New South Wales Bills

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Appropriation Bill 2005


Part 1   Preliminary
          1   Name of Act                                                      2
          2   Commencement                                                     2
          3   Interpretation                                                   2

Part 2   Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund
          4   General appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2005-06 for
              recurrent services                                               3
          5   General appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2005-06 for
              capital works and services                                       3
          6   Premier, Minister for the Arts and Minister for Citizenship      3
          7   Attorney General and Minister for the Environment                5
          8   Minister for Community Services and Minister for Youth           6
          9   Minister for Education and Training                              6
         10   Minister for Energy and Utilities and Minister for Science and
              Medical Research                                                 7
Appropriation Bill 2005


               11    Minister for Gaming and Racing and Minister for the Central
                     Coast                                                          8
               12    Minister for Health                                            8
               13    Minister for Housing                                           9
               14    Minister for Infrastructure and Planning and Minister for
                     Natural Resources                                              9
               15    Minister for Justice and Minister for Fair Trading            10
               16    Minister for Juvenile Justice and Minister for Western
                     Sydney                                                        10
               17    Minister for Mineral Resources                                11
               18    Minister for Police                                           11
               19    Minister for Primary Industries                               12
               20    Minister for Roads, Minister for Economic Reform, Minister
                     for Ports and Minister for the Hunter                         13
               21    Minister for Rural Affairs, Minister for Local Government,
                     Minister for Emergency Services and Minister for Lands        13
               22    Special Minister of State, Minister for Commerce, Minister
                     for Industrial Relations, Minister for Ageing and Minister
                     for Disability Services                                       14
               23    Minister for Tourism and Sport and Recreation and Minister
                     for Women                                                     15
               24    Minister for Transport                                        16
               25    Treasurer, Minister for State Development and Minister for
                     Aboriginal Affairs                                            16

Part 3        Additional appropriation for health related services
               26    Additional appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2005-06
                     for recurrent services                                        18
               27    Special appropriation to Minister for Health--additional
                     revenue from gaming machine taxes                             18

Part 4        General
               28    Variation of authorised payments from Consolidated Fund       19
               29    Appointment of person to carry out the functions of the
                     Treasurer under section 28                                    19
               30    Delayed restructures                                          20

Contents page 2
I certify that this PUBLIC BILL, which originated in the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY,
has finally passed the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL and the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY of

                                                      Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                                      Legislative Assembly,
                                                      Sydney,                     , 2005

                                 New South Wales

Appropriation Bill 2005
Act No       , 2005

An Act to appropriate out of the Consolidated Fund sums for the recurrent services
and capital works and services of the Government for the year 2005-06.

See also Appropriation (Parliament) Act 2005, Appropriation (Special Offices) Act 2005, Fiscal
Responsibility Act 2005 and State Revenue Legislation Amendment (Budget Measures)
Act 2005.

I have examined this Bill, and find it to correspond in all respects with the Bill
as finally passed by both Houses.

                              Chairman of Committees of the Legislative Assembly.
Clause 1          Appropriation Bill 2005

Part 1            Preliminary

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:

Part 1         Preliminary
  1      Name of Act
               This Act is the Appropriation Act 2005.
  2      Commencement
               This Act commences or is taken to have commenced on 1 July 2005.
  3      Interpretation
               In this Act, a reference to the year 2005-06 is a reference to the year
               from 1 July 2005 to 30 June 2006.

Page 2
Appropriation Bill 2005                                                    Clause 4

Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund                                Part 2

