Commonwealth of Australia Explanatory Memoranda

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                          HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

    tax laws amendment (foreign source income deferral) bill (No. 1) 2010

                           EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM

                     (Circulated by the authority of the
                      Treasurer, the Hon Wayne Swan MP)

Table of contents

Glossary    1

General outline and financial impact    3

Chapter 1    Repeal of the foreign investment fund and deemed present
              entitlement rules    7

Chapter 2    Regulation impact statement     19

Index 29


         The following abbreviations and acronyms are used throughout this
         explanatory memorandum.

|Abbreviation        |Definition                   |
|ATO                 |Australian Taxation Office   |
|CFC                 |controlled foreign company   |
|CGT                 |capital gains tax            |
|FIF                 |foreign investment fund      |
|ITAA 1936           |Income Tax Assessment Act    |
|                    |1936                         |
|ITAA 1997           |Income Tax Assessment Act    |
|                    |1997                         |
|the Board           |Board of Taxation            |

General outline and financial impact

Repeal of the foreign investment fund and deemed present entitlement rules

         Schedule 1 to this Bill repeals the foreign investment fund (FIF)
         and the deemed present entitlement rules contained in the Income
         Tax Assessment Act 1936 (ITAA 1936).

         This Schedule also makes consequential amendments to the ITAA 1936,
         the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (ITAA 1997) and to the
         Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 as a result of the
         repeal of the FIF and deemed present entitlement rules.

         Date of effect:  The amendments generally apply in respect of the
         2010-11 and later income years.

         However, some of the amendments have earlier commencement dates to
         correct anomalies that exist in the current tax laws.  These
         amendments do not disadvantage taxpayers as they ensure double
         taxation does not occur in respect of previously taxed amounts.

         Proposal announced:  This measure was announced as part of a
         package of reforms to the foreign source income anti-tax-deferral
         (attribution) rules in the 2009-10 Budget (see the then Assistant
         Treasurer and Minister for Competition Policy and Consumer Affairs'
         Media Release No. 049 of 12 May 2009).

         Financial impact:  This measure forms part of a wider package of
         reforms that were announced in the 2009-10 Budget.  The financial
         impact of the reforms to the foreign source income attribution
         rules is estimated as being unquantifiable but not significant.

         Compliance cost impact:  The reforms to the foreign source income
         attribution rules, of which the repeal of the FIF and deemed
         present entitlement rules form part, are expected to result in
         overall medium compliance cost savings.  This is comprised of a
         medium transitional start-up cost impact estimated to be between
         $40 million to $80 million, offset by a medium decrease in ongoing
         compliance costs estimated to be between $40 million to $80 million
         per annum.

Summary of regulation impact statement

Regulation impact on business

         Impact:  Reforms to the foreign source income anti-tax-deferral
         (attribution) rules will affect taxpayers with non-controlling
         interests in foreign entities, managed funds, superannuation funds,
         taxpayers with controlling interests in foreign entities, tax
         practitioners and other intermediaries.

         Overall, the Government's reforms will result in significant
         compliance cost savings for affected taxpayers when compared to the
         existing regimes.

         Furthermore, the reforms also align the attribution rules to
         changes in the business environment that have occurred as a result
         of globalisation and provide flexibility when compared to the
         current regimes, recognising that many offshore investment
         decisions are not motivated by tax deferral reasons.

         Main points:

                . Taxpayers with non-controlling interests in foreign
                  entities (unless they hold an interest in a roll-up fund)
                  will benefit from significant compliance costs savings as
                  they will no longer be subject to the requirements of the
                  attribution rules.  Similarly, managed funds and
                  superannuation funds would also have significant
                  compliance cost savings.

                . Taxpayers with controlling interests in foreign entities
                  should also benefit from a reduction in their compliance
                  costs from the modernisation of the attribution rules to
                  better cater for active foreign businesses that derive
                  passive income as part of that active business.

                . The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) may incur initial
                  costs associated with system and tax form changes and the
                  need to provide additional advice to taxpayers and tax
                  practitioners, including by way of tax rulings.  Costs may
                  also be incurred in retraining staff.  The ATO has
                  estimated that the ongoing administrative cost would be in
                  the order of $1.3 million per annum.

                . The economic benefits of implementing the reforms:

                  - For Australian managed funds, the abolition of the FIF
                    rules will significantly reduce their compliance costs
                    which in turn will enhance their global competitiveness
                    and attractiveness to foreign investors.

                  - For Australian corporates, modernising and better
                    targeting the rules by abolishing the FIF and base
                    company income rules, together with updating the
                    definitions of what constitutes active and passive
                    income, will improve their competitiveness and
                    productivity.  More accessible and flexible exemptions,
                    including a more effective exemption for complying
                    superannuation funds, will significantly reduce
                    compliance costs for eligible taxpayers.

                  - For taxpayers generally, and administrators, the
                    abolition of the FIF and deemed present entitlement
                    rules, in conjunction with rewriting the controlled
                    foreign company rules into the ITAA 1997 will simplify
                    and scale back the volume of law, as well as bringing
                    the prospect of consolidating the two income tax Acts a
                    significant step closer.

Chapter 1
Repeal of the foreign investment fund and deemed present entitlement rules

Outline of chapter

      1. Schedule 1 to this Bill repeals the foreign investment fund (FIF)
         and the deemed present entitlement rules in the Income Tax
         Assessment Act 1936 (ITAA 1936).

      2. This Schedule also makes consequential amendments to the ITAA 1936,
         the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (ITAA 1997) and to the
         Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 as a result of the
         repeal of the FIF and deemed present entitlement rules.

      3. This chapter explains:

                . the effect of the repeal on certain areas of the taxation
                  law; and

                . the consequential amendments.

      4. All legislative references are to the ITAA 1936 unless otherwise

Context of amendments

      5. Following a comprehensive review by the Board of Taxation, the
         Government announced in the 2009-10 Budget its intention to repeal
         the FIF and deemed present entitlement rules (see the then
         Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Competition Policy and
         Consumer Affairs' Media Release No. 049 of 12 May 2009).

