Commonwealth of Australia Explanatory Memoranda

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(Circulated by authority of Senator the Hon. Richard Alston, Minister for Communications and the Arts)

79583  Cat. No. 96 5541 7  ISBN 0644 480149



The Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Charges) Bill 1996 (‘the Bill’) provides for the imposition of application charges and annual charges in relation to carrier licences under the proposed Telecommunications Act 1996.

A person will be able to apply for a carrier licence so long as the person is a corporation to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies (basically an Australian corporation with substantial trading or financial activities or a foreign corporation), a partnership where each of the partners is a constitutional corporation or a public body. Existing carriers under the Telecommunications Act 1991 will be deemed to have been granted a carrier licence under the proposed Telecommunications Act 1996 on 1 July 1997. AUSTEL will be able to receive applications for carrier licences from 5 June 1997 on behalf of the ACA (which comes into existence on 1 July 1997). Provisions allowing the granting of licences, however, will not come into effect until 1 July 1997.

An application for a carrier licence will be required to be accompanied by the charge imposed on the application by Part 2 of Bill. Part 2 provides for the amount of this charge to be ascertained in accordance with a disallowable instrument determined by the ACA. This amount will not be able to exceed $100,000.

Part 3 of the Bill provides for the imposition, from 1 July 1998, of an annual charge on a carrier licence that is in force at the beginning of a financial year. The amount of the annual charge will be ascertained in accordance with a disallowable instrument determined by the ACA. The Bill provides for a limit on the total amount of this charge on carriers having regard to the amounts attributable to the ACA’s and ACCC’s telecommunications functions and powers for the immediately preceding financial year and the proportion of the Commonwealth’s contribution to the budget of the International Telecommunication Union for the calendar year that is to be recovered from carriers.

Part 4 of the Bill will empower AUSTEL, before 1 July 1997, to make a determination under Part 2 setting out how the amount of application charge for a carrier licence is to be ascertained. Such a determination will have effect, on and after 1 July 1997, as if it had been made by the ACA.

The annual charge for 1 July 1997 will be dealt with by transitional arrangements under the Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Fees) Termination Bill 1996.


The Bill provides for the imposition of application charges of up to $100,000 for new carrier licences. Accordingly, there should be some addition to Commonwealth revenue from this measure. The amount of the addition will depend upon the number of applications received each year and the precise amount at which the charge is set within the overall limit. With effect from 1 July 1998, the Bill will also enable ACA and ACCC expenditures incurred in administering telecommunications-specific regulation to be recovered from carriers via annual licence charges. Forward estimates for resource needs for the ACA and the ACCC for 1998-99 and subsequent financial years will be settled in the context of the 1997-98 Budget.


Part 1––Introduction

Clause 1 – Short title

Clause 1 provides for the citation of the Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Charges) Act 1996.

Clause 2 – Commencement

Clause 2 provides for the Bill, when enacted, to commence on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent. If this day is later than 5 June 1997, the proposed Act will be taken to have commenced on 5 June 1997. (As a result of Division 4 of Part 3 of the proposed Telecommunications (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 1996, AUSTEL will be able to receive applications for carrier licences from 5 June 1997 until the end of 30 June 1997 on behalf of the ACA (which comes into existence on 1 July 1997). Provisions allowing the granting of licences, however, will not come into effect until 1 July 1997.)

Clause 3 – Act to bind Crown

Clause 3 provides that the Bill, when enacted, will bind the Crown in all its rights.

Clause 4 – Extension to eligible Territories

Clause 4 provides that the Bill, when enacted, will extend to each eligible Territory. The term ‘eligible Territory’ is defined in clause 5 to have the same meaning as in the proposed Telecommunications Act 1996 ie. the Indian Ocean Territories of Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands and any other external Territory prescribed in the Telecommunications Regulations for the purposes of proposed s. 10 of the Telecommunications Act 1996 (which enables that Act to be extended to additional external Territories).