Part 2        Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund
  4    General appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2005-06 for recurrent
       (1)    Out of the Consolidated Fund there are hereby appropriated the sums
              identified in sections 6 to 25, inclusive, as the sums appropriated by this
              Act for recurrent services, which sums may be issued and applied for or
              towards the several uses and purposes expressed in those sections for
              the recurrent services of the Government for the year 2005-06.
       (2)    The total sum appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund for the
              recurrent services of the Government for the year 2005-06, in
              accordance with the provisions of sections 6 to 25, inclusive, is the sum
              of $34,621,912,000.
       (3)    Any amounts expended for recurrent services under section 25 of the
              Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 or any Supply Act on or after
              1 July 2005 and before the date of assent to this Act are taken to have
              been expended out of such of the sums for recurrent services set out in
              sections 6 to 25, inclusive, as may be determined by the Treasurer.
  5    General appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2005-06 for capital
       works and services
       (1)    Out of the Consolidated Fund there are hereby appropriated the sums
              identified in sections 6 to 25, inclusive, as the sums appropriated by this
              Act for capital works and services, which sums may be issued and
              applied for or towards the several uses and purposes expressed in those
              sections for capital works and services for the year 2005-06.
       (2)    The total sum appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund for capital
              works and services for the year 2005-06, in accordance with the
              provisions of sections 6 to 25, inclusive, is the sum of $3,348,119,000.
       (3)    Any amounts expended for capital works and services under section 25
              of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 or any Supply Act on or after
              1 July 2005 and before the date of assent to this Act are taken to have
              been expended out of such of the sums for capital works and services
              set out in sections 6 to 25, inclusive, as may be determined by the
  6    Premier, Minister for the Arts and Minister for Citizenship
       (1)    RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $428,128,000 is hereby
              appropriated to the Premier, Minister for the Arts and Minister for
              Citizenship for the recurrent services of the following:

                                                                                Page 3
Clause 6          Appropriation Bill 2005

Part 2            Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund

                01.   Cabinet Office                                          24,142
                02.   Parliamentary Counsel's Office                           5,853
                03.   Premier's Department                                   128,255
                04.   Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of          14,752
                      New South Wales
                05.   Natural Resources Commission                             4,269
                06.   Ministry for the Arts                                   80,523
                07.   State Library of New South Wales                        57,108
                08.   Australian Museum                                       22,708
                09.   Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences                     29,752
                10.   Historic Houses Trust of New South Wales                17,422
                11.   Art Gallery of New South Wales                          18,299
                12.   State Records Authority of New South Wales               5,061
                13.   New South Wales Film and Television Office               9,070
                14.   Community Relations Commission                          10,914
                      Total, Recurrent Services                              428,128

         (2)   CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $43,963,000 is
               hereby appropriated to the Premier, Minister for the Arts and Minister
               for Citizenship for the capital works and services of the following:

                01.   Cabinet Office                                            150
                02.   Parliamentary Counsel's Office                           1,190
                03.   Premier's Department                                     1,317
                04.   Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of            180
                      New South Wales
                05.   Ministry for the Arts                                   17,738
                06.   State Library of New South Wales                        10,780
                07.   Australian Museum                                        5,385
                08.   Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences                      4,833

Page 4
Appropriation Bill 2005                                               Clause 7

Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund                           Part 2

                09.   Historic Houses Trust of New South Wales                   231
                10.   Art Gallery of New South Wales                            1,770
                11.   State Records Authority of New South Wales                 345
                12.   New South Wales Film and Television Office                  44
                      Total, Capital Works and Services                        43,963

  7    Attorney General and Minister for the Environment
       (1)    RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $874,900,000 is hereby
              appropriated to the Attorney General and Minister for the Environment
              for the recurrent services of the following:

                01.   Attorney General's Department                        397,467
                02.   Judicial Commission of New South Wales                    4,404
                03.   Legal Aid Commission of New South Wales                  82,927
                04.   Department of Environment and Conservation           355,948
                05.   Environmental Trust                                      17,019
                06.   Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust                   17,135
                      Total, Recurrent Services                            874,900

       (2)    CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $145,648,000 is
              hereby appropriated to the Attorney General and Minister for the
              Environment for the capital works and services of the following:

                01.   Attorney General's Department                            96,959
                02.   Judicial Commission of New South Wales                     150
                03.   Legal Aid Commission of New South Wales                   3,716
                04.   Department of Environment and Conservation               40,089
                05.   Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust                    4,734
                      Total, Capital Works and Services                    145,648

                                                                           Page 5
Clause 8          Appropriation Bill 2005

Part 2            Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund

  8      Minister for Community Services and Minister for Youth
         (1)   RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $974,909,000 is hereby
               appropriated to the Minister for Community Services and Minister for
               Youth for the recurrent services of the following:

                01.   Department of Community Services                       963,849
                02.   Office of the Children's Guardian                         3,094
                03.   Commission for Children and Young People                  7,966
                      Total, Recurrent Services                              974,909

