;
(e) the impact of a disqualification on the person's livelihood or business interests must not constitute a special circumstance.
212T Reference to animals etc.
(1) This rule applies to a person if the person is alleged to have breached of any of rules 212 to 212C, 212E to 212H and 212K to 212N.
(2) The person may not deny the breach only because the person was mistaken in the belief that:
(a) a live animal was not a live animal; or
(b) an animal carcass was not an animal carcass; or
(c) a part of an animal was not part of an animal; or
(d) animal material was not animal material.
A greyhound owner, trainer or attendant leading a greyhound without a muzzle in a public place may be disqualified by the Commission for a period not exceeding 6 months for the first offence, and 12 months for a second or subsequent offence, in addition to a maximum fine of 1 penalty unit.
(1) A person shall not contravene or fail to comply with a provision of these Rules.
(2) A person who contravenes or fails to comply with a provision of these Rules for which a penalty is not provided by a provision of these Rules other than this rule, is punishable upon the offence being proved, in accordance with these Rules, by a maximum fine of 35 penalty units or such period of suspension or disqualification as the stewards think fit.
(3) Without limiting the generality of this rule, a person who:
(a) corruptly gives or offers money, a share in a bet or other benefit to a person having official duties in relation to greyhound racing, or to an owner, trainer or nominator;
(b) being a person having official duties in relation to greyhound racing, or an owner, nominator or trainer, corruptly accepts or offers money, a share in a bet or other benefit;
(c) being an owner or trainer, by advertisement, circular, letter or other means, offers to give information concerning his own or other greyhounds in return for monetary or other consideration or connives at such a practice;
(d) wilfully nominates or causes to be nominated or to start in a race or qualifying trial a greyhound which he knows to be disqualified, or the owner, trainer or nominator of which he knows to be disqualified or suspended;
(e) being the owner, trainer or nominator of a greyhound, or a person having an interest in a greyhound, nominates or runs that greyhound in a race or qualifying trial under a fraudulently false description;
(f) within 72 hours prior to the kennelling at a meeting or qualifying trial at which a greyhound is engaged, administers a preparation of a description other than that which is normally found in that greyhound's diet;
(g) has the charge or control of a greyhound brought to compete in a race or qualifying trial which is found by the stewards to have had an apparatus used on it, or a drug, stimulant or deleterious substance administered to it, for an improper purpose;
(h) for the purpose of affecting the speed, stamina, courage or conduct of a greyhound:
(i) uses, attempts to use or causes to be used an electric, galvanic or other apparatus; or
(ii) administers, attempts to administer or causes to be administered a drug, stimulant or deleterious substance;
(j) refuses or fails to produce at or before the specified time or at a time requested by the stewards a greyhound drawn to compete at a meeting or qualifying trial, or to submit a greyhound for an identification, examination, test, autopsy, analysis, inquiry or investigation under these Rules;
(k) removes from greyhound racing grounds without the consent of the stewards a greyhound drawn to compete in and produced for a meeting or trial;
(m) prevents or attempts to prevent or interferes with or attempts to interfere with, the carrying out of an identification, examination, test, autopsy, analysis, inquiry or investigation under these Rules;
(n) being a person suffering from a physical disability, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs, refuses permission to a person authorized by the stewards to lead and handle a greyhound under his control;
(p) connives at or permits a person, not being a person who is registered under these Rules or who has official duties in relation thereto, to lead or handle a greyhound drawn to compete in a race or qualifying trial and which is under his control at that meeting or trial;
(q) carries or assists a greyhound to the starting-boxes;
(r) disobeys or fails to comply with a lawful order of a steward or other person or body having official duties in relation to greyhound racing;
(s) uses improper or insulting words or behaviour towards:
(i) a steward;
(ii) the committee, or a member of the committee of a club;
(iii) the Commission or a member of the Commission; or
(iv) a person having official duties in relation to greyhound racing,
in relation to those official duties;
