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2010-2011-2012 THE PARLIAMENT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ROAD SAFETY REMUNERATION (CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENTS AND RELATED PROVISIONS) BILL 2011 SUPPLEMENTARY EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM Amendments to be Moved on Behalf of the Government (Circulated by authority of the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, the Honourable Bill Shorten MP)Index] [Search] [Download] [Bill] [Help]Outline AMENDMENTS TO THE ROAD SAFETY REMUNERATION (CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENTS AND RELATED PROVISIONS) BILL 2011 OUTLINE The Government will move amendments to the Road Safety Remuneration (Consequential Amendments and Related Provisions) Bill 2011. The proposed amendments would provide that: · the Tribunal must not to deal with a dispute under Part 4 of the Road Safety Remuneration Act 2012 before 1 January 2013, unless it is satisfied that exceptional circumstances exist in relation to the dispute; and · a person who is entitled to make an application in relation to a dispute may, by application to the Tribunal, request the Tribunal to consider whether exceptional circumstances exist in relation to the dispute. FINANCIAL IMPACT STATEMENT The measures proposed in this Bill are budget neutral. Amendments to the Road Safety Remuneration (Consequential Amendments and Related Provisions) Bill 2011
Amendment 1 - Schedule 2, page 4 (before line 3), before item 1 1. This item would insert a new clause that would provide the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal (the Tribunal) must not deal with a dispute under Part 4 of the Road Safety Remuneration Act 2012 before 1 January 2013, unless it is satisfied that exceptional circumstances exist in relation to the dispute. It would provide that a person who is entitled to make an application in relation to a dispute under paragraph 40(1)(b) of the Road Safety Remuneration Act 2012 may, by application to the Tribunal, request the Tribunal to consider whether exceptional circumstances exist in relation to the dispute. Amendments to the Road Safety Remuneration (Consequential Amendments and Related Provisions) Bill 2011