Commonwealth of Australia Explanatory Memoranda

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                Amendments to be moved on behalf of the Government

                         (Circulated by authority of the
   Minister for Revenue and Financial Services, the Hon Kelly O'Dwyer MP)

Table of contents Glossary ................................................................................................. 1 General outline and financial impact....................................................... 3 Chapter 1 Amendments to portfolio holdings disclosure ................ 5

Glossary The following abbreviations and acronyms are used throughout this explanatory memorandum. Abbreviation Definition AASB Australian Accounting Standard Board Bill Treasury Laws Amendment (Improving Accountability and Member Outcomes in Superannuation Measures No. 1) Bill 2017 Corporations Act Corporations Act 2001 PST Pooled superannuation trust RSE Registrable superannuation entity 1

General outline and financial impact Amendments to portfolio holdings disclosure The amendments to Schedule 6 to the Bill: • require RSE licensees to look through PSTs to meet their obligation to make information about their portfolio holdings publically available; and • clarify that the obligation on RSE licensees applies equally in respect of all choice products and all MySuper products. Date of effect: 31 December 2018. Proposal announced: Not previously announced. Financial impact: Nil. Compliance cost impact: Nil. 3

Chapter 1 Amendments to portfolio holdings disclosure Outline of chapter 1.1 The amendments to Schedule 6 to the Bill: • require RSE licensees to look through PSTs to meet their obligation to make information about their portfolio holdings publically available; and • clarify that the obligation on RSE licensees applies equally in respect of all choice products and all MySuper products. 1.2 All legislative references in this Chapter are to the Corporations Act unless otherwise indicated. Detailed explanation of new law Amendment 1 1.3 This amendment requires an RSE licensee to look through PSTs in the course of meeting its obligation under section 1017BB to make the details of its portfolio holdings publically available, regardless of whether the PST is an associated or a non-associated entity of the RSE. 1.4 That is, in respect of each investment option, the RSE must disclose information about investment items held by itself, its associates or PSTs. 1.5 However, if the investment item is an investment in an associated entity of the RSE or a PST, then the investment item does not need to be disclosed. This ensures that the look through treatment for PSTs mirrors that for associated entities. 5

Treasury Laws Amendment (Improving Accountability and Member Outcomes in Superannuation Measures No. 1) Bill 2017 Diagram 1.1 - PHD regime requirements for Top Super's High Growth Fund Top Super directs $100 million of its member contributions into its High Growth Fund investment option. High Growth Fund subsequently directs the $100 million as follows: • $50 million into Eagle Six Corporation (an associated managed investment scheme); and • $10 million into shares in WYE; • $20 million into Oniv Trust (a PST); • $20 million into Nestar Holdings (a non-associated managed investment scheme). Subsequently: • Eagle Six Corporation directed $20 million (of the $50 million) into Atar Limited (an associated entity) and $30 million into Prodime Corporation (a non-associated entity); 6

Amendments to portfolio holdings disclosure • Oniv Trust directs $5 million (of $20 million) into government bonds, $15 million into Flint Corporation (a non-associated entity). • Nestar Holdings directed $20 million into shares in KPF. Finally: • Atar Limited directed $20 million into shares in WJL; and • Prodime Corporation directed $30 million into the Westbank Estate commercial property. PHD regime requirements The table below sets out the disclosure requirements for the investment items that Top Super has allocated to High Growth Fund. Investment item Disclosable Reason item Eagle Six Corp No Eagle Six Corp is an $50 million associated entity of Top Super Atar Ltd No Atar Ltd is an associated entity $20 million (of the of Top Super $50 million invested in Eagle Corp MIS) Shares in WJL Yes WJL shares are held by Atar $20 million (of the Ltd, which is an associated $20 million invested in entity of Top Super Atar Ltd) Prodime Corp Yes Eagle Six Corp (an associated $30 million (of the entity of Top Super) invests in $50 million invested in Prodime Corp, which is not an Eagle Six Corp MIS) associated entity of Top Super Westbank Estate No Prodime Corp (non-associated $30 million (of the entity of Top Super) invests in $30 million invested in Westbank Estate Prodime Corp) Shares in WYE Yes WYE shares are held directly $10 million by Top Super Oniv Trust No Oniv Trust is a PST in which $20 million Top Super invests Government Bonds Yes Government bonds are held $5 million (of the $20 directly by Oniv Trust, a PST million invested in in which Top Super invests Oniv Trust) 7

Treasury Laws Amendment (Improving Accountability and Member Outcomes in Superannuation Measures No. 1) Bill 2017 Investment item Disclosable Reason item Flint Corp Yes Oniv Trust (a PST) invests in $15 million (of the $20 Flint Corp (non-associated million invested in entity of Top Super) Oniv Trust) Nestar Holdings Yes Top Super invests directly in $20 million Nestar Holdings, which is not an associated entity of Top Super Shares in KPF No KPF shares are held by Nestar $20 million (of the Holdings (non-associated $20 million invested in entity of Top Super) Nestar Holdings). 1.6 Whether an entity is an associated entity of the RSE is determined in accordance with section 50AAA. The provision provides various circumstances that an entity is an associated entity of an RSE, including where the entity is a related body corporate or is controlled by the RSE. 1.7 The provision also provides that an entity is an associated entity of an RSE if: • the RSE invests in the entity or has beneficial ownership in an investment asset of the entity which the RSE controls; • the RSE has significant influence over the entity; and • the interest in the entity or the beneficial ownership in the investment asset of the entity which the RSE controls is material to the RSE. 1.8 Significant influence and materiality is assessed on a case-by-case basis. Various factors need to be taken into consideration when making an assessment of whether an RSE has significant influence over an entity, including guidance and factors provided in the AASB accounting standards. Ultimately, whether an RSE has significant influence over a particular entity turns on the facts of each case. 1.9 The Accounting Standard AASB 128 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures (AASB 128) defines significant influence as 'the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but ... not control or joint control of those policies.' 8

Amendments to portfolio holdings disclosure 1.10 The AASB 128 also provides some indicators in determining whether an entity has a significant influence on another entity: If an entity holds, directly or indirectly (eg through subsidiaries), 20 per cent or more of the voting power of the investee, it is presumed that the entity has significant influence, unless it can be clearly demonstrated that this is not the case. Conversely, if the entity holds, directly or indirectly (eg through subsidiaries), less than 20 per cent of the voting power of the investee, it is presumed that the entity does not have significant influence, unless such influence can be clearly demonstrated. A substantial or majority ownership by another investor does not necessarily preclude an entity from having significant influence. The existence of significant influence by an entity is usually evidenced in one or more of the following ways: (a) representation on the board of directors or equivalent governing body of the investee; (b) participation in policy-making processes, including participation in decisions about dividends or other distributions; (c) material transactions between the entity and its investee; (d) interchange of managerial personnel; or (e) provision of essential technical information. Amendment 2 1.11 This amendment clarifies that for purposes of section 1017BB, an investment option means: • an investment option within a choice product; • a choice product that does not have multiple investment options; • an investment option within a MySuper product; or • a MySuper product that does not have multiple investment options. 1.12 This change makes it clear that the obligation on RSE licensees to disclose their portfolio holdings applies equally in respect of all choice products and all MySuper products. Amendment 3 1.13 This amendment ensures that the term MySuper product used in the definition of investment option in subsection 1017BB(6) continues to have the same meaning of the term in the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993. 9


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