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2019-2020 THE PARLIAMENT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SUPPLY BILL (NO. 1) 2020-2021 EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM (Circulated by the authority of the Minister for Finance, Senator the Honourable Mathias Cormann)Table of Acronyms and Defined Terms AAA Actual Available Appropriation AFM Advance to the Finance Minister AI Act Acts Interpretation Act 1901 Commonwealth An entity as defined in section 10 of the PGPA Act entity corporate entity A corporate Commonwealth entity or a Commonwealth company within the meaning of the PGPA Act CRF Consolidated Revenue Fund Finance Minister Minister for Finance and the Public Service GST Goods and Services Tax non-corporate Non-corporate Commonwealth entities as defined in entities the PGPA Act, or the High Court PGPA Act Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 portfolio Portfolio Budget Statements and Portfolio Additional statements Estimates Statements Explanatory Memorandum to Supply Bill (No. 1) 2020-2021 House of Representatives 1
Outline Supply Bill (No. 1) 2020-2021 General Outline 1 This Explanatory Memorandum accompanies the Supply Bill (No. 1) 2020-2021 (the Bill). 2 The main purpose of the Bill is to propose appropriations from the Consolidated Revenue Fund (CRF) for the ordinary annual services of the Government. 3 The Bill proposes appropriations broadly equivalent to 7/12ths of the estimated 2020-21 annual appropriations for the ordinary annual services of the Government. The Bill proposes greater appropriations for certain entities which may have disproportionately high expenditure early in the financial year to support the COVID-19 response, such as the Department of Health and Services Australia. Further details of the amounts proposed in the Bill are outlined in the Notes on clauses section to this Explanatory Memorandum, under Schedule 1-- Services for which money is appropriated. 4 Appropriations for the ordinary annual services of the Government must be contained in a separate Bill from other appropriations in accordance with sections 53 and 54 of the Australian Constitution (the Constitution). Consequently, the Bill proposes appropriations for the ordinary annual services of the Government. Other annual appropriations that are not for the ordinary annual services of the Government are proposed in the Supply Bill (No. 2) 2020-2021 and Supply (Parliamentary Departments) Bill (No. 1) 2020-2021, on broadly the same proportional basis as this Bill. Together these three Bills are termed the Supply Bills. 5 This Explanatory Memorandum should be read in conjunction with the various 2019-20 portfolio statements (being the Portfolio Budget Statements 2019-20 and the Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements) which contain details on the appropriations set out in the Schedule of the Bill. Structure of the Bill 6 The Bill provides for the appropriation of specified amounts for expenditure by Australian Government entities, primarily being non-corporate Commonwealth entities (non-corporate entities) under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act). 7 Part 1 of the Bill deals with definitions, the interpretative role of the portfolio statements and the concept of notional transactions. Part 2 of the Bill proposes appropriations to make payments of the amounts in Schedule 1 for departmental items (clause 7), administered items (clause 8) and corporate entity items (clause 9). Part 3 of the Bill specifies the Advance to the Finance Minister (AFM) provision (clause 10). Explanatory Memorandum to Supply Bill (No. 1) 2020-2021 House of Representatives 2
Outline 8 Part 4 of the Bill deals with credits to special accounts (clause 11), provides for amounts to be appropriated as necessary (clause 12), and specifies when the Bill is repealed (clause 13). In addition to the AFM provision in Part 3, clause 12 of the Bill recognises that the appropriations in the Bill may also be varied by the PGPA Act. Financial Impact 9 The Bill, if enacted, would appropriate the amounts specified in Schedule 1 as set out in section 6. Explanatory Memorandum to Supply Bill (No. 1) 2020-2021 House of Representatives 3
Statement of compatibility with human rights Statement of compatibility with human rights 1 The Bill seeks to appropriate money for the ordinary annual services of the Government. 2 Accordingly, the Bill performs an important constitutional function, by authorising the withdrawal of money from the CRF for the broad purposes identified in the Bill. 3 However, as the High Court has emphasised, beyond this, Appropriation Acts do not create rights and nor do they, importantly, impose any duties. 4 Given that the legal effect of Appropriation Bills is limited in this way, the Bill is not seen as engaging, or otherwise affecting, the rights or freedoms relevant to the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011. 5 Detailed information on the relevant appropriations, however, is contained in the portfolio statements. Explanatory Memorandum to Supply Bill (No. 1) 2020-2021 House of Representatives 4