(t) registers or attempts to register or causes to be registered a greyhound of which he is not the owner, or which he is not otherwise entitled so to register under these Rules, in a name other than that of the owner, or by way of a false or fraudulent document, statement or representation;
(u) registers or attempts to register or causes to be registered himself or another person under these Rules, falsely, or by way of a false or fraudulent document, statement or representation;
(w) uses an assumed name or a name other than his own in relation to greyhound racing without the permission of the Commission or an approved registration authority;
(y) commits a breach of the rules relating to syndicates or fails to comply with the requirements of these Rules;
(z) being a person who is not registered with the Commission or an approved registration authority as a greyhound trainer, acts or holds himself out as a trainer of a greyhound entitled or intended to compete in a race or qualifying trial;
(aa) takes part in or is associated with:
(i) a greyhound race meeting or qualifying trial which was not approved; or
(ii) a greyhound race meeting conducted otherwise than by a registered club;
(ab) being an owner, trainer, attendant or a person having official duties in relation to greyhound racing refuses or fails to attend or to give evidence or produce a document or other thing at an inquiry held under these Rules when requested by the Commission, stewards or the committee of a club to do so;
(ac) being an owner, trainer, attendant or person having official duties in relation to greyhound racing, makes a false or misleading statement in relation to an investigation, examination, test or inquiry, or makes or causes to be made a falsification in a document in connection with greyhound racing or the registration of a greyhound;
(ad) attempts or conspires with another person to commit a breach of these Rules;
(ae) knowingly aids, abets, counsels or procures a person to commit a breach of these Rules; or
(af) has, in relation to a greyhound or greyhound racing, done a thing, or omitted to do a thing, which, in the opinion of the stewards, is negligent, dishonest, corrupt, fraudulent or improper, or constitutes misconduct,
commits a breach of these Rules and is liable to a maximum fine of 35 penalty units in addition to any other penalty imposed.
(4) On the completion of a race or qualifying trial, where no person registered as an owner, trainer or attendant is in attendance at the catching pen for the purpose of catching a greyhound for which that person is responsible and which has competed in the race or qualifying trial, then the registered owner, trainer or attendant, as the case may be, commits a breach of these Rules.
Maximum penalty: 1 penalty unit.
(1) Subject to subrule (2), a disqualification, suspension or warning off shall not be imposed on a person under these Rules, a greyhound shall not be disqualified or suspended, and a fine shall not be imposed on a person or club, whether by the Commission, stewards or the committee of a club, unless an inquiry in accordance with this Part has first been held into the circumstances giving rise to the allegation in respect of which the breach of these Rules arises.
(2) Subrule (1) shall not apply in respect of penalties imposed under rules 191 and 192.
The Commission, stewards or the committee of a club may inquire into, investigate or cause to be inquired into or investigated, a matter, act or omission which is alleged or suspected to be, or to have been or which may be intended to be, negligent, dishonest, corrupt, fraudulent or improper in connection with or detrimental to the proper conduct, control or regulation of the registration of greyhounds or greyhound racing.
An inquiry or investigation may be conducted:
(a) by or on behalf of the Commission;
(b) by the stewards, subject to direction by the Commission; or
(c) if not conducted by or on behalf of the Commission or by the stewards, by the committee of the club having responsibility in relation to the meeting, qualifying trial, person, greyhound or circumstances concerned.
Where an allegation is made in respect of which a liability arises under these Rules so that a penalty or prohibition may be imposed on a person or club:
(a) against whom the allegation is made;
(b) directly concerned in the circumstances giving rise to the allegation; or
(c) likely to be found guilty of a breach of these Rules,
the person or club has the right to be present at the inquiry, to call evidence and to cross-examine a witness called by another person or club.
(1) A person or club required to appear before or be present at an inquiry conducted under this Part may be ordered to produce books, particulars of nomination and other documents relating to a meeting or qualifying trial, or in relation to a greyhound.
