Commonwealth of Australia Explanatory Memoranda

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Amendments to be moved on behalf of the Government

(Circulated by authority of the Minister for Social Security,
Senator the Hon Jocelyn Newman

88509  Cat. No. 96 7719 4  ISBN 0644 502614



These amendments affect the Social Security Act 1991 and the Student and Youth Assistance Act 1973.

The Minister for Social Security, in the context of Senate debate on the Social Security Legislation Amendment (Budget and Other Measures) Act 1996, foreshadowed the introduction of a new activity test penalty regime incorporating a combination of rate reduction and non-payment. The Social Security Legislation Amendment (Activity Test Penalty Periods) Bill 1997 (the amending Bill) introduces such a regime under which a first activity test breach within a 2 year period attracts an 18% rate reduction for 26 weeks, a second breach attracts a 36% rate reduction for 26 weeks and a third or subsequent breach results in withdrawal of payment for 13 weeks.

After further consultation with interested parties, the Government has decided to modify the penalty regime as set out in the amending Bill as follows. First, the rate reduction applicable for a second activity test breach within a 2 year period will be changed from 36% to 24% of the person's maximum basic rate of payment. Second, the non-payment period for a third or subsequent breach within a 2 year period will be changed from 13 to 8 weeks.

In addition, the Government amendments ensure that the rules relating to the application of an activity test breach rate reduction period or activity test non-payment period in respect of breaches that occur prior to claim will only apply in cases of voluntary unemployment, unemployment due to misconduct and voluntarily leaving or being dismissed from a labour market program because of misconduct and not to the full range of possible activity test breaches.

Minor technical amendments to standardise terminology are also made.

Financial impact statement

These amendments change the activity test penalty periods originally proposed as a component of the Government's 1996 Budget package to tighten the activity test and simplify penalty periods.

Program savings directly attributable to the measures in these amendments are:

1997-98 $12.52m
1998-99 $16.87m
1999-2000 $16.87m

Owing to the inter-relationship of the measures in this Bill to the 1996 Budget package, these measures will maximise savings from previously introduced legislative and administrative components of the package.

This will bring the total program savings from the Government's 1996 Budget package to:

1997-98 $ 99.66m
1998-99 $105.11m
1999-2000 $105.11m

These figures, which have not been out turned at this stage, include both legislative and administrative changes.



Social Security Act 1991

As introduced, the Social Security Legislation Amendment (Activity Test Penalty Periods) Bill 1997 (the amending Bill) imposes the following regime of penalties for activity test breaches -

· rate reduction of 18% for 26 weeks for a first activity test breach within a 2 year period (see proposed section 644AA and paragraph 644AE(2)(a), as inserted by item 32 of Schedule 1 of the amending Bill);

· rate reduction of 36% for 26 weeks for a second activity test breach within a 2 year period (see proposed section 644AA and paragraph 644AE(2)(b), as inserted by item 32 of Schedule 1 of the amending Bill); and

· a non-payment period of 13 weeks for a third or subsequent breach within a 2 year period (see proposed section 630A, inserted by item 19 of Schedule 1 of the Bill).

Amendment 6 changes the percentage rate reduction for a second activity test breach from 36% to 24%. This is achieved by omitting the existing reference to "0.36" in proposed paragraph 644AE(2)(b) as inserted by item 32 of Schedule 1 of the amending Bill and substituting a reference to "0.24".

Amendment 1 changes the non-payment period for a third or subsequent activity test breach from 13 weeks to 8 weeks. This is achieved by advice, this could be achieved by omitting the reference to "13" in proposed section 630A as inserted by item 19 of Schedule 1 of the amending Bill and substituting a reference to "8".

The penalty applicable to a person for a first activity test breach within a 2 year period remains unchanged.

Student and Youth Assistance Act 1973

A similar penalty regime to that described above is provided for by the amending Bill for activity test breaches under the Student and Youth Assistance Act 1973 (the SYA Act). Accordingly, amendments 13 and 8 make equivalent changes to the relevant provisions in that Act.

