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(Circulated by authority of the Minister
for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry,
the Hon Mark Vaile MP)
ISBN: 0642 378886
These amendments amend the Rural Adjustment Act 1992 to give effect to
the Government’s decision, announced in the Agriculture –
Advancing Australia package, to introduce the Farm Business Improvement
Program (FarmBis).
$50 million has been allocated over three years by the Commonwealth to fund
FarmBis. In addition, matched funds from the States will increase the capacity
of the FarmBis program.
The Rural Adjustment Scheme (RAS92) commenced on 1 January 1993. The broad
objective of the scheme was ‘to foster the development of a more
profitable and competitive farm sector that is able to operate competitively in
a deregulated financial and market environment and to improve the
competitiveness of the farm sector’.
The scheme contained several
elements including interest rate subsidies for either productivity improvements
or exceptional circumstances, assistance for re-establishment and land trading
and skills enhancement.
From 1 January 1993 to 30 June 1996, a total of
$604.5 million of Commonwealth and State funds was spent on the RAS program.
Under RAS the Commonwealth provided 90% funding and states governments 10% for
skills training. On 10 September 1996, the Minister for Primary Industries and
Energy announced a review of the scheme (the McColl
1. Problem
The review found that
• Funds under the normal RAS 92 elements have reached a
relatively small proportion of Australian farmers. With the exception of
education and training support, the effectiveness of the RAS 92 elements is
• While short-term benefit has been delivered to
businesses that received RAS interest rate subsidies for productivity
improvement, no evidence was received to support claims that these subsidies
have accelerated the implementation of profitable productivity measures. It is
likely that most of the productivity measures would have been undertaken without
RAS support.
• Overall, the scheme has not had a significant
positive impact on the adjustment process and has not met the goal of fostering
the development of a profitable and competitive farm sector. RAS 92 is not
appropriate to the adjustment needs of Australian agriculture in either
today’s business environment or that expected in the next century. The
RAS scheme officially ceased on 30 June 1998.
The Review also identified
that while there is an increasing volume of information available for farmers,
there are deficiencies in the extent to which farmers are able to acquire this
information in a useable form and translate it into an effective framework of
management decision making.
Also identified were several impediments to
farmers accessing education and training to improve their management
1. The role of Government in providing assistance for training
and skills development.
Individual farmers have a compelling incentive
to obtain skills and information to allow them to run their farming enterprise
in the most profitable way.
Recent research (Kilpatrick, 1996) suggests a
clear link between farm profitability and the upgrading of skills. On the basis
of an analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) farm survey data,
Kilpatrick concluded that farm businesses with agricultural qualifications in
the management team or which engage in training are more profitable than other
farm businesses. The study also found that farm businesses that engage in
training are more likely to make changes to their practices, which improve, or
are expected to improve, long-term profitability and viability. Those farms
that do make these changes are more likely to be profitable than those that do
not make them. (Kilpatrick, S. 1996, Change, Training and Farm
Profitability, National Farmers’ Federation Research Paper, vol.10.
November, Canberra).
Despite this incentive it seems that farmers
‘under participate’ in training and skills development. The role of
training and skills development is of particular importance to Australian
farmers who face unpredictable changes in climatic conditions, markets and
volatile commodity prices.
Global climate change, driven by increases in
greenhouse gas concentrations and global warming, is likely to be a major issue
for the future. Climate variability has a major influence on Australian
agriculture and any change in this has great potential to influence its future.
The behaviour of the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has a dominant
influence on Australia’s climate.
Under the influence of ENSO,
Australia’s rainfall is generally more variable than would be expected in
any other world location with similar rainfall. Rainfall over most of eastern
Australia, covering about half the continent, is strongly correlated with ENSO
events. While ENSO is a major influence on the Australian climate, Indian Ocean
dipole events are also associated with Australia’s climatic conditions
although their influence appears to be chiefly in southern Australia.
challenge to farmers may come from a potential long-term change in the ENSO
patterns. Recent research has shown the pattern of ENSO events has been unusual
since the early 1970s. Between then and now, a period long enough to establish
a statistically valid trend, dry El Nino events have been relatively more
frequent and persistent than the opposite, wet La Nina episodes.
change in the pattern of ENSO events may indicate a change in the system
influencing the Australian climate. If the trend for more frequent and
persistent El Nino events proves to be a long-term trend, then more frequent and
persistent dry periods in Australia (principally in the northeast of Australia)
can be expected. This in turn has significant implications for the long-term
business viability of the farming systems employed in the affected areas. If
these systems do not change to accommodate more frequent dry periods, escalating
financial losses are likely to cause continuing demand for government assistance
by farm businesses and farm families.
Farm practices, technologies and
general levels of knowledge in the community are continually changing and
becoming more complex and sophisticated. However, many farmers have
traditionally concentrated on improving their technical and production practices
to meet these challenges. To meet the challenges of the future, farmers will
need a broad spectrum of skills including those for technical, financial
marketing and human resource management.
Factors impacting on the ability
and desire of farmers to participate in training and skills development
• undervaluing by farmers of training, as the benefits of
training may not be immediately apparent.
• low self-confidence
resulting in non-participation in training activities, sometimes stemming from
limited formal education and poor literacy skills.