(2) A certificate or statement purporting to be signed by the following person or persons and dealing with the matter or matters hereinafter referred to shall be evidence of those matters and, until the contrary is proven, shall be conclusive of such evidence:
(a) a veterinarian, steward or other authorized person stating that he took a specimen of a named greyhound's urine for analysis at a stated time and place;
(b) a steward stating that he ordered a specimen of a named greyhound's urine to be taken for analysis at a stated time and place;
(c) a steward or employee of the Commission, a registered club or an authorized person stating that he took possession of a specimen referred to in paragraph (a) or (b), delivered such specimen to a forwarding agent, received such specimen from the forwarding agent, or posted such specimen by registered or certified mail to an approved analyst at a stated time and place;
(d) an approved analyst or medical practitioner stating that the specimen received was in a condition permitting an acceptable and reliable analysis and stating the result of the analysis;
(e) an approved analyst or medical practitioner stating that he received, analysed or read the result of the analysis of the specimen referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d);
(f) an approved analyst, medical practitioner or veterinarian stating that the result of the analysis referred to in paragraph (d) was that any drug found therein might affect or be capable of affecting the speed, stamina, courage or conduct of a greyhound;
(g) a steward or employee of the Commission, a registered club, a veterinarian, an approved analyst or a medical practitioner that the specimen referred to in paragraph (a), (b) or (c) is the same specimen as analysed or received by the steward, employee, club, veterinarian, approved analyst or medical practitioner; and
(h) a veterinarian, steward or other authorized person stating that the requirements of these Rules in relation to the taking at a stated time and place of a specimen of a named greyhound's urine for analysis and the analysis have been complied with.
Where a person is present at a meeting or qualifying trial, that person may be directed by a steward to appear before an inquiry conducted under this Part to answer a complaint or breach of these Rules or to be present at the inquiry.
A person who has the right to be present at an inquiry conducted under this Part, but who has not been directed by a steward to be present at the inquiry shall, unless the Commission otherwise directs, be served with a notice of the allegation made and the date, time and place of the hearing of that inquiry.
Where the Commission is satisfied that every reasonable effort has been made to effect service of a notice of an inquiry conducted under this Part the Commission may direct that the inquiry proceed as if service has been so effected, subject to any conditions which the Commission may think fit to impose.
(1) A notice to appear before the Commission, the stewards or the committee of a club to answer an allegation or breach of these Rules shall be served:
(a) in the case of a club – by delivering the notice to the chairman or secretary of the club personally or by forwarding the notice by a prepaid registered letter addressed to the chairman or secretary of the club at the registered office of the club; or
(b) in the case of a person – by delivering the notice to the person personally or by forwarding the notice by a prepaid registered letter addressed to the person at his last-known place of abode or, if his address is unknown, by advertising in one daily newspaper published in a principal city of the State or Territory in which he ordinarily resides.
(2) A notice of an inquiry to be conducted under these Rules shall be served not less than 6 days before the date on which the person or club so served is required to appear.
(1) Where a person or club served with the notice of an inquiry in accordance with this Part does not appear at the inquiry, the inquiry may proceed in the absence of the person or club.
(2) Where a person or club is found guilty of a breach of these Rules by the decision of an inquiry conducted under this Part and is not present or represented when the decision is given, the stewards, the secretary of the club or the Commission, as the case may be, shall, within 72 hours of the giving of that decision, notify that person or club of the terms of the decision, where practicable, by prepaid registered letter or by telegram.
(1) A solicitor or counsel shall not be heard on behalf of a party at an inquiry.
(2) Where a club is a party to, or is likely to be affected by a decision taken at, an inquiry conducted under this Part, the club may be represented by the chairman or secretary of the club or another person authorized by a resolution of the committee of the club for that purpose.
(3) At any proceedings before stewards or the committee of a club, a party is entitled to have an expert witness present, to give evidence on the witness's field of expertise, to hear evidence from other experts in the set field of expertise and to advise the party as to questions to ask other expert witnesses.