         (2)   CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $20,807,000 is
               hereby appropriated to the Minister for Community Services and
               Minister for Youth for the capital works and services of the following:

                01.   Department of Community Services                         20,593
                02.   Office of the Children's Guardian                            40
                03.   Commission for Children and Young People                   174
                      Total, Capital Works and Services                        20,807

  9      Minister for Education and Training
         (1)   RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $8,241,229,000 is hereby
               appropriated to the Minister for Education and Training for the
               recurrent services of the following:

                01.   Department of Education and Training                  8,154,915
                02.   Office of the Board of Studies                           86,314
                      Total, Recurrent Services                             8,241,229

Page 6
Appropriation Bill 2005                                                    Clause 10

Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund                                Part 2

       (2)    CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $462,476,000 is
              hereby appropriated to the Minister for Education and Training for the
              capital works and services of the following:

                01.   Department of Education and Training                      462,003
                02.   Office of the Board of Studies                                  473
                      Total, Capital Works and Services                         462,476

10     Minister for Energy and Utilities and Minister for Science and Medical
       (1)    RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $263,672,000 is hereby
              appropriated to the Minister for Energy and Utilities and Minister for
              Science and Medical Research for the recurrent services of the

                01.   Department of Energy, Utilities and Sustainability        153,588
                02.   Payments for Water and Sewerage Assistance                    96,906
                03.   Ministry for Science and Medical Research                     13,178
                      Total, Recurrent Services                                 263,672

       (2)    CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $388,000 is hereby
              appropriated to the Minister for Energy and Utilities and Minister for
              Science and Medical Research for the capital works and services of the

                01.   Department of Energy, Utilities and Sustainability              388
                      Total, Capital Works and Services                               388

                                                                                Page 7
Clause 11         Appropriation Bill 2005

Part 2            Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund

11       Minister for Gaming and Racing and Minister for the Central Coast
         (1)   RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $38,053,000 is hereby
               appropriated to the Minister for Gaming and Racing and Minister for
               the Central Coast for the recurrent services of the following:

                01.   Department of Gaming and Racing                           31,806
                02.   Casino Control Authority                                    6,247
                      Total, Recurrent Services                                 38,053

         (2)   CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $1,866,000 is
               hereby appropriated to the Minister for Gaming and Racing and
               Minister for the Central Coast for the capital works and services of the

                01.   Department of Gaming and Racing                             1,796
                02.   Casino Control Authority                                      70
                      Total, Capital Works and Services                           1,866

12       Minister for Health
         (1)   RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $8,995,729,000 is hereby
               appropriated to the Minister for Health for the recurrent services of the

                01.   Department of Health                                   8,986,306
                02.   Health Care Complaints Commission                           9,423
                      Total, Recurrent Services                              8,995,729

         (2)   CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $455,621,000 is
               hereby appropriated to the Minister for Health for the capital works and
               services of the following:

Page 8
Appropriation Bill 2005                                                    Clause 13

Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund                                Part 2

                01.   Department of Health                                      455,503
                02.   Health Care Complaints Commission                               118
                      Total, Capital Works and Services                         455,621

13     Minister for Housing
              RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $518,294,000 is hereby
              appropriated to the Minister for Housing for the recurrent services of the

                01.   Payments to Other Government Bodies Under the             518,294
                      Control of the Minister
                      Total, Recurrent Services                                 518,294

14     Minister for Infrastructure and Planning and Minister for Natural
       (1)    RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $460,786,000 is hereby
              appropriated to the Minister for Infrastructure and Planning and
              Minister for Natural Resources for the recurrent services of the

                01.   Heritage Office                                               7,600
                02.   Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural        453,186
                      Total, Recurrent Services                                 460,786

       (2)    CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $29,144,000 is
              hereby appropriated to the Minister for Infrastructure and Planning and
              Minister for Natural Resources for the capital works and services of the

                                                                                Page 9
Clause 15         Appropriation Bill 2005

Part 2            Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund

                01.   Heritage Office                                                19
                02.   Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural         29,125
                      Total, Capital Works and Services                          29,144

15       Minister for Justice and Minister for Fair Trading
         (1)   RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $651,783,000 is hereby
               appropriated to the Minister for Justice and Minister for Fair Trading for
               the recurrent services of the following:

                01.   Department of Corrective Services                         651,783
                      Total, Recurrent Services                                 651,783

         (2)   CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $164,500,000 is
               hereby appropriated to the Minister for Justice and Minister for Fair
               Trading for the capital works and services of the following:

                01.   Department of Corrective Services                         164,500
                      Total, Capital Works and Services                         164,500

16       Minister for Juvenile Justice and Minister for Western Sydney
         (1)   RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $120,383,000 is hereby
               appropriated to the Minister for Juvenile Justice and Minister for
               Western Sydney for the recurrent services of the following:

                01.   Department of Juvenile Justice                            120,383
                      Total, Recurrent Services                                 120,383

Page 10
Appropriation Bill 2005                                                  Clause 17

Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund                              Part 2

       (2)    CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $12,665,000 is
              hereby appropriated to the Minister for Juvenile Justice and Minister for
              Western Sydney for the capital works and services of the following:

                01.   Department of Juvenile Justice                              12,665
                      Total, Capital Works and Services                           12,665

17     Minister for Mineral Resources
       (1)    RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $53,800,000 is hereby
              appropriated to the Minister for Mineral Resources for the recurrent
              services of the following:

                01.   Coal Compensation Board                                     53,800
                      Total, Recurrent Services                                   53,800

       (2)    CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $100,000 is hereby
              appropriated to the Minister for Mineral Resources for the capital works
              and services of the following:

                01.   Coal Compensation Board                                       100
                      Total, Capital Works and Services                             100

18     Minister for Police
       (1)    RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $1,784,557,000 is hereby
              appropriated to the Minister for Police for the recurrent services of the

                                                                             Page 11
Clause 19         Appropriation Bill 2005

Part 2            Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund

                01.   Ministry for Police                                        9,837
                02.   NSW Police                                             1,747,115
                03.   New South Wales Crime Commission                          11,489
                04.   Police Integrity Commission                               16,116
                      Total, Recurrent Services                              1,784,557

         (2)   CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $99,478,000 is
               hereby appropriated to the Minister for Police for the capital works and
               services of the following:

                01.   Ministry for Police                                          62
                02.   NSW Police                                               94,281
                03.   New South Wales Crime Commission                           2,586
                04.   Police Integrity Commission                                2,549
                      Total, Capital Works and Services                        99,478

19       Minister for Primary Industries
         (1)   RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $274,750,000 is hereby
               appropriated to the Minister for Primary Industries for the recurrent
               services of the following:

                01.   Department of Primary Industries                        241,121
                02.   Rural Assistance Authority                               33,629
                      Total, Recurrent Services                               274,750

         (2)   CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $8,890,000 is
               hereby appropriated to the Minister for Primary Industries for the
               capital works and services of the following:

Page 12
Appropriation Bill 2005                                                  Clause 20

Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund                              Part 2

                01.   Department of Primary Industries                            8,840
                02.   Rural Assistance Authority                                     50
                      Total, Capital Works and Services                           8,890

20     Minister for Roads, Minister for Economic Reform, Minister for Ports and
       Minister for the Hunter
       (1)    RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $1,467,398,000 is hereby
              appropriated to the Minister for Roads, Minister for Economic Reform,
              Minister for Ports and Minister for the Hunter for the recurrent services
              of the following:

                01.   Roads and Traffic Authority                           1,467,398
                      Total, Recurrent Services                             1,467,398

       (2)    CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $1,022,587,000 is
              hereby appropriated to the Minister for Roads, Minister for Economic
              Reform, Minister for Ports and Minister for the Hunter for the capital
              works and services of the following:

                01.   Roads and Traffic Authority
                      Total, Capital Works and Services

21     Minister for Rural Affairs, Minister for Local Government, Minister for
       Emergency Services and Minister for Lands
       (1)    RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $652,129,000 is hereby
              appropriated to the Minister for Rural Affairs, Minister for Local
              Government, Minister for Emergency Services and Minister for Lands
              for the recurrent services of the following:

                                                                             Page 13
Clause 22         Appropriation Bill 2005

Part 2            Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund

                01.   Department of Local Government                            84,195
                02.   New South Wales Fire Brigades                            450,441
                03.   Department of Rural Fire Service                          36,572
                04.   State Emergency Service                                   27,603
                05.   Department of Lands                                       53,318
                      Total, Recurrent Services                                652,129