      6. The repeal of the FIF and deemed present entitlement rules is the
         first instalment in a package of reforms designed to improve the
         operation of the foreign source income anti-tax-deferral
         (attribution) rules.  The remaining reforms, which were also
         announced by the Government in the 2009-10 Budget, will modernise
         the controlled foreign company (CFC) rules and improve the
         effectiveness of the transferor trust rules.  It is anticipated
         that these measures will be introduced into Parliament as soon as
         practicable together with a specific anti-roll-up fund rule that
         was also announced by the Government as part of these reforms.

      7. For taxpayers that have exposure to the FIF and deemed present
         entitlement rules, their repeal will considerably simplify
         compliance with the law.  Repealing the FIF rules also contributes
         to achieving the Government's objective to promote Australia as a
         financial hub in our region and supports Australian jobs by
         reducing complexity and compliance costs associated with the making
         of foreign investments.

      8. The managed fund sector, in particular, has contended that the FIF
         regime imposes significant costs and an uncompetitive tax burden on
         Australian fund managers.  These changes will make the handling of
         their foreign investments much simpler.

      9. In the absence of the FIF and deemed present entitlement rules,
         resident beneficiaries holding interests in foreign trusts will
         need to turn to the ordinary trust rules contained in Division 6
         and the transferor trust provisions in Division 6AAA in order to
         determine their tax obligations.  The ordinary trust rules will
         also continue to apply in precedence to the transferor trust rules.
          This outcome is largely consistent with the arrangements that
         applied prior to the introduction of the FIF and deemed present
         entitlement regimes in 1992.

Summary of new law

     10. Part 1 of this Schedule:

                . repeals section 96A, Part XI (the FIF rules) and sections
                  96B and 96C (the deemed present entitlement rules) of the
                  ITAA 1936;

                . makes consequential amendments to the ITAA 1936 and the
                  ITAA 1997 as a result of the repeal of these rules; and

                . preserves the effect of certain elections that are
                  currently linked to the operation of the FIF rules.

     11. Part 2 of this Schedule ensures the provisions dealing with the
         disposal of interests in foreign entities where amounts have been
         previously attributed will continue to operate as intended.

Detailed explanation of new law

Amendments to the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936

         Rules being repealed

         FIF and deemed present entitlement rules

     12. The FIF rules currently apply to Australian residents with non-
         controlling shareholdings in foreign companies or with interests in
         foreign trusts.  These rules apply to approximate a resident
         taxpayer's share of the undistributed profits of a FIF and to
         assess the taxpayer on those profits.  The FIF rules also apply to
         Australian residents with an interest in a foreign life assurance

     13. The deemed present entitlement rules currently apply to interests
         in closely held foreign trusts and other interests in foreign
         trusts that are exempt from the FIF rules.  These rules deem
         beneficiaries to be presently entitled to a share of profits
         accumulated in a foreign trust based on their rights to receive
         distributions from the trust in the future.

     14. This Schedule repeals the FIF rules and the deemed present
         entitlement rules in relation to the 2010-11 and later income
         years.  [Schedule 1, items 9 and 37, Part XI and sections 96B and

         Section 96A

     15. Section 96A is designed to alleviate possible double Australian tax
         in relation to taxation under the FIF regime, and to reduce the
         compliance burden on small investors in resident public unit

     16. Subsection 96A(1) excludes from the assessable income of a
         presently entitled resident beneficiary of a non-resident trust,
         the beneficiary's share of the net income of the trust estate which
         is attributable under the FIF regime (or, but for Division 8 or 11A
         of Part XI, would have been attributed under the FIF regime).

     17. The effect of subsection 96A(1) is two-fold:

                . to ensure amounts attributable under the FIF regime are
                  not subject to tax under Division 6 of Part III of the
                  ITAA 1936; and

                . to ensure that section 97 does not apply where a
                  beneficiary of a trust is specifically exempted from
                  attribution under the FIF regime (where Division 8 or 11A
                  of Part XI apply).

     18. Subsection 96A(1A) also prevents double taxation of a trust's
         income.  The broad effect of this subsection is that an amount
         (other than an amount relating to an interest in a FIF to which
         Division 8 of Part XI applies) which is not assessable to a
         beneficiary under section 97 by subsection 96A(1), is also not
         assessable under sections 99 and 99A (for the trustee), and
         section 102AAU (for a transferor).  The reference to Division 8
         limits the circumstances where subsection 96A(1A) reduces the
         assessable income (Australian source income) of a trustee.

     19. Subsection 96A(2) provides that the impact of the FIF measures will
         not apply in the calculation of a taxpayer's share of net income of
         a resident public unit trust where the taxpayer is a natural person
         with not more than $50,000 invested in foreign companies, trusts,
         life policies and resident public unit trusts

     20. Subsections 96A(3A) and 96A(3B) ensure that taxation does not arise
         under both the CFC and FIF measures where a beneficiary in a non-
         resident trust estate has an interest in a CFC which is held
         through that trust.  In this regard, double taxation may only arise
         in relation to non-resident trust estates where they are also
         controlled foreign trusts for the purposes of the CFC measures.
         Taxation under the CFC measures is given priority and the net
         income of the trust does not include any FIF amount.

     21. As a consequence of repealing the FIF rules, this Schedule repeals
         section 96A as there is no longer a need to deal with the
         possibility of double taxation that this section deals with.

