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2019 - 2020 THE PARLIAMENT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FAIR WORK (REGISTERED ORGANISATIONS) AMENDMENT (WITHDRAWAL FROM AMALGAMATIONS) BILL 2020 EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM (Circulated by authority of the Minister for Industrial Relations, the Honourable Christian Porter MP)Outline FAIR WORK (REGISTERED ORGANISATIONS) AMENDMENT (WITHDRAWAL FROM AMALGAMATIONS) BILL 2020 OUTLINE The Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamations) Bill 2020 (the Bill) would amend the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 (the Act) to uphold the principle of freedom of association by enabling constituent parts of registered organisations that have amalgamated with other organisations to apply to the Fair Work Commission to hold a ballot of its members on whether to withdraw from the amalgamated organisation outside the current time-limited period of five years post-amalgamation, in specified circumstances. The Bill would require the Minister to cause an independent review of the operation of the amendments made by Schedule 1 to the Bill within two years after the amendments set out in that Schedule commence. FINANCIAL IMPACT Nil House of Representatives i Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamations) Bill 2020
Notes on Clauses STATEMENT OF COMPATIBILITY WITH HUMAN RIGHTS Prepared in accordance with Part 3 of the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011 FAIR WORK (REGISTERED ORGANISATIONS) AMENDMENT (WITHDRAWAL FROM AMALGAMATIONS) BILL 2020 This Bill is compatible with the human rights and freedoms recognised or declared in the international instruments listed in section 3 of the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011. Overview of the Bill The object of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamations) Bill 2020 (the Bill) is to amend the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 (the Act) to uphold the principle of freedom of association and provide constituent parts (for example, branches, divisions or parts) of registered organisations that have amalgamated with other organisations, the freedom to withdraw from the amalgamated organisation and become a new registered organisation outside the current time-limited period of five years post-amalgamation, in specified circumstances. The Bill recognises that all constituent parts of amalgamated organisations should have the freedom to decide on the governance and structure that will allow them to best represent the interests of their members. Over time, a constituent part of an amalgamated organisation may find that the organisation no longer represents the values and interests of the constituent part's members, and may instead wish to withdraw from the amalgamated organisation and become a new registered organisation. Accordingly, the Bill makes technical amendments to address the current limitations in the Act that place time limits on when a part can seek to withdraw from an amalgamation and provides a process for applying to undertake a ballot of the constituent part's members on the question of withdrawal from amalgamation. Currently, Part 2 of Chapter 3 of the Act provides a framework for two or more organisations to amalgamate, and Part 3 sets out a process that enables a constituent part of the amalgamated organisation to withdraw from the amalgamated organisation. The Act currently provides that an application can be made to the Fair Work Commission (FWC) for a ballot to allow members of the constituent part to vote on whether that part of an amalgamated organisation can withdraw from the organisation. This application must be made within the period of two to five years after the amalgamation occurred. The Bill addresses the time limitation in the Act by establishing a procedure by which a constituent part of an amalgamated organisation can withdraw from that organisation beyond the five year time limit. In such circumstances, the FWC can accept an application from a constituent part to hold a ballot of its members on the question of whether to withdraw from an amalgamated organisation if the FWC is satisfied it is appropriate to accept the application having regard to the following matters: House of Representatives 1 Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamations) Bill 2020
Statement of Compatibility with Human Rights whether the amalgamated organisation has a record of not complying with workplace or safety laws (as defined in the amendments) and any contribution of the constituent part to that record; and the likely capacity of the constituent part seeking to withdraw to promote and protect the economic and social interests of its members as an independent registered organisation. The Bill sets out a process for how the rules of the amalgamated organisation and newly registered organisation are to accommodate the new arrangements. An application made to the FWC for a ballot of the constituent part's members must be accompanied by the proposed names and rules of the newly registered organisation and the amalgamated organisation once withdrawal takes effect. The FWC may accept undertakings it considers appropriate to avoid demarcation disputes once it has determined to order a ballot be held. Where the outcome of the ballot is withdrawal from amalgamation, each person