         (2)   CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $15,694,000 is
               hereby appropriated to the Minister for Rural Affairs, Minister for Local
               Government, Minister for Emergency Services and Minister for Lands
               for the capital works and services of the following:

                01.   Department of Local Government                               150
                02.   New South Wales Fire Brigades                               7,631
                03.   Department of Rural Fire Service                             819
                04.   State Emergency Service                                     4,187
                05.   Department of Lands                                         2,907
                      Total, Capital Works and Services                         15,694

22       Special Minister of State, Minister for Commerce, Minister for Industrial
         Relations, Minister for Ageing and Minister for Disability Services
         (1)   RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $1,626,000,000 is hereby
               appropriated to the Special Minister of State, Minister for Commerce,
               Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Ageing and Minister for
               Disability Services for the recurrent services of the following:

                01.   Department of Commerce                                   145,427
                02.   Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care         1,480,573
                      Total, Recurrent Services                              1,626,000

Page 14
Appropriation Bill 2005                                                   Clause 23

Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund                               Part 2

       (2)    CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $84,496,000 is
              hereby appropriated to the Special Minister of State, Minister for
              Commerce, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Ageing and
              Minister for Disability Services for the capital works and services of the

                01.   Department of Commerce                                       17,730
                02.   Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care               66,766
                      Total, Capital Works and Services                            84,496

23     Minister for Tourism and Sport and Recreation and Minister for Women
       (1)    RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $138,042,000 is hereby
              appropriated to the Minister for Tourism and Sport and Recreation and
              Minister for Women for the recurrent services of the following:

                01.   Department of Tourism, Sport and Recreation                  98,687
                02.   Sydney Olympic Park Authority                                37,027
                03.   Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust                          2,328
                      Total, Recurrent Services                                138,042

       (2)    CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $28,587,000 is
              hereby appropriated to the Minister for Tourism and Sport and
              Recreation and Minister for Women for the capital works and services
              of the following:

                01.   Department of Tourism, Sport and Recreation                  11,460
                02.   Sydney Olympic Park Authority                                12,611
                03.   Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust                          4,516
                      Total, Capital Works and Services                            28,587

                                                                              Page 15
Clause 24         Appropriation Bill 2005

Part 2            Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund

24       Minister for Transport
         (1)   RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $2,946,555,000 is hereby
               appropriated to the Minister for Transport for the recurrent services of
               the following:

                01.   Ministry of Transport                                  2,930,414
                02.   Independent Transport Safety and Reliability             16,141
                      Total, Recurrent Services                              2,946,555

         (2)   CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $11,844,000 is
               hereby appropriated to the Minister for Transport for the capital works
               and services of the following:

                01.   Ministry of Transport                                     11,244
                02.   Independent Transport Safety and Reliability                600
                      Total, Capital Works and Services                         11,844

25       Treasurer, Minister for State Development and Minister for Aboriginal
         (1)   RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $4,110,815,000 is hereby
               appropriated to the Treasurer, Minister for State Development and
               Minister for Aboriginal Affairs for the recurrent services of the

                01.   Treasury                                                396,446
                02.   Crown Finance Entity                                   3,408,628
                03.   Advance to the Treasurer                                175,000
                04.   Department of State and Regional Development             92,891
                05.   Department of Aboriginal Affairs                         37,850
                      Total, Recurrent Services                              4,110,815

Page 16
Appropriation Bill 2005                                                  Clause 25

Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund                              Part 2

       (2)    CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $739,365,000 is
              hereby appropriated to the Treasurer, Minister for State Development
              and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs for the capital works and services of
              the following:

                01.   Treasury                                                    11,725
                02.   Crown Finance Entity                                    632,488
                03.   Advance to the Treasurer                                    95,000
                04.   Department of State and Regional Development                  113
                05.   Department of Aboriginal Affairs                               39
                      Total, Capital Works and Services                       739,365