     22. The practical effect of the repeal of section 96A is that certain
         amounts that are excluded from taxation under Division 6 of Part
         III of the ITAA 1936 (specifically, income explicitly exempt from
         the FIF rules under Divisions 8 and 11A of Part XI of the ITAA
         1936) may now be taxed under that Division.  [Schedule 1, item 9,
         section 96A]

     23. The repeal of section 96A applies in relation to the 2010-11 year
         of income for a taxpayer and later income years. [Schedule 1, item
         9 and subitem 93(1), section 96A]

         Substantive amendments

         Amounts paid out of attributed FIF income is not assessable

     24. Section 23AK prevents double taxation in relation to amounts paid
         out of attributed FIF income.  A FIF attribution account payment
         received by a taxpayer from a trust, partnership, foreign life
         assurance policy or non-resident company is exempt from tax to the
         extent of the attribution surplus in the relevant FIF attribution

     25. This Schedule substitutes a new section 23AK so that amounts
         previously taxed under the FIF rules will continue to be exempt
         from further tax upon their subsequent distribution.  [Schedule 1,
         item 7, section 23AK]

         Reduction of disposal consideration if FIF attributed income is not

     26. Existing section 613 within Part XI ensures there is no double
         taxation in relation to a disposal of an interest in a FIF where
         the income of the FIF has been attributed but not distributed
         before the disposal.  The section operates to reduce the proceeds
         from a capital gain where the taxpayer has an attribution surplus
         in relation to that FIF.

     27. This Schedule inserts new section 23B to preserve the effect of
         section 613.  [Schedule 1, item 7, section 23B]

     28. This Schedule also corrects a technical deficiency that
         inappropriately prevented the consideration from being reduced
         where the asset is held on revenue account (as opposed to capital
         account).  This amendment applies from the 2006-07 and later income
         years, the moment when the defect first arose (being the
         application of the amendments made by the Tax Laws Amendment
         (Repeal of Inoperative Provisions) Act 2006).  [Schedule 1, items
         92 and 94, section 613]

         Reduction of disposal consideration if CFC attributed income is not

     29. Amendments similar to those made to section 613 have been made to
         sections 401 and 461, for interests in CFCs.  The future of those
         sections will depend on the rewrite of the CFC provisions.
         [Schedule 1, items 88 to 91, subsections 401(1) and (3),
         subsections 461(1) and (3)]

Amendments to the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

         Interaction with Division 230

     30. In broad terms, Division 230 of the ITAA 1997 applies to gains and
         losses arising from a financial arrangement unless a specific
         exception applies.  One of these exceptions includes interests in
         FIFs (which, importantly, includes CFC interests) and foreign life
         assurance policies (subsection 230-460(12)).  This has the effect
         that the FIF and CFC rules apply in precedence to Division 230.

     31. In the absence of the FIF rules it follows that an amendment is
         required to Division 230.  The effect of this amendment will be
         that direct participation interests of an attributable taxpayer in
         a CFC will be excepted from the operation of Division 230.  Other
         interests in foreign companies (whether FIFs or CFCs), foreign
         trusts and foreign life assurance policies will not to be
         explicitly exempted from the coverage of Division 230.  [Schedule
         1, item 49, subsection 230-460(12)]

         Foreign companies that are a FIF and use the CFC calculation method

     32. Under the existing FIF rules, a taxpayer can elect to have the FIF
         income calculated by using the CFC provisions, with the FIF
         afforded treatment as an Australian financial institution
         subsidiary.  Where that election has been made, section 768-533 of
         the ITAA 1997 currently provides similar recognition of the special
         nature of bank subsidiaries when the taxpayer disposes of its
         interest in the FIF.

     33. An amendment to subsection 768-533(1) will ensure that, with the
         repeal of the FIF rules, taxpayers will continue to be able to take
         advantage of electing to use the CFC provisions (and thereby treat
         the FIF as an Australian financial institution subsidiary) when it
         comes to determining any reduction in a capital gain or capital
         loss arising from a CGT event that happens in relation to a share
         in a foreign company.  [Schedule 1, item 62, subsection 768-533(1)]

         Foreign hybrid limited partnerships and foreign hybrid companies

     34. Amendments to sections 830-10 and 830-15 of the ITAA 1997 (which
         treat certain entities as foreign hybrids and therefore taxed like
         partnerships) are made to ensure that:

                . following the repeal of section 485AA, taxpayers can
                  continue to rely on an election made under that section
                  (before its repeal), and can make an election under
                  subsections 830-10(2) or 830-15(5) (subsequent to the
                  repeal of section 485AA); and

                . the interaction of subsections 830-10(1) and 830-15(1)
                  (automatic treatment of an entity as a foreign hybrid)
                  with the new election for foreign hybrid treatment
                  continue to operate as intended.

         Election for foreign hybrid treatment

     35. This Schedule amends subsections 830-10(2) and 830-15(5) to
         maintain an election made under subsection 485AA(1) prior to its

     36. Further, this Schedule inserts a new election mechanism so that,
         going forward, taxpayers will be able to elect for hybrid treatment
         (that is, treatment as a partnership) despite the repeal of section
         485AA.  The conditions required for making this election are the
         same as those required under the former section 485AA.  [Schedule
         1, items 76, 78 and 96, subsections 830-10(2) and 830-15(5)]

         Interaction of an election for foreign hybrid treatment and
         automatic foreign hybrid treatment

     37. Subsection 830-10(1) of the ITAA 1997 provides that a limited
         partnership is a foreign hybrid limited partnership in relation to
         an income year only if it satisfies five conditions:

                . the limited partnership must be formed in a foreign

                . foreign income tax is imposed under the law of the foreign
                  country on the partners, not the limited partnership in
                  respect of the income or profits of the partnership;

                . at no time, during the year of income is the limited
                  partnership, for the purposes of the tax law of any
                  foreign country, treated as a resident of that country;

                . the limited partnership must not be an Australian resident
                  at any time during the income year; and

                . the limited partnership is a CFC with at least one
                  attributable taxpayer having an attribution percentage
                  greater than nil.

     38. Similarly, subsection 830-15(1) provides that certain companies are
         foreign hybrid companies where the conditions in that subsection
         are met.

