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by authority of Senator the Hon. Richard Alston, Minister for Communications and
the Arts)
79582 Cat. No. 96 5540 9 ISBN 0644 480130
This Bill imposes a levy on telecommunications carriers with a view to
funding losses incurred by universal service providers in fulfilling the
Universal Service Obligation (USO) under the proposed Telecommunications Act
1996. The USO is defined in proposed section 144 of that Act. As such this
Bill is an integral part of the legislative machinery for ensuring all people in
Australia, regardless of where they reside or carry on business, have reasonable
access, on an equitable basis, to the standard telephone service, payphones and
prescribed carriage services.
The details of the USO arrangements are set
out in Part 7 of the proposed Telecommunications Act 1996. Briefly, the
proposed Act sets out the method for calculating universal service
carriers’ net universal service costs incurred in fulfilling their USOs
and for calculating participating carriers’ contributions to these costs
on the basis of their shares of total eligible revenue. Levy is only payable
when a carrier’s contribution exceeds the net costs it has itself incurred
as a universal service provider.
This Bill imposes levy on a
participating carrier to the extent that, in a financial year, its contribution
exceeds the amount of its own universal service costs. This excess is known as
its levy debit balance. The amount of the levy is equal to the levy debit
Part 7 of the proposed Telecommunications Act 1996 provides for the
calculation of the universal service levy.
The levy is designed to
recover from carriers the losses that result from supplying loss making services
in the course of fulfilling the USO. The total net cost of supplying those
services will depend on all carriers with a USO identifying loss making areas
and the extent of losses in those areas. Total losses may vary from year to
year according to a range of factors including demand, new investment, traffic
levels, any change to the definition of the USO and the cost of
The relative contributions of participating carriers will depend
on the total net universal service cost and each carrier’s share of total
eligible revenue. The share provides the basis on which total costs are
apportioned to each carrier. Thus a carrier earning 50% of total eligible
revenue would be liable to fund 50% of the total net universal service cost.
Deducted from a carrier’s total contribution (known as its “levy
debit”) are the amounts it has already expended in fulfilling its USO.
The actual levy imposed on, and payable by, a carrier is therefore the amount by
which the carrier’s contribution exceeds what it has already expended as a
universal service carrier (“levy debit balance”). Where a universal
service carrier’s expenditure in fulfilling the USO exceeds its
contribution requirement, it has a levy credit balance and is entitled to
receive a payment from the levy that is collected.
Given the number of
variables that are involved both in terms of universal service costs and carrier
revenue shares, it is impossible to quantify what amounts will be payable under
the levy. Historical figures give some idea of the costs that have been
involved in the past. The total net universal service cost was $235m for
1994-95. Of this 1994-95 figure, on the basis of their shares of timed traffic
(rather than eligible revenue) Telstra contributed 94.2%, Optus 5.6% and
Vodafone 0.2% of USO funding. It can be expected, however, that as new
entrants’ businesses grow, their relative contributions to funding the net
cost of loss-making service will increase. Correspondingly, Telstra’s
contribution should decrease.
Clause 1 - Short title
This clause provides for the citation of the Telecommunications (Universal Service Levy) Act 1996.
Clause 2 - Commencement
This clause provides for the Bill, when enacted, to commence on 1 July
Clause 3 - Act to bind Crown
This clause provides
that the Act binds the Crown in the right of each of the States, of the
Australian Capital Territory, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk
Clause 4 - Extension to external Territories
clause extends the Bill to each external Territory referred to in proposed
section 135 of the Telecommunications Act 1996. Proposed section 135
refers to the Territory of Christmas Island, the Territory of Cocos (Keeling)
Islands and any external Territory specified in the
Clause 5 - Definitions
This clause defines “participating carrier” for the purposes of
the Bill, giving it the same meaning as in proposed section 141 of the
Telecommunications Act 1996.
This definition constitutes a major
change to the Telecommunications (Universal Service Levy) Act 1991,
section 4 of which enables the Minister to declare a carrier to be a
participating carrier. The change gives effect to the policy principle that in
normal circumstances all licensed carriers should contribute to the funding of
USO losses. Proposed section 141 of the Telecommunications Act 1996
includes a power for regulations to exempt particular kinds of
Clause 6 - Imposition of levy
This clause imposes a levy on the levy debit balance in relation to a
financial year (as determined in proposed section 188 of the
Telecommunications Act 1996) of a participating carrier.
clause must be read in conjunction with proposed section 188 which sets out the
means of determining a carrier’s levy debit balance and the amount of that
balance. In general, the levy would only be payable where a participating
carrier’s liability to contribute to the net costs of fulfilling the USO
exceeds the net costs (levy credit) that the carrier has itself
Clause 7 - Amount of levy
This clause provides
that the amount of the levy imposed is the amount of the participating
carrier’s levy debit balance.
Clause 8 - Carrier liable to pay
This clause provides that the levy imposed on a participating
carrier is payable by the participating carrier. Under proposed section 194 of
the Telecommunications Act 1996, the levy is payable on the 28th day
after the ACA gives the participating carrier a copy of the ACA’s
assessment of levy under proposed section 184 of that Act. Under proposed
section 195 of that Act, the levy is a debt due to the Commonwealth and may be
recovered in a court of competent jurisdiction.