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2010-2011 THE PARLIAMENT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SOCIAL SECURITY AMENDMENT (STUDENT INCOME SUPPORT REFORMS) BILL 2011 CORRECTION TO THE EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM GENERAL OUTLINE Paragraph 5 - Line 2 - delete: "In addition, no transitional or retrospective arrangements will be in place for young people who left secondary school in 2009 and 2010." SCHEDULE 1 Part 1 - Item 1 - at the end of Item 1, insert new paragraph: "The new independence arrangements will be available to young people from Inner Regional Australia from 1 January 2012, subject to meeting the eligibility criteria. Where a young person from Inner Regional Australia left school prior to 2012 and has been in the workforce, employment undertaken since leaving school will be taken into account when assessing whether they have met the criteria, even if that work was done prior to 1 January 2012." Part 2 - Item 4 - at the end of the first paragraph - insert new sentence: "It also ensures that the new relocation scholarships values apply to all recipients from the commencement of this provision on 1 January 2012." Part 2 - Item 4 - after the first paragraph insert new paragraph: "This means, for instance, that an eligible relocation scholarship recipient who received the higher payment in 2011 for their first year of living away to study and who is from a regional or remote area will be entitled to the new higher ($2000) rate of relocation scholarship in 2012 for their second year of living away to study." (Circulated by authority of the Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, Jobs and Workplace Relations, Senator the Honourable Chris Evans)Index] [Search] [Download] [Bill] [Help]2