Commonwealth of Australia Explanatory Memoranda

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                            HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

        Illegal Detention of Australian Journalists (Free Julian Assange) Bill 2021

A Bill for an Act relating to the detention of Australian journalists by foreign governments,
                                   and for related purposes

                           EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM

                                  Circulated by authority of
                                  George Christensen MP

Page |2 Illegal Detention of Australian Journalists (Free Julian Assange) Bill 2021 OUTLINE In an increasingly volatile world, the role of the fourth estate in holding authorities to account has never been more vital. A world devoid of freedom of speech and freedom of the press, creates a democratic void and undermines the liberal democratic values Australia holds dear. Journalists and publishers play a crucial role in shining a light on human rights abuses, holding oppressive authorities to account, and independently reporting facts including allegations of corruption, civil unrest, conflict and war. The rise of authoritarianism, and the inclination of oppressive regimes to censor, harass, detain, torture and engage in the extrajudicial assassination of journalists under the guise of national security or espionage offences has become an increasingly troubling phenomenon. The brutal killing of Jamal Khashoggi exemplifies this dangerous reality for journalists, in all parts of the world. The Committee to Protect Journalists estimates that between 1992 and 2021, 1418 journalists were killed in the course of undertaking regular journalistic activity. In 2021 alone, 274 journalists have been imprisoned globally, and a further 66 are confirmed as missing.1 Censorship and methods of intimidation are also commonly used, such as threats of prosecution, and detaining family members. This Bill therefore seeks to protect Australian journalists from politically motivated detention and prosecution by foreign powers, such as those which engage in hostage diplomacy and/or political persecutions in order to impede transparency, hide potential misconduct and/or human rights abuses, and engage in prosecutions that subsequently result in a chilling effect for freedom of the press, thereby threatening underlying liberal democratic values. The Bill seeks to clearly define 'journalism' to include conduct engaged in the regular course of legitimate journalism, such as publishing and passively receiving information. This includes conduct engaged in for the purpose of journalistic activity that would not be subject to an offence in Australia. Section 4 (1 and 2) of the Bill seeks to enshrine an offence of seven years imprisonment for a head of a foreign government, if the government detains an Australian journalist, or requests another foreign government to detain an Australian journalist, in the course of undertaking legitimate journalistic activity. Section 5 of the Bill specifically addresses conduct engaged in by agents of a foreign government. For example, if the head of a foreign government has contracted out the detention of the Australian citizen undertaking journalism, they would still be liable for prosecution under this Act. This would include private security contractors and intelligence agencies. 1 These figures are most likely underreported. Source Explore CPJ's database of attacks on the press

Page |3 The Bill also covers journalistic conduct that is alleged to have occurred in any jurisdiction, due to the recent move of foreign governments seeking the extraterritorial prosecution of Australian publisher, Julian Assange. Section 4 (3) provides a clause pertaining to the real and underlying clause of the detention in order to clearly provide protections for politically motivated detentions. Numerous reports suggest that foreign governments charge journalists with offences such as sedition, national security and espionage related breaches of respective criminal codes in an attempt to cloak and 'legitimise' politically motivated prosecutions. This is exemplified by the current situation faced by several Australian journalists detained abroad including, Julian Assange, at the behest of the UK and US governments and Cheng Lei, at the behest of the Chinese Communist Party. Therefore, the Bill seeks to prohibit an Australian journalist from being detained for engaging in conduct that is regular journalistic activity under the guise of ancillary violations. For example, if an Australian journalist is detained for contravening, or allegedly contravening a law that is ancillary to another law, and that conduct is regular journalistic activity, the detention is taken to be because of the legitimate journalistic activity. These ancillary violations may include something as minor as a bail breach. Finally, the Bill seeks to provide that if an Australian journalist is detained as described in Section 4, and they are transferred to the custody of the Commonwealth, they are to be immediately released, even if this is as a result of a prisoner transfer agreement. For the purposes of this legislation, Section 6 of the Bill recognises that the conduct alleged by the government of the United States of America by Julian Paul Assange as editor of WikiLeaks is deemed as regular journalistic activity. The legislation engages several human rights provisions and seeks to reinforce Australia's accepted obligations under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDR) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) to which Australia is a signatory. Specific engaged provisions of the ICCPR include the right to self determination (Article 1), Article 9 and 14 which engage the right to be free from arbitrary detention and receive a fair trial, and Article 19 which protects freedom of expression. This Bill therefore enhances existing human rights protections by adhering to Australia's obligations under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the CAT, and the ICCPR by ensuring specific protections for Australian journalists.