Notes on clauses Notes on clauses Part 1--Preliminary Clause 1--Short title 1 Clause 1 specifies that the short title of the Bill, once enacted, will be the Supply Act (No. 1) 2020-2021. Clause 2--Commencement 2 Clause 2 provides for the Bill to commence as an Act on the later of either 1 July 2020 or the day of the Royal Assent. Clause 3--Definitions 3 Clause 3 defines the key terms used in the Bill, such as "administered item", "non-corporate entity", and "special account". Clause 3 also confirms that, for the purposes of other laws, the Bill when enacted it to be regarded as an Appropriation Act. Clause 4--Portfolio statements 4 Clause 4 declares that the portfolio statements are relevant documents under paragraph 15AB(2)(g) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 (AI Act) which provides for material to be considered in the interpretation of an Act if the material is declared by the Act to be relevant material for the purposes of section 15AB of the AI Act. 5 The purpose of the portfolio statements is to provide information on the proposed allocation of resources to Government outcomes by Commonwealth entities within each portfolio. The term "portfolio statements" is defined in the Bill, at clause 3, to mean the Portfolio Budget Statements 2019-20, tabled in relation to the Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2019-2020 and the Appropriation Bill (No. 2) 2019-2020, and the Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements 2019-20, tabled in relation to the Appropriation Bill (No. 3) 2019-2020 and the Appropriation Bill (No. 4) 2019-2020. Explanatory Memorandum to Supply Bill (No. 1) 2020-2021 House of Representatives 5
Notes on clauses Clause 5--Notional transactions between entities that are part of the Commonwealth 6 Clause 5 provides that notional transactions between non-corporate entities are to be treated as if they are real transactions. Notional transactions, therefore, require the debiting of an appropriation made by Parliament. The payments of the amounts in Schedule 1 from one non-corporate entity to another do not require, in a constitutional sense, an appropriation, because both non-corporate entities operate within the CRF. For reasons of financial discipline and transparency, the practice has arisen for these payments between non-corporate entities to be treated as though they required an appropriation, and to debit an appropriation when such notional payments are made. This is consistent with section 76 of the PGPA Act. 7 When a non-corporate entity makes a payment, whether to another non-corporate entity or another part of the same non-corporate entity (such as a different "business unit" within the entity), it is to be treated as a "real" payment. This means that the appropriation made by Parliament is extinguished by the amount of the notional payment, even though no payment is actually made from the CRF. Similarly, a notional receipt in such a situation is to be treated by the receiving non-corporate entity (where relevant) as if it were a real receipt. This does not mean every internal transfer of public money involves a notional payment and receipt. Part 2--Appropriation items Clause 6--Summary of appropriations 8 Clause 6 sets out the total of the appropriations in Schedule 1 of the Bill. The amounts in Schedule 1 may be increased by a determination under clause 10 (Advance to the Finance Minister). 9 The amounts in Schedule 1 of the Bill may be adjusted further in accordance with sections 74 to 75 of the PGPA Act. Specifically: Section 74 of the PGPA Act, when read with Rule 27 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014, permits non-corporate entities to retain certain types of receipts by adding them to their most recent departmental item or other type of appropriation in an Appropriation Act when prescribed. Appropriations may be adjusted by amounts recoverable by a non-corporate entity from the Australian Taxation Office for Goods and Services Tax (GST), in accordance with section 74A of the PGPA Act. The amounts specified in Schedule 1 exclude recoverable GST. The appropriations shown represent the net amount that Parliament is asked to allocate to particular purposes. Section 74A has the effect of increasing an appropriation by the amount of the GST qualifying amount arising from payments in respect of the appropriation. As a result, there is sufficient appropriation for payments Explanatory Memorandum to Supply Bill (No. 1) 2020-2021 House of Representatives 6
