Commonwealth of Australia Explanatory Memoranda

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(Circulated by authority of Senator the Hon. Richard Alston, Minister for Communications and the Arts)

79584 Cat. No. 96 5542 5 ISBN 0644 480157



The Telecommunications (Numbering Charges) Bill 1996 (‘the Bill’) provides for the imposition of charges in relation to numbers allocated to certain carriage service providers.

If a number is allocated to a carriage service provider in accordance with an allocation system determined under proposed s. 447 of the Telecommunications Act 1996, charge will be imposed on the allocation of the number to the provider and will be payable by the provider. The amount of charge imposed will be the amount determined by reference to the results of a tender process, public auction or some other process carried out or conducted as provided by the allocation system.

If a number is allocated to a carriage service provider otherwise than in accordance with an allocation system determined under proposed s. 447, charge (ascertained in accordance with a disallowable determination made by AUSTEL or by the proposed Australian Communications Authority (ACA)) will be imposed on the allocation of the number to the provider. This amount will not be able to exceed $100,000 per number and will be payable by the provider. AUSTEL or the ACA will, however, be able to exempt a specified number or a specified class of numbers from charge.

With respect to the 1997/98 financial year, and subsequent financial years, the Bill will impose the annual numbering charge on carriage service providers who hold an allocated number as at an anniversary of the commencement of the proposed Telecommunications (Numbering Fees) Amendment Act 1996, discussed below. (A carriage service provider will ‘hold’ a number if the number has been allocated or transferred to the provider and has not been subsequently withdrawn, surrendered or transferred.) This charge will be ascertained in accordance with a disallowable determination made by the ACA. This amount will not be able to exceed $100,000 per number and will be payable by the carriage service provider who holds the number. The ACA will, however, be able to exempt a specified number or a specified class of numbers from charge.

With respect to the current financial year, the Telecommunications (Numbering Fees) Act 1991 is proposed to be amended by the Telecommunications (Numbering Fees) Amendment Bill 1996 (‘the Amendment Bill’). Its purpose is to provide for a carrier or carriage service provider holding a number to pay a numbering charge for the current financial year which will be due and payable at the commencement of the Amendment Bill.


With respect to the 1997/98 financial year and subsequent financial years, the Bill is expected to derive in the vicinity of $30 million per annum in revenue to the Commonwealth.


Part 1––Introduction

Clause 1 – Short title

Clause 1 provides for the citation of the Telecommunications (Numbering Charges) Act 1996.

Clause 2 – Commencement

Parts 1 and 4 of the Bill, when enacted, will commence on Royal Assent (clause 2(1)). Part 1 deals with introductory matters (including definitions of key terms used in the Bill). Part 4 will enable AUSTEL, before 1 July 1997, to exercise powers conferred on the ACA under Division 2 of Part 2 of the Bill.

These powers are:

• the power to make a determination setting out how the amount of charge imposed on the allocation of a number otherwise than in accordance with an allocation system is to be ascertained; and

• the power to make a determination exempting a specified number from charge.

Parts 2 and 3 of the Bill, dealing with allocation charges and annual charges for numbers, will commence on 1 July 1997 (clause 2(2)).

Clause 3 – Act to bind Crown

Clause 3 provides that the Bill, when enacted, will bind the Crown in all its rights.

Clause 4 – Extension to eligible Territories

Clause 4 provides that the Bill, when enacted, will extend to each eligible Territory. The term ‘eligible Territory’ is defined in clause 5 to have the same meaning as in the proposed Telecommunications Act 1996 ie. the Indian Ocean Territories of Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands and any other external Territory prescribed in the Telecommunications Regulations for the purposes of proposed s. 10 of the Telecommunications Act 1996 (which enables that Act to be extended to additional external Territories).

Clause 5 – Interpretation

Clause 5 sets out the definitions of key terms used in the Bill.

The term ‘number’ will have the same meaning as in Division 2 of Part 22 of the proposed Telecommunications Act 1996. Clause 457 in that Division provides that for the purposes of the Division a letter or symbol is taken to be a number.

The term ‘numbering plan’ is defined to have the same meaning as in the proposed Telecommunications Act 1996 ie. the plan made by the ACA for the numbering of carriage services in Australia and the use of numbers in connection with the supply of such services (see s. 439 of the proposed Telecommunications Act 1996). Proposed
s. 439 of the Telecommunications Act 1996 provides that the numbering plan may set out rules, among other things, about the allocation of numbers to carriage service providers, the transfer of allocated numbers between carriage service providers and the surrender or withdrawal of allocated numbers.

Part 2––Allocation charges

Division 1––Allocation in accordance with an allocation system

Division 1 deals with the allocation charge payable by carriage service providers to whom numbers have been allocated in accordance with an allocation system under
s. 447 of the proposed Telecommunications Act 1996. The rules set out in the numbering plan under s. 439 of that proposed Act about the allocation of numbers to carriage service providers will be able to authorise the allocation of specified numbers in accordance with such an allocation system.