who, immediately before the registration of the newly registered organisation, was a constituent member of the constituent part, ceases to be a member of the amalgamated organisation and becomes a member of the newly registered organisation. It is open to those members to resign from the newly registered organisation if they choose. To ensure that ballots can still be undertaken where an exemption is in force under section 186 of the Act (Commissioner may permit organisation or branch to conduct its elections for office), the FWC may order that a ballot be conducted by a designated official of the constituent part. The Bill also requires the Minister to undertake an independent review of the operation of the amendments made by the Bill no later than 2 years after the amendments commence. Human rights implications The definition of 'human rights' in the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011 relates to the seven core United Nations human rights treaties. The Bill engages with the following rights: rights to work in Article 22 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and Articles 6 and 8(1)(a) of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) including: o the right to freedom of association; o the right to form and join trade unions; and o the right of trade unions to function freely; House of Representatives 2 Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamations) Bill 2020
Notes on Clauses right to justice and a fair trial in Article 14 of the ICCPR. The content of the rights to work and rights in work in the ICESCR can be informed by treaties of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), such as the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention 1948 (No. 87) (ILO Convention 87), which provides employer and employee organisations with protection for their organisational autonomy. The Right to Freedom of Association and the Right to take part in Public Affairs and Elections The right of everyone to form trade unions and join the trade union of his choice, subject only to the rules of the organisation concerned, for the promotion and protection of his economic and social interests. No restrictions may be placed on the exercise of these rights other than those prescribed by law and which are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public order or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others. Article 8(1) of ILO Convention 87 provides that: 1. In exercising the rights provided for in this Convention workers and employers and their respective organisations, like other persons or organised collectives, shall respect the law of the land. The Bill engages the right to freedom of association and the right to take part in public affairs and elections, by enabling a constituent part of an amalgamated organisation to apply to the FWC to hold a ballot of its members on whether the constituent part can withdraw from the amalgamated organisation outside the current time-limited period of five years post-amalgamation. The right appropriately recognises that organisations and officials, like other persons or organised collectives, shall respect the law of the land. Where the provisions of the Bill engage the right to freedom of association, any limitations on the right is permissible as they pursue a legitimate objective, are prescribed by law, and are reasonable, necessary and proportionate. They have the sole objective of protecting the interests of members and guaranteeing the democratic functioning of organisations. The amendments do not limit the ability of members to form and join trade unions. The Right to Justice and a Fair Trial Article 14 of the ICCPR provides that: 1. All persons shall be equal before the courts and tribunals. In the determination of any criminal charge against him, or of his rights and obligations in a suit at law, everyone shall be entitled to a fair and public hearing by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal established at law ... House of Representatives 3 Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamations) Bill 2020
Statement of Compatibility with Human Rights 2. Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall have the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law. The Bill engages the right to justice and a fair trial by imposing a civil penalty provision in subsection 95A(9). A registered organisation will be subject to a maximum of 100 penalty units if they fail to comply with a direction of the General Manager of the FWC or the Registered Organisations Commissioner to provide information pursuant to section 95A(8). The proposed civil penalty in section 95A does not carry the potential for a criminal conviction. It also does not carry a penalty of imprisonment, and there is no sanction of imprisonment for non-payment of any penalty. As such, the civil penalty provision achieves an appropriate balance between deterring registered organisations from non-compliance with the new statutory requirement, and imposing an appropriate non-criminal penalty which correlates with the impact of non-compliance. Therefore, this civil penalty provision in the Bill should not be considered 'criminal' for the purpose of Article 14 of the ICCPR. It promotes the right to justice and a fair trial by proportionately imposing liability by way of a non-criminal sanction for registered organisations