• inflexible
delivery mechanisms, eg activities run at unsuitable times such as peak seasonal
periods or in distant major centres.
• lack of time to attend
training/development activities.
• absence of a structured approach by
many farmers to determining their individual training needs;
• difficulty in researching a sometimes confusing and daunting
training market and identifying suitable activities and/or
3. Objectives
The general objectives of government
action are to drive cultural change towards the benefits on continuous learning.
It will enhance the capacity of farmers to identify, acquire and apply the
management skills, information and practices they need. In particular
1. increase farmer participation in learning activities which will
enhance the profitability, sustainability and competitiveness of their
2. develop greater acceptance of the benefit of continuous
learning and skills development, and its relevance to the changing management
needs of a competitive farm sector, and
3. enhance farmer’s
capacity to identify and access appropriate learning activities, and over time,
influence more flexible delivery of such activities.
4. Pre-existing
policy authority
1) To help individual farm businesses profit from change
• by
helping farmers build on their business management knowledge and experience
(Farm Business Improvement Program – FarmBis);
• with
improved financial tools, such as the new Farm Management Deposits
Scheme, to enhance farmer’s capacity to manage the significant
climatic and price risks in farming.
2) To ensure the farm sector has access
to an adequate welfare safety net
• through a new income support
payment for farm families experiencing severe financial hardship (Farm
Family Restart Scheme); and
• by extending welfare
arrangements available to farmers in severe drought to other equally
exceptional circumstances (Exceptional Circumstances)
3) To
provide incentives for ongoing farm adjustment
• by encouraging
farmers without a future in the industry to leave it (Farm Family Restart
Scheme); and
• by encouraging farmers of retirement age to transfer
ownership of the business to a younger generation of their family (Retirement
Assistance for Farmers Scheme)
4) To encourage social and economic
development in rural areas
• with funding to assist communities
develop strategic regional plans (Regional Plan); and
• by
introducing a flexible grants program to assist communities to use their assets
and talents to meet their challenges and build better futures (Rural
Communities Program).
Total funding for the AAA package over the
implementation period of three years totals $500 million, allocated as
- $200m (May 1997 budget) for an integrated rural policy package
(the AAA initiative)
- $190m (September 1997) additional to the above for the
AAA policy
- $ 70m (May 1998) for rural adjustment
- $ 40m (post-Budget)
for extension of the Drought Relief Payment.
5. Options
1. management by the States
2. competitive delivery through the
3. direct administration by the Commonwealth with separation of
purchaser and provider, and competitive tendering.
With option one, the
States could manage the schemes under either partnership agreements or contracts
between the Commonwealth and each State, which would be similar to RAS 92
management arrangements. This approach would have the benefit of using existing
delivery infrastructures, working through State-based agencies that are closer
to the workface and related State-based programs. It could also be possible to
add State funds to Commonwealth resources.
The disadvantages of this
option are:
. the model is not consistent with the principle of
separating funding from service provision
. it does not provide for
competition in service provision
. it provides little choice to
. it has the potential to produce diverging national
outcomes if State objectives differ from those of the Commonwealth, noting that
some State agencies have shown a propensity to subsume Commonwealth programs
into State programs with somewhat different objectives.
Option two,
competitive delivery through the States, would involve operating the schemes
through either agreements or contracts between the Commonwealth and each State,
management by the States, but with a requirement for competitive delivery
arrangements or tendering for service delivery. The benefits of such an
approach would include -
. the separation of funding from service
. involving the States and drawing on the benefit of their
proximity to the client group
. the possibility of the States
contributing additional funds to the programs
The disadvantages of such
an approach include –
. the potential for divergent
Commonwealth and State objectives
. the lack of critical mass in
smaller States for competitive service provision.
The third option is
that of direct administration by the Commonwealth with separation of purchaser
and provider and competitive tenders. The features of this option are
. a Commonwealth agency such as the Department of
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry would be the service purchaser
. the provision of services to achieve the specified objectives and
outcomes of the programs would be determined by competitive
. delivery of the tendered services could be by State agencies
(including RAS Agencies/TAFE etc), private organisations, rural community groups
and farmer organisations. Where elements are to be delivered to individual
farmers, tenders would be called for the delivery of the whole
. decisions on objectives, strategies, outcomes and tenders
for the program would rest formally with the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries
and Forestry
. service delivery would be subject to reporting and
accountability arrangements administered by the Commonwealth.
approach is –
. more consistent with the program management
principles (for details refer No.9, page 9)
. provides a basis
- greater flexibility in service delivery
- a more effective basis for
creating links with other national rural programs. Lack of such links is an
issue upon which the Commonwealth has received considerable criticism in the
The disadvantages of such an approach are that
. linkages with State programs may be more difficult to
. significant State funding contributions maybe more
difficult to obtain.
All of the options above were discussed when the
service delivery arrangements for the FarmBis program were being considered. In
the final decision a fourth option was developed that encompassed all of the
advantages and disadvantages of the approaches outlined in the McColl Review.
That option is -
. a modified service provider model where the
States/Territory administer the program under contract to the
This option allows the Minister to ensure money is
effectively matched on a 50:50 basis with the States, requiring State
governments to fund their portion under a signed agreement with the
Commonwealth. It also allows for service providers to consult with the client
groups to allow for flexibility in delivery owing to seasonal demands on
farmers’ time, distance travelled, mode of learning etc.