An allegation or protest, and the subject-matter of an inquiry or dispute, and the evidence taken at the inquiry, shall be taken on a tape recorder and may be reduced to writing as required.
On application to the Commission, a person aggrieved by the decision of an inquiry conducted under this Part, may obtain a transcript of the proceedings of the inquiry on payment of the prescribed fee.
The Commission, stewards or the committee of a club may call on a person in whose name a greyhound is nominated, to prove that the greyhound is not the property, either wholly or in part, of another person and in default of such proof being given the greyhound may be disqualified.
Subject to these Rules, the Commission, stewards or the committee of the club conducting a meeting or qualifying trial may withdraw a greyhound from an event.
(1) Where:
(a) an inquiry is to be or is being held by stewards or the committee of a club concerning a greyhound; and
(b) the stewards or that committee consider it desirable that the greyhound should not be permitted to compete in a race or qualifying trial until the inquiry is concluded,
the stewards or that committee shall submit to the Commission a statement in writing requesting that the greyhound not be permitted to compete in a race or qualifying trial until the inquiry is concluded.
(2) Subject to a direction by the Commission of its own motion, or as the result of a statement submitted to it under subrule (1), a greyhound which is or may be concerned in an inquiry may be permitted to compete in a race or qualifying trial for which it is eligible and has been nominated, pending the conclusion of the inquiry.
Where a greyhound is disqualified or suspended under and in accordance with these Rules that greyhound shall not be eligible:
(a) to compete in a race or qualifying trial held under these Rules;
(b) to win or receive prize-money at a meeting; or
(c) to receive a benefit from competition in a qualifying trial.
Where a person is disqualified or is a defaulter, a greyhound:
(a) which has been nominated by him or in his name, his assumed names or under his subscription;
(b) which has been nominated by or in the name of the syndicate of which he is a member;
(c) of which he, or a syndicate of which he is a member, is wholly or partly the owner; or
(d) which is proved to be under his care, training, management, control or superintendence,
shall not be eligible or be qualified or be nominated for or start in a race or qualifying trial conducted under these Rules, and such greyhound shall not be trained on a registered greyhound trial track.
Where a greyhound is trained for fee or reward the disqualification of the trainer of the greyhound does not extend to the greyhound if it is removed from his care, control and possession as soon as practicable, unless:
(a) that greyhound is specifically disqualified; or
(b) the trainer is proved to have an interest in that greyhound other than solely as its trainer.
Unless otherwise directed by the Commission, where a person is disqualified, warned off, or declared to be a defaulter and so long as his name appears on the list of such persons, he shall not:
(a) be permitted to transact any business affecting the registration of a greyhound or person with the Commission;
(b) be entitled to retain a certificate of registration issued by the Commission;
(c) be entitled to recognition by the Commission as either the owner of a greyhound or for a purpose in connection with the breeding or racing of a greyhound; and
(d) enter or remain on the grounds, in an enclosure or other portion of a course or lands occupied or used in conjunction with greyhound racing, at a meeting or qualifying trial either for his own purposes or on behalf of another person.
(1) A person residing on premises on which a disqualified person resides shall not train or nominate a greyhound or conduct any business with the Commission or a club.
(2) A person shall not allow a greyhound to be placed in the care and control of a person who has been disqualified or suspended under these Rules.
Unless the Commission otherwise directs, a person shall be treated as disqualified on and from the time of the giving of the decision at the inquiry at which the penalty was imposed.
(1) A person who is disqualified or warned off under these Rules, or whose name appears on a list of defaulters, shall deliver to the Commission all certificates of registration held by him under these Rules, including the certificate of registration of a greyhound registered in his name.
(2) Where a person is disqualified or warned off for a specified period, for so long as that person fails to deliver to the Commission the certificates referred to in subrule (1), that time shall not be taken into account in calculating the expiry date of a period of disqualification or warning off and the period shall be deemed to have been extended accordingly.
