Commonwealth of Australia Explanatory Memoranda

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                           EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM

  (Circulated by authority of the Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills,
                        Jobs and Workplace Relations)



The Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (Consequential
Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2011 deals with consequential
and transitional matters arising from the enactment of the Tertiary
Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (TEQSA Act), and for other

Schedules 1 and 2 provide for amendments to other Commonwealth legislation
consequential to the establishment of the Tertiary Education Quality and
Standards Agency (TEQSA).

Amendments to the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 provide
for TEQSA and its staff to undertake functions relating to provider
registration and monitoring.

Amendments to the Higher Education Support Act 2003 recognise that the
TEQSA Act (once enacted) will establish new registration requirements for
higher education providers and a new regulatory agency to administer those

TEQSA will take on a number of functions which are currently undertaken by
state and territory authorities. The amendments in Schedule 3 make
provisions to transition the necessary functions from the state and
territory authorities to TEQSA.

                              FINANCIAL IMPACT

The costs associated with this Bill will be absorbed by TEQSA.


                              NOTES ON CLAUSES

Part 1- Preliminary

Clause 1 - Short title

Provides for the Bill, once enacted, to be cited as the Tertiary Education
Quality and Standards Agency (Consequential Amendments and Transitional
Provisions) Act 2011.

Clause 2 - Commencement

Subclause 2(1) inserts a three column table setting out commencement
information for various provisions in the Bill.  Each provision of the Bill
specified in column 1 of the table commences (or is taken to have
commenced) in accordance with column 2 of the table and any other statement
in column 2 has effect according to its terms.

The table has the effect of providing for:

      - Table Item 1:  Sections 1-3 and anything in this Bill not elsewhere
        covered by this table to commence on Royal Assent.

      - Table Item 2:  Part 1 of Schedule 1 to commence immediately after
        the later of the commencement of Part 2 of the Tertiary Education
        Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 and the commencement of item
        1 of Schedule 1 of the National Vocational Education and Training
        Regulator (Consequential Amendments) Act 2011 - but Part 1 of
        Schedule 1 will not commence at all unless both Part 2 of the
        Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 and Item 1
        of Schedule 1 to the National Vocational Education and Training
        Regulator (Consequential Amendments) Act 2011 commence.
            o Part 2 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency
              Act 2011 commences on the later of 1 January 2012 and the day
              after 7 months from when this Act receives Royal Assent
            o Item 1 of Schedule 1 of the National Vocational Education and
              Training Regulator (Consequential Amendments) Act 2011
              commences immediately after the commencement of section 3 of
              the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act
              2011.  Section 3 of the National Vocational Education and
              Training Regulator Act 2011 commences on a day to be fixed by
              proclamation - or, if this does not occur within 6 months
              from Royal Assent, the day after 6 months from Royal Assent.

      - Table Items 3 and 5:  Items 15 to 24 and 26 to 39 of Schedule 1 to
        commence at the same time that Part 2 of the Tertiary Education
        Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 commences - but if item 1 of
        Schedule 1 of the National Vocational Education and Training
        Regulator (Consequential Amendments) Act 2011 commences at or
        before that time, Items 15 to 24 and 26 to 39 of Schedule 1 will
        not commence at all.
            o Part 2 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency
              Act 2011 commences on the later of 1 January 2012 and the day
              after 7 months from when this Act receives Royal Assent.
            o Item 1 of Schedule 1 of the National Vocational Education and
              Training Regulator (Consequential Amendments) Act 2011
              commences immediately after the commencement of section 3 of
              the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act
              2011.  Section 3 of the National Vocational Education and
              Training Regulator Act 2011 commences on a day to be fixed by
              proclamation - or, if this does not occur within 6 months
              from Royal Assent, the day after 6 months from Royal Assent.

      - Table Item 4:  Item 25 of Schedule 1 to commence immediately after
        the later of the commencement of the provisions specified in Table
        Item 3 and the commencement of Schedule 1 of the Education Services
        for Overseas Students Legislation Amendment Act 2011- but Item 25
        of Schedule 1 will not commence at all unless both of these events
            o Schedule 1 of the Education Services for Overseas Students
              Legislation Amendment Act 2011 commences on the later of the
              day after this Act receives Royal Assent and 1 January 2011.

      - Table Items 6 and 12:  Part 3 of Schedule 1 and Schedule 3 to
        commence at the same time that section 3 of the Tertiary Education
        Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 commences.
            o Section 3 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards
              Agency Act 2011 commences on the later of 1 July 2011 and the
              day after 1 month from when this Act receives Royal Assent.

      - Table Item 7:  Part 4 of Schedule 1 to commence immediately after
        the commencement of Part 2 of the Tertiary Education Quality and
        Standards Agency Act 2011.
            o Part 2 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency
              Act 2011 commences on the later of 1 January 2012 and the day
              after 7 months from when this Act receives Royal Assent.

      - Table Item 8:  Division 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 2 to commence
        immediately after the commencement of Part 2 of the Tertiary
        Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011.
            o Part 2 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency
              Act 2011 commences on the later of 1 January 2012 and the day
              after 7 months from when this Act receives Royal Assent.
      - Table Items 9 and 10:  Divisions 2 and 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 2 to
        commence immediately after the commencement of Part 2 of the
        Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011.  However,
        Divisions 2 and 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 2 will not commence at all
        if Schedule 1 of the Higher Education Support Amendment (No 1) Act
        2011 has not commenced by this time.
            o Part 2 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency
              Act 2011 commences on the later of 1 January 2012 and the day
              after 7 months from when this Act receives Royal Assent.
            o Schedule 1 of the Higher Education Support Amendment (No 1)
              Act 2011 (if the Act is passed by Parliament and is given
              Royal Assent) commences the day after the Act receives Royal

      - Table Item 11:  Part 2 of Schedule 2 to commence immediately after
        the later of the commencement of section 5 of the Tertiary
        Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 and the
        commencement of section 3 of the National Vocational Education and
        Training Regulator Act 2011 - but Part 2 of Schedule 2 will not
        commence at all unless both section 5 of the Tertiary Education
        Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 and section 3 of the National
        Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 commence.
            o Section 5 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards
              Agency Act 2011 commences on the later of 1 July 2011 and the
              day after 1 month from when this Act receives Royal Assent.
            o Section 3 of the National Vocational Education and Training
              Regulator Act 2011 commences on a day to be fixed by
              proclamation - or, if this does not occur within 6 months
              from Royal Assent, the day after 6 months from Royal Assent.

A Note makes it clear that these commencement times will not be amended by
any later amendments of the Bill (once enacted).

Subclause 2(2) provides that column 3 of the table is for additional
information which may be added to or edited in any published version of the
Bill (once enacted) but that information in this column is not part of the
Bill (once enacted).

Clause 3 - Schedule(s)

Provides that each Act that is specified in a Schedule is amended or
repealed as set out in the applicable items in the Schedule and that any
other item in a Schedule has effect according to its terms.

For ease of description, this  explanatory  memorandum  uses  the  following

'AUQA' means the Australian Universities Quality Agency

'CRICOS' means the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for
Overseas Students

'ESOS Act' means the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000

'HESA Act' means the Higher Education Support Act 2003

'national code' means the National Code of Practice for Registration
Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students

'National VET Regulator' or 'NVR' means the regulator referred to in and
established by the NVETR Act

'NVETR Act' means a reference to the National Vocational Education and
Training Regulator Act 2011 as referred to in the National Vocational
Education and Training Regulator Bill 2010

'TEQSA' means the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards  Agency  referred
to in and established by the TEQSA Act

'TEQSA Act'  means  a  reference  to  the  Tertiary  Education  Quality  and
Standards Agency Act 2011 as referred to in the Tertiary  Education  Quality
and Standards Agency Bill 2011

'TEQSA Bill' means the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency  Bill

'VET' means vocational education and training
Schedule 1- Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000

Part 1 - Amendments after VET law commences

|                                                                  |
|Note: Clause 2 (Commencement) (Table Item 2) provides for Part 1  |
|of Schedule 1 to commence immediately after the later of the      |
|commencement of Part 2 of the Tertiary Education Quality and      |
|Standards Agency Act 2011 and the commencement of item 1 of       |
|Schedule 1 of the National Vocational Education and Training      |
|Regulator (Consequential Amendments) Act 2011 - but Part 1 of     |
|Schedule 1 will not commence at all unless both Part 2 of the     |
|Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 and Item |
|1 of Schedule 1 to the National Vocational Education and Training |
|Regulator (Consequential Amendments) Act 2011 commence.           |
|Part 2 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act |
|2011 commences on the later of 1 January 2012 and the day after 7 |
|months from when the Act receives Royal Assent                    |
|Item 1 of Schedule 1 of the National Vocational Education and     |
|Training Regulator (Consequential Amendments) Act 2011 commences  |
|immediately after the commencement of section 3 of the National   |
|Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011.  Section 3  |
|of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act   |
|2011 commences on a day to be fixed by proclamation - or, if this |
|does not occur within 6 months from Royal Assent, the day after 6 |
|months from Royal Assent.                                         |
|                                                                  |
|The references to the ESOS Act below in Part 1 of Schedule 1      |
|should be read on the assumption that the ESOS Act has been       |
|amended by relevant provisions of the National Vocational         |
|Education and Training Regulator (Consequential Amendments) Act   |
|2011 and that these provisions have commenced.                    |

Item 1 - Section 5 (before paragraph (a) of the definition of authorised

Item 1 amends the definition of authorised employee in section 5 of the
ESOS Act by adding in a new paragraph (aa).  The effect of this amendment
is to provide that if, under subsection 170(2) of the ESOS Act, the
Secretary delegates a power to TEQSA which TEQSA considers will require
powers to be exercised under Part 7 of the ESOS Act (monitoring and
searching providers), then an authorised employee will mean a person who is
an authorised officer within the meaning of the TEQSA Act.

This change will ensure that authorised officers of TEQSA (see clause 94 of
the TEQSA Bill) will be able to act as authorised employees under the ESOS
Act where they are delegated this power by the Secretary under subsection
170(2) of the ESOS Act.

An authorised employee under the ESOS Act must hold a classification of APS
5 or higher and would conduct a range of monitoring and enforcement
activities, but an authorised employee would not make significant
regulatory decisions. Within TEQSA, authorised officers will be of the
classification Executive Level 1 or higher. The higher classification of
authorised officers working for TEQSA reflects the notion that monitoring
and enforcement are activities that require expert skills and high level
judgement. At the same time, it is likely that the only officers of TEQSA
who would be at the SES level will be the Chief Commissioner and the 4
other Commissioners, of whom only 3 (including the Chief Commissioner) will
be full-time. It is not practicable for the 5 commissioners (including the
Chief Commissioner) to be the only personnel of TEQSA able to be authorised
employees for the purposes of the ESOS Act.

Item 2 - Section 5

Item 2 inserts a new definition of Commonwealth designated authority into
section 5 of the ESOS Act.  This defines Commonwealth designated authority
for a State with respect to a provider as meaning TEQSA or the National VET
Regulator.  This is to reflect that, where the Commonwealth is to be a
designated authority, it could be either TEQSA or the National VET

Item 3 - Section 5 (definition of designated authority)

Item 3 is a consequential amendment to Item 4.  Item 3 repeals the
definition of designated authority in section 5 of the ESOS Act.

Item 4 - After section 7

Item 4 inserts a new section 7A into the ESOS Act defining the meaning of
designated authority.  The effect of Item 4 is to define designated
authority for a State, in relation to a provider, as follows:

      - for a registered higher education provider within the meaning of
        the TEQSA Act - the designated authority is TEQSA
      - for an NVR registered training organisation within the meaning of
        the NVETR Act - the designated authority is the National VET
      - for a provider of an English Language Intensive Courses for
        Overseas Students (ELICOS) or a Foundation program - the entity
        that the Minister may, by legislative instrument, determine to be
        the designated authority for a State or Territory for the provider
      - for any other provider not covered by the above - the designated
        authority is the person responsible under State or Territory law
        for approving providers to provide courses to overseas students for
        the State (new subsection 7A(4) will allow the Minister, by
        legislative instrument, to determine that an entity is the
        designated authority in such circumstances).