Clause 6 – Definition of charge

Clause 6 defines ‘charge’, for the purposes of Division 1 of Part 2, to mean charge imposed by this Division.

Clause 7 – Imposition of charge

Clause 7 provides that if a number is allocated to a carriage service provider in accordance with an allocation system, charge is imposed on the allocation of the number to the provider.

Clause 8 – By whom charge payable

Clause 8 provides that charge imposed on the allocation of a number to a carriage service provider is payable by the provider.

Proposed s. 452 of the Telecommunications Act 1996 provides for the collection of allocation charges imposed by Part 2 of the proposed Telecommunications (Numbering Charges) Act 1996, the imposition of late payment penalties and the remission of penalties in relation to such allocation charges.

Clause 9 – Amount of charge

An allocation system will be required to provide for an amount, to be known as the eligible amount, in relation to the allocation of a number, to be determined by reference to the results of a tender process, a public auction or another process carried out or conducted as provided by the system (s. 447(6) of the proposed Telecommunications Act 1996).

Clause 9 provides that the amount of charge imposed on the allocation of a number is equal to the amount that is the eligible amount for the purposes of s. 447 of the proposed Telecommunications Act 1996.

Division 2––Allocation otherwise than in accordance with an allocation system

Division 2 deals with the allocation charge payable by carriage service providers to whom numbers have been allocated otherwise than in accordance with an allocation system under s. 447 of the proposed Telecommunications Act 1996. The rules set out in the numbering plan under s. 439 of the proposed Act about the allocation of numbers to carriage service providers will also be able to authorise the allocation of specified numbers otherwise than in accordance with such an allocation system.

As a result of Division 15 of the proposed Telecommunications (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 1996, AUSTEL will be able to allocate numbers under Division 2 before 1 July 1997. Such allocation will be taken to have effect, on and after 1 July 1997, as if it had been made by the ACA.

Clause 10 – Definition of charge

Clause 10 defines ‘charge’, for the purposes of Division 2 of Part 2, to mean charge imposed by this Division.

Clause 11 – Imposition of charge

Clause 11 provides that if a number is allocated to a carriage service provider otherwise than in accordance with an allocation system, charge is imposed on the allocation of the number to the provider.

Clause 12 – By whom charge payable

Clause 12 provides that charge imposed on the allocation of a number to a carriage service provider is payable by the provider.

Clause 13 – Amount of charge

Clause 13 provides for the amount of charge imposed on the allocation of a number to be the amount ascertained in accordance with a written disallowable determination made by the ACA. Under Part 22 of the proposed Telecommunications Act 1996, the ACA will have the functions of making a numbering plan and allocating numbers to carriage service providers. Given the ACA’s responsibility for, and knowledge about the administration of, the numbering functions, it will be best placed to determine the appropriate charge to be imposed on the allocation of particular numbers or classes of numbers.

As a result of ss. 6 and 12 of the proposed Australian Communications Authority Act 1996, the Minister will be able to give the ACA written directions in relation to the setting of this charge.

As a result of Part 4 of the Bill, AUSTEL will be able to make a determination under clause 13 before 1 July 1997 and this will have effect, on and after 1 July 1997, as if it had been made by the ACA.

Clause 14 – Maximum charge

The maximum amount of charge imposed on the allocation of a single number otherwise than in accordance with an allocation system will not be able to exceed $100,000. For many numbers, a much lower charge will be appropriate. However, the maximum charge is proposed to be set at $100,000 in recognition that there are certain particularly attractive numbers with a high commercial value. An example of such a number is ‘13 13 13’.

Clause 15 – Exemption from charge

Clause 15, when read with s. 46(2) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901, will empower the ACA to make a written disallowable determination exempting a specified number or a specified class or specified classes of numbers from charge under Division 2.

As a result of Part 4 of the Bill, AUSTEL will be able to make a determination under clause 15 before 1 July 1997 and this will have effect, on and after 1 July 1997, as if it had been made by the ACA.

Part 3––Annual charge

Part 3 provides for the imposition of annual numbering charges.

Clause 16 – Definition of charge

Clause 16 defines ‘charge’, for the purposes of Part 3, to mean charge imposed by this Part.

Clause 17 – Holder of a number

Clause 17 defines the circumstances in which a carriage service provider will be taken to hold a number for the purposes of Part 3.

A carriage service provider will be taken to hold a number if the number has been allocated or transferred to the provider at a particular time and has not been subsequently withdrawn, surrendered or transferred (clause 17(1)).