One of the considerations when agreeing on this option was to minimise the
administrative costs, which were high under the previous RAS Scheme. By using
the modified service provider model, States are committed to putting in 50% of
the costs of program funds, but administration costs are capped to 10% of
overall State allocation, under each agreement.
If a tendering process
was used, the successful tenderer may have reduced administrative costs, but
additional funds for program delivery would not have been available.
6. Impact analysis section
Impacts common to all four delivery
options are as follows:
Business – (farmers)
target group for FarmBis support is principally the farm management team,
comprising principal operator, spouse, family members, partners, staff employed
in a management capacity and farm contractors whose operational support is
integral to improving business management on the farm. In addition, there is
scope for grants to bodies for the development of pilot initiatives and other
activities, which relate to the farm.
Eligible participants are defined
‘farmer’ – a person who contributes a majority part
of their labour to the farm business enterprise and derives a majority part of
their income from farming; and
‘participant’ – a farmer or
a spouse or member of the family of a farmer, or staff employed in a management
capacity in the farm business enterprise, or a contractor whose operational
support is integral to improving business management on the farm.
All members of the target group will be eligible to apply for support,
regardless of income, farm size, profitability etc.
The program
participants will be required to contribute to the cost of the training and
development opportunities in which they participate: 20% for initial and basic
training, 50% of the cost of more advanced courses, institution based training
and advanced business planning and analysis activities. The contribution ratio
may vary depending on the activity in each State. Grants, which are provided to
other groups for the development of pilot initiatives and/or facilitation, may
cover up to 100% of the cost of the approved activity.
The exact cost to farm businesses will depend on the nature, type and amount
of training and development activities, which the members
Given that some form of education and training will generate
benefits that will largely be captured by the recipient, some grants may be paid
to farmers (or other eligible participants) who otherwise would have undertaken
the course or sought the advice at their own expense.
Small business enterprises would be a significant
beneficiary from FarmBis funding. At the State level, where the educational and
training programs are to be developed, many independent training and education
businesses, in regional areas, would be directly involved in designing,
delivering and implementing the various
7. Government
The FarmBis component of the AAA
funding is $41.848m. From 1992 to 1996 RAS amounts spent on skills enhancement
and training totalled $21.653m. Unlike RAS funding, FarmBis funding includes
all administrative costs.
The Commonwealth administrative contribution
has been capped at 10% of the allocated funding to States. The States have also
capped their contribution to FarmBis with 10% for administrative costs. With the
National component, federal administration is 10% of the allocation, which
amounts to $5.1m over three years
For its part the Commonwealth is
proposing to fund 100%:
• the establishment and maintenance
of the Commonwealth database;
• a yearly follow up survey of program
participants and major stakeholders which will be conducted by an independent
consultant. The questions to be asked in the annual follow up survey will be
developed in consultation with the major stakeholders;
• a AAA survey
in July 98 and 99/2000.
• 50% of the remainder of the evaluation
strategy (would be funded by the Commonwealth as part of administrative
8. Consumers
The FarmBis program will not directly
impact on business. It is anticipated that farmers who benefit from improving
business and marketing skills will be more customers focussed and produce what
the market demands at competitive prices and contribute to higher national
income. A more competitive and self reliant farm sector will benefit the
country as a whole through higher performance and ultimately higher national
9. Impact analysis of delivery options
The four
delivery options were assessed against the following key program management
principles, based on the best practice methods of delivering programs proposed
by the National Committee of Audit (1996).
• Objectives should be clearly specified, focused on outcomes and
amenable to monitoring
• Conflicts between objectives of different
programs should be minimised
• Programs should be designed with clear
lines of management accountability
• Programs should avoid adverse
effects on incentives for self help.
• Roles and responsibilities of
all parties should be clearly specified
• Cost sharing arrangements
commensurate with benefits and responsibilities should be established
• Program funding should be separate from the actual delivery of the
services involved and responsibility for setting the rules and desired outcomes,
where possible, should be separate from service provision
• Service
delivery should be as competitive as possible and service suppliers whether
public or private, should be required to tender or compete for the right to
deliver government services
• Where possible, program beneficiaries
should be given choice
• Delivery and implementation mechanisms should
be efficient and effective
• Sound performance monitoring frameworks
against desired outcomes should be established with provision for regular
10. State management of the program
The States will
manage the program under Commonwealth/State bilateral agreements. The agreement
specifies objectives, outcomes, performance indicators and the mechanisms
through which the objectives are to be achieved. The State could choose whether
it would deliver the program through either a single agency or through existing
infrastructure (eg. PMP).
- Under FarmBis the utilisation by participants
of existing State, industry and Property Management Planning (PMP) campaign
programs to improve their whole farm planning skills will be promoted but
existing PMP activities, including the introductory core series modules, will
not be funded under FarmBis.
- Where participants have undertaken the
core PMP modules, FarmBis will recognise that they have established their
learning needs so that they may under FarmBis, either as a group or
individually, undertake additional or advanced learning activities to meet their
This approach will have the benefit of:
. using
existing delivery infrastructures
. the advantage of working through
State-based agencies who are closer to the work face and related State-based
programs; and
. State funds generally adding to Commonwealth resources
under the 50:50 partnership agreements.