In addition, where a provider falls into one or more of the above
categories, Item 4 provides that the Minister may, by legislative
instrument, determine that one or more entities will be the designated
authority for the provider (new subsection 7A(3)).  This is to reflect that
there may be more than one designated authority for a State.

Items 5 and 6 - Paragraph 89A(1)(b) and Paragraph 89A(1A)(b)

Items 5 and 6 replace references to 'the National VET Regulator' with
references to 'a Commonwealth designated authority' in paragraphs 89A(1)(b)
and 89A(1A)(b) of the ESOS Act.  Section 89A deals with the automatic
suspension of providers if they are not 'fit and proper'.  This takes into
account that a Commonwealth designated authority can be either TEQSA or the
National VET Regulator (see Item 2).

Items 7 and 8 - Paragraphs 89A(1B)(a) and 89A(1B)(b)

Paragraph 89A(1B) of the ESOS Act deals with the suspension of a provider's
registration (other than providers covered by subsection 9B(1)) if both
paragraph 89A(1B) (a) and (b) apply.  Currently, the suspension will occur

      - a provider is either approved by the National VET Regulator to
        provide courses (subparagraph 89A(1B)(a)(i)), or a provider is
        approved by the National VET Regulator and another designated
        authority to provide courses (subparagraph 89A(1B)(a)(ii)); and
      - the National VET Regulator tells the Secretary that it (having
        regard to the matters specified in subsection 9B(2)) is no longer
        satisfied the provider is fit and proper to be registered
        (paragraph 89A(1B)(b)).

Item 7 repeals and substitutes paragraph 89A(1B)(a).  The new requirement
is that a provider is either approved by a Commonwealth designated
authority to provide courses (subparagraph 89A(1B)(a)(i)), or a provider is
approved by a Commonwealth designated authority and by a designated
authority that is not a Commonwealth designated authority to provide
courses (subparagraph 89A(1B)(a)(ii)).

The effect of Item 8 is to replace the reference in paragraph 89A(1B)(b) to
the National VET Regulator telling the Secretary with the Commonwealth
designated authority telling the Secretary.

Item 9 - After paragraph 170(1)(a)

Subsection 170(1) of the ESOS Act deals with the delegation of the
Minister's powers under the ESOS Act.  Item 9 inserts a new paragraph
170(1)(aa), the effect of which is to allow the Minister to delegate any or
all of the Minister's powers under the ESOS Act to TEQSA (in addition to
the persons and bodies already specified in subsection 170(1)).

Item 10 - Before paragraph 170(2)(a)

Subsection 170(2) of the ESOS Act deals with the delegation of the
Secretary's powers under the ESOS Act.  Item 10 inserts a new paragraph
170(2)(aa), the effect of which is to allow the Secretary to delegate any
or all of the Secretary's powers under the ESOS Act to TEQSA (in addition
to the persons and bodies already specified in subsection 170(2)).

Item 11 - Before subsection 170(3) (before the heading)

Subsection 170(3) of the ESOS Act deals with the subdelegation of the
Minister's or Secretary's powers under the ESOS Act.  Item 11 inserts a new
subsection 170(2A), the effect of which is to provide that, if the Minister
or Secretary delegates powers to TEQSA under section 170, then TEQSA can
subdelegate (in writing) those powers to members of TEQSA's staff who are
SES employees, acting SES employees, or Executive Level (EL) 1 or 2 or
equivalent officers (or acting in such positions).

TEQSA will be a small agency and it is anticipated that its only SES staff
will be the Chief Commissioner and the 4 other Commissioners, only 3 of
whom (including the Chief Commissioner) will be full-time. While the
ability to delegate to Executive Level staff may not be used, the efficient
administration of the Act may require such delegations.

Item 12 - Subsection 170(4)

Item 12 replaces the reference to 'the subdelegation' in subsection 170(4)
of the ESOS Act with a reference to 'a subdelegation under subsection (2A)
or (3)'.  This is consequential to the amendment made by Item 11 which
inserts a new subsection 170(2A) into the ESOS Act.

Item 13 - Saving of existing determinations

Item 13 is a consequential amendment to Items 3 and 4. Its effect is to
provide that any determinations that were in force immediately before the
commencement of Item 13, where such determinations were made under
paragraph (b) of the definition of designated authority in section 5 of the
ESOS Act, will continue to apply after commencement as if they were
determinations made by the Minister under new subsection 7A(4).

Item 14 - Things done by, or in relation to, a designated authority

Item 14 is a savings provision and applies if, before item 14 commences
(see clause 2 (commencement) and Table Item 2 above), something was done by
or in relation to a designated authority under the ESOS Act.

If so, the thing is taken after commencement to have been done by or in
relation to the relevant designated authority (see Item 4 for the new
meaning of designated authority). The Minister may, however, issue a
written determination that this would not apply to a specified thing (which
includes making an instrument) done by or in relation to a designated
authority.  Item 14 also provides that such a determination would not be a
legislative instrument. This provision is included to assist readers as
such an instrument would not be a legislative instrument within the meaning
of section 5 of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003.

Part 2 - Amendments if VET law has not commenced

|                                                                  |
|Note: Clause 2 (Commencement) (Table Item 3) provides for Items 15|
|to 24 of Schedule 1 to commence at the same time that Part 2 of   |
|the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011      |
|commences - but if item 1 of Schedule 1 of the National Vocational|
|Education and Training Regulator (Consequential Amendments) Act   |
|2011 commences at or before that time, Items 15 to 24 of Schedule |
|1 will not commence at all.                                       |
|Part 2 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act |
|2011 commences on the later of 1 January 2012 and the day after 7 |
|months from when the Act receives Royal Assent.                   |
|Item 1 of Schedule 1 of the National Vocational Education and     |
|Training Regulator (Consequential Amendments) Act 2011 commences  |
|immediately after the commencement of section 3 of the National   |
|Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011.  Section 3  |
|of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act   |
|2011 commences on a day to be fixed by proclamation - or, if this |
|does not occur within 6 months from Royal Assent, the day after 6 |
|months from Royal Assent.                                         |
|                                                                  |
|The references to the ESOS Act below in Part 2 of Schedule 1      |
|should be read on the assumption that the ESOS Act has not been   |
|amended by relevant provisions of the National Vocational         |
|Education and Training Regulator (Consequential Amendments) Act   |
|2011 - i.e. these amending provisions have not commenced.         |

For the commencement of Items 15 to 24, see clause 2 (commencement) and
Table Item 3 above.  In short, the items commence at the same time as Part
2 of the TEQSA Act commences (the later of 1 July 2011 and 7 months from
when the TEQSA Act receives Royal Assent) - but they will not commence at
all if Item 1 of Schedule 1 of the National Vocational Education and
Training Regulator (Consequential Amendments) Act 2011 commences before
this time.

 Item 15 - Section 5 (definition of approved provider)

The effect of this Item is to amend the definition of approved provider in
section 5 of the ESOS Act by replacing the reference to 'the designated
authority' with a reference to 'the relevant designated authority'.  This
reflects a number of other amendments made by this Bill to the ESOS Act,
which mean that there may be more than one designated authority for a
State.  Item 15 is consequential to the amendment made by Item 17.

Item 16 - Section 5 (definition of authorised employee)

Item 16 repeals the definition of authorised employee in section 5 of the
ESOS Act and replaces it with a new definition.  Under the new definition,
authorised employee means either:

      - a person who is an authorised officer within the meaning of the
        TEQSA Act (see clause 94 of the TEQSA Act) if the Secretary has
        delegated a power under subsection 170(2) to TEQSA that TEQSA
        considers requires powers to be exercised under part 7 of the ESOS
        Act (monitoring and searching providers); or
      - in any other case someone who is authorised in writing by the
        Secretary to exercise powers under Part 7 of the ESOS Act and is an
        employee of the Department holding the classification of APS 5 or
        higher (or equivalent).

These changes will ensure that authorised officers of TEQSA will be able to
act as authorised employees under the ESOS Act where they are given this
power under the TEQSA Act.

An authorised employee under the ESOS Act must hold a classification of APS
5 or higher and would conduct a range of monitoring and enforcement
activities, but an authorised employee would not make significant
regulatory decisions. Within TEQSA, authorised officers will be of the
classification Executive Level 1 or higher. The higher classification of
authorised officers working for TEQSA reflects the notion that monitoring
and enforcement are activities that require expert skills and high level
judgement. At the same time, it is likely that the only officers of TEQSA
who would be at the SES level will be the Chief Commissioner and the 4
other Commissioners, of whom only 3 (including the Chief Commissioner) will
be full-time. It is not practicable for the 5 Commissioners (including the
Chief Commissioner) to be the only TEQSA personnel able to be authorised
employees for the purposes of the ESOS Act.

Item 17 - Section 5 (definition of designated authority)

Item 17 repeals the definition of designated authority in section 5 of the
ESOS Act and replaces it with a new definition of that term which allows
for more than one designated authority for a State in relation to a

Paragraph (a) has the effect that to the extent the provider is a
registered higher education provide (within the meaning of the TEQSA Act),
the designated authority for the State in relation to the provider will be
TEQSA. This means that TEQSA will automatically become the designated
authority for a higher education course of study (as defined in the TEQSA
Act) which is to be registered under the ESOS Act where the provider is
registered with TEQSA.

Paragraph (b) has the effect that, in any other case, the designated
authority for a State in relation to the provider will be person
responsible for approving providers to provide courses to overseas students
under the law of the State.

Item 18 - Subsection 10(5)

Item 18 inserts the words 'for a course' after 'is registered' in
subsection 10(5) of the ESOS Act, to reflect that approved providers are
registered to provide a course.

Item 19 - Paragraph 14(1)(b)

Item 19 substitutes a new paragraph 14(1)(b) in the ESOS Act in which the
reference to 'the source of the information is not the designated
authority' is replaced with a reference to 'the source of the information
is not the relevant designated authority'.  This is to reflect that there
may be more than one designated authority for a State or Territory.

Item 20 - Subsection 14(2)

Item 20 substitutes a new subsection 14(2) in the ESOS Act which provides
that the Secretary must give the information referred to in subsection
14(1) to 'the relevant designated authority'.  This is to reflect that
there may be more than one designated authority for a State.

Item 21 - Subsection 14(3)

Item 21 amends subsection 14(3) of the ESOS Act so that it refers to 'the
relevant designated authority' and not 'the designated authority', to
reflect that there may be more than one designated authority for a State.

Item 22 - Paragraph 14A(1)(a)

Item 22 repeals paragraph 14A(1)(a) of the ESOS Act and replaces it with
new paragraphs 14A(1)(a) and (aa) to reflect that there may be more than
one designated authority for a State.

Item 23 - Paragraph 14A(2)(a)

Item 23 repeals paragraph 14A(2)(a) of the ESOS Act and replaces it with
new paragraphs 14A(2)(a) and (aa) to reflect that there may be more than
one designated authority for a State.

