Commonwealth of Australia Explanatory Memoranda

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               OTHER MEASURES) BILL 2012


        Amendments to be Moved on Behalf of the Government

                  (Circulated by the authority of the
    Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer, the Hon Wayne Swan MP)

Table of Contents Glossary ....................................................................................... 1 General outline and financial impact ....................................................... 3 Chapter 1 Explanation of Amendments .......................................... 5 Chapter 2 Statement of Compatibility with Human Rights ............ 19

Glossary The following abbreviations and acronyms are used throughout this explanatory memorandum. Abbreviation Definition ADI Authorised Deposit-taking Institution ASIC Australian Securities and Investments Commission ATO Australian Taxation Office FHSA First Home Saver Account 1

General outline and financial impact Outline The amendments amend the Treasury Legislation Amendment (Unclaimed Money and Other Measurers) Bill 2012 (the Bill) which was introduced to the Parliament on 30 October 2012. The amendments amend the commencement dates for Schedules 1 to 4 and provide for greater flexibility in setting the minimum unclaimed bank amount that must be reported and transferred to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). The amendments also replace the transitional section in Schedule 1 and insert a transitional section into Schedules 2 to 4. The revised transitional provisions are intended to provide more time for authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs), First Home Saver Account (FHSA) providers and life insurers to implement the changes, and provide more time for superannuation funds to transfer lost super accounts to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Date of effect: Item 8 of Schedule 1, item 6 of Schedule 2, item 4 of Schedule 3, and items 1 to 4, 7 and 8 of Schedule 4 commence on the day after Royal Assent. Items 1 to 7 of Schedule 1, items 1 to 5 of Schedule 2, and items 1 to 3 of Schedule 3 commence on 1 July 2013. Items 5 and 6 of Schedule 4 commence on 30 December 2012. Proposal announced: The measures were announced in the 2012-13 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook. Financial impact: The amendments have no financial impact. Human rights implications: The amendments do not raise any human rights issues. Compliance cost impact: Low Summary of regulation impact statement Regulation impact on business Impact: Low Main points: Office of Best Practice Regulation has advised that a Regulation Impact Statement is not required. 3

Chapter 1 Explanation of Amendments Item 1 -- Commencement Dates Outline of Item 1.1 Item 1 amends the commencement dates for Schedule 1 to 4 of the Bill. Context of amendments 1.2 In section 2 of the Bill, Schedules 1 to 4 are set to commence on the day after receiving Royal Assent. This means ADIs, insurers and superannuation funds need to apply to the changes on the day after Royal Assent. 1.3 The amendments amend the commencement dates: (i) item 8 of Schedule 1, item 6 of Schedule 2, item 4 of Schedule 3, and items 1 to 4, 7 and 8 of Schedule 4 commence on the day after Royal Assent; (ii) items 1 to 7 of Schedule 1, items 1 to 5 of Schedule 2, and items 1 to 3 of Schedule 3 commence on 1 July 2013; and (iii) items 5 and 6 of Schedule 4 commence on 30 December 2012. 1.4 The amendments will provide more time to ADIs, FHSAs providers, life insurers and superannuation funds to implement the changes. This will address the concerns raised by the banking and superannuation industries on the tight timeframe to implement the changes. Summary of the Item 1.5 The item amends the commencement dates for Schedule 1 to 4 of the Bill. 5

Treasury Legislation Amendment (Unclaimed money and other measures) Bill 2012 Comparison of key features of the item and current Bill New Item Current Bill � Item 8 of Schedule 1, item 6 of Schedule 1, 2, 3 and 4 commence on Schedule 2, item 4 of Schedule the day after the Act receives the 3, and items 1 to 4, 7 and 8 of Royal Assent. Schedule 4 commence on the day after Royal Assent. � Items 1 to 7 of Schedule 1, items 1 to 5 of Schedule 2, and items 1 to 3 of Schedule 3 commence on 1 July 2013. � Items 5 and 6 of Schedule 4 commence on 30 December 2012. 6

