Commonwealth of Australia Explanatory Memoranda

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                          HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

             Tax Laws Amendment (2008 measures no. 6) bILL 2008


             Amendments to be Moved on Behalf of the Government

                     (Circulated by the authority of the
                      Treasurer, the Hon Wayne Swan MP)

Table of contents

Glossary    1

General outline and financial impact    3

Chapter 1    Assistance to individuals and communities affected by the
              Victorian bushfires and North Queensland floods  5


         The following abbreviations and acronyms are used throughout this
         supplementary explanatory memorandum.

|Abbreviation        |Definition                   |
|Commissioner        |Commissioner of Taxation     |
|DGR                 |deductible gift recipient    |
|ITAA 1936           |Income Tax Assessment Act    |
|                    |1936                         |
|ITAA 1997           |Income Tax Assessment Act    |
|                    |1997                         |
|PBIs                |public benevolent            |
|                    |institutions                 |

General outline and financial impact

Assistance to individuals and communities affected by the Victorian
bushfires and North Queensland floods

         These Government amendments introduce Schedule 5 to the Bill.

         Part 1 of Schedule 5 amends the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 and
         the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (ITAA 1997) to make the income
         recovery subsidy exempt from income tax, and to ensure the subsidy
         is not included in separate net income for the purposes of
         calculating an entitlement to certain tax offsets.  The income
         recovery subsidy will provide financial assistance to employees,
         small business owners and farmers who can demonstrate they have
         experienced a loss of income as a direct result of the 2009
         Victorian bushfires or North Queensland floods.

         Part 2 of Schedule 5 amends the ITAA 1997 to provide that the
         Treasurer may declare an event as a disaster for the purposes of
         establishing Australian disaster relief funds.  The declaration of
         a disaster by the Treasurer will allow Australian disaster relief
         funds to receive tax deductible donations, and provide money for
         the relief of people in Australia in distress as a result of the
         disaster.  Public benevolent institutions, which must normally
         operate for direct relief efforts, will also be able to establish
         Australian disaster relief funds for longer term recovery and
         community reconstruction efforts.

         Part 2 also specifically lists the 2009 Victorian Bushfire Appeal
         Trust Account as a deductible gift recipient (DGR) in Division 30
         of the ITAA 1997.  This will ensure that the fund can use tax
         deductible donations for a wide range of activities, including
         recovery and community reconstruction efforts in communities
         affected by the 2009 Victorian bushfires, as well as providing
         direct benevolent relief to affected communities.

         Date of effect:  The amendments which make the income recovery
         subsidy exempt from income tax, and ensure the subsidy is not
         included in separate net income, apply to the 2008-09 income year.

         The amendments to the Australian disaster relief fund general
         DGR category, and the specific listing as a DGR of the 2009
         Victorian Bushfire Appeal Trust Account apply to the 2008-09 income
         year and later income years.

         Proposal announced:  The Prime Minister announced the income
         recovery subsidy in Parliament on 10 February 2009.

         Financial impact:  The amendments to make the income recovery
         subsidy exempt from income tax, and to ensure the subsidy is not
         included in separate net income have a zero revenue cost against
         the forward estimates as the payments themselves are newly
         announced and thus no tax on these payments is included in the
         forward estimates revenue base.  There will be a foregone cost to
         revenue of approximately $16.3 million as a result of these
         payments in the 2008-09 income year.

         The amendments to the Australian disaster relief fund category have
         a zero revenue cost against the forward estimates, as there are no
         disaster relief funds currently awaiting deductible gift recipient
         status under this general DGR category.

         The amendment to specifically list the 2009 Victorian Bushfire
         Appeal Trust Account is expected to have a negative revenue impact
         of $46.5 million in the 2009-10 income year.

         Compliance cost impact:  Negligible.

Chapter 1
Assistance to individuals and communities affected by the Victorian
bushfires and North Queensland floods

Outline of chapter

      1. These Government amendments introduce Schedule 5 to the Bill.

      2. Part 1 of Schedule 5 amends the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936
         (ITAA 1936) and the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (ITAA 1997) to
         make the income recovery subsidy exempt from income tax, and to
         ensure the subsidy is not included in separate net income for the
         purposes of calculating an entitlement to certain tax offsets.

      3. Part 2 of Schedule 5 amends the ITAA 1997 to provide that the
         Treasurer may declare an event as a disaster for the purposes of
         establishing Australian disaster relief funds.  The declaration of
         a disaster by the Treasurer will allow Australian disaster relief
         funds to receive tax deductible donations, and provide money for
         the relief of people in Australia in distress as a result of the
         disaster.  Public benevolent institutions, which must normally
         operate for direct relief efforts, will also be able to establish
         Australian disaster relief funds for longer term recovery and
         community reconstruction efforts.