Disadvantages are
. the model is not consistent with the principle of
separating funding from service provision, although several of the States have
structures on the Purchaser Provider model
. it may not provide for
competition in service provision
. diverging national outcomes if
State objectives differ from those of the Commonwealth, noting that some State
agencies have shown a propensity to subsume Commonwealth programs into State
programs with somewhat different objectives
- However, monitoring and
design of the programs will attempt to minimise this.
This option involves operating the schemes through agreements between the
Commonwealth and each State, management by the States, but with a requirement
for competitive delivery arrangements for service delivery.
primarily providing for State administration of the schemes, this option would
involve a greater Commonwealth role in not only specifying the objectives,
outcomes, performance indicators and mechanisms to achieve the objectives, but
also in service delivery arrangements. Delivery principles within the
State/Commonwealth agreements are itemised below.
The Commonwealth and the State recognise that the following principles are
important and appropriate and will be applied when providing education and
training support under FarmBis:
(a) the education and training must be
flexible and innovative and meet participants’ needs;
(b) the use
of adult learning principles is encouraged;
(c) education and training
must be delivered on a competitive basis, seeking the best value for money and
best available provider (whether public or private) and promoting, over time,
best practice;
(d) development of a planned approach to learning needs is
encouraged so that FarmBis may employ a strategy of funding identified
(e) participants in learning activities under FarmBis are
expected to contribute towards the cost of providing those activities and so
demonstrate their commitment to them/
(f) in general, FarmBis will make
short and medium term contributions to farm sector training and development
activities but will not provide support for ongoing secondary and tertiary
education unless the Minister otherwise agrees;
(g) over time, some
activities may be linked to industry competency standards to permit recognition
of achievement;
(h) the development of new courses and materials will not
be funded under FarmBis unless there is a clear failure of the relevant market
to provide them; and
(i) under FarmBis links to the range of state and
industry programs and other existing education and training activities will be
established, using existing infrastructure wherever possible and not duplicating
the programs or activities or their delivery mechanisms.
The State must
at all times be able to demonstrate that FarmBis funds are not simply replacing
existing State funding under other programs.
11. Modified service
provider model
The principles of contestability of service provision and
choice by beneficiaries are critical to effective service provision.
Consideration needs to be given to the major State responsibility in the area of
rural adjustment and the existence of related State programs.
extensive consultation (see Attachments A and B) the option of direct
administration by the Commonwealth with separation of purchaser and provider and
competitive tenders, was not adopted. As the Commonwealth was seeking matching
State funds, with the leverage of 50:50 funding, and the requirement for the
States to administer the program to obtain their objectives, the following
structure was agreed to by the (then) Minister.
The FarmBis program is
designed to clearly differentiate between the roles and functions of Funder,
Purchaser and Provider in a transparent and accountable way. (See example for
South Australia at Attachment C). The funding of the program itself is a
partnership by the State and Commonwealth Governments, acknowledging that the
farming community will also be contributing to the cost of the training
The responsibility for policy and strategic direction will be
the State Steering Committee, made up predominantly of community/industry
12. The Program Structure would consist of two
components: a National component and a State based
• National Component to fund:
- strategic national
initiatives and priorities, eg. Rural leadership
- industry partnership
projects; and
- action research on innovative programs (pilot activities) and
delivery mechanisms.
The National Component would focus on national
priorities, promotion of best practise in business management and strategic
planning, and the encouragement of a learning culture. It would incorporate
projects that extend beyond state borders, and therefore be unwieldy to
administer on an individual basis through the States; eg benchmarking of
producers regionally and national in a rural industry (and against world best
• State Based Component to focus on :
- support for
farmers to identify and prioritise their training needs; and
- support to
undertake targeted learning activities such as individual /group activities and
professional advice.
The State component would also focus on direct
support to farmers to identify, access and participate in learning activities to
meet their needs. It would also meet the costs of State FarmBis
13. Consultation Process
During October, November
and December of 1997, meetings were held in all States and Territories with
stakeholders. Individual meetings throughout Australia were held with
individual farmers, farmer organisations and advisory bodies, training and
education providers, industry organisations, and special interest groups such as
the Indigenous Land Council and women’s groups.
The FarmBis
framework agreement was endorsed by State agriculture Ministers at the February
1998 meeting of the Agriculture Resource Management Council of Australia and New
Zealand (ARMCANZ).
With the review of RAS, the McColl committee consulted widely through
advertisements in major capital city and key rural newspapers calling for
written submissions. A total of 144 submissions were received. In addition,
the Committee Chair wrote to a range of organisations in the farm, government,
banking, research, marketing and education sectors inviting submissions.
Because the Committee believed it important to provide people with the
opportunity to discuss issues relation to the review, informal public hearings
were held in State and Territory capitals and a range of key regional centres in
each of the States.
For a summary of views and comments elicited from
the main affected parties, that is the States and stakeholder groups, refer to
Attachments A and B.
14. Conclusion and recommended
The consultation process concluded that the concept of
partnerships was regarded as important to the rural sector in general, but more
specifically to the FarmBis program. Partnerships were identified with industry
organisations, local farmer groups, community groups, State agencies and
Flexibility in the program was also considered important.