Item 24 - Subsection 14A(4)

Item 24 amends subsection 14A(4) of the ESOS Act so that it refers to 'the
relevant designated authority' and not 'the designated authority', to
reflect that there may be more than one designated authority for a State.

|                                                                  |
|Note: Clause 2 (Commencement) (Table Item 4) provides for Item 25 |
|of Schedule 1 to commence immediately after the later of the      |
|commencement of the provisions specified in Table Item 3 and the  |
|commencement of Schedule 1 of the Education Services for Overseas |
|Students Legislation Amendment Act 2011- but Item 25 of Schedule 1|
|will not commence at all unless both of these events occur.       |
|Schedule 1 of the Education Services for Overseas Students        |
|Legislation Amendment Act 2011 commences on the later of the day  |
|after the Act receives Royal Assent and 1 January 2011.           |

For the commencement of Item 25, see clause 2 (commencement) and Table Item
4 above.  In short, Item 25 commences immediately after the later of the
commencement of Part 2 of the TEQSA Act and Schedule 1 of the Education
Services for Overseas Students Legislation Amendment Act 2011 (if this
occurs) - as long as both commence.  If, however, the National Vocational
Education and Training Regulator (Consequential Amendments) Act 2011
commences before the TEQSA Act, Item 25 will not commence at all.

Item 25 - Paragraph 14B(1)(b)

Item 25 substitutes a new paragraph 14B(1)(b) which refers to the relevant
designated authority, instead of the designated authority, to reflect that
there may be more than one designated authority for a State.

Note that section 14B is to be inserted in the ESOS Act by the ESOS
Amendment Bill.  Subsection 14B(1) will provide that the Secretary may
impose a condition on a provider's registration the Secretary thinks
necessary in view of a risk assessment by the Secretary or the designated

        |                                                                 |
|Note: Clause 2 (Commencement) (Table Item 5) provides for Items  |
|26 to 39 of Schedule 1 to commence at the same time that Part 2  |
|of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011  |
|commences - but if item 1 of Schedule 1 of the National          |
|Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Consequential       |
|Amendments) Act 2011 commences at or before that time, items 26  |
|to 39 of Schedule 1 will not commence at all.                    |
|Part 2 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act|
|2011 commences on the later of 1 January 2012 and the day after 7|
|months from when the Act receives Royal Assent.                  |
|Item 1 of Schedule 1 of the National Vocational Education and    |
|Training Regulator (Consequential Amendments) Act 2011 commences |
|immediately after the commencement of section 3 of the National  |
|Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011.  Section 3 |
|of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act  |
|2011 commences on a day to be fixed by proclamation - or, if this|
|does not occur within 6 months from Royal Assent, the day after 6|
|months from Royal Assent.                                        |

For the commencement of Items 26 to 39, see clause 2 (commencement) and
Table Item 5 above.  In short, the items commence at the same time as Part
2 of the TEQSA Act commences (the later of 1 July 2012 and 7 months from
when the TEQSA Act receives Royal Assent) - but they will not commence at
all if Item 1 of Schedule 1 of the National Vocational Education and
Training Regulator (Consequential Amendments) Act 2011 commences before
this time.

Item 26 - Paragraph 27(1B)(b)

Item 26 substitutes a new paragraph 27(1B)(b) in the ESOS Act which
provides that one of the things which the Minister must have regard to when
deciding whether to give the notice referred to in subsection 27(1A) is any
advice of the relevant designated authority.  This is to reflect that there
may be more than one designated authority for a State.

Item 27 - Paragraph 43(1)(b)

Item 27 substitutes a new paragraph 43(1)(b) in the ESOS Act.  The new
subsection extends the operation of section 43 so that it has operation
where the Secretary has information from a source other than a designated
authority suggesting that a registered provider for a State may have
breached the national code. This amendment takes into account that there
may be more than one designated authority for a State in relation to a

Item 28 - Subsection 43(2)

Item 28 amends subsection 43(2) of the ESOS Act to take into account that
there may be more than one designated authority for a State in relation to
a provider. Where there is more than one designated authority for a State
in relation to a provider there may be one or more 'relevant designated
authority' for the purposes of subsection 43(2).

For example, if there were two designated authorities for a State in
relation to a registered provider and the Secretary had information
suggesting a possible breach of the national code by a provider, both
designated authorities may be a 'relevant designated authority' which the
Secretary must notify for the purposes of subsection 43(2). 

Item 29 - Subsection 43(2)

Item 29 amends subsection 43(2) of the ESOS Act to take into account that
there may be more than one designated authority for a State in relation to
a provider. The Secretary may ask one or more of the designated authorities
for a State to investigate the matter or take other suitable action.

Item 30 - Paragraph 43(3)(a)

Item 30 amends paragraph 43(3)(a) of the ESOS Act to take into account that
there may be more than one designated authority for a State in relation to
a provider.

Item 31 - Paragraph 43(3)(b)

Item 31 amends paragraph 43(3)(b) of the ESOS Act to take into account that
there may be more than one designated authority for a State in relation to
a provider.

Item 32 - Paragraph 89(1)

Item 32 amends subsection 89(1) of the ESOS Act to take into account that
there may be more than one designated authority for a State in relation to
a provider.
The amendment has the effect that where there is one or more designated
authorities for a State in relation to a provider, the registration of a
provider for a course is suspended if the relevant designated authority
suspends the approval of the course.

For example, if there were two designated authorities for a State in
relation to a provider, one being TEQSA by operation of paragraph (a) of
the definition of designated authority (see Item 17) and another being the
person responsible under State law for approving providers to provide
courses to overseas students, and TEQSA suspends the approval of a course
for the provider, the 'relevant designated authority' for the purposes of
subsection 89(1) would be TEQSA.

Item 33 - Subsection 89A

Item 33 substitutes a new subsection 89A(1) in the ESOS Act to take into
account that there may be more than one designated authority for a State in
relation to a provider.

The new subsection 89A(1) applies where a provider is approved by one or
more designated authorities (other than TEQSA) to provide courses for a
State, and one of the designated authorities tells the Secretary that,
having regard to the matters referred to in subsection 9B(2), the
designated authority is no longer satisfied that the provider is fit and
proper to be registered. In this case the registration of the provider
(other than a provider covered by subsection 9B(1)) is suspended for all
courses for the State.

The new subsection 89A(1A) has the effect that where a provider is
suspended under subsection 89A(1) and that  same provider is also approved
by TEQSA to provide courses for a State, the registration of the provider
is also suspended for all courses for all States.

The new subsection 89A(1B) has the effect that where a provider is approved
by TEQSA to provide courses for a State (whether or not the provider is
also approved by another designated authority to provider other courses for
the State) and TEQSA tells the Secretary that, having regard to the matters
referred to in subsection 9B(2), TEQSA is no longer satisfied that the
provider is fit and proper to be registered, the registration of the
provider is suspended for all courses in all States.

A Note explains that section 95 of the ESOS Act sets out the effect of

Item 34 - Subsection 89A(2)

Item 34 amends subsection 89A(2) of the ESOS Act so that the reference to
'the designated authority' is replaced with a reference to 'the relevant
designated authority'.  This takes into account that there may be more than
one designated authority for a State.  The relevant designated authority is
the designated authority, that in accordance with subsection 89A(1),
subsection 89A(1A) or subsection 89A(1B), originally told the Secretary it
was not satisfied the provider was a fit and proper person to be

Item 35 - Subsection 92B(1)

Item 35 amends subsection 92B(1) of the ESOS Act so that the first
occurring reference to 'the designated authority' is replaced with a
reference to 'the relevant designated authority'.  This makes clear that
there may be more than one designated authority for a State.

Item 36 - Delegation

Item 36 repeals section 170 of the ESOS Act and replaces it with a new
section 170, which will permit (in addition to the delegations permitted by
the repealed section 170) the Minister or Secretary to delegate their
powers to TEQSA and, if such a delegation is made, will permit TEQSA to sub-
delegate the delegated powers to certain staff members.

The new subsection 170(1) provides that the Minister may, by signed
writing, delegate any or all of the Minister's powers under the ESOS Act

    - the Secretary;
    - TEQSA; or
    - an SES employee or acting employee in the Department.

The new subsection 170(2) provides that the Secretary may, by signed
writing, delegate any or all of the Secretary's powers under the ESOS Act

    - TEQSA; or
    - an SES employee or acting SES employee in the Department.

The new subsection 170(3) provides that if the Minister or the Secretary
delegates a power under section 170 to TEQSA, then TEQSA may, by writing,
sub-delegate the power to a member of the staff of TEQSA (ie persons
engaged under the Public Service Act 1999 - clause 156 of the TEQSA Bill
refers), who is:

    - an SES employee or acting SES employee; or
    - holding, or acting in, an Executive Level 1 or 2, or equivalent

      TEQSA will be a small agency and it is anticipated that its only SES
      staff will be the Chief Commissioner and the 4 other Commissioners,
      only 3 of whom (including the Chief Commissioner) will be full-time.
      While the ability to delegate to Executive Level staff may not be
      used, the efficient administration of the Act may require such

The new subsection 170(4) makes it clear that sections 34AA, 34AB and 34A
of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 apply in relation to the subdelegation
in a corresponding way to the way in which they apply in relation to a

Item 37 - Saving of existing authorisations

Item 37 is a savings provision and provides that a person who is an
authorised employee as defined in the ESOS Act immediately before
commencement of this item continues to be, at and after commencement of
this item, an authorised employee for the purposes of the ESOS Act.

Item 38 - Things done by, or in relation to, a designated authority

Item 38 is a savings provision and applies if, before item 38 commences
(see clause 2 (commencement) and Table Item 5 above), something was done by
or in relation to a designated authority under the ESOS Act.

If so, the thing is taken after commencement to have been done by or in
relation to the relevant designated authority (see Item 17 for the new
meaning of designated authority). The Minister may, however, issue a
written determination that this would not apply to a specified thing (which
includes making an instrument) done by or in relation to a designated
authority.  Item 38 also provides that such a determination would not be a
legislative instrument.  This provision is included to assist readers as
such an instrument would not be a legislative instrument within the meaning
of section 5 of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003.

Item 39 - Saving of existing delegations

Item 39 is a savings provision the effect of which is to ensure that any
delegations in force under section 170 of the ESOS Act immediately before
the commencement of this Item (see clause 2 (commencement) and Table Item 5
above) continue to have effect after that commencement.

Part 3 - Amendments about access

|                                                                  |
|Note: Clause 2 (Commencement) (Table Item 6) provides for Part 3  |
|of Schedule 1 to commence at the same time that section 3 of the  |
|Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011          |
|commences.                                                        |
|Section 3 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency  |
|Act 2011 commences on the later of 1 July 2011 and the day after 1|
|month from when the Act receives Royal Assent.                    |

Item 40, Item 41 and Item 42 - Section 124

Section 124 of the ESOS Act concerns authorised employees (or others with
their permission) inspecting documents, and taking copies of them etc.  The
effect of Item 40 is to turn the existing section 124 into subsection

Item 41 amends existing section 124 of the ESOS Act by deleting the words
'another employee of the Department with an' and replacing them with 'a
person covered by subsection (2) who has the'.  This is a consequential
amendment to Item 42, the effect of which is to provide that the following
persons may, with an authorised employee's permission, inspect documents
and take copies of them:

      - an employee within the same Public Service Act 1999 agency as the
        authorised employee (in the case of a TEQSA authorised employee,
        this would allow that authorised employee to give the relevant
        permission to another employee of TEQSA); or
      - a constituent member (however the member is described) of that
        Public Service Act 1999 agency (in the case of TEQSA that would
        extend, for example, to TEQSA's Commissioners).

Item 43 and 44 - Subsection 125(1) and At the end of section 125

Section 125 of the ESOS Act concerns authorised employees (or others with
their permission) retaining copies of documents.  Item 43 amends existing
subsection 125(1) by deleting the words 'another employee of the Department
with an' and replacing them with 'a person covered by subsection (3) who
has the' (Item 44 inserts a new subsection 125(3) into the ESOS Act).  The
effect of this is to provide that the following persons may, with an
authorised employee's permission, retain documents:

      - an employee within the same Public Service Act 1999 agency as the
        authorised employee (in the case of a TEQSA authorised employee,
        this would allow that authorised employee to give the relevant
        permission to another employee of TEQSA); or
      - a constituent member (however the member is described) of that
        Public Service Act 1999 agency (in the case of TEQSA that would
        extend, for example, to TEQSA's Commissioners).