     39. However, if a particular partner in a limited partnership (or a
         shareholder in a foreign company) is not an attributable taxpayer
         in relation to that foreign entity (either because the entity is
         not a CFC, or because they do not hold a sufficient interest in an
         entity that is a CFC to be an attributable taxpayer), then the
         partner (shareholder) can choose whether or not that interest held
         is treated as an interest in a foreign hybrid limited partnership
         (or company).

     40. Amendments to section 830-10 and 830-15 ensure that, with the
         inclusion of the election for foreign hybrid treatment in
         subsections 830-10(2) and 830-15(5), those sections operate as

     41. That is, where the taxpayer is not an attributable taxpayer in
         relation to a foreign limited partnership (or company), the
         taxpayer will have the right to choose whether partnership
         treatment is to apply to its interest in the limited partnership
         (or company).  Where such election is not made, the normal tax
         treatment will continue to apply (for example, they may be treated
         as holding a share in a company).  This will be the case despite
         the fact that there may be another taxpayer that is an attributable
         taxpayer in relation to the foreign limited partnership (or
         company) that is a CFC.  [Schedule 1, items 75 to 78, subsections
         830-10(1) and (2), and subsections 830-15(1) and (5)]


                On 1 July 2011 Jess, an Australian resident taxpayer,
                acquires a 2 per cent interest in US LLC.  At 30 June 2012
                Andy (an Australian resident taxpayer) holds a 10 per cent
                interest in US LLC (which is a CFC with Andy an attributable
                taxpayer in relation to US LLC).

                For the 2011-12 income year US LLC meets all of the
                requirements of subsection 830-15(1) and is therefore a
                foreign hybrid company in relation to the 2011-12 income
                year.  Andy's interest in the CFC is therefore treated as an
                interest in a partnership.

                Jess does not make an election under subsection 830-15(5)
                for her interest to be treated as an interest in a foreign
                hybrid company.  Although the US LLC is treated as a foreign
                hybrid company because of Andy's interest, the fact that
                Jess has not made an election under subsection 830-15(5)
                means that Jess's interest is not treated as an interest in
                a foreign hybrid company.


                Assume the same facts as in Example 1.1, but Andy does not
                hold any interest in US LLC.  Also, no other Australian
                resident taxpayer is an attributable taxpayer in relation to
                US LLC.  US LLC does not meet all of the requirements of
                subsection 830-15(1) and therefore is not a foreign hybrid
                company in relation to the 2011-12 income year.

                In relation to the 2011-12 income year, all of the
                requirements in subsection 830-15(7) are satisfied.  On or
                before the day on which Jess lodges her income tax return
                for the 2011-12 year, Jess makes an election under
                subsection 830-15(5) for her interest in US LLC to be
                treated as an interest in a foreign hybrid company.  Jess's
                interest in US LLC is treated as an interest in a

                This election is in force during the 2011-12 income year and
                all later income years and is irrevocable.

Application and saving provisions

Application of Part 1 amendments

     42. The amendments made by items 2 to 7, 9, 37, 39, 47 to 49, 51, 54 to
         56, 59 to 80 and 82 to 87 apply in relation to the 2010-11 and
         later income years for taxpayers.  [Schedule 1, subitem 93(1)]

     43. The amendments made by items 10 to 13 apply in relation to the 2010-
         11 and later income years for trust estates.  [Schedule 1, subitem

     44. The amendments made by items 14 to 36 apply in relation to
         statutory accounting periods ending in the 2010-11 and later income
         years.  [Schedule 1, subitem 93(3)]

Application of Part 2 amendments

     45. The amendments made by Part 2 apply to assessments for the 2006-07
         income year and later income years.  These are backdated because
         the amendments reverse the effect of the Tax Laws Amendment (Repeal
         of Inoperative Provisions) Act 2006 and are consistent with the
         application date of that Act.  [Schedule 1, item 94]

Savings provisions

         Saving of regulations relating to stock exchanges

     46. The first of the savings provisions prevents the definition of
         'approved stock exchange' being affected by the repeal of Part XI
         (item 37) and provides that regulations made for the purposes of
         that definition that were in force immediately before this item
         commences continue in force on and after that commencement as if
         those regulations had been made for the purposes of the new
         definition of 'approved stock exchange' in the ITAA 1997 as
         inserted by item 81 of this Schedule.  [Schedule 1, item 95]

         Saving of elections relating to foreign hybrids

     47. The second of the savings provisions ensures that, despite the
         repeal of section 485AA, elections made under subsection 485AA(1)
         continue to have effect as if the repeal had not happened.  This is
         consistent with the new paragraphs 830-10(2)(a) and 830-15(5)(a).
         [Schedule 1, items 76, 78 and 96, subsections 830-10(2) and 830-

Consequential amendments

     48. As a result of the repeal of Part XI, many consequential amendments
         arise, particularly where sections contain references to 'Part XI',
         or to terms in that Part.  [Schedule 1, items 1 and 2, 6, 8, 10, 12
         and 13, 17 to 19, 35, 38, 48, 50 and 51, 63, 66 to 68, 74, 81 and
         82 and 87, subsection 6(1) (definition of 'approved stock
         exchange'), subsection 6(1)(paragraph (l) (definition of 'passive
         income'), subsection 6AB(1), subsection 82 KZL(1) (definition of
         'approved stock exchange'), paragraphs 102AAU(1)(b),
         subparagraphs 102AAU(1)(c)(ix), subsections 102AAU(7) to (9),
         subsection 317(1)(definition of 'grossed-up amount'), subparagraphs
         356(4B)(b)(ii) and 356(4C)(b)(ii), subsection 402(4),
         subsection 272-140(1) in Schedule 2F (definition of 'approved stock
         exchange'), subsections 116-10(7) (note 1) of the ITAA 1997,
         subsections 703-75(4) (note) and 715-660(1) ( items 1 and 2 in the
         table) of the ITAA 1997, sections 768-900, 770-135 (heading),
         subsections 770-135(1), (2) and (6) to (8), subsection 995-1(1)
         (definition of 'approved stock exchange'), subsection 995-1(1)
         (definition of 'attribution percentage') of the ITAA 1997 and
         subsection 66(5) (paragraph (b) of the definition of 'listed
         security') of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993]