Page |4 FINANCIAL IMPACT The bill will have no financial impact. STATEMENT OF COMPATIBILITY WITH HUMAN RIGHTS A Statement of Compatibility with Human Rights has been completed in relation to this Bill and assesses that the amendments are compatible with Australia's human rights obligations. A copy of the Statement of Compatibility with Human Rights is at Attachment A. NOTES ON CLAUSES Section 3 ▪ The words have their ordinary meanings in this Act. o Detained includes being arrested and imprisoned. o Journalism under 3(d) includes engaging in publishing o Journalistic activity includes conduct engaged in for the purposes of journalistic endeavours; including receiving information as a journalist. o Journalistic activity includes conduct engaged in the ordinary course of journalism as defined in Section 126J of the Evidence Act 1995. o Legitimate journalistic activity does not include conduct which would constitute an offence against a law of the Commonwealth or of a State or Territory. o Requests includes encourages, incites or pressures which would include foreign government requests to agents of the government, even if this is extraterritorial. Section 4 ▪ (1) Specifically outlines that a person commits an offence if they are 1(a) head of a foreign government; and (b) an Australian citizen is detained by the foreign government; or they request another foreign government to detain the Australian citizen because of legitimate journalistic activity. ▪ Section 4(2) outlines that a person commits an offence and is liable to 7 years imprisonment if they are the head of a foreign country and; (b) the government of another foreign country requests the detention of an Australian citizen; and (c) the government of the other foreign country makes the request for legitimate journalistic activity; and (d) they detain the Australian citizen because of that request. ▪ Section 4 (3) covers the underlying causes of detention, and deems that the underlying reason for detention of an Australian citizen must be determined by reference to real cause, rather than the legal form employed. For example, this may pertain to charges under the foreign state's criminal code of espionage related charges, when the real reason for detention is the legitimate journalistic activity. Therefore, Section 4 (a, b, c) outlines that if an Australian citizen is detained for contravening, or allegedly

Page |5 contravening a law that is ancillary to another law, and that conduct is regular journalistic activity, the detention is taken to be because of the journalistic activity. ▪ Section 4(5) makes specific reference to conduct engaged by the foreign government to include (a) an agent of the government; or (b) another person acting on behalf of or on orders of, or at the behest of a government, is taken to be engaged by the foreign government. For example, if a foreign government orders its intelligence arm to detain an Australian journalist for engaging in legitimate journalistic activity, the foreign head of state will still be liable under the Act. ▪ Section 5 (1) outlines that if an Australian citizen is detained by a foreign power as described in subsection 4(1) or (2), and they are transferred to the custody of the Commonwealth (including in accordance with the Transfer of Prisoners Act 1997), the Commonwealth or State, or Territory must immediately release the Australian citizen from custody. ▪ Section 6 outlines transnational provisions that seek to codify that if an Australian citizen was detained as mentioned in subsection 4(1) or (2) before commencement of this Act; and (b) was not released from that detention prior to the commencement, then for purposes of section 4, the Australian citizen is taken to be detained as mentioned in that section on that commencement. ▪ Additionally, 6(2) provides that for the purposes of this Act, conduct engaged in by Julian Paul Assange as Editor in Chief of WikiLeaks is legitimate journalistic activity. Mr George Christensen MP, Member for Dawson.

Page |6 Attachment A Statement of Compatibility with Human Rights Prepared in accordance with Part 3 of the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011 Illegal Detention of Australian Journalists (Free Julian Assange) Bill 2021 This Bill is compatible with the human rights and freedoms recognised or declared in the international instruments listed in section 3 of the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011. Overview of the Bill The purpose of this Bill is to protect Australian journalists from politically motivated prosecutions as a result of legitimate journalistic activity. Human rights implications Several human rights instruments are engaged in relation to this bill, all of which form core of Australia's commitments and obligations. • Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) • International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) • Convention Against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman, or degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) Australia has voluntarily accepted its responsibilities under these international instruments. The right to life is non-derogable under international human rights law and is enshrined in Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and Article 6 (1) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The Bill protects his right by ensuring that a foreign head of state commits an offence if they imprison an Australian journalist for engaging in legitimate journalistic activity. This would be inclusive of death penalties or imprisonment that equate to life behind bars, which is effectively a death sentence. Article 2 of the ICCPR notes that each "State Party to the present Covenant undertakes:(a) To ensure that any person whose rights or freedoms as herein recognized are violated shall have an effective remedy, notwithstanding that the violation has been committed by persons acting in an official capacity", in effect, meaning that it should not matter whether the individual who has carried out the violation is a head of State, or an agent of the state, the person who is violated should have access to the appropriate remedy. This Bill promotes access to the right to seek remedy for a violation against an Australian journalist, even if that violation was conducted by a foreign head of state, or at the behest of that head of state.

Page |7 Australian journalists are often held in incommunicado detention and conditions that constitute or give rise to torture, which is expressly prohibited under the Convention Against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT), and Article 7 and 10 of the ICCPR. Arbitrary arrest and detention are also expressly prohibited under Article 9 of the ICCPR. Article 14 of the ICCPR also provides for fair trials, something which is rarely afforded to Australian journalists who are detained for political purposes. This Bill provides a protective mechanism to deter foreign powers from derogating from these rights by engaging in political and opaque prosecutions and promotes these rights for Australian journalists. Article 19 of the ICCPR is of particular significance to this Bill as it outlines the right to freedom of expression, and the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice. The Bill promotes this right by providing protections for journalists that are detained by a foreign government due to their political beliefs and ensures they are able to engage, without fear, in regular journalistic activity. This Bill therefore enhances existing human rights protections by adhering to Australia's obligations under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the CAT, and the ICCPR by ensuring specific protections for Australian journalists. Conclusion The Bill is compatible with human rights because is advances the protection of the human rights of Australian journalists. Circulated by authority of Mr George Christensen MP


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