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2013-2014 THE PARLIAMENT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA SENATE TERTIARY EDUCATION QUALITY AND STANDARDS AGENCY AMENDMENT BILL 2014 SUPPLEMENTARY EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM Amendments to be moved on behalf of the Government (Circulated by authority of the Minister for Education, the Honourable Christopher Pyne MP)Index] [Search] [Download] [Bill] [Help]Amendments to the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Amendment Bill 2014 PURPOSE These Government amendments to the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Amendment Bill 2014 (the Bill) are in direct response to recommendations of the Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee in its inquiry into the Bill and the minority dissenting reports. The Bill was referred to the Senate Committee for inquiry on 6 March 2014. The Senate Committee tabled its report on 16 June 2014 and recommended that the Senate pass the Bill. However, dissenting reports were also made by the Labor Senators and the Australian Greens Senator. OUTLINE The purpose of the amendments is to: delete Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the Bill, which would have removed the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency's (TEQSA's) thematic quality assessment function; permit TEQSA to extend registration and accreditation periods only where it has not previously extended that registration or accreditation period; amend the transitional provisions of the Bill to provide that the incumbent Chief Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer and the incumbent Commissioners will retain their positions under the amended TEQSA Act for the balance of their existing terms; restrict TEQSA's delegation power so as to allow TEQSA to delegate its powers and functions only to Commissioners and TEQSA staff; amend the ministerial direction power under section 136 and section 155 of the TEQSA Act to make such directions disallowable legislative instruments despite section 44 of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003. FINANCIAL IMPACT STATEMENT The amendments will not affect the expected financial impact of the Bill as introduced.
NOTES ON AMENDMENTS Amendments 1 to 3 Amendments 1, 2 and 3 amend clause 2 of the Bill, the commencement provision. Amendment 1 removes reference to Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the Bill (quality assessments) from the commencement provision, specifically from table item 2 of column 1 in clause 2. Amendments 2 and 3 omit and substitute table items 3 and 4 concerning Schedule 1, Part 4 of the Bill (Commissioners) and Schedule 1, Part 5 (Chief Executive Officer etc) to provide that both Part 4 and 5 commence on the day after the Act receives the Royal Assent. Amendment 4 Amendment 4 provides that Schedule 1, Part 1 of the Bill be opposed. Amendment 5 Amendment 5 inserts two new items after item 6 of the Bill which affect the delegation provision in section 199 of the TEQSA Act. New item 6A amends paragraph 199(1)(b) of the TEQSA Act to remove the words "classification; or" and replace with "classification". The purpose of this amendment is to ensure that TEQSA's functions and powers may only be delegated to a Commissioner, or member of the Staff of TEQSA who holds the classification of APS Executive Level 1 or higher, or an equivalent classification. New item 6B repeals paragraphs 199(1)(c) and (d) which provide that powers can be delegated to a Commonwealth authority; or a person who holds any office or appointment under a law of the Commonwealth. Amendments 6 and 7 Amendments 6 and 7 amend items 17 and 20 in Schedule 1 to the Bill. Item 17 of the Bill inserts new Division 3A - Extension of registration period into the TEQSA Act and Item 20 inserts new Division 5 - Extension of accreditation period into the TEQSA Act. New Division 3A contains new subsection 37A(1) which provides that TEQSA may extend the period of a registered higher education provider's registration and new Division 5 contains new subsection 57A(1) which provides that TEQSA may extend the period of the accreditation of a course of study. Amendments 6 and 7 will amend new subsections 37A(1) and 57A(1) to provide that TEQSA may extend the registration or accreditation period so long as the period has not been previously extended by TEQSA. Amendment 8 Amendment 8 omits item 36 of Schedule 1 to the Bill which concerns the transitional arrangements for the termination of Commissioners' appointments and replaces this item with a revised transitional provision concerning Commissioners' appointments. Amendment 8 provides in new subitem 36(1) that the scope of item 36 is that it applies if a person held office as a Commissioner immediately before the commencement of this item. New subitem 36(2) in amendment 8 provides for the continuity of a Commissioner's appointment. In particular, that the person's instrument of appointment has effect, after the commencement of this item, as if it were an instrument of appointment made under subsection 138(1) of the Tertiary Education Quality