Notes on clauses under an appropriation item, provided that the amount of those payments, less the amount of recoverable GST, can be met from the initial amount shown against the item in Schedule 1. Section 74A also applies to notional transactions between and within non-corporate entities. Items may be adjusted to take into account the transfer of functions between non-corporate entities, in accordance with section 75 of the PGPA Act. It is possible that adjustments under section 75 may result in new items and/or outcomes being created in an Appropriation Act. 10 Additionally, the Finance Minister manages the payment from items in the Bill by non-corporate entities using a discretionary power under section 51 of the PGPA Act. Section 51 allows the Finance Minister to manage the timing and the amount of appropriated money to be made available to a Commonwealth entity (an entity as defined in section 10 of the PGPA Act), except as required by law. Clause 7--Departmental items 11 Clause 7 provides that the amount specified in a departmental item for a non-corporate entity may be applied for the departmental expenditure of the non-corporate entity. Clause 3 defines: "departmental item" to be the total amount set out in Schedule 1 in relation to a non-corporate entity under the heading "Departmental"; and "expenditure" to be payments for expenses, acquiring assets, making loans or paying liabilities. 12 While the departmental items in Schedule 1 may be divided between outcomes, the different amounts against outcomes are notional. The total appropriation for departmental expenses represents the departmental item. 13 Departmental items involve costs over which a non-corporate entity has control. Departmental appropriations can be used to make any payment related to the functions of the non-corporate entity including on purposes covered by other items whether or not they are in the Act for an entity. Expenditure typically covered by departmental items includes: employee expenses, suppliers and other operational expenses (e.g. interest and finance expenses); and the acquisition and capitalised maintenance of departmental assets valued at $10 million or less. 14 The cash to meet departmental expenses may be required at times other than when the expenses are incurred. Departmental items are available until they are spent, or until the Act through which they were appropriated is repealed. Annual Appropriation Acts have a lifespan of up to three years after which they automatically repeal. 15 Generally, if non-corporate entities are directed by Government to perform additional activities, they are expected to meet the cost of the additional activities Explanatory Memorandum to Supply Bill (No. 1) 2020-2021 House of Representatives 7
Notes on clauses from their existing appropriations, which may then be replenished by a departmental appropriation in the following financial year. This is known as supplementation and applies when the direction was given, or a decision to propose further appropriations is made, in a timeframe within which it is not practicable to include the expected expenses in a further Appropriation Bill for that financial year. 16 There can also be occasions when a non-corporate entity, such as a portfolio Department, is required to assist with matters in relation to other areas of the Government. Examples can include whole-of-Government activities or a portfolio Department assisting with the formation and initial costs of a new portfolio body (for which the Department might later be supplemented). Another example would be where government has decided to implement shared services arrangements, and one non-corporate entity is providing corporate services assistance to another non-corporate entity. Clause 8--Administered items 17 Subclause 8(1) provides for the appropriation of administered amounts to be applied by a non-corporate entity for the purpose of contributing to the outcome for a non-corporate entity. An "administered item" is defined in clause 3 to be the amounts set out in Schedule 1 opposite an outcome for a non-corporate entity under the heading "Administered". Administered amounts are appropriated separately for each outcome, so, unlike departmental items, the split across outcomes is not notional. This makes it clear what the funding is intended to achieve. 18 The purposes for which each administered item can be spent are further set out in subclause 8(2). Subclause 8(2) provides that where the portfolio statements indicate a particular activity is in respect of a particular outcome, then expenditure on that activity is taken to be expenditure for the purpose of contributing to achieving that outcome. 