Chapter 1 - Explanation of Amendments Item 2 -- Assessment Date Outline of Item 1.6 Item 2 clarifies a date for assessment of unclaimed moneys for ADIs, which is as at end of each year, that is 31 December. Context of amendments 1.7 The Bill and the current Banking Act 1959 (Banking Act) do not provide a clear assessment date for ADIs to assess unclaimed moneys. 1.8 Subsection 69(3) of the Banking Act states that an ADI shall deliver a statement of unclaimed moneys within three months after the 31 December in each year, but does not specify an assessment date for ADIs to assess unclaimed moneys as at that date. In practice, many ADIs have interpreted this requirement as containing an implied assessment date of 31 December but have sought clarification that this interpretation is correct. 1.9 Item 2 will specify the assessment date, which is at end of the year, in subsection 69(3). That means all ADIs will be required to assess the unclaimed moneys as at end of 31 December each year. 1.10 This amendment will provide clarity to ADIs for assessing unclaimed moneys and consistency throughout the Bill. Summary of the Item 1.11 The item specifies a date for assessing unclaimed moneys. Comparison of key features of the item and current Bill and Law New Item Current Bill and law Specifies `as at end of the year' (that Do not specify a date for assessing is, 31 December each year) as unclaimed moneys. assessment date for unclaimed moneys. 7

Treasury Legislation Amendment (Unclaimed money and other measures) Bill 2012 Item 3 -- Minimum Amount Outline of Item 1.12 Item 3 amends the minimum unclaimed money amount that is required to be reported and transferred to ASIC from $100 or a higher prescribed amount to be $100 or such other amount as may be prescribed. Context of amendments 1.13 Under the current provision, unclaimed moneys which are not less than $100 or a higher prescribed amount are required to be reported and transferred. Consequently, regulations may only prescribe an amount higher than $100. The current prescribed amount is $500, which was set by the Banking (Unclaimed Moneys) Regulations 1993. 1.14 There is no minimum for other types of unclaimed moneys. Further, the current threshold means that the details of smaller accounts are never published in accordance with subsection 69(9) and so cannot be found by their rightful owners via a search using the facility on the ASIC website. 1.15 Item 3 will amend subsection 69(3) to allow the threshold to be set through regulation, either higher than $100 or lower than $100. Summary of the Item 1.16 The item provides flexibility to vary the minimum threshold for unclaimed moneys to be transferred to ASIC to be an amount that is either higher or lower than $100. Comparison of key features of the item and current law New Item Current law Allows setting a minimum threshold Allows setting a minimum threshold for unclaimed moneys to be of $100 or a prescribed higher transferred to ASIC at any amount. amount to be transferred to ASIC. 8

Chapter 1 - Explanation of Amendments Item 4 Transitional -- supplementary statement and payment obligations Outline of Item 1.17 Item 4 substitutes the transitional section in Schedule 1 in the Bill with a new transitional arrangement. Context of amendments 1.18 The original transitional section, that is item 8 of Schedule 1, effectively provides an additional month for ADIs to transfer unclaimed moneys to ASIC, from 31 March 2013 to 30 April 2013. 1.19 The new transitional arrangement provides ADIs more time and flexibility to assess and transfer unclaimed moneys to ASIC in accordance with the period change. Comparison of key features of the item and current Bill New Item Current Bill ADIs are required to make a Extends the unclaimed moneys supplementary assessment and payment date from 31 March 2013 to payment by 31 May 2013 in addition 30 April 2013 for the three year to the seven year assessment and assessment. payment currently required by 31 March 2013. The default assessment date for supplementary payment is 30 May 2013. However, ADIs could pick any date as their assessment date, between 31 December 2012 and 29 May 2013. ADIs do not need to assess the seven-year unclaimed amount again in the supplementary assessment as they already did so in the original assessment. This means that the supplementary assessment does not need to include the seven-year unclaimed amount to avoid double counting. 9