      4. Part 2 of Schedule 5 also specifically lists the 2009 Victorian
         Bushfire Appeal Trust Account as a deductible gift recipient (DGR)
         in Division 30 of the ITAA 1997.  This will ensure that the fund
         can use tax deductible donations for a wide range of activities,
         including recovery and community reconstruction efforts in
         communities affected by the 2009 Victorian bushfires, as well as
         providing direct benevolent relief to affected communities.

Context of amendments

Income recovery subsidy

      5. The income recovery subsidy will provide financial assistance to
         employees, small business owners and farmers who can demonstrate
         they have experienced a loss of income as a direct result of the
         2009 Victorian bushfires or North Queensland floods.

      6. The Prime Minister announced the income recovery subsidy in
         Parliament on 10 February 2009.

      7. The income recovery subsidy is administered by Centrelink, and is
         equivalent to the maximum rate of the Newstart allowance.

      8. A payment received by a taxpayer as replacement for lost salary,
         wages or income is generally taxable.  A legislative amendment is
         required to make the payment exempt from income tax.

      9. Such payments would also normally be included in the calculation of
         separate net income.  The calculation of separate net income can
         affect a taxpayer's eligibility for certain tax offsets.

     10. Exempting these payments from income tax and separate net income
         will lessen the financial hardship experienced by those individuals
         and communities affected by the 2009 Victorian bushfires or North
         Queensland floods.

Australian disaster relief funds

     11. Subsection 30-15(2) of the ITAA 1997 allows a tax deduction to
         taxpayers who make a gift or contribution to a fund, authority or
         institution covered by the tables in Subdivision 30-B, subject to
         certain conditions.  Entities able to receive tax deductible gifts
         are known as DGRs.

     12. There are more than 35 existing general DGR categories.
         Organisations which meet the criteria under these categories can
         apply to be endorsed by the Commissioner of Taxation (Commissioner)
         as a DGR.  Gifts of $2 or more in cash or property to DGRs may be
         tax deductible.

     13. A public fund is eligible to be endorsed by the Commissioner as a
         DGR under the Australian disaster relief fund category where it is
         established and maintained for charitable purposes solely to
         provide funds for the relief (including assistance to re-establish
         a community) of people in Australia who have suffered a disaster.

     14. For an event in Australia to be recognised as a disaster under the
         current DGR provisions, it must be declared to be a disaster, or
         give rise to a declaration of a state of emergency, by the relevant
         Minister of a State or Territory.

     15. Taxpayers can claim a tax deduction for a donation to an Australian
         disaster relief fund endorsed as a result of a declared disaster if
         it is made within two years from the first day of the event as
         specified in the declaration, or if no day is declared, within two
         years of the declaration.

     16. Organisations endorsed as public benevolent institutions (PBIs)
         must operate for the direct relief of poverty, sickness, suffering,
         distress, misfortune, disability or helplessness.  PBIs would not
         generally be able to support longer term recovery or community
         reconstruction efforts.

Victorian Government reconstruction fund - specific listing as a DGR

     17. In order to be a DGR, an organisation must either be specifically
         listed by name in the gift provisions of the ITAA 1997 or fall
         within one of the general DGR categories set out in those

     18. Entities are specifically listed in the most exceptional
         circumstances, and where the entity provides a broad public

     19. As a result of the 2009 Victorian bushfires, the 2009 Victorian
         Bushfire Appeal Trust Account was established in partnership with
         the Commonwealth Government and the Australian Red Cross.  The 2009
         Victorian Bushfire Appeal Trust Account was established under
         section 19 of the Victorian Financial Management Act 1994.

     20. This fund will receive monies collected from the Victorian Bushfire
         Appeal 2009, a public appeal for donations coordinated by the
         Australian Red Cross.  It may also receive donations from other

Summary of new law

Income recovery subsidy

     21. This measure amends:

                . subsection 159J(6) of the ITAA 1936 to exclude the income
                  recovery subsidy from the definition of separate net
                  income; and

                . section 51-30 of the ITAA 1997 to make the income recovery
                  subsidy exempt from income tax.

Australian disaster relief funds

     22. This measure amends:

                . subsection 30-45(1) of the ITAA 1997 to ensure that a PBI
                  may operate an Australian disaster relief fund; and

                . that an Australian disaster relief fund may be established
                  as a result of a disaster event declared by the Treasurer.