19 Administered items are those administered by a non-corporate entity on behalf of the Government (e.g. certain grants, benefits and transfer payments). These payments are usually made pursuant to eligibility rules and conditions established by the Government or the Parliament. Specifically, administered items are tied to outcomes (departmental items are not). Clause 9--Corporate entity items 20 Clause 9 provides for appropriations of money for corporate entities to be paid from the CRF by the relevant Department. Clause 9 provides that payments for corporate entities must be used for the purposes of those entities. 21 A "corporate entity" is defined in clause 3 to be a corporate Commonwealth entity or a Commonwealth company within the meaning of the PGPA Act. Many corporate entities receive funding from appropriations. However, these entities are Explanatory Memorandum to Supply Bill (No. 1) 2020-2021 House of Representatives 8
Notes on clauses legally separate from the Commonwealth, and as a result, do not debit appropriations or make payments from the CRF. 22 Corporate entity payments are initiated by requests to the relevant portfolio Departments from the corporate entities. The Finance Minister manages appropriations for corporate entities through a discretionary power to control the timing and amount made available under section 51 of the PGPA Act, except as required by law. Corporate entities hold the amounts paid to them on their own account. 23 Subclause 9(2) provides that if a corporate entity is subject to another Act that requires amounts appropriated by Parliament for the purposes of that entity to be paid to the entity, then the full amount of the corporate entity payment must be paid to the entity. 24 The purpose of subclause 9(2) is to clarify that subclause 9(1) is not intended to qualify any obligations in other legislation regulating a corporate entity, where that other legislation requires the Commonwealth to pay the full amount appropriated for the purposes of the entity. 25 In addition to the annual appropriations, some corporate entities may also receive public money from related entities such as a portfolio Department and from special appropriations managed by those Departments. Many corporate entities also receive funds from external sources. Part 3--Advance to the Finance Minister Clause 10--Advance to the Finance Minister 26 Clause 10 of the Bill enables the Finance Minister to allocate additional amounts for items when satisfied that there is an urgent need for expenditure and the existing appropriation in the current year, is not provided for, or is insufficiently provided for. The allocated amount is referred to as the Advance to the Finance Minister (AFM). 27 Subclause 10(1) establishes the criteria about which the Finance Minister must be satisfied before determining to add an amount to an item of an entity. 28 The Finance Minister will only consider issuing an amount under subclause 10(1) if satisfied there is an urgent need for expenditure that is not provided for, or is insufficiently provided for, in Schedule 1, because of an omission or understatement, or because of unforeseen circumstances. Generally, options under sections 74 to 75 of the PGPA Act must be considered, where applicable, before the Finance Minister will make a determination under subclause 10(2). 29 Subclause 10(2) enables the Finance Minister to make a determination to allocate an amount from the AFM to an existing item in Schedule 1, to a new item not already in Schedule 1, or to a new outcome. Explanatory Memorandum to Supply Bill (No. 1) 2020-2021 House of Representatives 9
Notes on clauses 30 Subclause 10(3) provides that the total amount that can be determined under the AFM provision is $16 billion, to provide the Government with the capacity to allocate additional appropriations for COVID-19 related responses that are not contemplated in the current package. 31 Subclause 10(4) provides that a determination under subclause 10(2) is a legislative instrument, which must be tabled in Parliament. It is not subject to section 42 (disallowance) of the Legislation Act 2003 as this would frustrate the purpose of the provision, which is to provide additional appropriation for urgent expenditure. Further, an AFM is not subject to Part 4 of Chapter 3 (sunsetting) of the Legislation Act 2003; legislative instruments enabled by the Bill, once enacted, automatically repeal when the Act itself repeals (see clause 13). Part 4--Miscellaneous Clause 11--Crediting amounts to special accounts 32 Clause 11 provides that if the purpose of an item in Schedule 1 is also the purpose of a special account (regardless of whether the item expressly refers to the special account), then amounts may be debited against the appropriation for that item and credited to the special account. Special accounts may be established under the PGPA Act by a determination