A person may be disqualified or suspended if he is found at the conclusion of an inquiry:
(a) to be guilty of a breach of these Rules;
(b) to have failed to comply with a requirement of these Rules;
(c) to be guilty of a breach of the rules of a club or a syndicate;
(d) to be guilty of a negligent, dishonest, corrupt, fraudulent or improper act or practice in connection with greyhound racing or the registration of a greyhound or an act detrimental to the proper control and regulation of greyhound racing or the registration of greyhounds; or
(e) to have refused or failed to pay a fine imposed under these Rules.
Where a person is found to be liable to disqualification or suspension:
(a) he may be fined a maximum amount of 100 penalty units in respect of each offence; and
(b) a certificate of registration held by him under these Rules may be cancelled, including the registration of a greyhound registered in his name,
either in addition to, or in substitution for, the penalty of disqualification or suspension.
A fine imposed under these Rules shall be paid to the Commission within 14 days of the date on which the person or club fined was notified of the finding and penalty imposed.
(1) Where a person is in default in the payment of money payable to the Commission or a club in respect of greyhound racing, the Commission or the committee of the club may declare him to be a defaulter.
(2) The Commission and the committee of each club shall compile and cause to be maintained a list of the names of all persons declared to be defaulters.
(3) Where a person:
(a) is declared to be a defaulter by the committee of a club; or
(b) ceases to be in default in the payment of any money,
the fact shall be reported to the Commission by the committee of the club within 72 hours.
(4) The Commission shall notify a club of the inclusion of the name of a person in a list of defaulters and shall notify that club if the person is reported to the Commission as no longer being in default.
(5) Until the receipt of the money in respect of which the default in payment occurred has been acknowledged by the Commission or the club concerned, the name of a person listed as a defaulter shall not be removed from a list of defaulters compiled under this rule.
(6) A person whose name appears on a list of defaulters shall be deemed to be disqualified until his name is removed from the list in accordance with these Rules.
Where a club is notified by the Commission that a person has been disqualified, or declared to be a defaulter, or has been warned off, whether by the Commission, stewards or a committee of a club, the club so notified, its committee, stewards, officials and employees:
(a) shall not permit that person to enter or remain on the grounds or an enclosure or other portion of the track or lands occupied or used by the club in connection with greyhound racing; and
(b) shall give effect to the penalty as if it had been imposed by the committee of the club or the stewards appointed by the club.
The Commission and the committee of each club shall compile and cause to be maintained a list of the names of:
(a) persons disqualified;
(b) persons warned off; and
(c) persons suspended.
Where a club is notified by the Commission that a greyhound has been disqualified or suspended under these Rules, the club so notified, its committee, stewards, officials and employees shall give effect to the penalty.
The Commission and the committee of each club shall compile and cause to be maintained a list of the names of greyhounds disqualified or suspended.
The Commission may transmit a copy of a list compiled and maintained under these Rules, of the names of persons or greyhounds and details of the circumstances giving rise to the listing of the name, to a club concerned with greyhound racing or to an approved registration authority in the Territory.
Where the stewards have given a decision on a matter, and new evidence touching the matter is produced to them within 14 days after having given the decision, they may, at their discretion, rehear that matter.
Where the stewards conduct a rehearing under rule 247 they shall, not less than 10 days before the date fixed for the rehearing, notify the Commission and any other person concerned of the time and place of that rehearing.
Where the Commission or Appeal Committee directs the stewards to rehear a matter determined by it the stewards shall, within 14 days after that direction has been notified to them, rehear the matter.
Where a person whose evidence is desired at a rehearing resides away or is absent from the place where the rehearing shall be heard, his evidence shall be taken in such manner as is approved.
Upon a rehearing, the stewards may confirm, reverse or vary a decision originally given.
If, before a rehearing held under the provisions of this Part is instituted, an appeal is lodged, the appeal shall, upon the determination of the rehearing, be deemed to be withdrawn without a penalty attaching.
A right of appeal lies in respect of a rehearing as though that rehearing were a hearing.