Victorian Government reconstruction fund - specific listing as a DGR

     23. This measure amends the table in subsection 30-45(2) of the
         ITAA 1997 to provide that gifts made to the 2009 Victorian Bushfire
         Appeal Trust Account are tax deductible, if the gift is made after
         7 February 2009, and before 6 February 2014.

Detailed explanation of new law

Income recovery subsidy

         Exclude the income recovery subsidy from the definition of separate
         net income

     24. A taxpayer may be eligible to certain tax offsets when they
         contribute to the maintenance of a dependant, but eligibility for
         an offset, or the amount of that offset, may be reduced as a
         dependant's separate net income increases.

     25. The amendment to subsection 159J(6) of the ITAA 1936 will exclude
         the income recovery subsidy from the definition of separate net
         income.  [Schedule 5, item 1, paragraphs 159J(6)(e) and (f)]

     26. The amendment will mean that an individual otherwise entitled to a
         tax offset, will still be entitled to the same amount of offset,
         despite any income recovery subsidy payments received by their

         Exempt the income recovery subsidy from income tax

     27. Section 51-30 of the ITAA 1997 lists welfare recipients and
         payments that are exempt from income tax.

     28. The amendment to section 51-30 of the ITAA 1997 will make the
         income recovery subsidy exempt from income tax.  [Schedule 5, item
         3, items 5.2 and 5.3 in the table in section 51-30]

     29. Section 11-15 of the ITAA 1997 lists income which is exempt from
         income tax only if it is derived by certain entities.  This list
         will be amended to include the income recovery subsidy as an exempt
         payment.  [Schedule 5, item 2, section 11-15]

Australian disaster relief funds

         Ensure that a PBI may operate an Australian disaster relief fund

     30. Subsection 30-45(1) of the ITAA 1997 sets out the general DGR
         categories of welfare and rights, including Australian disaster
         relief funds.

     31. The amendment to item 4.1.5 in the table in subsection 30-45(1) of
         the ITAA 1997 will ensure that a PBI may operate an Australian
         disaster relief fund.  [Schedule 5, item 7, item 4.1.5 in the table
         in subsection 30-45(1)]

     32. PBIs which collect donations for relief work as a result of a
         disaster recognised under the DGR provisions may pass these funds
         to another DGR fund established for relief or recovery work as a
         result of that disaster.

         Provide that an event may be declared as a disaster by the
         Treasurer for DGR purposes

     33. The amendment to item 4.1.5 in the table in subsection 30-45(1) of
         the ITAA 1997 will provide that Australian disaster relief funds
         may be established as a result of an event which is declared by the
         Treasurer as a disaster.  [Schedule 5, item 7, item 4.1.5 in the
         table in subsection 30-45(1)]

     34. The Treasurer may declare an event as a disaster for DGR purposes
         if he or she is satisfied that it developed rapidly, and it
         resulted in the death, serious injury or other physical suffering
         of a large number of people, or in widespread damage to property or
         the natural environment.  [Schedule 5, item 9, subsection 30-

     35. The Treasurer's declaration of an event must be in writing, specify
         the first day of the event, and be published on the Internet or by
         another method.  [Schedule 5, item 9, subsection 30-45A(2)]

     36. Australian disaster relief funds established as a result of a
         disaster declared by the Treasurer will be subject to the same
         conditions as Australian disaster relief funds established under
         the current provisions.  The current provisions require that an
         event must be declared to be a disaster, or give rise to a
         declaration of a state of emergency, by the relevant Minister of a
         State or Territory.

Victorian Government reconstruction fund - specific listing as a DGR

     37. Subsection 30-45(2) of the ITAA 1997 sets out specific welfare and
         rights DGR recipients.

     38. The amendment to the table in section 30-45(2) will make the 2009
         Victorian Bushfire Appeal Trust Account a DGR.  [Schedule 5, item
         8, item 4.2.41 in the table in subsection 30-45(2)]

     39. The 2009 Victorian Bushfire Appeal Trust Account will use donated
         monies for recovery and community reconstruction efforts, as well
         as providing direct relief, for communities affected by the 2009
         Victorian bushfires.

Application and transitional provisions

Income recovery subsidy

     40. The income recovery subsidy amendments apply for the 2008-09 income
         year.  [Schedule 5, item 14]

     41. As the amendments only apply for the 2008-09 income year, they will
         be repealed on 1 July 2011, by which time the amendments would have
         become inoperative.  [Schedule 5, items 4 to 6]

Australian disaster relief funds

     42. These amendments apply to gifts made in the 2008-09 income year and
         later income years.

Victorian Government reconstruction fund - specific listing as a DGR

     43. These amendments apply to gifts made after 7 February 2009 and
         before 6 February 2014.

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