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Explanatory note
This explanatory note relates to this Bill as introduced into Parliament.
This Bill is cognate with the Appropriation Bill 1997.
New South Wales' contribution to Commonwealth deficit
Additional health services in growth areas
Rail services
Victims' Compensation Fund
M4M5 tollway charges reimbursement
Gun Buyback Scheme
State Bank loan loss indemnity costs
Clause 2 provides that the proposed Act is taken to have commenced on 1
July 1996, which is the date of commencement of the Appropriation Act
Clause 3 appropriates the additional amounts. The clause also allows the
Treasurer to amend the estimates (a similar provision being contained in
section 26 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983).
Clause 4 appropriates the amount necessary to meet the State's contribution
to the Commonwealth deficit reduction arising from the requirement of the
Premiers' Conference in May 1996 as well as the amount necessary to meet
the additional State Bank loan loss indemnity costs.
Clause 5 appropriates the amount, announced by the Government early in
the financial year commencing on 1 July 1996, to provide additional health
services in growth areas.
Clause 6 appropriates additional funds to the rail entities created following
the split up of the former State Rail Authority.
Clause 7 appropriates additional costs associated with the Victims'
Compensation Scheme.
Clause 8 appropriates the amount required to fund the rebate scheme,
announced by the Government in October 1996, for private users of the M4
and M5 tollways.
Clause 9 appropriates the amount necessary to meet the Gun Buyback
Scheme as announced by the Federal Government.
Clause 10 contains miscellaneous provisions concerning the operation of
the proposed Act. Clause 10 (l) provides that the proposed Act is to be
construed as part of the Appropriation Act 1996 (this emphasises that the
appropriations are part of the budgetary process for the year 1996-97, and
ensures that terms are construed consistently). Clause 10 (2) is consequential
on subclause (l), and makes it clear that the appropriations are not limited to
meeting .shortfalls from other appropriations. Clause 10 (3) validates any
Explanatory note page 2
payment of the appropriated sums before the date of assent to the proposed
Act. Clause 10 (3) also provides that the proposed subsection applies whether
not the proposed Act is assented to during or after the year 1996-97 (this
removes an argument, based on section 23 of the Public Finance and Audit
Act 1983, that the appropriation lapses at the close of the year).
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