Most participants identified a need for the program to be farmer or customer
driven, just allow various entry points and must be flexible in terms of
accreditation versus non-accreditation for courses. There was also a recognised
need for innovation in relation to the delivery of programs (language, remote
locations, age and gender issues were all raised as points to
The option adopted (refer 5. Options) – a modified
service provider model where the States/Territory administer the program under
contract to the Commonwealth - was the result of community opinion. It also
suited the need for the Commonwealth to get maximum leverage of dollars from the
States. The (then) Minister for Primary Industries and Energy, made the choice
of 50:50 funds.
15. Implementation and Review
The initiative
shall be in force from the date States sign their individual Agreement with the
Federal Government until 30 June 2001.
By agreement with the States,
transitory arrangements have been operating, whereby applications to undertake
training were accepted from 1 July to 31 August under the RAS Guidelines for
eligibility. Funding however was under the FarmBis guidelines, which require
the States to provide 50/50 funding, unlike RAS where the formula was 90/10.
Since early August all training nominations have been on hold until the
legislation has the approval of Parliament.
FarmBis will contribute a
more integrated rural training delivery framework through the development of
partnerships with key stakeholders and the use of existing networks in rural
FarmBis would be delivered largely through these
partnerships, both formal and informal, with local farmer groups, industry
organisations, community groups, State agencies and providers utilising existing
networks to facilitate participation in learning activities driven by farmer and
industry needs. Delivery of FarmBis would utilise these existing structures and
programs wherever possible. This could include establishing learning priorities
where appropriate, further industry specific initiatives and support innovative
delivery activities.
16. Notification
The availability of the
training and development opportunities provided by the new program will be
publicised through a range of avenues, including the States, other Commonwealth
and DAFF programs (ie. the Property Management Planning program, rural community
programs), and the media.
17. Evaluation
The evaluation
strategy will be used to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, and
appropriateness of the FarmBis program and its implementation strategies and
outputs. The outcomes and performance indicators have been designed to assess
whether the program objectives have been achieved.
At the end of the
program, examining the relevance of the program objectives against future
political, economic, or social circumstances, including any policy changes will
assess the appropriateness of the program. The data collected in analysing the
effectiveness and efficiency of the program would also serve in assessing its
To assist with the collection of performance information it is proposed that
a Commonwealth database be developed. Information would be collected on
individual participants via questions on an application form and course review
sheet. The questions will be subjected to focus group testing prior to use in
all States.
The information would be collated by the State on a quarterly
or annual basis, and sent in a spreadsheet format to the Commonwealth to be
entered into the database. The Commonwealth would then provide quarterly
reports to the States with an analysis of the results.
Additional reports
will be obtained on an annual basis from the State Planning Group, Program
Administrators, State Coordinators, and Industry Groups, seeking their opinion
as to whether the specified outcomes have been achieved.
A review and
evaluation of the State’s performance will be conducted by the
Commonwealth in conjunction with the State and in consultation with the State
Planning Group at the end of each financial year. As part of the review, States
will develop performance targets for the following year/s based on the previous
year’s results. Agreement on the performance targets will be generally
subject to the approval of Minister/s and in consultation with the State
Planning Groups.
The Commonwealth contribution in funding the database
and various surveys acknowledges that the evaluation may be of more relevance to
the Commonwealth than some of the other Stakeholders. The Commonwealth has an
interest in assessing the program outcomes and processes in meeting its own
evaluation regimes and for the evaluation of the overall AAA package.
This Clause gives a short title by which the Act may be cited.
This Clause indicates when the Act will commence. The Act will commence
on receiving Royal Assent, except in the instances of Items 11 and 12, which
have effect subject to the commencement of the Public Service Act 1998.
This Clause provides that the Acts referred to in the Schedules are
amended as set out in the Schedules and the other items in the Schedules have
effect according to their terms.
Schedule 1: Amendment of the Rural Adjustment Act 1992
1: Title
This item alters the title of the Act to be an Act relating
to rural adjustment.
This item clarifies that the State component of the Rural Adjustment
Scheme operates under Part 3 of the Act.
Item 4: Part 3
This item repeals the heading of Part 3 and substitutes a
new heading.
Item 5: Subsections 20A(1) and (2)
This item
exempts the Farm Business Improvement Program from S.20A(1) and 20A(2), which
subsections are relevant to the Rural Adjustment Scheme.
This item replaces words in S21(1) to indicate this Division relates to
rural adjustment other than the Farm Business Improvement Program.
Item 7: Subsection 21(1)
This item replaces words in
S.21(1) to indicate this Division relates to rural adjustment other than the
Farm Business Improvement Program.
Item 8: Part 4
This item repeals the heading and substitutes a new
This item inserts Part 4 concerning the Farm Business Improvement
Subsection 22AA(1)
This subsection provides that the Minister for
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry may enter into a written agreement with a
person other than a State for the purpose of making grants for purposes relating
to the Farm Business Improvement Program.
Subsection 22AA(2)
subsection provides that an agreement under this section must include certain
provisions as listed in this section relevant to monitoring and evaluation.
Subsection 22AA(3)
This subsection provides that payments under
this section are to be paid from money appropriated by Parliament for the
Section 22AB
This section provides that the Minister for
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry may delegate all or any of his/her powers
under Section 22AA.