Where an application to the Commission for a rehearing is granted, the Commission may, after the hearing thereof, in addition to any other penalties imposed by it, direct that the person, club or other body which applied for the rehearing shall pay such costs of the rehearing as the Commission thinks fit.
A person, club or other body, hereinafter called the appellant, aggrieved by a decision of the stewards, a committee of a club, an official of a club, or an officer of the Commission may, subject to these Rules, appeal from such decision to the Appeal Committee.
(1) The Appeal Committee shall consist of 3 members appointed by the Commission from time to time, one of whom shall be the Chairman of the Appeal Committee.
(2) A person who participated in a race or qualifying trial as an owner or trainer shall not sit as a member of the Appeal Committee on an appeal arising out of the running of the race or qualifying trial.
Notwithstanding these Rules, an appeal shall not lie from a decision given by the stewards or committee of a club where there is imposed on a person or body:
(a) a fine of not more than $200;
(b) a disqualification for a period of not more than 28 days;
(c) a suspension of not more than 28 days; or
(d) a warning off for not more than one meeting.
The appellant shall, within 7 days after the decision by which he is aggrieved has been delivered to him, lodge with the Commission a notice in writing of his intention to appeal, together with the prescribed fee.
Upon receipt of a notice under rule 258, the Commission shall:
(a) where the placing of a greyhound may be affected by the result of an appeal – send to the owner of the greyhound, except where the appellant is the owner, and to the club or body concerned, notice in writing of the appeal; and
(b) give to the members of the Appeal Committee, the appellant and the person whose decision is appealed from, a transcript of the evidence taken at the original hearing of the inquiry.
Within 7 days of the receipt of the transcript of evidence referred to in rule 259(b), an appellant shall lodge with the Commission a notice stating the grounds of his appeal and, except by leave of the Appeal Committee, the appeal shall be limited to those grounds.
Upon receipt of a notice under rule 260, the Commission shall forward a copy of the notice to the Appeal Committee.
(1) An appellant shall be entitled to be represented by a legal practitioner or agent at the hearing of an appeal where notice of such representation has been given to the Commission by the appellant not less than 7 days prior to the hearing.
(2) Upon receipt of a notice under subrule (1), the Commission shall, by notice in writing, inform the parties concerned that the appellant will be represented by a legal practitioner and that they also may be so represented if they desire.
The date, time and place of the hearing of an appeal shall be fixed by the Chairman of the Appeal Committee, and not less than 7 days written notice shall be given to an appellant and to such other persons and bodies as the Chairman of the Appeal Committee may direct.
The Appeal Committee shall hear an appeal within 28 days of the lodging of the notice referred to in rule 260.
A person or body other than an appellant directly concerned with the hearing and determination of an appeal shall:
(a) be given reasonable notice of the time and place of the hearing;
(b) be entitled to be present at the hearing; and
(c) be entitled to be heard and, where the Appeal Committee thinks proper, call evidence in support of his or its interests.
An appeal shall not be withdrawn without the leave of the Commission or the Appeal Committee and, where leave to withdraw an appeal is granted, the Commission or the Appeal Committee may impose such conditions as to costs as it thinks fit.
The Commission or the Appeal Committee may, at its discretion, enlarge or abridge the times appointed under this Part.
Subject to these Rules, the Appeal Committee may conduct the hearing of an appeal in such manner as it thinks fit.
The Appeal Committee may call upon a person to appear before it to give evidence in such manner as it directs, and to produce such papers and documents and give such information as may, in its opinion, be requisite for the purpose of hearing and determining the appeal.
An appeal shall be heard and determined upon the evidence given at the original inquiry provided that the Appeal Committee may admit fresh evidence where, in its opinion, it is necessary and such evidence may be given viva voce or, in a case where the Appeal Committee so decides, by statutory declaration.