Part 4 - Other amendments

|                                                                  |
|Note: Clause 2 (Commencement) (Table Item 7) provides for Part 4  |
|of Schedule 1 to commence immediately after the commencement of   |
|Part 2 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act |
|2011.                                                             |
|Part 2 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act |
|2011 commences on the later of 1 January 2012 and the day after 7 |
|months from when the Act receives Royal Assent.                   |

Item 45 - Section 5

Item 45 inserts the term TEQSA into section 5 of the ESOS Act.  TEQSA is
short for the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency as
established by section 132 of the TEQSA Act.

Item 46 - Section 5

Item 46 inserts the term TEQSA Act into section 5 of the ESOS Act. The term
TEQSA Act is defined as meaning the Tertiary Education Quality and
Standards Agency Act 2011.

          Schedule 2-Other amendments

Part 1 - Amendments about higher education support

Division 1 - Main Amendments

Higher Education Support Act 2003

      |                                                                  |
|Note: Clause 2 (Commencement) (Table Item 8) provides for Part 1  |
|of Schedule 2 to commence immediately after the commencement of   |
|Part 2 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act |
|2011.                                                             |
|Part 2 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act |
|2011 commences on the later of 1 January 2012 and the day after 7 |
|months from when the Act receives Royal Assent.                   |

Items 1 and 2 - Sections 1-15 and 3-25

Section 1-15 of the HESA Act provides that Chapter 6 of the HESA Act and
regulations made for the purposes of Chapter 6 extend to the external
Territories.  Item 1 repeals section 1-15 of the HESA Act.

Item 2 repeals section 3-25 of the HESA Act which is an explanatory
provision explaining that Chapter 6 of the HESA Act provides for approval
of universities, self-accrediting entities and non self-accrediting
entities to operate in external Territories, and for accreditation of
courses of study in those Territories.  Item 20 of Part 1 of Schedule 2
repeals Chapter 6 in its entirety.

Item 3 - Subsection 5-1(2) (table item 1)

The table under subsection 5-1 sets out the manner in which the provisions
of the HESA Act apply in relation to a Table C provider. Item 3 has the
effect of substituting TEQSA as the new body that may be required to assess
the overall performance of a Table C provider in relation to the particular
body corporate through which the Table C provider conducts its higher
education operations in Australia.

Item 4 - After section 16-25

Section 16-25 of the HESA Act sets out the criteria to be satisfied in
order for a body corporate to be approved by the Minister as a higher
education provider for the purposes of the HESA Act.  Item 4 inserts a new
section 16-27 into the HESA Act which provides that, notwithstanding the
requirements section 16-25, the Minister must not approve a body corporate
as a higher education provider (for the purposes of the HESA Act), unless
it is a registered higher education provider.  Item 32 of Part 1 of
Schedule 2 inserts a definition of registered higher education provider in
subclause 1(1) of Schedule 1 of the HESA Act - which defines the term as
having the same meaning as in the TEQSA Act.

Item 5 - Subsection 16-40(1)

Subsection 16-40(1) of the HESA Act provides that a body corporate may
apply to the Minister for approval as a higher education provider (for the
purposes of the HESA Act).  Item 5 repeals and substitutes a new subsection
16-40(1), which provides that a  body corporate that is a registered higher
education provider may apply to the Minister for approval as a higher
education provider under the HESA Act.  Item 32 of Part 1 of Schedule 2
inserts a definition of registered higher education provider in subclause
1(1) of Schedule 1 of the HESA Act - which defines the term as having the
same meaning as in the TEQSA Act.

Item 6 - After section 16-40

Item 6 inserts new section 16-42 into the HESA Act. New section 16-42
allows the Minister to seek information from TEQSA for the purpose of
approving a body corporate as a higher education provider under the HESA
Act. Specifically, the Minister may seek information from TEQSA in relation
to the application made by the body corporate or in relation to the body
corporate's overall ability to comply with the quality requirements. Item 7
makes amendments in relation to the new quality requirements.

Item 7 - Subdivision 19-C

Item 7 repeals and substitutes Subdivision 19-C.

Subdivision 19-C of the HESA Act deals with the quality requirements. The
quality requirements are specified in the Threshold Standards (within the
meaning of the TEQSA Act).

New section 19-15 makes it a condition of approval that a higher education
provider must operate, and continue to operate, at a level of quality that
meets the Threshold Standards and the requirements imposed under the TEQSA
Act on, or in relation to, the provider.

Item 8 - Paragraphs 19-77(c) and (d)

Item 8 repeals and substitutes paragraphs 19-77(c) and (d).

Section 19-77 of the HESA Act sets out the events affecting a higher
education provider's accreditation which the provider must notify the
Minister of.  Item 8 amends paragraphs 19-77(c) and (d) to specify that any
event which may affect either the provider's authority from TEQSA to self-
accredit one or more courses of study, or in respect of TEQSA's
accreditation of a course of study offered by the provider, must be
notified in writing to the Minister.

Item 9 - After section 19-77

Item 9 inserts new section 19-78 into the HESA Act. New section 19-78
imposes a new notification requirement upon a higher education provider.
This amendment sets out new events affecting a higher education provider's
registration which the provider must notify the Minister of. Item 9
specifies that any event which may significantly affect a provider (or a
body corporate related to the provider) in relation to the provider's
registration must be notified in writing to the Minister.

New subsection 19-78(2) exempts the provider from this requirement if the
provider has already informed the Minister of an event under section 19-77.

Item 10 - After subsection 19-80(2)

Section 19-80 of the HESA Act provides that the Minister may require higher
education providers (apart from Table A providers) to undergo audits in
order to assess their compliance with a number of requirements, such as the
financial viability requirements specified in the HESA Act.  Subsection 19-
80(2) of the HESA Act provides that these audits must be conducted by
bodies determined in writing by the Minister.

Item 10 inserts a new subsection 19-80(2A) into the HESA Act to make it
clear that, if the Minister makes a determination that TEQSA is to conduct
the audits, this is not to be taken as a direction for the purposes of
subsection 136(2) of the TEQSA Act.  Section 136 of the TEQSA Act (once
enacted) will allow the Minister to give directions to TEQSA and subsection
136(2) will provide that the Minister must not give a direction in relation
to a particular regulated entity.

Item 11 - Subsection 19-102(4)

Section 19-102 of the HESA Act defines the meaning of a fee, but subsection
19-102(4) provides that the definition does not apply for the purposes of
section 104-50 (fees for assessment statements) and section 225-25 (fees
set out in the Higher Education in External Territories Guidelines).  Item
11 amends section 19-102 by omitting the reference to section 225-25. The
Higher Education in External Territories Guidelines will cease to have
effect with the omission of the reference in section 19-102, which
accompanies the repeal of Chapter 6 of the HESA Act (see Item 21 of Part 1
of Schedule 2).

Items 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 - Section 22-1, At the end of section 22-1,
Paragraph 22-10(2A)(b), At the end of section 22-10, After section 22-20

Items 12 to 16, inclusive, make amendments in relation to the revocation of
approval of a higher education provider under the HESA Act.

Item 13 inserts new subsection 22-1(2) in the HESA Act which imposes an
obligation upon the Minister to notify TEQSA, in writing, if a body
corporate ceases to be approved as a higher education provider under the
HESA Act. Item 12 is a technical amendment in relation to the amendment
made by Item 13.

Section 22-10 of the HESA Act concerns the revocation of a body's approval
as a higher education provider for the purposes of the HESA Act if the
body's status or accreditation changes.

Item 14 repeals and substitutes paragraph 22-10(2A)(b) of the HESA Act.
The effect of this amendment is to replace the reference to a government
accreditation authority with a reference to TEQSA.  As amended, subsection
22-10(2A) will allow the Minister to revoke a body's approval as a higher
education provider if the body was a self-accrediting entity and is no
longer authorised by TEQSA to self-accredit a course of study.

Item 15 inserts new subsection 22-10(6) in the HESA Act. New subsection 22-
10(6) allows the Minister to revoke a body's approval as a higher education
provider if that body is no longer a registered higher education provider
(see Item 32 of Part 1 of Schedule 2 - i.e. a registered higher education
provider within the meaning of the TEQSA Act) and the Minister complies
with the procedural fairness requirements under section 22-20.

Item 16 inserts new section 22-22 in the HESA Act to allow the Minister to
seek information from TEQSA for the purposes of determining whether to
revoke a body's approval as a higher education provider.

Item 17 - Before paragraph 90-1(a)

Item 17 inserts new paragraph 90-1(aa) into subsection 90-1(1) of the HESA

Section 90-1 sets out the eligibility criteria to be satisfied by a student
before qualifying for HECS-HELP assistance. This amendment creates new
eligibility criterion that a student shall be entitled to HECS-HELP
assistance for a unit of study if the course of study is an accredited

Item 18 - Paragraph 104-10(1)(b)

Item 18 repeals and substitutes paragraph 104-10(1)(b) of the HESA Act.

For the purposes of determining a student's entitlement to FEE-HELP
assistance, section 104-10 sets out the course requirements that a unit of
study must satisfy.

This amendment has the effect of repealing the current criterion that, if
the unit is being undertaken as part of a course of study with a higher
education provider and the course is not one the provider is authorised by
a government accreditation authority to accredit, the course must be an
accredited course.

In its place, Item 18 inserts the new criterion that, if the unit is being
undertaken as part of a course of study with a higher education provider,
the course of study must be either an accredited course in relation to the
provider or, if the provider is a self-accrediting entity, the course is an
enabling course.

Item 19 - After paragraph 118-1(1)(c)

Item 19 inserts new paragraph 118-1(1)(ca) in the HESA Act.  Section 118-1
sets out the eligibility criteria to be satisfied by a student before
qualifying for OS-HELP assistance. This amendment has the effect of
including the new criterion that the undergraduate course of study the
student is undertaking is an accredited course in relation to the student's
home provider.

Items 20, 21 and 22 - Section 206-1 (table item 5), Chapter 6 and
Subsection 238-10(1) (table item 6A)

Item 21 repeals Chapter 6 of the HESA Act in its entirety. Chapter 6 deals
with matters in relation to the provision of higher education in the
external Territories. Items 20 and 22 are consequential amendments to Item

Item 23 - Subclause 1(1) of Schedule 1 (definition of accredited course)

Item 23 repeals and substitutes the definition of accredited course in
subclause 1(1) of Schedule 1 of the HESA Act to mean a course of study
(other than an enabling course) that:

      - if a registered higher education provider is authorised by TEQSA to
        self- accredit the course of study-is accredited by the provider;
     - in any other case-is accredited by TEQSA.

Item 24 - Subclause 1(1) of Schedule 1 (definition of Australian
Qualifications Framework)

Item 24 repeals and substitutes the definition of Australian Qualifications
Framework in subclause 1(1) of Schedule 1 of the HESA Act to mean the
framework for recognition and endorsement of qualifications established by
the Council comprised of the Ministers responsible for education for the
Commonwealth and each State and Territory - as in force from time to time.
The higher education sector is dynamic and qualifications evolve to respond
to student demand and global trends. Thus it is important that the
reference to the Australian Qualification Framework updates and refers to
the latest version of the framework as made by the Ministerial Council from
time to time and that gives effect to agreed standards across all
jurisdictions in relation to the provision of education in Australia.