     49. Other consequential amendments repeal various definitions which are
         no longer required as a result of the repeal of Part XI.
         [Schedule 1, items 14 to 16 and 83 to 86, definition of 'FIF
         attribution account entity', 'FIF attribution account payment',
         'FIF attribution debit' in subsection 317(1) of the ITAA 1936,
         definition of 'FIF', 'foreign life assurance policy', 'foreign
         investment fund' and 'notional accounting period' in  subsection

     50. Further consequential amendments repeal provisions that are no
         longer required as a consequence of the repeal of Part XI and the
         deemed present entitlement rules.  [Schedule 1, items 20, 22 to 24,
         26, 28, 31, 34, 36, 39, 47, 64 and 65, 70, 72 and 73 and 80,
         paragraphs 371(1)(aa) and 371(1)(ab), subsections 371(2A) to (2D),
         paragraphs 371(5)(aa), 371(5)(ab) and 384(2)(ca), subparagraph
         384(2)(d)(iv), paragraph 385(2)(ca), subparagraph 385(2)(d)(v),
         subsections 402(2A) to (2C), Subdivision E of Division 7 of Part X,
         Schedules 3 to 5 to the ITAA 1936, sections 70-70, 768-965 and 768-
         975 of the ITAA 1997, paragraphs 770-135(3)(c), 770-135(5)(c), 770-
         135(5) (note) and 960-50(10)(d) of the ITAA 1997]

     51. Definitions have also been inserted into subsection 6(1) for 'post
         FIF abolition credit', 'post FIF abolition debit', and 'post FIF
         abolition surplus' as a consequence of the repeal of Part XI.
         [Schedule 1, items 3 to 5, subsection 6(1)]

     52. Various provisions and headings in Subdivisions 717-D and E are
         amended to allow the head company or the leaving member to continue
         to take advantage of the section 23AK exemption or the section 613
         reduction of capital proceeds on disposal of an interest in the
         FIF.  [Schedule 1, items 52 to 61, Subdivision 717-D of Part 3-90
         (heading), section 717-200, paragraph 717-205(c), sections 717-220
         and 717-230, Subdivision 717-E of Part 3-90 (heading), section 717-
         235, paragraph 717-240(c), sections 717-255 and 717-265 of the ITAA

     53. There are also a number of further consequential amendments to
         reflect changes resulting from the repeal of Part XI.  [Schedule 1,
         items 11, 21, 25, 27, 29 and 30, 32 and 33, 69 to 71 and 79, sub-
         subparagraphs 102AAU(1)(c)(viii)(B), subsection 371(2),
         subparagraph 384(2)(d)(iii), paragraphs 385(2)(a), (b) and (d), sub-
         subparagraph 385(2)(d)(iv)(B), subsection 385(4), paragraph 389(a),
         paragraphs 770-135(3)(b) and (c), 770-135(5)(b) and 960-50(10)(c)
         of the ITAA 1997]

     54. Several items update the checklists in sections 10-5, 11-55 and 12-
         5 of the ITAA 1997.  [Schedule 1, items 40 to 46, sections 10-5, 11-
         55 and 12-5 of the ITAA 1997]

Chapter 2
Regulation impact statement


     55. This regulation impact statement relates to the Board of Taxation's
         (the Board) recommendations following its review of the foreign
         source income anti-tax-deferral (attribution) regimes.

     56. The attribution rules provide integrity to Australia's residence
         based taxation system whereby Australian residents, in general, are
         taxable on their worldwide income.

     57. Australia's attribution rules apply to ensure Australian residents
         cannot avoid or defer Australian tax by accumulating income
         offshore in a foreign entity.  The attribution rules achieve this
         by taxing Australian residents on a current basis on their share of
         certain income accumulated in a foreign entity in which they hold
         an interest.

     58. The current attribution rules - the controlled foreign company
         (CFC), foreign investment fund (FIF), transferor trust and deemed
         present entitlement regimes - were introduced in the early 1990s.
         Each regime applies to different kinds of interests and entities.
         In summary:

                . The CFC regime applies to Australian residents with a
                  controlling interest in a foreign company.

                . The FIF regime applies to Australian residents with
                  interests in foreign trusts or non-controlling interests
                  in foreign companies and also applies to Australian
                  residents with interests in foreign life assurance

                . The transferor trust regime applies where an Australian
                  resident has made a transfer of property or services to a
                  foreign trust for no, or insufficient, consideration.

                . The deemed present entitlement regime applies to an
                  Australian resident with an interest, including a future
                  or contingent interest, in a foreign trust.

     59. In general terms, the attribution rules target that income
         classified as being passive income.  Passive income is generally
         considered to be highly mobile income, for example, interest,
         dividends, and royalties.  The rules also currently target certain
         income from related-party transactions.



     60. Australia's attribution rules were introduced progressively during
         the early 1990s, but are based on United States' rules developed in
         the 1960s.  Since the attribution rules were introduced,
         globalisation has significantly affected the business environment
         faced by Australian businesses and seen them increasingly competing
         in the world economy.  The changing business environment has led to
         the current rules being outdated, potentially impacting on offshore
         investment decisions that are not motivated by tax deferral

     61. The Board in its discussion paper identified a number of problems
         with the existing attribution rules.  These problems were
         classified under the following broad headings:

                . coordination and distortionary problems - primarily as a
                  result of multiple regimes applying concurrently, together
                  with inconsistent rules applying to equivalent entity

                . targeting problems - poorly targeted provisions, both in
                  terms of distinguishing between passive and active income
                  and identifying income that carries the greatest deferral

                . compliance cost problems - compliance costs that are
                  disproportionate to the integrity risk; and

                . complexity problems - the regimes are exceedingly complex.