Treasury Legislation Amendment (Unclaimed money and other measures) Bill 2012 Detailed explanation of the item 1.20 The item requires ADIs to make a supplementary assessment and transfer of accounts to ASIC. ADIs will assess unclaimed moneys as at 31 December 2012 in line with the original seven-year period; then in early 2013, ADIs will have a supplementary assessment and payment in line with the revised three-year period. 1.21 Under the new item, the default assessment day for the supplementary statement and payment obligations will be 30 May 2013. However, it also provides flexibility to ADIs to nominate an alternative assessment date between 31 December 2012 and 29 May 2013. This is intended to provide flexibility for ADIs to nominate the assessment date that is most appropriate for their particular systems. ADIs will be required to provide the supplementary statement and payment on or before 31 May 2013. 1.22 For the supplementary assessment, ADIs do not need to count the unclaimed seven-year moneys so as to avoid double counting of accounts caught by the standard statement and payment on or before 31 March 2013. Example 1.1 XYZ bank has assessed its unclaimed moneys as at 31 December 2012 for the original assessment (seven-year inactive period) and will transfer the moneys to ASIC by 31 March 2013. The bank then needs to assess its unclaimed moneys again for supplementary assessment, reporting and transfer. If it does not nominate an alternative assessment date, it should do the supplementary assessment based on the three-year definition of unclaimed moneys as at 30 May 2013. It must then provide a supplementary statement and payment on or before 31 May 2013 Example 1.2 If the bank nominates 31 December 2012 as its assessment date, it must still complete its reporting and payment obligations based on the seven-year definition by 31 March 2013. However, it may use 31 December 2012 as the date at which to assess unclaimed moneys using the three-year definition for the supplementary statement and payment that is due by 31 May 2013. It is not required to double count accounts in the two statements and payments. 10

Chapter 1 - Explanation of Amendments Example 1.3 The XYZ bank could make a single payment to support the two statements instead of making a separate supplementary payment. The bank has to nominate 31 December 2012 as its assessment date for supplementary payment and assess the moneys in line with the three-year period which includes the seven-year unclaimed moneys and transfer the moneys to ASIC by 31 March 2013. 11

Treasury Legislation Amendment (Unclaimed money and other measures) Bill 2012 Item 5 Transitional -- supplementary statement and payment obligations Outline of Item 1.23 Item 5 inserts a transitional section into Schedule 2 of the Bill. Context of amendments 1.24 The Bill does not provide a transition for FHSAs providers to assess and transfer unclaimed moneys to ASIC. 1.25 The inserted transitional arrangement provides FHSAs providers more time and flexibility to assess unclaimed moneys and transfer to ASIC in accordance with the period change. Comparison of key features of the item and current Bill New Item Current Bill FHSAs providers are required to Does not provide a transitional period make a supplementary assessment for FHSAs providers. and payment by 31 May 2013 in addition to the seven year assessment and payment currently required by 31 March 2013. The default assessment date is 30 May 2013for the supplementary payment. However, providers could pick any date as their assessment date, between 31 December 2012 and 29 May 2013. Providers do not need to assess the seven-year unclaimed amount again in the supplementary assessment as they already did so in the original assessment. This means that the supplementary assessment does not need to include the seven-year unclaimed amount to avoid double counting. 12

Chapter 1 - Explanation of Amendments Detailed explanation of the item 1.26 The item requires FHSAs providers to make a supplementary assessment and payment. Providers will assess unclaimed moneys as at 31 December 2012 in line with the original seven-year period; then in early 2013, providers will have a supplementary assessment and payment in line with the revised three-year period. 1.27 Under the item, providers are allowed to choose an assessment date for the supplementary assessment and payment; however, they must supply the supplementary statement and make the supplementary payment by 31 May 2013. 1.28 For the supplementary assessment, providers should not count the unclaimed seven-year moneys so as to avoid double counting. Example 1.4 Please refer to Example 1.1 to 1.3. Similar scenarios apply to FHSA providers. 13