Section 22AC
This section provides that monies
payable or repayable to the Commonwealth under S.22AA are a debt due by the
person to the Commonwealth. Recovery mechanisms will be included in the
This section provides that the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and
Forestry may enter into a written agreement with a State for the purpose of
making grants for purposes relating to the Farm Business Improvement
Subsection 22AE(1)
This subsection provides that the
Commonwealth may provide financial assistance to a State on the terms and
conditions contained in the agreement and this Division.
This subsection provides that financial assistance under the Farm
Business Improvement Program is to be provided on the basis that the
Commonwealth contributes 50 per cent and the State contributes 50 per cent,
subject to subsection (3).
Subsection 22AE(3)
This subsection
provides that the Commonwealth and the State may jointly decide that subsection
(2) does not apply.
Subsection 22AE(4)
This subsection provides
that payments under this section are to be paid from money appropriated by
Parliament for the purpose.
Subsection 22AF(1)
This subsection
provides that an agreement under this Part must include certain provisions as
listed in this section relevant to monitoring and evaluation.
This subsection provides that the Minister for Agriculture,
Fisheries and Forestry may delegate all or any of his/her powers under
Subsection 22AF(1).
Subsection 22AF(3)
This subsection provides
that the generality of section 22AD or 22AE is not limited.
This section provides that an amount repayable by a State to the
Commonwealth under an agreement under this Division is a debt due by the State
to the Commonwealth.
Item 10: Transitional – certain agreements
between the Commonwealth and the States
This item provides that after
the commencement of this item any agreements entered into by the Commonwealth
and a State before the commencement of this item are to be taken to have been
made under Section 22AD.
This item provides that after the commencement of the Public Service
Act 1998 amendments in this item will apply to Section 22AB.
12: Subsection 22AF(2)
Summary of Consultations with States on Proposed FarmBis
held 27 January to 3 February 1998
Support for Proposal/Willing to Participate
Position on Funding
Other Issues/Comments
Very supportive. Keen to participate, subject to resolution on funding.
See close links with PMP delivery.
- State contribution is tied to run-down of RAS. Same bucket of funds (no
new funds).
- Expect admin savings & would transfer to program, subject to State Treasury approval. - Funding split on program & admin at best 80:20, C’wlth:State. - Funding allocation must be enough for a meaningful program to be delivered on ground (at least $500k pa). |
- Suggested wording change to target group; “beneficiaries” be
bonafide farmers.
- Delivery principles should refer to “holistic approach” aka PMP. - OK with Planning Group concept, may use existing structure as already have industry strategic planning cttes. - RAS & PMP delivery already in same area of DPIF. - Early development of performance indicators is vital. - Skills audit requires some standards and expertise to facilitate. |
DNRE were generally supportive & see link to PMP. RFC
“don’t see what’s in it for States compared to old scheme
- Existing RAS funding arrangements of 90:10 should be basis of FarmBis
program & admin cost sharing.
- No indication of any new State money. Already fund own programs. - Ongoing admin costs of regional RAS need to be addressed. |
- Proposal needs to clarify who pays for MIS development, FarmBis
coordinators and communications costs.
- PMP network already in place. |
Supportive of a flexible approach on program structure. Would be willing
to participate. See detailed program structure and level of funding as a
“chicken & egg “ question.
- Overall State commitment to FarmBis could be similar to RAS contribution
over last 3 years. Treasury approval would be required for any additional
funding. State budget is tight, but “may have some chance of 50:50 on
program costs, no chance on 100% admin.
- Would in-kind contributions from industry and State be possible. |
- Pricing of PMP modules relatively to FarmBis support would need to be
- State PMP Steering Ctte could be appropriate planning group, but NSWRAA Board would also have a role. - Support flexible approach to accreditation/non accreditation of courses & providers. - Performance measures should satisfy economic and attitudinal outcomes. |
Supportive and willing to participate, subject to suitable funding
allocation. Question is how to “operationalise” broad strategies.
See value in combining PMP & FarmBis (WA already do so under RAS).
- Equitable distribution of funds should occur, eg allocation by number of
farmers. Currently, spend $2.4m on RAS training & $1.4m on total RAS admin.
WA assume RAS reserves currently held can be used for FarmBis.
- Should allow up to 25% of allocation to be used for admin. - State may want to more than match C’wlth contribution (thru own programs). Existing programs already more than match. |
- See R&D on management and extension as priorities. Should use
accountants as a source of mgmt advice to farmers.
- RAFCOR would administer FarmBis. Legal limitations at State level for RAS funds to be held by RAFCOR. (Separate C’wlth legal issues on reserves need to be resolved.) |
Support for Proposal/Willing to Participate
Position on Funding
Other Issues/Comments
Support rationale and general principles. Support PMP approach, have
already increased effort and have network in place.
- Comfortable with general approach of seeking bids from States, against a
formula approach. Non committal on level of NT funding commitment.
- Could funding include in-kind contributions. - Admin offer, including no RAS admin funding, is unacceptable. |
- Need to set performance targets & integrate into MIS
- Pricing basis of State agency service delivery. - Sought clarification on allocation of funds between NC & SC, and within State. |
Support concept. QDPI saw opportunity through FarmBis to potentially
increase effort and utilise PMP. QRAA & Treasury remain to be convinced.