As a result of Division 14 of Part 3 of the proposed Telecommunications (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 1996, the numbering plan will be able to contain a declaration that a specified number is taken to have been allocated under the authority of the numbering plan to a specified person at the beginning of
1 July 1997. This declaration will apply for the purposes of clause 17 and other provisions in Part 3 of the proposed Telecommunications (Numbering Charges) Act 1996. (Prior to the passage of the Telecommunications Act 1991, Telstra and its predecessors were solely responsible for allocating numbers. Notwithstanding AUSTEL’s current role in allocating numbers, Telstra still holds some number ranges not allocated by AUSTEL and has continued to allocate those numbers to its customers. As a result of Division 14 of Part 3 of the proposed Telecommunications (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 1996, these numbers will be taken to have been allocated under the authority of the numbering plan made by the ACA.)

For the purposes of clause 17, the renumbering of a number in accordance with the numbering plan will not affect the continuity of the holding of the number (clause 17(2)). This will ensure that continuity is not affected when an additional digit is included at the start of a number as a result of changes in the numbering plan.

Clause 18 – Imposition of charge

With respect to the 1997/98 financial year, and subsequent financial years, clause 18 of the Bill will impose the annual numbering charge on carriage service providers who hold an allocated number as at an anniversary of the commencement of the proposed Telecommunications (Numbering Fees) Amendment Act 1996. (With respect to the current financial year, the Telecommunications (Numbering Fees) Act 1991 is proposed to be amended by the Telecommunications (Numbering Fees) Amendment Bill 1996 (‘the Amendment Bill’). Its purpose is to provide for a carrier or carriage service provider holding a number to pay a numbering charge for the current financial year which will be due and payable at the commencement of the Amendment Bill.)

Clause 19 – By whom charge payable

The annual charge imposed on a number under Part 3 of the Bill will be payable by the carriage service provider who holds the number.

Proposed s. 452 of the Telecommunications Act 1996 provides, among other things, for the collection of annual numbering charges imposed by Part 3 of the proposed Telecommunications (Numbering Charges) Act 1996, the imposition of late payment penalties and the remission of penalties in relation to such allocation charges. Under clause 452(10), if any annual charge payable by a person in relation to a number remains unpaid after the time when it became due for payment, the ACA will be able, by written notice given to the person, to withdraw the number.

Clause 20 – Amount of charge

The amount of annual charge imposed on a number held at a particular time will be the amount ascertained in accordance with a written disallowable determination made by the ACA (clause 20). Under Part 22 of the proposed Telecommunications Act 1996, the ACA will have the functions of making a numbering plan and allocating numbers to carriage service providers. Given the ACA’s responsibility for, and knowledge about the administration of, the numbering functions, it will be best placed to determine the appropriate charge to be imposed on the holding of particular numbers or classes of numbers.

As a result of proposed ss. 6 and 12 of the proposed Australian Communications Authority Act 1996, the Minister will be able to give the ACA written directions in relation to the setting of this charge.

Clause 21 – Maximum charge

The amount of annual charge imposed on a single number held at a particular time will not be able to exceed $100,000. For many numbers, a much lower charge will be appropriate. However, the maximum charge is proposed to be set at $100,000 in recognition that there are certain particularly attractive numbers with a high commercial value. An example of such a number is ‘13 13 13’.

Clause 22 – Exemption from charge

Clause 22, when read with s. 46(2) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901, will empower the ACA to make a written disallowable determination exempting a specified number or a specified class or specified classes of numbers from annual charge under Part 3.

Part 4––Transitional

Clause 23 – Exercise of powers by AUSTEL before 1 July 1997––Division 2 of Part 2

Section 4 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 provides that where an Act that is not to come into operation immediately upon its enactment confers power to make an appointment or to make an instrument of a legislative or administrative character (including rules and regulations) then, unless the contrary intention appears, the power may be exercised, and anything may be done for the purpose of enabling the exercise of the power or of bringing the appointment or instrument into effect, before the Act concerned comes into operation as if it had come into operation.

The relevant appointment or instrument cannot take effect before the commencement of the relevant provisions of the new Act.

Clause 23 will apply if a provision of Division 2 of Part 2 of the Bill (called an ‘eligible provision’) confers, or will confer, a power on the ACA and, assuming that Part 3 of the proposed Australian Communications Authority Act 1996 (dealing, among other things, with the establishment of the ACA) had commenced at the commencement of clause 23, s. 4 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 would have authorised the ACA to exercise that power, or do a particular thing in relation to the exercise of that power, before 1 July 1997 (clause 23(1)).

Section 4 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 will be taken to authorise AUSTEL to exercise that power, or do that thing, before 1 July 1997 as if a reference in that eligible provision to the ACA were a reference to AUSTEL (clause 23(2)).

Anything done by AUSTEL in accordance with clause 23 before 1 July 1997 will have effect, on and after 1 July 1997, as if it had been done by the ACA (clause 23(3)).

This mechanism will enable AUSTEL, in the period between Royal Assent to the Bill and 1 July 1997, to make determinations:

• setting out how the charge for the allocation of a number otherwise than in accordance with an allocation system is to be ascertained (see clause 13); and

• exempting such a number, or a class of such numbers, from charge (see clause 15).


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