Treasury Legislation Amendment (Unclaimed money and other measures) Bill 2012 Item 6 Transitional -- supplementary statement and payment obligations Outline of Item 1.29 Item 6 inserts a transitional section into Schedule 3 of the Bill. Context of amendments 1.30 The Bill does not provide a transition for life insurers to assess and transfer unclaimed moneys to ASIC. 1.31 The inserted transitional arrangement provides life insurers more time and flexibility to assess unclaimed moneys and transfer to ASIC in accordance with the period change. Comparison of key features of the item and current Bill New Item Current Bill Life insurers are required to make a Does not provide a transitional period supplementary assessment and for life insurers. payment by 31 May 2013 in addition to the seven year assessment and payment currently required by 31 March 2013. The default assessment date is 30 May 2013 for the supplementary payment. However, life insurers could pick any date as their assessment date, between 31 December 2012 and 29 May 2013. Life insurers do not need to assess the seven-year unclaimed amount again in the supplementary assessment as they already did so in the original assessment. This means that the supplementary assessment does not need to include the seven-year unclaimed amount to avoid double counting. 14

Chapter 1 - Explanation of Amendments Detailed explanation of the item 1.32 The item requires life insurers to make a supplementary assessment and payment. Insurers will assess unclaimed moneys as at 31 December 2012 in line with the original seven-year period; then in early 2013, insurers will have a supplementary assessment and payment in line with the revised three-year period. 1.33 Under the item, insurers are allowed to choose an assessment date for the supplementary assessment and payment; however, they must make the supplementary payment by 31 May 2013. 1.34 For the supplementary assessment, insurers should not double count the unclaimed seven-year moneys. Example 1.5 Please refer to Example 1.1 to 1.3. The similar scenarios apply to life insurers. 15

Treasury Legislation Amendment (Unclaimed money and other measures) Bill 2012 Item 7 -- Transitional -- scheduled statement day Outline of Item 1.1 Item 7 amends the Superannuation (Unclaimed Money and Lost Members Act 1999 (SUMLM Act) to apply a transitional scheduled statement day of 31 May 2013 for the 31 December 2012 unclaimed money day. Context of amendment 1.2 Superannuation providers are required to pay certain lost member accounts as at the end of an unclaimed money day to the Commissioner of Taxation (Commissioner) by the end of the scheduled statement day. The account holder must still be a lost member immediately before the payment is made. 1.3 The Commissioner may specify dates for unclaimed money statements and payment, by legislative instrument under section 15A of the SUMLM Act. 1.4 The current instrument specifies that for the 31 December unclaimed money day the scheduled statement day is 30 April of the following year. 1.5 Under the new arrangements in the Treasury Legislation Amendment (Unclaimed Money and Other Measures Bill) 2012 small lost accounts with balances of less than $2,000 and accounts of unidentifiable members that have been inactive for 12 months will be required to be paid to the Commissioner. These arrangements will apply from the 31 December 2012 unclaimed money day. Summary of the Item 1.6 The item extends the date the payment is due for certain lost member accounts, for the 31 December 2012 unclaimed money day from the 30 April 2013 to 31 May 2013. This will provide more time for superannuation providers to implement the new arrangements for lost member accounts, including additional time to locate lost members. 16

Chapter 1 - Explanation of Amendments Comparison of key features of the item and current law New Item Current law Superannuation providers are The current legislative instrument required to pay the balances of certain specifies a due date for payment of lost member accounts to the certain lost member accounts of Commissioner by 31 May 2013 for 30 April in the following year for the the 31 December 2012 unclaimed 31 December unclaimed money day. money day. This is a one-off change. 17

Chapter 2 Statement of Compatibility with Human Rights Treasury Legislation Amendment (Unclaimed Money and Other Measures) Bill 2012 This Bill is compatible with the human rights and freedoms recognised or declared in the international instruments listed in section 3 of the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011. Overview These amendments will enhance the current strategies employed by ASIC and the ATO to reunite people with their unclaimed moneys. Human rights implications The Bill does not engage any of the applicable rights or freedoms. Conclusion This Schedule is compatible with human rights as it does not raise any human rights issue. The Hon. Mr Wayne Swan, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer 19

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