Item 25 - Subclause 1(1) of Schedule 1 (definition of Australian

Item 25 repeals and substitutes the definition of Australian university in
subclause 1(1) of Schedule 1 of the HESA Act to mean a registered higher
education provider that, for the purposes of the TEQSA Act, is registered
in a provider category that permits the use of the word 'university,' and
that is established by or under, or recognised by, a law of the
Commonwealth or a State or Territory, or is registered as a company under
Part 2A.2 of the Corporations Act 2001.

Item 26 - Subclause 1(1) of Schedule 1 (definition of government
accreditation authority)

Item 26 repeals the definition of government accreditation authority in
subclause 1(1) of Schedule 1 of the HESA Act.

Item 27 - Subclause 1(1) of Schedule 1 (definition of National Protocols)

Item 27 repeals the definition of National Protocols in subclause 1(1) of
Schedule 1 of the HESA Act.

Item 28 - Subclause 1(1) of Schedule 1 (definition of non self-accrediting

Item 28 repeals and substitutes the definition of non self-accrediting
entity in subclause 1(1) of Schedule 1 of the HESA Act to mean a body that
is a registered higher education provider and has no authorisation from
TEQSA to self-accredit any course of study that leads to a higher education

Item 29 - Subclause 1(1) of Schedule 1 (definition of offering)

Item 29 repeals the definition of offering in subclause 1(1) of Schedule 1
of the HESA Act.

Item 30 - Subclause 1(1) of Schedule 1 (definition of operating)

Item 30 repeals the definition of operating in subclause 1(1) of Schedule 1
of the HESA Act.

Item 31 - Subclause 1(1) of Schedule 1 (definition of quality auditing

Item 31 repeals the definition of quality auditing body in subclause 1(1)
of Schedule 1 of the HESA Act.

Item 32 - Subclause 1(1) of Schedule 1

Item 32 inserts the term registered higher education provider in subclause
1(1) of Schedule 1 of the HESA Act and provides for it to have the same
meaning as in the TEQSA Act.

Item 33 - Subclause 1(1) of Schedule 1 (definition of self-accrediting

Item 33 repeals and substitutes the definition of self-accrediting entity
in subclause 1(1) of Schedule 1 of the HESA Act to mean a body corporate
that is a higher education provider and is authorised by TEQSA to self-
accredit one or more courses of study that leads to a higher education

Item 34 - Subclause 1(1) of Schedule 1

Item 34 inserts the term TEQSA in subclause 1(1) of Schedule 1 of the HESA
Act and provides for it to mean the body established by section 132 of the

Item 35 - Subclause 1(1) of Schedule 1

Item 35 inserts the term TEQSA Act in subclause 1(1) of Schedule 1 of the
HESA Act and provides for it to mean the Tertiary Education Quality and
Standards Agency Act 2011.

Item 36 - Application of amendments

Item 36 is an application provision, the effect of which is as follows:

      - to ensure that new section 16-27 of the HESA Act (as inserted by
        Item 4 of Division 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of this Bill - and
        which provides that, despite section 16-25, the Minister must not
        approve a body corporate as a higher education provider unless it
        is a registered higher education provider), applies in relation to
        an application for approval as a higher education provider that is
        made on or after Item 36 commences; and
      - to ensure that section 16-40 of the HESA Act (as amended by Item 5
        of Division 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of this Bill - and which
        allows bodies corporate to apply to the Minister for approval as a
        higher education provider under the HESA Act), applies in relation
        to applications for approval that are made on or after Item 36
        commences; and
      - to ensure that new section 19-78 of the HESA Act (as inserted by
        Item 9 of Division 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of this Bill - and
        which imposes a new notification requirement upon a higher
        education provider and sets new events affecting a higher education
        provider's registration which the provider must notify the Minister
        of), applies in relation to an event that happens before, on or
        after Item 36 commences; and
      - to ensure that new paragraph 90-1(aa) of the HESA Act (as inserted
        by Item 17 of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of this Bill) - and which
        creates a new eligibility criterion that a student shall be
        eligible to HECS-HELP assistance for a unit of study if the course
        is an accredited course, applies in relation to an enrolment in a
        unit of study if that enrolment commences on or after Item 36
      - to ensure that new paragraph 104-10(1)(b) of the HESA Act (as
        repealed and substituted by Item 18 of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of this
        Bill) - and which has the effect of inserting a new criterion for
        determining a student's eligibility for HECS-HELP assistance (that,
        if a unit is being undertaken as part of a course of study with a
        higher education provider, the course of study must be either an
        accredited course in relation to the provider, or an enabling
        course), applies in relation to an enrolment in a unit of study if
        the enrolment starts on or after Item 36 commences; and
      - to ensure that new paragraph 118-1(1)(ca) of the HESA Act (as
        inserted by Item 19 of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of this Bill) - and
        which creates a new eligibility criterion for OS-HELP assistance
        that the undergraduate course of study the student is undertaking
        is an accredited course in relation to the student's home provider,
        applies in relation to the 6 month period commencing on or after
        Item 36 commences.

Division 2 - Amendments of new laws about approvals

Higher Education Support Act 2003

      |                                                                  |
|Note: Clause 2 (Commencement) (Table Item 9) provides for Division|
|2 of Part 1 of  Schedule 2 to commence immediately after the      |
|commencement of Part 2 of the Tertiary Education Quality and      |
|Standards Agency Act 2011.  However, Division 2 of Part 1 of      |
|Schedule 2 will not commence at all if Schedule 1 of the Higher   |
|Education Support Amendment (No 1) Act 2011 has not commenced by  |
|this time.                                                        |
|Part 2 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act |
|2011 commences on the later of 1 January 2012 and the day after 7 |
|months from when the Act receives Royal Assent.                   |
|Schedule 1 of the Higher Education Support Amendment (No 1) Act   |
|2011 commences the day after the Act receives Royal Assent.       |

Items 37 and 38 - Paragraph  16-25(1)(d)  and  Paragraphs  16-25(1)(db)  and

Section 16-25 of the HESA Act sets out  the  criteria  to  be  satisfied  in
order for a body corporate to be  approved  by  the  Minister  as  a  higher
education provider for the purposes of the HESA Act.

One of these criteria is that the body is in a State or Territory  that  the
Minister is satisfied  has  legislation  that  complies  with  the  National
Protocols (paragraph 16-25(1)(d)).   Item 37 repeals  paragraph  16-25(1)(d)
of the HESA Act.

Other criteria include:

      - if the body is a self-accrediting entity, the body is authorised by
        a government accreditation authority to accredit  its  courses,  or
        its courses are accredited (paragraph 16-25(1)(db)); and
      - if the body  is  a  non  self-accrediting  entity,  the  course  is
        accredited (paragraph 16-25(1)(dc)).

Item 38 repeals paragraphs 16-25(1)(db) and 16-25(1)(dc) and  replaces  them
with a new paragraph 16-25(1)(db) - which provides that one of the  criteria
is that the course is an accredited course in relation to the body.

Item 39 - Application of amendments

Item 39 is an application provision.  It provides that the  amendments  made
by Items 37 and 38  to  subsection  16-25(1)  of  the  HESA  Act,  apply  in
relation to applications for approval (as higher education  providers  under
the HESA Act) apply in relation to applications that are made  on  or  after
Item 39 commences.

Division 3 - Amendments of old laws about approvals

Higher Education Support Act 2003

      |                                                                  |
|Note: Clause 2 (Commencement) (Table Item 10) provides for        |
|Division 3 of Part 1 of  Schedule 2 to commence immediately after |
|the commencement of Part 2 of the Tertiary Education Quality and  |
|Standards Agency Act 2011.  However, Division 3 of Part 1 of      |
|Schedule 2 will not commence at all if Schedule 1 of the Higher   |
|Education Support Amendment (No 1) Act 2011 has not commenced by  |
|this time.                                                        |
|Part 2 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act |
|2011 commences on the later of 1 January 2012 and the day after 7 |
|months from when the Act receives Royal Assent.                   |
|Schedule 1 of the Higher Education Support Amendment (No 1) Act   |
|2011 commences the day after the Act receives Royal Assent.       |

Items 40 and 41 - Paragraph 16-25(d) and Paragraphs 16-25(db) and (dc)

Section 16-25 of the HESA Act sets out  the  criteria  to  be  satisfied  in
order for a body corporate to be  approved  by  the  Minister  as  a  higher
education provider for the purposes of the HESA Act.

One of these criteria (paragraph 16-25(d)) is that the body is  in  a  State
or Territory that the Minister is satisfied has  legislation  that  complies
with the National Protocols.  Item 40  repeals  paragraph  16-25(d)  of  the

Other criteria include:

      - if the body is a self-accrediting entity, the body is authorised by
        a government accreditation authority to accredit  its  courses,  or
        its courses are accredited (paragraph 16-25(db)); and
      - if the body  is  a  non  self-accrediting  entity,  the  course  is
        accredited (paragraph 16-25(dc)).

Item 41 repeals paragraphs 16-25(db) and 16-25(dc) and replaces them with  a
new paragraph 16-25(db) - which provides that one of the  criteria  is  that
the course is an accredited course in relation to the body.

Item 42 - Application of amendments

Item 42 is an application provision.  It provides that the  amendments  made
by Items 40 and 41 apply  in  relation  to  applications  for  approval  (as
higher education providers under the HESA Act) that are  made  on  or  after
Item 42 commences.
Part 2 - Amendments after VET law commences

|                                                                  |
|Note: Clause 2 (Commencement) (Table Item 11 provides for Part 2  |
|of Schedule 2 to commence immediately after the later of the      |
|commencement of section 5 of the Tertiary Education Quality and   |
|Standards Agency Act 2011 and the commencement of section 3 of the|
|National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 -   |
|but Part 2 of Schedule 2 will not commence at all unless both     |
|section 5 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency  |
|Act 2011 and section 3 of the National Vocational Education and   |
|Training Regulator Act 2011 commence.                             |
|Section 5 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency  |
|Act 2011 commences on the later of 1 July 2011 and the day after 1|
|month from when the Act receives Royal Assent.                    |
|Section 3 of the National Vocational Education and Training       |
|Regulator Act 2011 commences on a day to be fixed by proclamation |
|- or, if this does not occur within 6 months from Royal Assent,   |
|the day after 6 months from Royal Assent.                         |

Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011

Item 43 - Section 5 (definition of vocational education and training

Item 43 repeals and substitutes the definition of vocational education and
training course in section 5 of the TEQSA Act to mean a VET Course within
the meaning of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act
2011, or a course that is of a similar kind.
Schedule 3-Transitional provisions

|                                                                  |
|Note: Clause 2 (Commencement) (Table Item 12) provides for        |
|Schedule 3 to commence at the same time that section 3 of the     |
|Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011          |
|commences.                                                        |
|Section 3 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency  |
|Act 2011 commences on the later of 1 July 2011 and the day after 1|
|month from when the Act receives Royal Assent.                    |

Part 1-Preliminary

                             Outline of Schedule

TEQSA will take on a number of functions which are currently undertaken by
State and Territory authorities. The amendments in this Schedule will
transition the necessary functions from the State and Territory authorities

Part 1 - Preliminary

Item 1 - Interpretation

Subitem (1) defines a number of terms included in Schedule 3. This

approved form means the form approved by TEQSA, in writing, for the
purposes of the provision to which the expression occurs.

transition time means the time when Part 2 of the TEQSA Act commences.
This is the later of 1 January 2012 and the day after the end of the period
of 7 months beginning on the day the TEQSA Act receives Royal Assent.