of the Finance Minister (section 78) that is disallowable by Parliament or by another Act (sections 79 and 80). The determination or Act that establishes the special account will specify the purposes of the special account. Clause 12--Appropriation of the Consolidated Revenue Fund 33 Clause 12 provides that the CRF is appropriated as necessary for the purposes of the Bill. Significantly, this clause means that there is an appropriation in law when the Act commences. That is, the appropriations are not made or brought into existence just before they are paid, but when the Act commences. This clause indicates that the amounts appropriated may be affected by the PGPA Act, in particular sections 74 to 75 (see clause 6), after the Act commences. Clause 13--Repeal of this Act 34 Clause 13 provides that the Bill, once enacted, will repeal at the start of 1 July 2023. Explanatory Memorandum to Supply Bill (No. 1) 2020-2021 House of Representatives 10
Notes on clauses Schedule 1--Services for which money is appropriated 35 Schedule 1 specifies the appropriations proposed for the ordinary annual services of the Government. Schedule 1 contains a summary table which lists the total amounts for each portfolio. A separate summary table is included for each portfolio, with other tables detailing the appropriations for each Commonwealth entity. More details about the appropriations in Schedule 1 are contained in the portfolio statements and the second reading speech for the Bill. 36 Schedule 1 includes, for information purposes, a figure for the previous financial year labelled "Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures) - 2019-2020". The Actual Available Appropriation (AAA) is an estimate that does not affect the amount available at law. That figure provides a comparison with the proposed appropriations. 37 The AAA is calculated for each item by adding the amounts appropriated in the previous financial year's annual Appropriation Acts, plus any AFMs, and any adjustments under sections 51 and 75 of the PGPA Act. In some instances, the figure may also be affected by limits applied administratively by the Department of Finance. In addition, where an entity's outcome structure has changed since the last Appropriation Act, only ongoing outcomes may be shown in the Bill. 38 The Bill proposes 7/12ths of the 2020-21 appropriation estimates, which are broadly equivalent to those presented at the 2019-20 Budget, indexed for economic and program specific parameters, the effect of decisions announced as part of the 2019-20 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook or included in the 2019-20 Additional Estimates Appropriation Bills, and the amendments to the Administrative Arrangements Order which took effect from 1 February 2020. 39 To support the Government's economic response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Supply Bills propose appropriations greater than 7/12ths of the 2020-21 estimates for the following activities: (a) Full 2020-21 appropriations for Services Australia, the Australian Taxation Office and the Department of Health, to provide flexibility to respond to service delivery requirements. (b) Full 2020-21 appropriations for programs that act like demand driven programs however are funded through annual appropriations including the National Disability Insurance Agency, Operation Sovereign Borders, Disability Employment Services, Employment Services (including Jobactive), and Support for the Child Care System. (c) Full 2020-21 appropriations for the Regional Investment Corporation to ensure capacity to meet the current high level of demand by farmers and primary production dependent small businesses for drought loans at two-years interest free terms. Explanatory Memorandum to Supply Bill (No. 1) 2020-2021 House of Representatives 11
Notes on clauses (d) 10/12ths of the 2020-21 appropriations for the Attorney-General's Department's Program 1.7: Royal Commissions, to enable the Bushfire Royal Commission to proceed. (e) 9/12ths of the 2020-21 appropriations for the Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment's Program 4.1: Biosecurity and Export Services and Program 4.2: Plant and Animal Health, to ensure services can be maintained in the event revenue is impacted. (f) 7/12ths of the 2019-20 appropriations for the Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA), to ensure continued operation of the ADHA, which is currently funded by a program which terminates on 30 June 2020. 40 The Supply Bills also propose appropriations to provide for expenditure in 2020-21 for measures included in the Appropriation (Coronavirus Economic Response Package) Bill (No. 1) 2019-2020, where these items continue in 2020-21. Explanatory Memorandum to Supply Bill (No. 1) 2020-2021 House of Representatives 12