Clause 5 – Interpretation

Clause 5 sets out the definitions of key terms used in the Bill.

Part 2––Application charge

Clause 6 – Definition of charge

Clause 6 defines ‘charge’, for the purposes of Part 2, to mean the application charge imposed by this Part.

Clause 7 – Imposition of charge

Clause 7 provides for charge to be imposed on an application for a carrier licence.

Clause 8 – By whom charge payable

Clause 8 provides that charge imposed on an application for a carrier licence is payable by the applicant.

A person will be able to apply for a carrier licence so long as the person is a corporation to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies (basically an Australian corporation with substantial trading or financial activities or a foreign corporation), a partnership where each of the partners is a constitutional corporation or a public body (see proposed s. 52 of the Telecommunications Act 1996). Existing carriers under the Telecommunications Act 1991 will be deemed to have been granted a carrier licence under the proposed Telecommunications Act 1996 on 1 July 1997. AUSTEL will be able to receive applications for carrier licences from 5 June 1997 on behalf of the ACA (which comes into existence on 1 July 1997). Provisions allowing the granting of licences, however, will not come into effect until 1 July 1997 (see Division 4 of Part 3 of the proposed Telecommunications (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 1996).

Proposed s. 54 of the Telecommunications Act 1996 provides that an application for a carrier licence must be accompanied by the charge imposed on the application by Part 2 of the proposed Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Charges) Act 1996. Part 2 provides for the amount of this charge to be ascertained in accordance with a disallowable instrument determined by the ACA (see clause 9 of the Bill). This amount will not be able to exceed $100,000 (see clause 10 of the Bill).

Proposed s. 72 of the Telecommunications Act 1996 provides for the collection of the application charge imposed by Part 2 of the proposed Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Charges) Act 1996, the imposition of late payment penalties and the remission of penalties in relation to such application charges.

Clause 9 – Amount of charge

Clause 9 provides for the amount of charge imposed on an application for a carrier licence to be the amount ascertained in accordance with a written disallowable determination made by the ACA. Under Division 3 of Part 3 of the proposed Telecommunications Act 1996, the ACA will have the function of granting carrier licences. Under paragraph 6(f) of the proposed Australian Communications Authority Act 1996, the ACA will have the function of monitoring all significant matters relating to the licensing of carriers. Given the ACA’s responsibility for, and administration of, the carrier licensing function, it will be best placed to determine the appropriate charge to be imposed on an application for a carrier licence.

As a result of proposed ss. 6 and 12 of the Australian Communications Authority Act 1996, the Minister will be able to give the ACA written directions in relation to the setting of this charge.

Part 4 of the Bill will empower AUSTEL, before 1 July 1997, to make a determination under Part 2 setting out how the amount of application charge for a carrier licence is to be ascertained. Such a determination will have effect, on and after 1 July 1997, as if it had been made by the ACA.

Clause 10 – Maximum charge

The maximum amount of charge imposed on an application for a carrier licence will not be able to exceed $100,000. Significant rights and obligations attach to a carrier licence, so the maximum charge can be set at a level which discourages frivolous applications.

Part 3––Annual charge

Clause 11 – Definition of charge

Clause 11 defines ‘charge’, for the purposes of Part 3, to mean the annual carrier licence charge imposed by this Part.

Clause 12 – Imposition of charge

With respect to the 1998/99 financial year, and subsequent financial years, clause 12 of the Bill will impose the annual carrier licence charge on a carrier licence that is in force at the beginning of a financial year beginning on or after 1 July 1998. (As a result of the proposed Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Fees) Termination Act 1996, existing carriers will be required to pay an annual licence fee on 1 July 1997 of an amount determined in accordance with the Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Fees) Regulations as in force at that date.)

Clause 13 – By whom charge payable

The annual charge imposed on a carrier licence under Part 3 of the Bill will be payable by the holder of the licence (clause 13).