     62. In terms of complexity the rules were drafted at a time when a
         prescriptive black-letter law approach to the general design of the
         tax laws applied.  As a result, they occupy around 400 pages of
         legislation and nearly 1,000 subsections (or approximately 25 per
         cent of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936).  The Board concluded
         that the volume of law needed and the accompanying level of
         complexity is disproportionate to the common policy outcome the
         regimes all set out to achieve - to identify and attribute to
         resident taxpayers their share of passive income derived by foreign
         entities in which they hold an interest.

     63. The complexity of the attribution regimes, as well as the lack of
         high level and more immediately accessible exemptions, has resulted
         in high compliance costs for many Australian residents with foreign
         investments even where they ultimately have little or no
         attributable income to report.

     64. These costs can also potentially impact on the competitiveness of
         Australians doing business offshore.  For example, Australian-owned
         companies with offshore marketing hubs may be subject to tax on a
         current basis on their share of income accumulated in these hubs
         (attribution taxation) whereas their foreign-owned competitors may
         not be subject to similar attribution taxation in their home

     65. A further example is in the managed funds sector.  To avoid the
         compliance costs associated with the FIF rules, fund managers often
         sell FIF interests immediately before the end of the year and
         reacquire them in the next moment in the following income year.
         Although this has the effect of bringing forward the taxing point
         on what would have otherwise been an unrealised gain, the savings
         in compliance costs are of such a magnitude that managed funds
         seldom refrain from this sell and buy-back practice.

Policy objective

     66. In light of the problems and issues outlined above, the former
         government announced on 10 October 2006, a review of the
         attribution rules.

     67. The terms of reference for the review were:

                . to identify ways to reduce the complexity and compliance
                  costs associated with the current foreign source income
                  anti-tax-deferral regimes, including whether the regimes
                  can be collapsed into a single regime; and

                . to examine whether the anti-tax-deferral regimes strike an
                  appropriate balance between effectively countering
                  deferral and unnecessarily inhibiting Australians from
                  competing in the global economy.

     68. The review was conducted by the Board.  The Board is an
         independent, non-statutory body established to advise government on
         various aspects of the Australian taxation system.

     69. In September 2008 the Board handed to Government its report which
         contained recommendations to address the terms of reference.


     70. The Government announced in the 2009-10 Budget its response to
         recommendations from the Board following its review of the
         attribution rules (see the Assistant Treasurer's Press Release No.
         049 of 12 May 2009).

     71. In summary, the Government agreed that:

                . the CFC provisions be retained as the primary set of rules
                  designed to counter tax deferral arrangements:

                  - the CFC provisions be modernised by updating the
                    definitions of what constitutes active and passive
                    income together with the removal of the base company
                    income rules;

                  - the existing exemptions within the CFC rules be
                    retained, including the listed country and Australian
                    financial institution subsidiary exemptions, and an
                    additional exemption introduced for complying
                    superannuation entities;

                  - a choice of attribution methods apply (the branch-
                    equivalent calculation, market value, and deemed rate of
                    return methods) where taxpayers are required to include
                    attributable income in their assessable income; and

                  - the CFC provisions are rewritten in the Income Tax
                    Assessment Act 1997 (ITAA 1997);

                . the FIF provisions be repealed and replaced with a
                  specific anti-roll-up fund measure targeting accumulation
                  funds that reinvest interest-like returns;

                . in the absence of FIF rules, closely held fixed trusts are
                  brought into the rewritten CFC rules;

                . the deemed present entitlement rules are repealed; and

                . the transferor trust rules are retained with amendments to
                  enhance their effectiveness and improve their integrity.

     72. The Government decided not to proceed with the Board's
         recommendation of a listed public company exemption.

     73. The Assistant Treasurer's Press Release No. 117 of 18 December 2009
         announced the release for public consultation exposure draft
         legislation to repeal the FIF and deemed present entitlement rules.
          Legislation to give effect to the remaining reforms to modernise
         the CFC and transferor trust rules is being developed separately.

Assessment of impacts

Impact group identification

     74. The most recent data from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
         indicates that the number of taxpayers currently subject to the
         attribution regimes are:

                . for the 2006-07 year - 2,000 individuals declared that
                  they received FIF income, 600 declared they were in
                  receipt of CFC income and 50 included transferor trust
                  income; and

                . for the 2005-06 year - 3,000 businesses, superannuation
                  funds and other entities declared they were in receipt of
                  CFC and/or FIF income.

     75. The above numbers do not take account of managed funds and their
         investors that effectively operate outside of the attribution rules
         because of 'bed and breakfast' transactions undertaken by fund
         managers (referred to in paragraph 2.11).

     76. Implementation of the Government's announcement will impact on all
         of these taxpayers and their advisors.  The benefits and costs of
         the announced reforms are explained in more detail below.

Analysis of costs/benefits

         Compliance costs

         Taxpayers with non-controlling interests in foreign entities

     77. Implementation of these reforms will have the biggest impact on
         those resident taxpayers with non-controlling interests in foreign
         investments.  These taxpayers, unless they hold an interest in a
         roll-up fund, will benefit from significant compliance cost savings
         as they will no longer be subject to the requirements of the
         attribution rules.

     78. Similarly, managed funds and superannuation funds would also have
         significant compliance cost savings.  The repeal of the FIF regime
         would mean these entities would no longer be required to either
         maintain separate attribution accounts for each resident investor
         or undertake 'bed and breakfast' transactions (referred to in
         paragraph 2.11) in order to meet the requirements of the balanced
         portfolio exemption.

         Taxpayers with controlling interests in foreign entities

     79. Taxpayers with controlling interests in foreign entities should
         also benefit from a reduction in their compliance costs.  The
         majority of these taxpayers are currently subject to the
         requirements of the existing CFC regime.

     80. For these taxpayers compliance cost reductions will occur as a
         result of the introduction of improved exemptions.

