Commonwealth of Australia Explanatory Memoranda

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(Circulated by authority of the Minister for Communications and the Arts, Senator the Hon Richard Alston)

79291 Cat. No. 96 5307 4 ISBN 0644 482834



The Telecommunications (Numbering Fees) Act 1991 (the Numbering Fees Act) enables the making of regulations to specify a fee payable on the allocation of numbers under section 242 of the Telecommunications Act 1991 (the Telecommunications Act) in respect of telecommunications services provided across a public telecommunications network.

The Telecommunications (Numbering Fees) Amendment Bill 1996 would amend the Numbering Fees Act to require carriers and service providers to pay annual charges on numbers that are held by them in respect of telecommunications services to be provided across a public telecommunications network (ie, rather than a one-off fee imposed when the number is first allocated). These provisions are intended to derive payment to the Commonwealth for the use of numbers by carriers and service providers, as these numbers are a limited public resource.

The proposed amendments impose a charge upon numbers held by a carrier or service provider on the commencement day of the amendments (28 days after Royal Assent) and each anniversary of that commencement day (Item 3 of Schedule 1 - proposed new sections 6, 7 and 8).

The amount of the charge would be determined by AUSTEL in a written determination that is a disallowable instrument (Item 3 of Schedule 1 - proposed new section 9).

There would be a maximum limit of $100,000 on the amount of charge imposed on a particular number per annum (Item 3 of Schedule 1 - proposed new section 10); and provision for AUSTEL to determine exemptions from charges in respect of specified numbers (Item 3 of Schedule 1 - proposed new section 11).


The amendments are expected to derive in the vicinity of $30 million in revenue to the Commonwealth per annum.


Clause 1 - Short title

When enacted, this Act would be cited as the Telecommunications (Numbering Fees) Amendment Act 1996.

Clause 2 - Commencement

The amendments in this Act would commence on the 28th day after Royal Assent.

Clause 3 - Schedule(s)

The amendments of the Telecommunications (Numbering Fees) Act 1991 (the Numbering Fees Act) are set out in items 1 to 3 of Schedule 1.

Schedule 1 - Amendment of Telecommunications (Numbering Fees) Act 1991

Item 1 - Title

This item would amend the long title of the Numbering Fees Act to read: “An Act to impose a charge on numbers for public telecommunications services”.

Item 2 - Section 1

This item would amend the short title of the Numbering Fees Act to read: “Telecommunications (Numbering Charges) Act 1991”.

Item 3 - Sections 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7

This item would repeal sections 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the Numbering Fees Act and substitutes the following sections.

Section 3 - Act to bind the Crown

New section 3 would provide that the Act binds the Crown in the right of each of the States, of the Australian Capital Territory, of the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island.

Section 4 - Extension to eligible Territories

New section 4 would extend the operation of the Act to each eligible Territory.

Section 5 - Definitions

New section 5 would define terms used in the remaining sections of the Telecommunications (Numbering Charges) Act 1991.

Section 6 - Holder of a number

New section 6 would set out the circumstances in which a particular carrier or service provider “holds” a number for the purposes of the charge imposed by new section 7.

Subsection 6(1) provides that carriers and service providers hold numbers at a particular time if at that time:

• they have been allocated a number under subsection 242(1) of the Telecommunications Act 1991; and
• that number has not been either recovered by AUSTEL or returned to AUSTEL, under the national numbering plan; or
• in the case of a number which was allocated to Telstra that number was subsequently allocated by Telstra to Optus for use by Optus in connection with the supply of AMPS services.

Subsection 6(2) provides that Telstra holds a number at a particular time if no allocation of the number to Telstra is in force at that time and either Telstra (or any of its predecessors) allocated that number to a customer (which does not include a service provider (subsection 6(3)) and that allocation is in force at that time, or that number is available to be allocated by Telstra to a customer.

The intention of this subsection is to ensure that charges may be imposed on all numbers held by Telstra, whether allocated under subsection 242(1) of the Act by AUSTEL or held by Telstra in some other way. It has been necessary to make a particular provision for Telstra because, prior to the passage of the Telecommunications Act 1991, Telstra (or its predecessors) was solely responsible for allocating numbers. AUSTEL has the responsibility for allocating numbers for telecommunications services to carriers and service providerss under section 242 of the Telecommunications Act 1991 and has made allocations to carriers and service providers since gaining the responsibility. However, Telstra still holds some number ranges which were not allocated by AUSTEL, and has continued to allocate those numbers to its customers or to have them available for allocation.

Subsection 6(4) reinforces that the arrangements provided for Telstra in subsection 6(2) apply whether numbers were allocated to Telstra under section 242 of the Telecommunications Act 1991, or under the other arrangements which occurred before AUSTEL acquired that responsibility.

Subsection 6(5) makes a particular provision for AMPS numbers held by Optus Mobile Pty Ltd. The effect of this subsection would be that Optus will be taken to hold a number from the time that it has been allocated by Telstra to Optus for use in connection with the supply of AMPS services until:
• that number has been either recovered by AUSTEL or returned to AUSTEL, under the national numbering plan; or
• the number was subsequently returned to Telstra.

Subsection 6(6) confirms that the particular provisions relating to “holding” a number set out in subsections 6(2), 6(5) apply in addition to the general provision in subsection 6(1).

Subsection 6(7) confirms that the provisions referring to Telstra allocating a number to Optus for use in connection with the supply of AMPS services will apply as if the number has been allocated to Optus unless it has subsequently relinquished that number, in which case it will be taken to have been returned to Telstra.

Subsection 6(8) confirms that this section applies to an allocation which occurs before or after the commencement of the amending Act.

Subsection 6(9) clarifies that where a number has been or is re-numbered, for example, where Melbourne metropolitan numbers were changed by having the prefix “9” added, then the charge is still payable as the number is still held by the carrier or service provider.

Section 7 - Imposition of charge

Proposed section 7 sets the particular time when number holdings are calculated (in the terms of section 6) for the purpose of having a charge imposed upon the holdings. Number holding are to be calculated upon the commencement of this Act (which is 28 days after Royal Assent is given) and on each anniversary of that commencement.

Section 8 - By whom charge payable

Proposed section 8 sets out that the charge is payable by the carrier or service provider who holds the number.

Section 9 - Amount of charge

Proposed section 9 sets out that the amount of charge is the amount which is determined by AUSTEL in accordance with a written determination made by disallowable instrument.

Section 10 - Maximum charge

Proposed section 10 prevents a charge being imposed on a single number which exceeds $100,000 per annum.

Section 11 - Exemption from charge

Proposed section 11 permits AUSTEL to exempt a specified number (or class of number) from a charge, in accordance with a written determination made by disallowable instrument.


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