Their view is keep same program design & funding arrangements.
- State is already spending funds on similar activities.
- If matching offer is serious, saw strategic opportunity to bid say $20m. If not did not see it worthwhile to seek new money. - Need time to determine what program would look like before committing funding. - Admin offer, including no RAS admin funding, is unacceptable. |
- Need to clarify link with PMP at State level. Pricing of PMP would need
to be resolved. Need time to engage existing PMP ctte.
- Sought clarification of distinction between program mgmt & admin. - Use existing messages at State level in communications strategy. - Public (& some State agencies) perception is that FarmBis is replacement for RAS. - Role for FarmBis in developing self assessment tools for needs analysis. - Need to establish PIs. |
Support FarmBis in principle. Expect to have input into the type of
program & its boundaries at State level.
- State commitment to AAA package will equate to existing funding going
into RAS & RCAP. - A viable program for FarmBis would be around $1m.
- Ongoing RAS regional funding and other normal RAS costs including admin is an issue. Will reduce funds available to FarmBis. |
- FarmBis coordinators could be employed on performance based
- See a need for some development work on a “scene setting” module for existing programs & links to FarmBis. - Admin arrangements & respective roles need to be more clearly reflected in paper including communications campaign & funding of MIS and establishment of PIs. |
The overall objective of the FarmBis program
has been established by the Minister for Primary Industries and Energy, in
the ‘Agriculture - Advancing Australia’ policy package. The
overarching objective stated “FarmBis will provide a framework for
promoting a positive approach to change and build on the farm sector’s
culture of continuous improvement to help farmers improve productivity,
profitability and sustainability of their business” with the aim of the
program to provide “ help for individual farm businesses to profit from
change by building on their business management skills”.
October and November the FarmBis Policy and Support Unit met with a number of
individuals and groups to discuss the operation of the FarmBis program. A full
list of participants at these meetings is attached (see Attachment
Comments were invited on administration, delivery and funding of the
program. The FarmBis Policy and Support Unit also invited comment on programs
currently in operation within each State and the role FarmBis could play in
providing training and education within the rural sector. Below is a summary of
these comments.
Programs currently on offer within the rural
. A vast majority of stakeholders considered the range of
courses on offer currently within the rural sector was sufficient and provided a
good coverage of the information required by farmers. Federal funds should not
be allocated to the development of new course material, unless there was a
strong case presented that identified a gap in training market.
. Group
training activities and courses which used adult learning principles were
considered to be most effective method of course delivery for the rural
. Mixed views were received on the effectiveness of Property
Management Planning programs. The original PMP programs operated differently in
each State. Penetration of the course and acceptance by the rural sector varied
between all States with good coverage in SA and Tas, mixed messages in NSW, QLD,
ACT and Vic and lower uptakes in WA and NT. A more coordinated focus was now
being placed on PMP and was resulting in higher levels of acceptance and a
greater level of participation and satisfaction with the
. Industry associated and other training programs such as Top
Crop, CROP, Cattle Care, etc were generally regarded as being of benefit to the
Potential priorities for FarmBis
. There was
general agreement to the principle of using “a local to help farmers know
what’s out there for them” in relation to training programs on offer
ie coordinate the activities of the program on a local or regional level. It
was suggested that coordinators be drawn from existing local networks or other
established mechanisms ie industry organisations. There was, in general, a
concern about duplication and wastage of resources balanced against a need to
have a credible and accepted point of first contact for the program.
. To
make the best use of the funds a number of stakeholders suggested different
methods of restricting the use of funds by individuals / groups. The idea of
“giving money to everyone for any training they wanted to do” was
not considered to be the best use of the funds available. One view presented in
a number of ways involved the allocations of funds to those farmers / groups
“who knew what they needed which is sometimes different to what they
wanted” in relation to training. The concept of strategically planned
training activities developed by individuals or groups was suggested as a way to
overcome wasting money.
. An alternative way to see that funds were used
appropriately was to target specific groups within the rural sector. Suggested
target groups included the youth and women. Conflicting views were received in
regard to allowing the program to target specific groups as it was considered
that as soon as target groups were established, this would by default lead to
placing a barrier to those outside that group.
. A large number of
comments were received on the types of courses that FarmBis should fund. The
overall objective for the program was aimed at business management skills
however a vast majority of stakeholders commented on the lack of attraction to
management courses. It was considered that farmers were more comfortable
attending courses in which they could “get their hands dirty” -
technical and operational courses and that these activities often provide the
“hook” to get farmers interested in further training. A number of
stakeholders expressed a view that management courses should cover the broadest
sense of management for the property, including financial, human resource, the
enterprise and sustainable resource management. This is in recognition of the
farm as a whole enterprise and issues affecting any aspect of the farm will
impact on the business of that
Flexible and responsive delivery
of courses
. A vast majority of stakeholders commented upon the need
for FarmBis to support “flexible” and “responsive”
delivery of courses. Courses should be demand-driven ie from the farmers and not
controlled by the provider.
Accreditation - courses and
. Attitudes varied greatly on the need for accreditation of
courses and providers.
