Commonwealth of Australia Explanatory Memoranda

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                          HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

                      TRADEX SCHEME AMENDMENT BILL 2010

                           EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM

   (Circulated by authority of the Senator the Hon Kim Carr, Minister for
                 Innovation, Industry, Science and Research)


Introduced in 2000, the objective of the Tradex Scheme is to allow for the
importation of goods, without payment of customs duty or other taxes,
provided the goods are subsequently exported, or incorporated into other
goods that are exported.

The Tradex Scheme Amendment Bill 2010 (the  Bill)  would  amend  the  Tradex
Scheme Act 1999 (the Act) to clarify the  eligibility  of  partnerships  and
remove redundant provisions.
Currently the Act requires an applicant  for  the  Tradex  Scheme  to  be  a
'legal' person who proposes to import goods.  The  Acts  Interpretation  Act
1901 provides that a person generally includes a body politic  or  corporate
as well as an individual.  While a partnership is a relationship  recognized
by the law, it is an unincorporated body.  The status of partnerships  under
the Tradex Scheme is therefore unclear.
While partnerships are not explicitly referenced in  the  legislation,  they
were not, and are not, intended to be excluded from the Tradex Scheme.  This
Bill seeks to clarify this position in law.
The Bill also  contains  a  minor  amendment  aimed  at  removing  redundant
provisions  of  the  Act  consistent  with  the  Government's  objective  of
reducing the regulatory burden.


The proposed amendments are  expected  to  have  no  significant  impact  on
revenue.  The changes would simply clarify the status of partnerships  under
the Tradex Scheme and remove redundant provisions.



Clause 1 - Short Title

      This clause provides that the short title by  which  the  Act  may  be
      cited is the Tradex Scheme Amendment Act 2010.

Clause 2 - Commencement

      Subclause (1) provides that the commencement date for  sections  1,  2
      and 3, and anything in this Act not elsewhere covered by the table, is
      the day on  which  this  Act  receives  Royal  Assent.   The  date  of
      commencement for amendments to the Tradex Scheme  Amendment  Act  2010
      contained in  Schedule  1  of  the  Act  is  a  single  day  fixed  by
      proclamation. However, if any of these provision(s)  do  not  commence
      within the period of 6 months beginning on the day this  Act  receives
      the Royal Assent, they commence on the  day  after  the  end  of  that

Clause 3 - Schedule(s)

Schedule 1

Part 1 - Partnerships Amendments to Tradex Scheme Act 1999

      This Schedule clarifies the eligibility of partnerships for Tradex.

Item 1

This item would ensure that the ineligibility  provisions  with  respect  to
applying for, or holding a tradex order, which apply  to  a  person  who  is
insolvent  under  administration  or   an   externally   administered   body
corporate,  would  apply  to  partnerships  as  well.  This   would   ensure
consistent treatment of partnerships and  individuals  or  corporate  bodies
with respect to ineligibility.  The  item  provides  that,  if  any  of  the
partners  is  an  insolvent  under   administration,   or   an   externally-
administered body corporate, the partnership is ineligible to apply for,  or
to hold a tradex order.

Item 2

      This item would make it clear that the definition of a person for  the
      purpose of the Tradex Scheme includes an individual, body corporate or
      a partnership.   This  would  ensure  that  partnerships  are  treated
      consistently with other eligible entities under the Tradex Scheme.

Item 3

      This item would ensure that disqualification  provisions  relating  to
      the provision of false or misleading information  not  only  apply  to
      individuals and corporate bodies but also extend to partnerships.   It
      would apply to partnerships if any of the partners knew, or  ought  to
      have known, about the false or misleading material.

Item 4

      This item would clarify the continuity of partnerships for the purpose
      of the Tradex Scheme.  It would ensure that changes in the composition
      of a partnership would not affect the continuity  of  the  partnership
      for the purposes of  the  Tradex  Scheme.   This  would  simplify  the
      regulatory burden on partnership members  by  not  requiring  them  to
      reapply  every  time  there  is  a  change  in  the  make  up  of  the

Item 5

        This item would ensure that, with respect to the making of a Tradex
        Order, the requirement that the  Secretary  be  satisfied  that  no
        false  or  misleading  material  was  provided  knowingly  in   the
        application by the applicant, extends to partnerships  as  well  as
        individuals and corporate bodies.  With  respect  to  partnerships,
        the Secretary would need to be satisfied that none of the  partners
        provided false or misleading information.

Item 6

        This item would ensure that the requirement for a statement  to  be
        added to the Tradex Register when a tradex order holder has  ceased
        to exist applies  equally  to  individuals,  corporate  bodies  and

Item 7

        This item outlines how partnerships would be treated  for  specific
        purposes within the Act.  Generally, a partnership would be treated
        as if it were a person.  However, this  item  sets  out  additional
        provisions that would apply.  It makes it clear that:

     an obligation imposed by the Act  may  be  discharged  by  any  of  the

     if a notice or other document is given to any partner for the  purposes
     of the Act, it is taken to have been given to the partnership;

     the partners are jointly and severally liable for any amount payable by
     the partnership under the Act; and

     any offence  committed  by  the  partnership  is  taken  to  have  been
     committed by each partner, except where the partner has no knowledge of
     the circumstances of the offence, or knew  of  the  circumstances,  but
     took all reasonable steps to  correct  the  contravention.  This  would
     ensure innocent partners would not be made  guilty  of  an  offence  of
     which they have no knowledge.

Item 8

        This item outlines the proposed transition to the amended Act.   It
        provides that  changes  to  the  Act  do  not  have  an  impact  on
        applications received or tradex orders made  before  those  changes
        have effect.

Part 2 - Repeal of spent provisions

Item 9

        This  item  would  repeal  spent  provisions  that  relate  to  the
        transition arrangements between the Texco  Scheme  and  the  Tradex
        Scheme when it was introduced in 2000.  Texco was the forerunner to
        and was superseded by the Tradex Scheme.  This  provision  outlines
        the  process  for  converting  Texco  customers  to  Tradex  Scheme
        customers.  No Texco customers currently  exist  and  there  is  no
        longer any need for  this  provision.    Removing  this  transition
        provision would be consistent with the  Government's  objective  of
        reducing regulation.


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