and Standards Agency Act 2011 (as amended by this Part); and for the balance of the person's term of appointment that remained immediately before the commencement of this item. Amendment 9 Item 42 of Part 5 of Schedule 1 to the Bill contains provisions concerning the Minister's powers under section 155 of the TEQSA Act to give directions to the Chief Executive Officer. In particular item 42 extends the Minister's ability to give directions to the Chief Executive Officer to include directions about the exercise of his or her powers. Subsection 155(1) of the TEQSA Act contains a note which explains that section 42 (disallowance) and Part 6 (sunsetting) of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003 (LIA) do not apply to the direction that the Minister gives under subsection 155(1). The note further refers to section 44 and 54 of the LIA. Amendment 9 inserts new items 42A and 42B into Part 5 of Schedule 1 to the Bill. Item 42A repeals the note under subsection 155(1) of the TEQSA Act and substitutes a note to the effect that Part 6 (sunsetting) of the LIA does not apply to the direction. The note further refers to section 54 of that Act. The effect of this amendment is to remove reference to section 42 (disallowance) from the note. Item 42B inserts a new subsection 155(1A) into the TEQSA Act which provides that section 44 of the LIA does not apply in relation to a direction under subsection 155(1) of the TEQSA Act. A note under the new subsection 155(1A) explains that this means that section 42 (disallowance) of the LIA applies to the direction. The combined effect of item 42A and item 42B is that a written direction given by the Minister to the Chief Executive Officer under subsection 155(1) is disallowable. Amendment 10 Item 45 of Part 5 of Schedule 1 to the Bill provides transitional provisions that terminate the existing Chief Commissioner's appointment upon the commencement of the item in accordance with the terms of that item. Amendment 10 omits item 45 and substitutes transitional provisions in respect of the Chief Executive Officer. New subitem 45(1) provides that item 45 applies if a person held office as the Chief Commissioner immediately before the commencement of the item. The subitem refers to that person as the substantive appointee. New subitem 45(2) provides that the substantive appointee is the Chief Executive Officer throughout the period (a) starting at the commencement of this item 45 and (b) ending when the substantive appointee ceases to hold
office as the Chief Commissioner. The subitem refers to this period as the transition period. New subitem 45(3) provides that if a person is acting as the Chief Commissioner at any time during the transition period, then, while the acting appointee is so acting (a) the acting appointee must perform all the functions and duties and may exercise all the powers of the Chief Executive Officer and (b) the TEQSA Act (as amended by this Part 5 of Schedule 1 of the Bill) and any other law of the Commonwealth, applies in relation to the acting appointee as if the acting appointee were the Chief Executive Officer. New subitem 45(4) provides that sections 154A to154K of the TEQSA Act (as amended by Part 5 of Schedule 1 of the Bill) have no effect during the transition period. Section 154A of the TEQSA Act (as amended by Part 5 of Schedule 1 of the Bill) provides for the appointment of the Chief Executive Officer. New subitem 45(5) provides that subitem 45(4) does not prevent the making of an appointment during the transition period under section 154A of the TEQSA Act (as amended by Part 5 of Schedule 1 of the Bill) if the appointment takes effect after the end of the transition period. Amendment 11 Item 54 of Part 7 of Schedule 1 to the Bill contains provisions concerning the Minister's powers under section 136 of the TEQSA Act to give directions to TEQSA. Subsection 136(1) of the TEQSA Act contains a note which explains that section 42 (disallowance) and Part 6 (sunsetting) of the LIA do not apply to the direction that the Minister gives under subsection 136(1). The note further refers to section 44 and 54 of the LIA. Amendment 11 inserts new item 54A which repeals the note under subsection 136(1) of the TEQSA Act and substitutes a note to the effect that Part 6 (sunsetting) of the LIA does not apply to the direction. The note further refers to section 54 of that Act. The effect of this amendment is to remove reference to section 42 (disallowance) from the note. Amendment 12 Item 55 of Part 7 of Schedule 1 of the Bill repeals subsection 136(2) of the TEQSA Act and substitutes new subsections 136(2) and 136(2A). This amendment amends item 55 of the Bill to insert a further new subsection 136(2B) to the TEQSA Act. The new subsection 136(2B) provides that section 44 of the LIA does not apply in relation to a direction under subsection 136(1) of the TEQSA Act. A note under the new subsection 136(2B) explains that this means that section 42 (disallowance) of the LIA applies to the direction.
The combined effect of Amendment 11 and the new subsection 136(2B) inserted by Amendment 12 is that a written direction given by the Minister to TEQSA under subsection 136(1) is disallowable.