Amendment 13 omits the existing reference to "0.36" in proposed paragraph 136AE(2)(b), inserted by item 66 of Schedule 1 of the amending Bill, and substitutes a reference to "0.24".

Amendment 8 omits the reference to "13" in proposed section 109, inserted by item 53 of Schedule 1 of the amending Bill, and substitutes a reference to "8".


Social Security Act 1991

Proposed section 644AC as inserted by item 32 of Schedule 1 of the amending Bill deals with the situation where an event occurs that would have resulted in an activity test rate reduction period applying had the person made a claim for newstart allowance. Section 630BA of the SS Act is a similar provision that applies where an event occurs that would have resulted in an activity test deferment period applying had the person made a claim for newstart allowance.

As currently drafted, these provisions can apply to any events (activity test breaches) that would attract an activity test deferment or rate reduction period had the person claimed newstart allowance. These potentially include any breaches covered by sections 624 to 630AA of the SS Act inclusive. This was not intended.

Amendments 2, 3, 4 and 5 limit the operation of proposed section 644AC and section 630BA of the SS Act so that these provisions only apply to the following situations:

· voluntary unemployment (a breach covered by section 628 of the SS Act);

· unemployment due to misconduct (a breach covered by 629 of the SS Act); and

· voluntarily leaving or being dismissed from a labour market program due to misconduct (an activity test breach covered by section 624 by virtue of subsection 601A(2) of the SS Act).

To this end, amendments 2 and 3 omit the amendments made by item 24 and 26 of Schedule 1 of the amending Bill. Amendment 2 substitutes a new subsection 630BA(1) that limits the operation of section 630BA to the situations described above. Amendment 3 limits the operation of subsection 630BA(3) is the same manner.

The technical amendments provided for in items 24 and 26 of the amending Bill as introduced are retained in amendments 2 and 3.

Amendments 4 and 5 make equivalent changes to proposed section 644AC as inserted by item 32 of Schedule 1 of the amending Bill. Amendment 4 inserts a new paragraph 644AC(1)(a) that is limited in its operation to the situations described above. Amendment 5 limits the operation of paragraph 644AC(2)(a) in the same manner.

Student and Youth Assistance Act 1973

Section 136AC inserted by item 66 of Schedule 1 of the amending Bill and section 111 of the SYA Act are similar provisions that apply to youth training allowance customers who breach the activity test before claiming that allowance. Similar amendments to those outlined above in relation to the SS Act are made to these provisions by amendments 9, 10, 11 and 12.


Social Security Act 1991

Proposed section 644AD, inserted by item 32 of Schedule 1 of the amending Bill, deals with the interaction of an activity test rate reduction period and a waiting period under the SS Act. Proposed section 644EA, inserted by item 36 of Schedule 1, is a similar provision dealing with the interaction between an administrative breach rate reduction period and a waiting period. There is currently an inconsistency in the way subsection (3) of each provision is drafted. The better formulation of words is in subsection 644AD(3).

Amendment 7 amends subsection 644EA(3) to reflect the preferred wording used in subsection 644AD(3). This is a technical amendment.

Student and Youth Assistance Act 1973

A similar inconsistency exists in relation to the SYA Act (see the difference in the wording of subsection 112(3), inserted by item 61 of Schedule 1 of the amending Bill, and subsection 136DA(3), inserted by item 70 of Schedule 1 of the amending Bill). Amendment 14 amends subsection 136DA(3) so that it reflect the wording used in subsection 112(3). This is also a technical amendment.

Social Security Legislation Amendment (Budget and Other Measures) Act 1996

Amendment 15 makes a minor technical amendment to item 9 of Part 3 of Schedule 2 of the Social Security Legislation Amendment (Budget and Other Measures) Act 1996 by correcting an incorrect reference. New paragraph 4D(1)(c) of the National Health Act 1973 should be inserted after paragraph 4D(1)(b) and not after paragraph (c). The substance of the original amendment is not altered by amendment 15.


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