The other definitions are straightforward and do not require additional

Subitem (2) provides that in Schedule 3:

      - a higher education provider is taken to be registered under a State
        or Territory law even if the State or Territory law uses another
        term to describe registration; and
      - a higher education provider that is established by or under, or
        recognised by, a Commonwealth, State or Territory law (a Note at
        the end of subitem (2) provides that this covers a law that
        specifically establishes, or specifically recognises, the provider
        - it does not cover a general law like the Corporations Act 2001
        under which a provider may be established) and exists immediately
        before the transition time is taken to be registered at that time
        under a State or Territory law relating to higher education; and
      - a course of study is taken to be accredited in relation to a higher
        education provider under a State or Territory law relating to
        higher education even if the State or Territory law uses another
        term to describe accreditation.

Subitem (2) addresses higher education providers that may have been
recognised but not registered under State or Territory law. This applies to
many universities. The purpose of this subitem is to ensure that all
providers in this category are automatically registered with TEQSA and
that, where providers are self-accrediting,  this self-accrediting
authority will also be transferred to their TEQSA registration.

The effect of subitem (3) is to explain that the Constitutional basis of
Schedule 3 is as follows:

         - the Commonwealth's legislative power in paragraph 51(xx) of the
           Constitution (foreign corporations and trading or financial
           corporations formed within the limits of the Commonwealth)
         - the Commonwealth's legislative power in paragraph 51(xxxix) of
           the Constitution (matters incidental to the exercise of powers
           vested in the Commonwealth Parliament under the Constitution)
         - the Commonwealth's legislative power in section 122 of the
           Constitution (the power to legislate for the government of
         - any other Commonwealth legislative power to the extent that the
           Commonwealth relies upon, or has relied upon, that power to
           establish a corporation (eg section 4 of the Australian Film,
           Television and Radio School Act 1973 established the Australian
           Film, Television and Radio School as a body corporate).

Part 2 - Transferring existing State registrations to TEQSA system etc.

Division 1 - Transferring existing State registrations etc.

This Division will transition providers which are already registered under
one or more State or Territory laws to TEQSA by providing that the
providers are automatically registered as higher education providers under
the TEQSA Act.

Item 2 - State registered provider automatically registered for the TEQSA

Subitem (1) provides that if, immediately before the transition time, a
higher education provider was registered under one or more State or
Territory laws relating to higher education, the provider will
automatically be a registered higher education provider for the purposes of
the TEQSA Act.

A note at the end of this subitem clarifies that the automatic registration
still means that the provider must comply with all of the requirements for
such a provider under the TEQSA Act.

A second note clarifies that transition time is defined in subitem 1(1).

Subitem (2) deals with the length of a provider's registration where it is
automatically registered under subitem (1). This item provides that:

      - the registration is for the period starting at the transition time;
      - ending at the later of the following:
            o for those providers listed in the Table in subitem (3) - the
              end of the time period specified in that Table for each
              listed provider. These providers are those found in Tables A
              and B of the HESA Act (see sections 16-15 and 16-20 of the
              HESA Act); and
            o if the provider is not listed in the Table in subitem (3) -
              when the provider would cease to be registered under the
              relevant State or Territory law or, if applicable, subitem
              4(1) which deals with pending review decisions about State
              registrations (ignoring the enactment of the TEQSA Act); and
            o the end of a period set out in the most recent notice the
              provider has been given (if any) under section 37 of the
              TEQSA Act (about renewals of registration).

Subitem (4) provides that these timeframes have effect subject to section
36(3) of the TEQSA Act (renewing registration), section 43 of the TEQSA Act
(withdrawing registration) and Division 1 of Part 7 of the TEQSA Act
(cancelling registration and other administrative sanctions).  A Note to
subitem (4) also explains that registration can end early by virtue of
paragraph 8(4)(b) of the Part 2 of Schedule 3 (which is about TEQSA not
lifting the suspension of registration).

Note 1 to subitem (2) explains that automatic registration may be renewed
under Division 3 of Part 3 of the TEQSA Act (renewing registrations).

Note 2 to subitem (2) explains that for those providers listed in the Table
in subitem (3), the day specified in the table for a provider is the day
its registration will end for the purposes of section 35 of the TEQSA Act
(applications for renewal of registration).

Subitem (3) is a Table listing certain providers and specifying the last
day of their automatic registration. These providers are those found in
Tables A and B of the HESA Act (see sections 16-15 and 16-20 of the HESA

Subitem (5) clarifies that subitem (2) will apply to the registration
instead of section 23 of the TEQSA act (commencement and duration of

Subitem (6) further clarifies that subitems (1) and (2) have effect subject
to Division 3 which deals with suspensions of automatic registrations.

Item 3 - Notice of provider category for TEQSA registration

Where a provider is likely to be automatically registered with TEQSA under
this Division, this item will require TEQSA to notify the provider in
advance of the provider category it is likely to be registered in.

Subitem (1) provides that if it is likely that a higher education provider
will be automatically registered under subitem 2(1), TEQSA must give the
provider advance notice of the category in which the provider is likely to
be registered.

Subitem (2) requires TEQSA to give written notice of the category under
subitem (1) at least 3 months before the transition time.

In addition to the notice in subitem (1), subitem (3) requires TEQSA to
give the provider written notice of the provider category in which the
provider is registered within 30 days after the transition time. A note
clarifies that whether the provider is authorised to self-accredit courses
of study depends on the provider's position under State or Territory law as
per Division 5.

Subitem (4) provides that this item applies to the registration instead of
section 22 of the  TEQSA Act which deals with notifications.

Division 2 - Pending review decisions about State registrations

Item 4 - Pending review decisions about State registrations

Item 4 deals with higher education providers who have applied for
registration prior to the transition time and who, after the transition
time, as a result of a review decision would have been registered as a
higher education provider with a State or Territory authority. These
providers will be automatically registered with TEQSA where they notify
TEQSA of the result of the review of decision.

Subitem (1) provides that a higher education provider is taken to be a
registered higher education provider for the purposes of the TEQSA Act
where before the transition time:

      - the provider has applied for a review of a decision by a
        registration authority, or
      - the period for applying for a review of a decision by a
        registration authority has not ended; and
      - the result of the review is that the provider would (ignoring the
        enactment of the  TEQSA Act) be registered under a State or
        Territory law.

To be registered under this subitem, the provider must notify TEQSA, in the
approved form, of the State or Territory review (this could, for example,
require the provider to supply TEQSA with satisfactory evidence of the
State or Territory review decision - such as a certified copy of that

A note at the end of the subitem clarifies that automatic registration
still means that the provider must comply with conditions imposed on their
registration (see section 24 of the TEQSA Act).

Subitem (2) deals with the length of registration where Item 2 does not
apply to the provider.  In such cases, the provider's registration starts
at the transition time and ends at the later of the following:

      - when the provider's registration would cease under the relevant
        State or Territory law (ignoring the enactment of the TEQSA
      - the end of a period set out in the most recent notice the provider
        has been given (if any) under section 37 of the TEQSA Act (about
        renewals of registration).

Subitem (3) provides that these timeframes have effect subject to section
36(3) of the TEQSA Act (renewing registration), section 43 of the TEQSA Act
(withdrawing registration) and Division 1 of Part 7 of the TEQSA Act
(cancelling registration and other administrative sanctions).

Note 1 to subitem (2) explains that if both Item 2 and Item 4 apply to the
provider - then the period of the provider's registration is to be worked
out under subitem 2(2).

Note 2 to subitem (2) explains that automatic registration may be renewed
under Division 3 of Part 3 of the TEQSA Act (renewing registrations).

Subitem (4) clarifies that subitem (2) will apply to the registration
instead of section 23 of the TEQSA act (commencement and duration of

Item 5 - Notice of provider category for TEQSA registration

Subitem (1) provides that TEQSA must give the provider notice of  the
provider category in which the provider is registered.

A note at the end of subitem (1) provides that whether the provider is
authorised to self-accredit courses of study depends on the provider's
position under the State or Territory law (Division 5 refers).

Subitem (2) requires TEQSA to give the notice in this item within 30 days
after TEQSA is notified of the State or Territory review decision under
paragraph 4(1)(c).

Subitem (3) provides that this item applies to the registration instead of
section 22 of the TEQSA Act (which is about notifications).

Division 3 - Suspended automatic TEQSA registrations

A higher education provider who is automatically registered under the TEQSA
Act may have had their registration suspended under a State or Territory
law - this Division will deal with this situation and as to when the
suspension will be lifted.

Item 6 - Automatic TEQSA registration is suspended

This item provides that Division 3 will apply if, immediately before the
transition time, a higher education provider has a suspended registration
under a State or Territory law relating to higher education.

Where the State or Territory registration is suspended, subitem (2)
provides that the provider's registration as a registered higher education
provider is suspended automatically for a period of 120 days starting at
the transition time.

Subitem (3) clarifies that the automatic suspension under this item does
not prevent TEQSA from doing anything under the TEQSA Act in relation to
the registration.

A note explains that, for example, Item 3 still requires the provider to be
notified of its provider category and other details of its automatic TEQSA

Item 7 - Automatic lifting of suspension if pending review of State

This item will provide for when the automatic suspension of a provider's
registration is lifted where, as a result of a review, the suspension would
have otherwise been lifted by the State or Territory registration

The suspension will be lifted where:

      - before the transition time, the provider has either applied for a
        review of a decision by a registration authority, or the period for
        a applying for a review by a registration body has not yet ended;
      - as a result of that review, the provider's suspension would
        (ignoring the enactment of the TEQSA Act) be lifted; and
      - within the first 60 days after the transition time, the provider
        gives TEQSA information that TEQSA considers to be satisfactory
        evidence of the State or Territory review decision.

The suspension is lifted on the day that the provider gives notification to
TEQSA (in the approved form) of the State or Territory review decision.

Item 8 - Lifting suspension if no pending review of State suspension

This item refers to when TEQSA must make a decision whether or not to lift
a provider's automatic suspension where Item 7 does not apply to the

Subitem (1) provides that TEQSA must decide whether to lift the automatic
suspension if:

      - the provider notifies TEQSA in the approved form and during the
        first 60 days of the automatic suspension (ie within 60 days of the
        transition time) that Item 7 cannot apply; or
      - the suspension is not lifted under Item 7 within the first 60 days
        after the transition time.

Subitem (2) provides that TEQSA must make its decision within 30 days of
subitem (1) applying.

If TEQSA decides to lift the suspension, subitem (3) requires TEQSA to give
the provider written notice of the decision within 30 days.

A note at the end of subitem (3) provides that TEQSA may impose conditions
on the provider's automatic TEQSA registration in return for lifting the
suspension as per section 32 of the TEQSA Act.

If TEQSA decides not to lift the automatic suspension, subitem (4) requires
TEQSA to notify the provider in writing of this decision within 30 days,
including providing reasons for its decision.

Subitem (4) also provides that where TEQSA decides not to lift the
suspension, the provider's automatic registration will end on the day
specified in the notice of the decision not to lift the provider's

Division 4 - Automatic transitional registration for some overseas

Item 9 - Automatic transitional registration

Subitem 9(1) provides for a higher education provider to automatically be
taken as a registered higher education provider if they satisfy following:

      - the provider, immediately before the transition time, offers or
        confers an overseas higher education award for the completion of an
        overseas course of study provided from Australian premises related
        to the award (paragraph 9(1)(a)); and
      - at that time the provider was not required to be registered under a
        State or Territory law relating to higher education (paragraph
        9(1)(b)); and
      - before the transition time, the provider gives TEQSA a request that
        the provider should be taken to be registered as a higher education
        provider. This request must be in the approved form (paragraph

Subitem 9(2) provides that Division 3 of Part 3 of the TEQSA Act (renewing
registration) will not apply to the transitional registration of such
providers.  A Note explains, however, that the provider cannot apply to
have the transitional registration renewed - instead it can apply for
registration under Division 1 of Part 3 of the TEQSA Act (applying for

Item 10 - Notice of provider category for transitional registration

Subitem 10(1) provides that in cases where TEQSA receives a notice from a
higher education provider for the purposes of paragraph 9(1)(c) at least 60
days before the transition time, then TEQSA must give that provider advance
notice of the likely provider category for the transitional registration
and  whether the provider will be likely to be able to accredit one or more
of its courses of study.  TEQSA must give this advance notice to the
provider within 30 days after receiving the paragraph 9(1)(c) notice from
the provider (subitem 10(2)).