     81. Other changes that modernise the active/passive income divide to
         better recognise the changing global business environment that has
         evolved since the attribution rules were first developed, will also
         improve the competitiveness and productivity of Australian
         businesses with offshore operations.

     82. Overall, the ATO's compliance cost assessment is that the proposed
         changes will have an on-going compliance cost savings for taxpayers
         of between $40 million to $80 million per year.  (Transitional
         costs associated with implementation are estimated to cost between
         $40 million to $80 million.)

     83. However, according to the ATO, the estimates of potential
         compliance cost impacts are conservative and do not represent the
         total compliance cost impact.  For instance, no estimates are
         provided on the impact on professional fees that a taxpayer might
         be required to pay.  This is due to the limitations of the data
         available and the more complex interaction of variables that
         influence the use of professional services and the setting of those

     84. Nor does the estimate of potential compliance cost impacts include
         savings for individual investors in managed funds who might have
         incurred costs associated with undertaking 'bed and breakfast'
         arrangements.  Impacts on these individual investors are an
         indirect saving that the ATO's quantifications do not include.

         Tax practitioners and other intermediaries

     85. Tax practitioners representing entities in either the Large or
         Small Medium Enterprise markets will be the most directly affected
         by the proposed changes.  It is entities operating in these markets
         that tend to conduct offshore business, with larger businesses
         tending to have the greatest exposure.

     86. It is estimated that 400 registered tax agents service these
         markets.  These tax agents may initially incur additional costs
         when familiarising themselves with the new rules.  However, this is
         not expected to be significant given that the new rules are based
         on the retention of the existing CFC rules and the repeal of the
         FIF rules.

     87. The impact on the tax agents representing the remaining markets
         sectors would depend on their clients' exposure to the new rules,
         but this is not expected to be significant.

         Administrative costs

     88. As a result of implementing these changes the ATO may incur initial
         costs associated with system and tax form changes and the need to
         provide additional advice to taxpayers and tax practitioners,
         including by way of tax rulings.  Costs may also be incurred in
         retraining staff.  This is not expected to be significant as the
         CFC rules are being retained and the FIF rules are being repealed.
         The ATO has indicated that these costs would be $3.1 million for
         the 2010-11 income year.

     89. Although it was anticipated that the new regime would result in
         ongoing administration costs savings, the ATO has estimated that
         the ongoing administrative cost would be in the order of $1.3
         million per year.

         Economic benefits

     90. The Board's recommendations will provide a number of economic
         benefits across a number of fronts:

                . For Australian managed funds, the abolition of the FIF
                  rules will significantly reduce their compliance costs
                  which in turn will enhance their global competitiveness
                  and attractiveness to foreign investors.

                . For Australian corporates:

                  - modernising and better targeting the rules by abolishing
                    the FIF and base company income rules, together with
                    updating the definitions of what constitutes active and
                    passive income, will improve their competitiveness and
                    productivity; and

                  - improved exemptions, including a more effective
                    exemption for complying superannuation funds, will
                    significantly reduce compliance costs for eligible

                . For taxpayers generally, and administrators:

                  - abolition of the FIF and deemed present entitlement
                    rules, in conjunction with rewriting the CFC rules into
                    the ITAA 1997 will simplify and scale back the volume of
                    law, as well as bringing the prospect of consolidating
                    the two income tax Acts a significant step closer.


     91. The Board conducted extensive consultation with stakeholders
         throughout the review process.

     92. Initially, targeted consultation sessions were held with selected
         representatives from industry and the professional tax bodies, as
         well as the Treasury and the ATO, to help develop the Board's
         discussion paper.  Public consultation meetings were then held in
         both Melbourne and Sydney following the release of that paper and,
         again, following the release of the Board's position and issues
         papers.  The public consultations forums were advertised in the
         press as well as on the Board's website.

     93. Consultation was conducted early in the review so that interested
         parties could comment on policy and design issues underlying the
         foreign source income attribution rules.

     94. Further, targeted consultations were also held with particular
         taxpayers throughout the review period.

     95. Written submissions were also sought by the Board in response to
         their discussion paper and, again, in response to their position
         and issues papers.

     96. Appendices A and B of the Board's Report contains the list of
         organisations or individuals who either made submissions to the
         Board or attended consultations meetings.

     97. Stakeholders were unanimous in seeking changes to the existing
         rules.  Changes were sought on the basis that the rules were
         outdated, complex, compliance intensive, and distortionary.

     98. Stakeholders were also in agreement in seeking more modern, high
         level exemptions; and a range of exemption options.

     99. Public consultation meetings were also held in Sydney and Melbourne
         following the release of the Treasury discussion paper in
         June 2009.  Written submissions were also sought from interested
         parties in response to the Treasury's discussion paper.

    100. An exposure draft of the legislation giving effect to the
         Government's decision to repeal the FIF and the deemed present
         entitlement rules was released for public consultation on
         18 December 2009 and interested parties provided comments on the
         exposure draft Bill.

    101. A consultation paper on the reform of the CFC rules was released in
         January 2010, with submissions due by 1 March 2010.

Conclusion and recommended option

    102. The Government announced reforms to the attribution rules as part
         of the 2009-10 Budget.  The Government agreed to implement all of
         the Board's recommendations other than the listed public company
         exemption (recommendation 2).

    103. The above analysis shows that this approach would result in
         significant compliance cost savings for affected taxpayers when
         compared to the existing regimes.

    104. The approach also aligns the rules to changes in the business
         environment that have occurred as a result of globalisation.  The
         Government's approach provides flexibility when compared to the
         current regimes, recognising that many offshore investment
         decisions are not motivated by tax deferral reasons.

Implementation and review

    105. Consistent with the Government's commitment for consultation with
         stakeholders in accordance with the Tax Design Review Panel's
         report Better Tax Design and Implementation, draft legislation to
         implement these reforms will involve consultation with affected
         stakeholders.  The repeal of the FIF and deemed present entitlement
         rules has already been the subject of such consultation.