                                                                             Page 17
Clause 26         Appropriation Bill 2005

Part 3            Additional appropriation for health related services

Part 3         Additional appropriation for health related
26       Additional appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2005-06 for recurrent
         (1)   Out of the Consolidated Fund there is hereby appropriated the sum
               identified in section 27, to the Minister specified in relation to that sum,
               for recurrent services, which sum may be issued and applied for or
               towards the use and purpose expressed in that section for the recurrent
               services of the Government for the year 2005-06.
         (2)   The total sum appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund in accordance
               with the provisions of this Part is the sum of $116,000,000.
         (3)   The sum appropriated by this Part is in addition to any other sum
               appropriated by this Act for recurrent services.
         (4)   Any amounts expended for recurrent services under section 25 of the
               Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 or any Supply Act on or after
               1 July 2005 and before the date of assent to this Act are taken to have
               been expended out of such of the sum for recurrent services set out in
               section 27 as may be determined by the Treasurer.
27       Special appropriation to Minister for Health--additional revenue from
         gaming machine taxes
               RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $116,000,000 is hereby
               appropriated to the Minister for Health for the recurrent services of the

                 01.   Department of Health                                            116,000
                       Total, Recurrent Services                                       116,000

               Note. This Part allocates the additional revenue raised in connection with
               changes to gaming machine taxes to the Minister for Health for spending on
               recurrent health related services.
               See also the Appropriation (Health Super-Growth Fund) Act 2003. That Act
               requires the income from the investment of the sum appropriated by that Act to
               be paid into the Health Super-Growth Fund and applied for or towards public
               health capital works and services. It is estimated that $22,722,000 in income will
               be paid into the Fund in the year 2005-06 and available for expenditure on
               public health capital works and services.

Page 18
Appropriation Bill 2005                                                   Clause 28

General                                                                   Part 4

Part 4        General
28     Variation of authorised payments from Consolidated Fund
       (1)    In this section, purpose means a purpose specified in Part 2 or 3 in
              relation to a Minister to which a sum is appropriated for recurrent
              services or for capital works and services.
       (2)    Payment of a sum appropriated under Part 2 or 3 for a purpose may not
              be made in excess of the sum specified for the purpose or, if the same
              purpose is specified in Parts 2 and 3, the total sum specified for that
              purpose, except as provided by this section or Division 4 of Part 2 of the
              Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
       (3)    If the exigencies of government so require, the Treasurer may authorise
              the payment of a sum in excess of the sum or total sum specified for a
              purpose, but only if an equivalent sum is not paid out for another
              purpose, whether the other purpose is specified in relation to the same
              or a different Minister, subject to subsections (4) and (5).
       (4)    A sum appropriated for recurrent services may only be paid out for
              recurrent services and a sum appropriated for capital works and services
              may only be paid out for capital works and services.
       (5)    A sum appropriated under Part 3 may only be paid out for a purpose
              specified in Part 3.
       (6)    This section does not apply to sums appropriated by another Act.
       (7)    This section does not enable the Treasurer to authorise the payment of
              a sum in augmentation of, or as an addition to, any salary or wages the
              amount of which has been fixed by law.
       (8)    The Treasurer is to inform the Auditor-General of every authorisation
              given under this section.
       (9)    An authorisation under this section may be given before or after the
              relevant payment is made.
29     Appointment of person to carry out the functions of the Treasurer under
       section 28
       (1)    The Treasurer may appoint a person to carry out the Treasurer's
              functions under section 28.
       (2)    Any such appointment is subject to such conditions (if any) as the
              Treasurer determines.
       (3)    The Treasurer may revoke any such appointment at any time.

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Clause 30         Appropriation Bill 2005

Part 4            General

         (4)   A person appointed under this section has, in place of the Treasurer, the
               Treasurer's function under section 28 (8) of informing the
               Auditor-General of every authorisation given by the person under
               section 28.
30       Delayed restructures
         (1)   Without limiting section 28, if the responsibility for a service or
               function for which an appropriation is made in this Act is transferred
               after 1 July 2005 because of the determination made before that date by
               the Premier to create new ministries, or to change or abolish existing
               ministries, and consequently to create, restructure or abolish any
               authority, the appropriation does not lapse and may be issued and
               applied, in accordance with such determination as may be made by the
               Treasurer, for or towards the service or function the responsibility for
               which is transferred.
         (2)   Section 24 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 does not apply to
               or in respect of an appropriation, service or function to which this
               section applies.

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