Upon the hearing of an appeal, the Appeal Committee may:
(a) adjourn the appeal;
(b) uphold, reverse or vary a decision appealed against;
(c) set aside, vary, decrease or increase a penalty imposed;
(d) order that the whole or part of a prescribed fee under rule 258 be forfeited;
(e) refer the matter for rehearing to the stewards or persons or bodies whose decision is appealed against; and
(f) make such other orders as it thinks fit.
Upon the determination of an appeal, the Commission shall notify each body and person concerned of the results of that determination.
The determination of an Appeal Committee shall be final and shall bind all clubs, bodies and persons.
(1) A club, body or person affected by a determination made under rule 271 shall comply with the determination.
(2) A club, body or person failing to do or perform an act or thing required by a determination made under rule 271 within the time required in writing by the Commission or the Appeal Committee to do so, may be disqualified, suspended or otherwise dealt with in such manner as the Commission or the Appeal Committee thinks fit.
The Appeal Committee may order that all or part of the costs and expenses of the Commission, the Appeal Committee or a party to the appeal, shall be paid by such person or body as it thinks fit, and may fix an amount by way of such costs and expenses, and such amount, if unpaid, shall be deemed to be arrears and such person or body may be placed on a list of defaulters by the Commission.
A person bound by these Rules and refusing, without good reason, to attend a proceeding or to give evidence where required to do so, or giving false or misleading evidence, may be adjudged by the Appeal Committee to be guilty of an offence against these Rules, and may be dealt with accordingly.
Notwithstanding these Rules, a deposit, fee or cost shall not be payable on an appeal by a steward employed by the Commission.
Subject to the Act, the rules with respect to bookmakers, bookmakers' clerks and betting with bookmakers shall be determined by the Commission.
An investment with the on-course totalizator shall be made and decided in accordance with the provisions of rules approved under section 81(2) of the Act.
Subject to these Rules, the Commission, stewards or a committee of a club may publish in any manner or medium a decision given under and in accordance with these Rules.
(1) A person who, immediately before the commencement of these Rules, was:
(a) an owner of a greyhound;
(b) a trainer of a greyhound; or
(c) an attendant of a greyhound,
and who applies to be registered as such under these Rules within one month of the commencement of these Rules, shall be deemed to be registered under these Rules until the determination of the application by him for that registration.
(2) A club or greyhound trial track which, upon the commencement of these Rules, is required to be registered under these Rules, and which make an application for registration as such within one month of the commencement of these Rules, shall be deemed to be registered under these Rules until the determination of that application.
(3) Where, upon the commencement of these Rules, a greyhound is required to be registered under these Rules, and an application to register the greyhound is made within 3 months after the date of the commencement of these Rules, that greyhound shall be deemed to be registered under these Rules until the determination of that application.
rules 3, 13
Key to abbreviations
amd = amended od =
app = appendix om =
bl = by-law pt =
ch = Chapter r =
cl = clause rem =
div = Division renum =
exp = expires/expired rep
= repealed
f = forms s =
Gaz =
Gazette sch = Schedule
hdg =
heading sdiv = Subdivision
ins =
inserted SL = Subordinate
lt = long title sub =
nc = not commenced
Greyhound Racing Rules (SL No. 3,
20 February 1981
1 March 1981 (r 2)
Amendments of the Greyhound Racing Rules
(SL No. 27, 1983)
19 August 1983
19 August 1983
Amendments of the Greyhound Racing Rules
(SL No. 29, 1984)
16 May 1984
16 May 1984
Amendments to the Greyhound Racing Rules
(SL No. 46, 1987)
25 November 1987
9 December 1987 (r 1)
Amendment of Greyhound Racing Rules (SL
No. 34, 1989)
29 November 1989
29 November 1989
Amendment of Greyhound Racing Rules (SL
No. 12, 1991)
10 April 1991
10 April 1991
Amendment of Greyhound Racing Rules (SL
No. 44, 1992)
23 September 1992
23 September 1992
Statute Law Revision Act 2005 (Act No. 44,
Assent date
14 December 2005
14 December 2005
Greyhound Racing Amendment Rules 2014 (SL
No. 32, 2014)
8 October 2014
8 October 2014
Greyhound Racing Amendment Rules 2022 (SL
No. 5, 2022)
29 June 2022
29 June 2022
Greyhound Racing Further Amendment Rules
2022 (SL No. 21, 2022)
30 November 2022
30 November 2022
General amendments of a formal nature (which are not referred to in the table of amendments to this reprint) are made by the Interpretation Legislation Amendment Act 2018 (Act No. 22, 2018) to: rr 1 and 3.