    106. The Board in delivering its report to Government, noted that the
         Treasury, when developing any legislation, should involve both the
         Board and the other stakeholders who participated in the review's
         consultation process.  The repeal of the FIF and deemed present
         entitlement rules has been conducted in accordance with this

    107. Once introduced, the Treasury and the ATO will monitor this
         taxation measure on an ongoing basis.


Schedule 1:  Repeal of the FIF and deemed present entitlement rules

|Bill reference                              |Paragraph     |
|                                            |number        |
|Items 1 and 2, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 13, 17 to   |1.48          |
|19, 35, 38, 48, 50 and 51, 63, 66 to 68, 74,|              |
|81 and 82 and 87, subsection 6(1)           |              |
|(definition of 'approved stock exchange'),  |              |
|subsection 6(1)(paragraph (l) (definition of|              |
|'passive income'), subsection 6AB(1),       |              |
|subsection 82 KZL(1) (definition of         |              |
|'approved stock exchange'), paragraphs      |              |
|102AAU(1)(b),                               |              |
|subparagraphs 102AAU(1)(c)(ix),             |              |
|subsections 102AAU(7) to (9), subsection    |              |
|317(1)(definition of 'grossed-up amount'),  |              |
|subparagraphs 356(4B)(b)(ii) and            |              |
|356(4C)(b)(ii), subsection 402(4),          |              |
|subsection 272-140(1) in Schedule 2F        |              |
|(definition of 'approved stock exchange'),  |              |
|subsections 116-10(7) (note 1) of the ITAA  |              |
|1997, subsections 703-75(4) (note) and      |              |
|715-660(1) ( items 1 and 2 in the table) of |              |
|the ITAA 1997, sections 768-900, 770-135    |              |
|(heading), subsections 770-135(1), (2) and  |              |
|(6) to (8), subsection 995-1(1) (definition |              |
|of 'approved stock exchange'), subsection   |              |
|995-1(1) (definition of 'attribution        |              |
|percentage') of the ITAA 1997 and subsection|              |
|66(5) (paragraph (b) of the definition of   |              |
|'listed security') of the Superannuation    |              |
|Industry (Supervision) Act 1993             |              |
|Items 3 to 5, subsection 6(1)               |1.51          |
|Item 7, section 23AK                        |1.25          |
|Item 7, section 23B                         |1.27          |
|Item 9 and subitem 93(1), section 96A       |1.23          |
|Item 9, section 96A                         |1.22          |
|Items 9 and 37, Part XI and sections 96B and|1.14          |
|96C                                         |              |
|Items 11, 21, 25, 27, 29 and 30, 32 and 33, |1.53          |
|69 to 71 and 79,                            |              |
|sub-subparagraphs 102AAU(1)(c)(viii)(B),    |              |
|subsection 371(2),                          |              |
|subparagraph 384(2)(d)(iii),                |              |
|paragraphs 385(2)(a), (b) and (d),          |              |
|sub-subparagraph 385(2)(d)(iv)(B),          |              |
|subsection 385(4), paragraph 389(a),        |              |
|paragraphs 770-135(3)(b) and (c),           |              |
|770-135(5)(b) and 960-50(10)(c) of the      |              |
|ITAA 1997                                   |              |
|Items 14 to 16 and 83 to 86, definition of  |1.49          |
|'FIF attribution account entity', 'FIF      |              |
|attribution account payment', 'FIF          |              |
|attribution debit' in subsection 317(1) of  |              |
|the ITAA 1936, definition of 'FIF', 'foreign|              |
|life assurance policy', 'foreign investment |              |
|fund' and 'notional accounting period' in   |              |
|subsection 995-1(1)                         |              |
|Items 20, 22 to 24, 26, 28, 31, 34, 36, 39, |1.50          |
|47, 64 and 65, 70, 72 and 73 and 80,        |              |
|paragraphs 371(1)(aa) and 371(1)(ab),       |              |
|subsections 371(2A) to (2D), paragraphs     |              |
|371(5)(aa), 371(5)(ab) and 384(2)(ca),      |              |
|subparagraph 384(2)(d)(iv), paragraph       |              |
|385(2)(ca), subparagraph 385(2)(d)(v),      |              |
|subsections 402(2A) to (2C), Subdivision E  |              |
|of Division 7 of Part X, Schedules 3 to 5 to|              |
|the ITAA 1936, sections 70-70, 768-965 and  |              |
|768-975 of the ITAA 1997,                   |              |
|paragraphs 770-135(3)(c), 770-135(5)(c),    |              |
|770-135(5) (note) and 960-50(10)(d) of the  |              |
|ITAA 1997                                   |              |
|Items 40 to 46, sections 10-5, 11-55 and    |1.54          |
|12-5 of the ITAA 1997                       |              |
|Item 49, subsection 230-460(12)             |1.31          |
|Items 52 to 61, Subdivision 717-D of Part   |1.52          |
|3-90 (heading), section 717-200, paragraph  |              |
|717-205(c), sections 717-220 and 717-230,   |              |
|Subdivision 717-E of Part 3-90 (heading),   |              |
|section 717-235, paragraph 717-240(c),      |              |
|sections 717-255 and 717-265 of the         |              |
|ITAA 1997                                   |              |
|Item 62, subsection 768-533(1)              |1.33          |
|Items 75 to 78, subsections 830-10(1) and   |1.41          |
|(2), and subsections 830-15(1) and (5)      |              |
|Items 76, 78 and 96, subsections 830-10(2)  |1.36, 1.47    |
|and 830-15(5)                               |              |
|Items 88 to 91, subsections 401(1) and (3), |1.29          |
|subsections 461(1) and (3)                  |              |
|Items 92 and 94, section 613                |1.28          |
|Subitem 93(1)                               |1.42          |
|Subitem 93(2)                               |1.43          |
|Subitem 93(3)                               |1.44          |
|Item 94                                     |1.45          |
|Item 95                                     |1.46          |


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