Subitem 10(3) provides that TEQSA must then, within 30 days after the
transition time give the provider written notice of the provider category
for the transitional registration and whether the provider is able to
accredit one or more of its courses of study.

Subitem 10(4) provides that Item 10 applies to the provider's transitional
registration instead of section 22 of the TEQSA Act (TEQSA to notify
applicants about decisions on registration).

Item 11 - Commencement and duration of transitional registration

If a higher education provider, within 120 days after the transition time,
applies for registration under section 18 of the TEQSA Act and continues
that application under section 20 - then the provider's transitional
registration will commence at the transition time and end when TEQSA
notifies the provider (under section 22 of the TEQSA Act) of TEQSA's
decision on the application (subitems 11(1) and (2)).

If a provider does not apply for ongoing registration under section 18 of
the TEQSA Act, then the provider's transitional registration will commence
at the transition time and end 120 days later (subitem 11(3)).

Subitem 11(4) provides that the end date of the transitional registrations
for the purposes of subitems 11(2) and 11(3) is subject to Division 1 of
Part 7 of the TEQSA Act (about cancelling registration and other
administrative sanctions).

Subitem 11 (5) provides that this item will apply to the provider's
transitional registration instead of section 23 of the TEQSA Act (about the
commencement and duration of registration).

Division 5 - Transferring an authorisation to self-accredit courses of

Item 12 - Transferring an authorisation to self-accredit courses of study

This item provides that, in some cases, the registration under Part 2 will
contain the authority to self- accredit a course of study. This will occur
automatically in two cases.

Firstly, where a higher education provider's registration is transferred
under Division 1, and that registration under the State or Territory law
included the authority to self-accredit one or more courses of study, then
the registration under the TEQSA Act will include that same authority to
self-accredit those courses of study.

Secondly, where a higher education provider's registration occurs under
Division 2 after the outcome of a review of decision is determined and the
State or Territory review decision would (ignoring the enactment of the
TEQSA Act) have resulted in the provider being authorised to self-accredit
a course of study, the registration under the TEQSA Act will include that
same authority to self-accredit a course of study.

Importantly, this item does not prevent TEQSA from restricting or removing
an authorisation to self-accredit a course of study under the TEQSA Act.

Division 6 - No inference that Standards met

Item 13 - No inference that Standards met

This item clarifies that where a provider is registered because of Part 2
of Schedule 3, no inference is to be made that the higher education
provider meets the Threshold Standards because of that registration.

This is important as the registrations which occur under Part 2 are
automatic registrations based on the registration the providers had under
the relevant State or Territory laws. TEQSA has not made a decision in
these cases; these are transitional provisions which transition existing
higher education providers into the new framework.

Part 3 - Pending applications for State registration or re-registration

This Part deals with bodies who have applied for registration or re-
registration as a higher education provider with the relevant State or
Territory registration authority but whose application has not been decided
at the transition time.

In short, the application may be transferred to TEQSA for TEQSA to make a
decision on registration under the TEQSA Act.

Item 14 - Deciding pending applications for State registration or re-

This item provides that where a higher education provider applies for
registration or re-registration under a State or Territory law and the
application is not decided before the transition time and either the
registration authority or the provider notifies TEQSA of the undecided
application, TEQSA must make a decision under section 21 of the TEQSA Act
to grant or reject the application.

Item 15 - TEQSA Act operates in a modified way for TEQSA's consideration of
the application

Where an application for registration or re-registration is transferred to
TEQSA under this Part, the TEQSA Act will necessarily operate in a modified
way to allow for TEQSA's consideration of the application. This item
modifies the TEQSA Act for the purposes of considering an application
transferred to TEQSA under this Part.

An application for registration is taken to have been made, as required
under section 18 of the TEQSA Act, if and when TEQSA receives from the

      - all information, documents and assistance that TEQSA requests about
        the application; and
      - so much of the application fee prescribed for a preliminary
        assessment under Part 3 of the TEQSA Act that TEQSA requires.

A table in subitem (3) further modifies the TEQSA Act for the purposes of
this Part. This table provides that for the purposes of this Part:

      - a reference to the preliminary assessment fee contained in
        subsection 19(3) of the TEQSA Act means a reference to the required
        payment described in this item; and
      - a reference to 12 months contained in section 21 of the TEQSA Act
        means 6 months.

This second point will have the effect of providing that TEQSA must make a
decision on an application within 6 months of receiving it, or a longer
period if determined by TEQSA under subsection 21(3) of the TEQSA Act.
Item 16 - Automatic transitional TEQSA registration while TEQSA considers
pending application for re-registration

Subitem 16(1) provides that where a provider has applied to a State or
Territory authority for re-registration prior to the transition time and a
decision is yet to be made on that application after the transition time,
the provider is taken to be a registered higher education provider for the
purposes of the TEQSA Act.  A note explains that this will mean the
provider will, for example, have to comply with conditions imposed on
registration from time to time (see section 24 of the TEQSA Act about
complying with conditions).

Subitem 16(2) provides that the provider's registration will:

      - commence from the transition time; and
      - end when TEQSA notifies the provider under section 22 of the TEQSA
        Act of its decision to grant or reject the application (this is
        subject to Division 1 of Part 7 about cancelling registration and
        other administrative sanctions - subitem 16(3)).

Paragraph 14(c) of Part 3 requires either the State or Territory
registration authority or the provider to notify TEQSA of the pending
application for re-registration in the approved form.  Subitem 16(3)
provides that within 30 days of being so notified, TEQSA must give the
provider a written notice stating the category in which the provider is
registered and whether the provider is allowed to self-accredit one or more
courses of study.

Subitem 16(5) provides that Division 3 of Part 3 of the TEQSA Act (renewing
registration) does not apply to temporary registrations that exist because
of this item.  In addition, a note explains that the provider cannot make
an application under the TEQSA Act to have the transitional registration

Subitem 16(6) provides that where a decision is made under this item, it
will apply for the registration instead of sections 22 and 23 of the TEQSA

Item 17 - Consequences if fees already paid to registration authority

This item provides that where a provider has paid a fee to the registration
authority for the application for registration or re-registration as a
higher education provider (under paragraph 14(a) of Part 3), TEQSA may
waive all or part of any fee payable under the TEQSA Act for the

Part 4 - Transferring existing State accreditation to TEQSA system etc.

This Part contains the transitional provisions to transfer State accredited
courses to TEQSA.

Division 1 - Transferring existing State accreditations etc.

This Division will apply to automatically transfer courses which were
accredited under State or Territory laws to the TEQSA system.

Item 18 - State accredited courses automatically accredited for the TEQSA

Subitem (1) provides that Division 1 applies in relation to each course of
study that, immediately before the transition time, was accredited:

      - by one or more registration authorities under State or Territory
        laws relating to higher education; and
      - in relation to an entity that becomes registered because of
        Division 1 (transferring existing State registrations etc) or
        Divisions 2 (pending review decisions about State registrations) of
        Part 2.

Divisions 1 and 2 of Part 2 refer to the automatic registration of higher
education providers who were registered as higher education providers under
State or Territory laws immediately before the transition time.

Where this Division applies to a course of study, subitem (2) provides that
the course of study is taken to be an accredited course in relation to the
provider for the purposes of the TEQSA Act. That is, where a provider is
automatically registered with TEQSA under Divisions 1 or 2 of Part 2, any
courses accredited in respect of the provider under a State or Territory
law is automatically accredited under the TEQSA Act.

There are two notes at the end of subitem (2).

Note 1 explains that where a course is accredited under this item the
provider must still comply with all other requirements under the TEQSA Act,
for example any conditions which may be imposed on the accreditation.

Note 2 explains that this Division does not apply to those providers who
are able to self-accredit courses of study as an authority to self-accredit
under State and Territory law will automatically be transferred under Item
12 of Schedule 3 (the note also draws attention to paragraph 1(2)(c) of
Schedule 3).

Subitem (3) explains the period of accreditation for the course
automatically accredited under this item. The registration is for the
period starting at the transition time and ending the later of the

      - the latest time the course of study would cease to be accredited
        under a State or Territory law referred to in subitem (1) or, if
        applicable, subitem 19(1) (ignoring the enactment of the TEQSA
        Act); and
      - the end of the period that is specified in the most recent (if any)
        that has been given to the provider under section 57 of the TEQSA
        Act (which provides for TEQSA to notify a registered higher
        education provider about its decision to grant or refuse an
        application for renewal of accreditation).

   The end timeframes above have effect subject to the provisos in subitem
   (4) which are as follows:

      - accreditation ends immediately if the provider ceases to be a
        registered higher education provider
      - subsection 56(3) of the TEQSA Act (where a registered higher
        education provider has applied to TEQSA for renewal of the
        accreditation of a course of study, accreditation is taken to
        continue until TEQSA makes its decision)
      - the application of Division 1 of Part 7 of the TEQSA Act (which is
        about cancelling accreditation and other administrative sanctions).

A note at the end of subitem (3) explains that the automatic accreditation
may also be renewed by virtue of Division 4 of Part 4 of the TEQSA Act
(which is about renewing accreditation).

A note at the end of subitem (4) explains that the accreditation may also
end early under paragraph (b) of subitem 22(4) about TEQSA not lifting a
suspension of the accreditation.

Subitem (5) explains that where subitem (3) applies for the accreditation
of a course, this will apply instead of section 51 of the TEQSA Act
(commencement and duration of accreditation) which would otherwise deal
with the transition time and duration of accreditation.

Subitem (6) provides that subitems (2) and (3) have effect subject to
Division 3 which deals with suspensions of automatic accreditations.

Division 2 - Pending review decisions about State accreditations

This Division mirrors the provisions in Division 2 of Part 2 as they relate
to provider registration pending the outcome of a review.

Item 19 - Pending review decisions about State accreditations

This item deals with higher education providers who, as a result of a
review decision would have had a course accredited under a State or
Territory law, but for the enactment of the TEQSA Act. These providers will
have these courses automatically accredited with TEQSA where they notify
TEQSA of the result of the review of decision.

Subitem (1) provides that a course of study is taken to be accredited by
TEQSA for the purposes of the TEQSA Act where before the transition time:

      - the provider has applied for a review of a decision by a
        registration authority, or
      - the period for applying for a review of a decision by a
        registration authority has not ended; and
      - the result of the review is that the course would (ignoring the
        enactment of the TEQSA Act) be an accredited course under a State
        or Territory law.

For a course to be accredited under this subitem, the provider must notify
TEQSA, in the approved form, of the State or Territory review.

Note 1 at the end of the subitem clarifies that this automatic
accreditation still means that the provider must comply with other relevant
requirements under the TEQSA Act - such as complying with conditions that
may be imposed from time to time on the course accreditation (as per
section 52 of the TEQSA Act).

Note 2 at the end of the subitem clarifies that Division 2 of Part 4 of
Schedule 3 does not apply to those providers authorised to self-accredit
courses of study as that authority is automatically transferred under Item
12 of Schedule 3 ((the note also draws attention to paragraph 1(2)(c) of
Schedule 3).

Subitem (2) deals with the duration of the accreditation where the course
is accredited under subitem (1). The accreditation is for the period
starting at the transition time and ending at the later of:

      - when the course of study would cease to be accredited under the
        relevant State or Territory law (ignoring the enactment of the
        TEQSA Act); and
      - the end of the period that is specified in the most recent (if any)
        that has been given to the provider under section 57 of the TEQSA
        Act (which provides for TEQSA to notify a registered higher
        education provider about its decision to grant or refuse an
        application for renewal of accreditation).