r 3 amd No. 29, 1984, r 1; No. 46, 1987, r 2; No. 44, 1992, r 2; Act No. 44, 2005, s 23; No. 5, 2022, r 4: No. 21, 2022, r 4
r 23 amd No. 27, 1983, r 8; No. 32, 2014, r 3
r 34 amd No. 27, 1983, r 8; No. 32, 2014, r 4
r 36 amd No. 46, 1987, r 3
r 44 amd Act No. 44, 2005, s 23
r 47 amd No. 46, 1987, r 4; Act No. 44, 2005, s 23
r 47A ins No. 46, 1987, r 5
r 49 amd No. 46, 1987, r 6
r 59 amd No. 27, 1983, r 8; No. 32, 2014, r 5
r 60 amd No. 27, 1983, r 8; No. 32, 2014, r 6
r 63 amd No. 27, 1983, r 8; No. 32, 2014, r 7
r 71 amd No. 27, 1983, r 8; No. 32, 2014, r 8
r 85 amd No. 27, 1983, r 1
r 89 amd No. 27, 1983, r 8; No. 32, 2014, r 9; No. 5, 2022, r 5
pt X hdg amd Act No. 44, 2005, s 23
rr 93 – 95 amd Act No. 44, 2005, s 23
r 104 amd No. 32, 2014, r 19
r 109 amd No. 27, 1983, r 8; No. 32, 2014, r 10
r 118 amd No. 27, 1983, r 8; No. 32, 2014, r 11
r 129 amd Act No. 44, 2005, s 23
r 138 amd No. 27, 1983, r 8; No. 32, 2014, r 12
rr 149 – 150 amd Act No. 44, 2005, s 23
rr 155 – 156 sub No. 29, 1984, r 2
r 157 amd No. 27, 1983, r 2
sub No. 29, 1984, r 2
amd No. 32, 2014, r 19
r 158 rep No. 29, 1984, r 2
r 162 amd No. 32, 2014, r 19
r 173 amd No. 27, 1983, r 3
r 191 amd Act No. 44, 2005, s 23
r 193 amd No. 34, 1989
r 194 amd No. 27, 1983, r 4
r 195 amd No. 27, 1983, rr 5 and 8; No. 32, 2014, r 13
r 197 amd Act No. 44, 2005, s 23
rr 201 – 202 amd Act No. 44, 2005, s 23
r 206 amd Act No. 44, 2005, s 23; No. 32, 2014, r 19
r 209 amd Act No. 44, 2005, s 23
r 210 sub No. 29, 1984, r 3
amd No. 12, 1991; No. 44, 1992, r 3; Act No. 44, 2005, s 23; No. 32, 2014, r 14
r 211 amd Act No. 44, 2005, s 23
pt XXI hdg sub No. 5, 2022, r 6
r 211A ins No. 21, 2022, r 5
r 212 amd No. 27, 1983, rr 6 and 8; No. 32, 2014, r 15
sub No. 5, 2022, r 7
rr 212A ins No. 5, 2022, r 7
amd No. 21, 2022, r 6
rr 212B – 212T ins No. 5, 2022, r 7
r 213 amd No. 32, 2014, r 16
r 214 amd No. 27, 1983, r 7; No. 32, 2014, r 17
r 215 amd No. 5, 2022, r 8
r 219 amd Act No. 44, 2005, s 23
r 239 amd No. 27, 1983, r 8; No. 32, 2014, r 18; No 5, 2022, r 9
r 257 amd No. 29, 1984, r 4