. Accreditation was viewed as particularly
relevant to employees and those potentially exiting or transferring within the
rural sector. Specialist and industry specific accredited courses would also be
of particular benefit within some industry organisations.
. The TAFE
system is seen to have extensive coverage in regional centres and is recognised
as a provider of quality courses, although in the past it has been less
responsive to the needs of the clients. It is now becoming more responsive and
adaptable in terms of delivery options, running courses “where and when
they are needed” rather than simply relying on in-class lessons. Some
concerns were expressed in terms of the time is takes for TAFE to approve
courses, commitment (time primarily but also financial) required by individuals
to complete longer courses, costs associated with the establishment of
accredited courses and the TAFE assessments and exams.
. The concept of
competency standards was discussed by a number of stakeholders. The work being
done by the Rural Training Council of Australia in relation to the development
of industry agreed competency standards relating to skills required to be
competent at particular levels (using the Australian Qualification Framework)
was discussed as an example of this concept. Not all levels have been developed
or agreed within all industry sectors. A number of courses currently on offer
within TAFEs and the informal education systems do not link into the AQF and
industry agreed competency standards. There seems to be some confusion within
the rural sector as to what competency standards and accredited courses achieve
for the individual and where the more traditional formal education system, other
recognised programs and competency standards link together.
. Views were
noted for non-accredited courses which were cited as being less threatening
because of the non-examinable nature of courses. Such courses may be more
responsive to the immediate identified needs of farmers especially in terms of
delivery of courses to remote locations. There were considerable comments from
individuals and groups expressing views that non-accredited courses were
preferred as they were often short sharp courses and there was no need or desire
to gain “a piece of paper” to show they’ve attended a
. Accreditation of providers enabled the delivery of courses to
specified standards consistently so the quality of delivery of information is
reasonably good. This is seen as of particular importance when dealing with
delivery of course material using adult learning principles and the need for
facilitators rather than technical experts or teachers. However there is a
reliance on an additional infrastructure to ensure providers are accredited
either through the education system (State or Commonwealth) or other
. In some State agencies current extension officers may not
be accredited providers yet provide information to farmers in a format that
farmers feel comfortable with. They are recognised and accepted within the
farming community, a number hold higher education or tertiary qualifications
relevant to the agricultural sector and are able to access farmers in remote
Attitudes varied as to the
agency best suited to administer the program at a State level. Currently the
Rural Adjustment Authorities administer the RAS training provisions. Options
for administration that were explored included :
State departments
associated with primary industries
. Such departments are recognised
within the rural sector and there is an existing network of officers currently
providing services throughout all regions of each State / Territory.
. It
was recognised that there could be a possible conflict of interest with a
provider of training services being able to administer the
. Rural Adjustment Authorities - in some States these
authorities are closely associated with State department responsible for primary
industries whilst in other States, they are more closely associated with other
departments (eg Treasury). Currently RAA administer RAS training grants so have
established mechanisms, infrastructure and procedures for administration of
funds to individuals and groups in relation to training.
. Some
individuals and groups in some States expressed concerns as to the
appropriateness of the RAA administering FarmBis. The RAAs involvement in rural
sector training and education was not considered appropriate as they did not
have the required skills or knowledge within their organisation to consider the
training needs of the farming community. Concerns were also expressed in
relation to difficulty in completing complex application forms, the detailed
level of financial information required prior to accessing funds, inconsistent
interpretation of Commonwealth guidelines and the variances between States in
their interpretations, the non-transparent manner in which the application
process was driven, the level of control exerted by the RAAs in determining the
appropriateness of training undertaken by individuals or groups and the negative
image of rural adjustment and welfare mentality associated with RAS and the RAAs
compared to the more positive image of education and self
Administration Open to Tender Option
. Some
industry and formal education providers have suggested a viable option for the
administration of the program would be to open the process to tender. Some
groups expressed an interest in undertaking this role.
. It was
recognised that there could be a possible conflict of interest with a provider
of training services being able to administer the program.
. There would
be possible negative perceptions within the rural sector of a recognised group
(industry or provider) administering such a program that eligibility to program
funds would be restricted or conditional upon some additional requirements
(membership, industry affiliation, etc).
Eligibility to access the
FarmBis program
. A majority of stakeholders considered the program
should be open to all members within the farm management team.
. There
were a number of comments made by stakeholders in relation to extending
eligibility to include employees and contractors on the farm. This was seen as
important in relation to aiming for a higher educational level within the rural
sector and aiming to encourage possible leaders or managers of the future.
Others considered employees and contractors were not ideal candidates as, in
most cases, they have little opportunity to influence the decisions of
management or the operation of the enterprise
. A vast majority of stakeholders indicated
contributions should be sought from individual participants, industry
organisations, States and the Commonwealth. By involving individuals and
industry in the funding loop, this would allowed individuals to value the
training they undertook more and allow industry and groups to have ownership and
control over the future direction of their training needs.
. It was
suggested that contributions from individuals should be limited, with
suggestions ranging from a set percentage of the course fees though to amounts
being dependent upon the private value / public good of the course. Some
stakeholders held the view that in some specific circumstances (ie economic
hardship) individuals may find it difficult to pay up-front course
. It was suggested that contributions from individuals in remote
locations should be considered in terms of total costs incurred including
travel, accommodation and course fees.