   The end timeframes above have effect subject to the provisos in subitem
   (4) which are as follows:

      - accreditation ends immediately if the provider ceases to be a
        registered higher education provider
      - subsection 56(3) of the TEQSA Act (where a registered higher
        education provider has applied to TEQSA for renewal of the
        accreditation of a course of study, accreditation is taken to
        continue until TEQSA makes its decision)
      - the application of Division 1 of Part 7 of the TEQSA Act (which is
        about cancelling accreditation and other administrative sanctions).

Note 1 at the end of subitem (2) clarifies that if both Item 18 and Item 19
apply in relation to the course of study, its accreditation is for the
period worked out under subitem 18(3).

Note 2 at the end of subitem (2) explains that the automatic accreditation
may also be renewed by virtue of Division 4 of Part 4 of the TEQSA Act
(which is about renewing accreditation).

Subitem (4) clarifies that subitem (2) applies to the accreditation,
instead of section 51 of the TEQSA Act (commencement and duration of

Division 3 - Suspended automatic TEQSA accreditations

In some cases, accreditation of a course of study which is automatically
accredited under the TEQSA regime may have been suspended under the State
or Territory law at the transition time - this Division will deal with this
situation and also as to when the suspension will be lifted.

Item 20 - Automatic TEQSA accreditation is suspended

Subitem (1) provides that Division 3 will apply where, a course of study
has been automatically accredited under Division 1 or 2 of Part 2 and,
immediately before the transition time, accreditation of a course of study
has been suspended by a registration authority under a State or Territory

Subitem (2) provides that, where this is the case, the course of study's
accreditation is suspended for a period of 120 days starting at the
transition time.

Subitem 3 provides that such a suspension does not operate to prevent TEQSA
from doing anything under this Bill or the TEQSA Act (once enacted) in
relation to the accreditation.

Item 21 - Automatic lifting of suspension if pending review of State

Where a provider has had a course of study suspended under item 20, the
suspension of that accreditation will automatically be lifted where, before
the transition time, the provider:

      - had applied to a State or Territory registration authority for a
        review of the decision; or
      - the period for applying for a review of decision by the
        registration authority has not ended; and
      - the review results (ignoring the enactment of the TEQSA Act) in the
        suspension by the State or Territory registration authority being
        lifted; and
      - the provider notifies TEQSA, in the approved form, of the State or
        Territory review decision within 60 days after the transition time
        (this could, for example, require the provider to supply TEQSA with
        satisfactory evidence of the State or Territory review decision -
        such as a certified copy of that decision).

The suspension is lifted on the day TEQSA receives notification of the
State or Territory review decision in the approved form.

Item 22 - Lifting suspension if no pending review of State suspension

Subitem 22(1) provides that, in all other cases which do not involve a
review, TEQSA must decide whether to lift the suspension of the course of
study's automatic accreditation if:

      - the provider notifies TEQSA in the approved form and within 60 days
        after the transition time that Item 21 cannot apply for the
        suspension; or
      - the suspension is not lifted under Item 21 within the first 60 days
        after the transition time.

TEQSA must make the decision whether or not to suspend within 30 days of
one of the above applying (subitem 22(2)).

Subitem 22(3) provides that, if TEQSA decides to lift the suspension, it
must notify the provider in writing of this within 30 days after making
that decision. A note at the end of subitem 22(2) clarifies that TEQSA may
impose conditions under section 53 of the TEQSA Act on the automatic TEQSA
accreditation in return for lifting the suspension.

Subitem 22(4) provides that, if TEQSA decides not to lift the suspension,
TEQSA must notify the provider of this in writing within 30 days, including
providing the reasons for that decision, and the automatic accreditation
will end on the day specified in the notice (which must be the day of the
notice or a later date).

Division 4 - No inference that Standards met

Item 23 - No inference that Standards met

This Item provides that no inference is to be made from the automatic
accreditation of a course that the course meets the Provider Accreditation
Course Standards.

Part 5-Pending applications for State accreditation or re-accreditation

This Part deals with providers who have applied for accreditation or re-
accreditation of a course of study with the relevant State or Territory
authority but whose application has not been decided at the transition

In short, the application may be transferred to TEQSA for TEQSA to make a
decision on accreditation under the TEQSA Act.

Item 24 - Deciding pending applications for State accreditation or re-

This Item provides that where, before the transition time, a higher
education provider applies for accreditation or re-accreditation of a
course of study under a State or Territory law and the application is not
decided before the transition time and either the registration authority or
the provider notifies TEQSA of the undecided application, TEQSA must make a
decision under section 49 of the TEQSA Act to grant or reject the

That is, where TEQSA is notified of the existence of an application for
accreditation or re-accreditation of a course of study under a State or
Territory law, the application is transferred to TEQSA to complete the

Item 25 - TEQSA Act operates in a modified way for TEQSA's consideration of
the application

Where an application for accreditation or re-accreditation of a course of
study is transferred to TEQSA under this Part, the TEQSA Act will
necessarily operate in a modified way to allow for TEQSA's consideration of
the application. This item modifies the TEQSA Act for the purposes of
considering an application transferred to TEQSA under this Part.

An application for accreditation is taken to have been made, as required
under section 46 of the TEQSA Act, if and when TEQSA receives from the

      - all information and documents that TEQSA requests about the
        application; and
      - so much of the fee determined under the TEQSA Act for a preliminary
        assessment under Part 4 of the TEQSA Act as TEQSA requires.

A table in subitem (3) further modifies the TEQSA Act for the purposes of
this Part. This table provides that for the purposes of this Part:

      - a reference to the preliminary assessment fee contained in
        subsection 47(2) of the TEQSA Act means a reference to the required
        payment described in this Item; and
      - a reference to 12 months contained in section 49 of the TEQSA Act
        means 6 months.

        This second point will have the effect of providing that TEQSA must
        make a decision on an application within 6 months of receiving it;
        or a longer period if determined by TEQSA under subsection 49(3) of
        the TEQSA Act.

Item 26 - Automatic transitional TEQSA accreditation while TEQSA considers
pending application for re-accreditation

Where a provider has applied to an accreditation authority for re-
accreditation of a course of study prior to the transition time and a
decision is yet to be made on that re-accreditation after the transition
time, this Item provides that the course is taken to be an accredited
course for the purposes of the TEQSA Act for the period from the transition
time until either:

      - TEQSA notifies the provider under section 50 of the TEQSA Act of a
        decision to grant or reject the application; or
      - the provider's registration as a higher education provider ends; or
      - an earlier time, if decided by TEQSA under Division 1 of Part 7 of
        the TEQSA Act (which is about cancelling accreditation and other
        administrative sanctions).

Division 4 of Part 4 of the TEQSA Act (renewing accreditation) will not
apply to an accreditation that exists because of Item 26.  In addition, a
Note explains that a provider cannot make an application to TEQSA under the
TEQSA Act for a transitional accreditation that exits by virtue of Item 26
to be renewed.

 Another note explains that automatic accreditation means, for example,
that the provider must comply with any conditions imposed on course
accreditation from time to time (see section 52 of the TEQSA Act).

Where a decision is made under this Item, it will apply to the
accreditation instead of sections 50 (notifying providers about
accreditation decisions) and section 51 (commencement and duration of
accreditation) of the TEQSA Act.

Item 27 - Consequences if fees already paid to registration authority

This Item provides that, where a provider has paid a fee to the
registration authority for the application for accreditation or re-
accreditation of a course of study, TEQSA may waive all or part of any fee
payable under the TEQSA Act for the application.

Part 6-Making the first Threshold Standards

Item 28 - Relevant Threshold Standards

Subitem 28(2) provides that the relevant standards are:

      - the Provider Registration Standards; and
      - the Provider Category Standards; and
      - the Provider Course Accreditation Standards; and
      - the Qualification Standards.

Subitem 28(1) provides that for each of the Threshold standards described
above, Part 6 applies as if the Minister proposes to make standards of that
kind under section 58 of the TEQSA Act and standards of that kind have not
been previously made under that section.

Item 29 - Making the first of those Threshold Standards

Subitem (1) provides that for the first Threshold standards, subsections
58(3) and (4) of the TEQSA Act do not apply.

A note at the end of the subitem clarifies that subsections 58(3) and (4)
will apply each subsequent time the Minister proposes to vary, revoke or
remake those standards.

Subitem (2) provides that, before making the proposed standards, the
Minister must consult and have regard to any representations received from
the following parties about the proposed standards:

      - the Council consisting of the Ministers for the Commonwealth and
        each State and Territory responsible for higher education; and
      - the Minister who administers the Australian Research Council Act
        2001; and
      - TEQSA; and
      - any other interested parties.

Subitem (3) provides that if the proposed standards are made, the Panel
must start to review them within the first year of the Panel's operation.
Part 7-Audits

Item 30 - TEQSA is to complete AUQA audits etc.

In some cases, AUQA may have commenced or scheduled an audit of a higher
education provider prior to the commencement of TEQSA. For the purposes of
the HESA Act, this item will allow TEQSA to complete an audit AUQA had
already commenced prior to section 3 of the TEQSA Act commencing (called
the changeover time) and to carry out any audits AUQA had, prior to the
changeover time, scheduled to carry out during 2011 or 2012 (subitem

If, before the changeover time, AUQA has done something in relation to an
audit covered by subitem 30(1) then, for the purposes of the HESA Act, that
thing is taken, after the commencement time, to have been done by TEQSA
(subitems 30(2) and (3)).  The Minister may, however, determine in writing
(including by making an instrument), that this will not apply to something
specific done by AUQA (subitem 30 (5)).  Subitem 30(6) provides that such a
determination is not a legislative instrument.  This provision is included
to assist readers as the instrument would not be a legislative instrument
within the meaning of section 5 of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003.

Subitem (7) clarifies that  TEQSA may carry out a quality assessment or
compliance assessment of a registered higher education provider at any
time, even if this item applies to the provider.

Item 30 makes it clear that TEQSA can 'stand in the shoes' of AUQA in
respect of things AUQA has done under sections 19-25 and 19-27 of the HESA
Act for audits commenced but not completed before the changeover time.
Part 8-Review of decisions

Item 31 - Rights of review of certain decisions

This item lists the decisions in Schedule 3 of this Bill which are
reviewable under Part 10 of the TEQSA Act. These are:

      - a decision under subitems 3(3), 5(1), 10(3) or 16(3) about the
        provider category in which a higher education provider will be
      - a decision under subitem 8(1) not to lift a suspension of a higher
        education provider's registration;
      - a decision under subitems 10(3) or 16(3) that a higher education
        provider cannot self-accredit one or more courses of study;
      - a decision  under items 17 or 27 to refuse to waive all or part of
        a fee; and
      - a decision under subitem 22(1) not to lift a suspension of a course
        of study's accreditation.

A note explains that Part 10 of the TEQSA Act would also allow for review
of TEQSA's decisions under the TEQSA Act relating to Schedule 3 of this
Bill - including rights to seek internal review and review by the
Administrative Appeals Tribunal.
Part 9-Transfer of records

Item 32 - Transferring records to TEQSA

This item provides that TEQSA may request State and Territory registration
authorities to give TEQSA copies of records and documents relating to
higher education providers to whom Schedule 3 applies that are in the
registration authorities' custody before or after the transition time. It
is open to, but not mandatory for, the registration authorities to comply
with TEQSA's request.
Part 10-Miscellaneous

Item 33 - Transitional regulations

Item 33 allows the Governor-General to make regulations which prescribe
transitional matters relating to the enactment of the TEQSA Act or the
amendments or repeals made by this Bill.


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