Commonwealth of Australia Explanatory Memoranda

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(Circulated by authority of the Minister for Industry, Science and Tourism,
the Honourable John Moore MP)
80936 Cat. No. 96 7377 6 ISBN 0644 49789 0



The purpose of this Bill is to amend a number of Portfolio Acts. These are the:

Australian Science and Technology Council Act 1978 to add to the Council’s functions and to reflect the addition of the term “Engineering” to the name of the Council. Appointments to the Council will be made in future by the Minister responsible with the approval of the Prime Minister rather than the Governor-General;

Australian Tourist Commission Act 1987 to remove the requirement that members of the Board of the Commission cease to hold office at the age of 65 and that the Board not employ persons on terms and conditions more favourable than those of the Managing Director;

Australian Tourist Commission (Transitional Provisions Act) 1987 to be repealed as it no longer has any application;

National Measurement Act 1960 requiring the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial research Organisation to maintain or cause to be maintained, Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC) as determined by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM):

Science and Industry Research Act 1949 to remove section 9AB from the Act consistent with the current restructuring of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation;

Bounty (Machine Tools and Robots) Act 1985, Coal Tariff Legislation Amendment Act 1992, Patents, Trade Marks, Designs and Copyright Act 1939, Resource Commission Act 1989 and the Trade Marks Act 1995 to make a number of technical amendments to these pieces of legislation.


There will be no additional significant expenditure by the Commonwealth as a result of this Bill.


Clause 1 Short title
1. This clause provides for the Act to be cited as the Industry, Science and Tourism Amendment Act 1997.

Clause 2 Commencement
Subclause (1) provides that the Act will commence on the day it receives Royal Assent.

Subclause (2) provides that amendments of the Coal Tariff Legislation Amendment Act 1992 are to commence immediately after the commencement of subsection 2(1) of that Act.

Subclause (3) provides that the amendment of the Science and Industry Research Act 1949 commences on 1 July 1997.

Subclause (4) provides that the amendments of the Trade Marks Act 1995 are taken to have commenced on 1 January 1996.

Clause 3 Schedule(s)
3. Subject to section 2 provides for the amendment or repeal, as set out in the applicable items in the Schedule, of each Act specified in the Schedule to this Act.


Australian Science and Technology Council Act 1978

Clauses 1 to 4 These clauses provide that in the Title and body of the Act, omit “and Technology” and substitute “Technology and Engineering” consistent with the changed role of the Council.

Clause 5 This clause provides for the omission of “and technology” and substituting “technology and engineering”.

Clause 6 This clause provides for the omission of “and technological” and substituting “technological and engineering”.

Clause 7 This clause provides for the omission of “Governor General” and substitution of “Minister” to reflect the responsibility of the Minister for appointments to the Council.

Clause 8 This clause provides that the Minister must not make an appointment to the Council without the approval of the Prime Minister.

Clauses 9-12 These clauses provide for the substitution of “Minister” for “Governor General” to reflect the Minister’s power in relation to the making of appointments to the Council.

Clause 13 This clause provides that the power of the Minister to appoint members to the Council will start on commencement of the Act.

Clause 14 This clause provides for the validation of appointments to the Council before the commencement of this Act.

Australian Tourist Commission Act 1987

Clause 15 This clause repeals the subsection that provides that an appointed member to the Australian Tourist Commission Board ceases to hold office on attaining 65 years of age.

Clause 16 This clause repeals the subsection that provides that a person on the Board shall not be employed on terms and conditions more favourable than those applying to the Managing Director.

Australian Tourist Commission (Transitional Provisions) Act 1987

Clause 17 This clause provides for the repeal of the entire Act as it no longer has any application.

Bounty (Machine Tools and Robots) Act 1985

Clause 18 This clause provides for the omission of “Comptroller” and substitution with “CEO” in line with the Customs Act 1901.

Coal Tariff Legislation Amendment Act 1992

Clauses 19-20 These clauses provide for a substituted commencement date for section 5 of the Act and the repeal of sub-section 5(1).

National Measurement Act 1960

Clause 21 This clause provides for Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC) to be maintained or caused to be maintained by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation.

Patents, Trade Marks, Designs and Copyright Act 1939

Clause 22 This clause omits “Papua, the Territory of New Guinea and Norfolk Island, as if each of those Territories”, and substitutes “Norfolk Island, as if that Territory” in the Act.

Resource Assessment Commission Act 1989

Clause 23 This is a consequential amendment from the changes to the Australian Science and Technology Council Act 1978 to omit “Technology” and substitute “Technology and Engineering”.

Science and Industry Research Act 1949

Clause 24 To repeal section 9AB of the Act and so remove all references to Institutes to reflect the proposed changes in CSIRO restructuring.

Trade Marks Act 1995

Clause 25 This clause provides for the repeal of the definition “Comptroller”.

Clause 26 This clause provides for the insertion of a definition of “Customs CEO” to mean the Chief Executive Officer of Customs.

Clauses 27-41 To omit “Comptroller” and substitute “Customs CEO” in line with the Customs Act 1901.


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