Proposed s. 72 of the Telecommunications Act 1996 provides for the collection of the annual carrier licence charge imposed by Part 3 of the proposed Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Charges) Act 1996, the imposition of late payment penalties and the remission of penalties in relation to such annual charges.

Clause 14 – Amount of charge

The amount of annual charge imposed on a carrier licence will be the amount ascertained in accordance with a written disallowable determination made by the ACA (clause 14). Under Division 3 of Part 3 of the proposed Telecommunications Act 1996, the ACA will have the function of granting carrier licences. Under paragraph 6(f) of the proposed Australian Communications Authority Act 1996, the ACA will have the function of monitoring all significant matters relating to the licensing of carriers. Given the ACA’s responsibility for, and administration of, the carrier licensing function, it will be best placed to determine the appropriate annual charge to be imposed on a carrier licence.

As a result of proposed ss. 6 and 12 of the Australian Communications Authority Act 1996, the Minister will be able to give the ACA written directions in relation to the setting of this charge.

Clause 15 – Limit on total of charges

Clause 15 provides for a limit on the total amount of the annual charges that are imposed on carrier licences in force at the beginning of a financial year.

The total will not be able to exceed the sum of:

• the amount determined by the ACA, by disallowable instrument, to be the proportion of its costs for the immediately preceding financial year that is attributable to the ACA’s telecommunications functions and powers;

• the amount determined by the ACCC, by disallowable instrument, to be the proportion of its costs for the immediately preceding financial year that is attributable to the ACCC’s telecommunications functions and powers; and

• the amount determined by the ACA, by disallowable instrument, to be the proportion of the Commonwealth’s contribution to the budget of the International Telecommunication Union for the calendar year in which the beginning of the financial year occurs that is to be recovered from carriers (clauses 15(1) and (3)).

The references in clause 15 to the ACA’s costs and the ACCC’s costs will be the amount that, in accordance with accrual-based accounting principles, is treated as a cost of the ACA or as a cost of the ACCC (clause 15(4)). An accrual basis of accounting recognises the effects of transactions and other events in the period to which they properly relate regardless of the timing of associated cash receipts or payments. The accrual approach will avoid imposing inappropriate and unreasonably large swings in cash appropriations on carriers within a short period. In addition, under an accrual approach the ACA and ACCC will be able to recover the costs of accruing employee entitlements when they are earned rather than leaving them until some future date when the leave is actually taken. The use of accrual costs is the basis on which the publicly available and detailed published financial statements on Commonwealth Budget funded agencies are prepared.

The references in clause 15 to the ACA’s telecommunications functions and to the ACA’s telecommunications powers will include functions and powers conferred on the ACA by or under the proposed Telecommunications Act 1996, the proposed Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Charges) Act 1996, the proposed Telecommunications (Numbering Charges) Act 1996 and Part XIC of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (dealing with the access regime).

The reference in clause 15 to the ACCC’s telecommunications functions and powers will cover functions and powers conferred on the ACCC by or under the proposed Telecommunications Act 1996, the Telstra Corporation Act 1991 (as proposed to be amended), Part XIB and Part XIC of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (dealing with anti-competitive conduct and the access regime) and any other provision of the Trade Practices Act in so far as that provision applies to a matter connected with telecommunications.

The instruments made by the ACA and the ACCC under clause 15(1) will be required to be notified in the Commonwealth Gazette before the day on which the annual carrier licence charges become due for payment (clause 15(2)).

Part 4––Transitional

Clause 16 – Exercise of powers by AUSTEL before 1 July 1997––application charge

Among other things, Part 2 of the Bill provides that the amount of charge imposed on an application for a carrier licence is the amount ascertained in accordance with a written determination made by the ACA.

Clause 16 will allow AUSTEL to make the determination under Part 2 before 1 July 1997. Anything that AUSTEL does under Part 2 before 1 July 1997 will be taken to have effect, on and after 1 July 1997, as if it had been done by the ACA.


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