who fail to comply the requirements under section 95A. These amendments address the legitimate objective of ensuring that organisations are functioning effectively so that they can best serve the interests and wishes of their members. By providing a clear, but reasonably limited, extension of the existing withdrawal from amalgamation provisions in the Act, the Bill will provide appropriate flexibility to constituent parts of registered organisations to withdraw from amalgamation in situations where an amalgamation is no longer desirable, or where the current composition of the amalgamated organisation may no longer be serving the best interests of members. The measure is reasonable and proportionate, and will only have an impact on registered organisations when utilised by the organisations themselves via a ballot of the membership. It is sufficiently circumscribed in that it does not impact on the rights of workers to continue to be represented by a registered organisation. If the constituent part withdraws under these amendments, the membership of that constituent part will become members of the newly registered organisation, noting members are free to resign their membership should they choose. This measure is properly supervised by the FWC to ensure rigorous and robust consideration of withdrawal applications. In addition, the Bill does not limit the right to take protected industrial action. Conclusion The Bill is compatible with human rights because the measures will be effective in achieving enhanced governance and operations of registered organisations, so that they are able to better represent the interests of their members. House of Representatives 4 Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamations) Bill 2020
Notes on Clauses NOTES ON CLAUSES Preliminary In these notes on clauses, the following abbreviations are used: Act Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 AEC Australian Electoral Commission Bill Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamations) Bill 2020 Commissioner Registered Organisations Commissioner FW Act Fair Work Act 2009 FWC Fair Work Commission General Manager General Manager of the Fair Work Commission Regulations Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Regulations 2009 Clause 1 - Short title 1. This clause provides for the short title of the Act to be the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamations) Act 2020. Clause 2 - Commencement 2. The table in this clause sets out when the provisions of the Bill commence. Item 1 in the table provides that the whole of the Bill will commence on the day after the Bill receives Royal Assent. Clause 3 - Schedules 3. Clause 3 of the Bill provides that legislation that is specified in a Schedule is amended or repealed as set out in that Schedule, and any other item in a Schedule operates according to its terms. House of Representatives 5 Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamations) Bill 2020
Schedule 1 - Amendments SCHEDULE 1 - AMENDMENTS Overview 4. This Schedule would amend the Act to: enable constituent parts of amalgamated organisations to seek to withdraw from the amalgamated organisation beyond 5 years after the amalgamation took effect, where certain requirements are met; provide for procedural requirements in relation to applications for ballots under Part 2 of Chapter 3 and the conduct of such ballots, and other matters; and make technical amendments to support the operation of the changes made by the Bill. Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 Item 1 - section 34 5. This item makes a minor technical amendment to the simplified outline of Chapter 3 to amend the reference to 'Federal Court' to the 'FWC', which is the relevant body to which an application to approve a ballot to withdraw is to be made. Item 2 - paragraph 92(b) 6. The item inserts the words 'divisions or parts' in paragraph 92(b) to clarify that the object of Part 3 is to provide certain organisations that have taken part in amalgamations to be reconstituted and re-registered and branches, divisions or parts of organisations of that kind to be formed into organisations and registered in a way that is fair to members of the organisations concerned, and the creditors of those organisations. Item 3 - after section 92 Section 92A - Review of amendments made by the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamations) Act 2020 7. Item 3 inserts new section 92A. New subsection 92A(1) requires the Minister to cause a review of the operation of amendments made by Schedule 1 to the Bill. 8. New subsection 92A(2) specifies that the review must be completed, and a written report given to the Minister, no later than two years after the day the amendments commenced. 9. New subsection 92A(3) requires that a copy of the report be tabled in each House of Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the report is given to the Minister. Item 4 - subsection 93(1) (definition of amalgamated organisation) Item 5 - subsection 93(1) (at the end of the definition of amalgamated organisation) House of Representatives 1 Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamations) Bill 2020
Schedule 1 - Amendments Item 6 - subsection 93(1) (at the end of paragraph (b) of the definition of constituent member) Item 7 - subsection 93(1) (subparagraph (b)(i) of the definition of constituent part) Item 10 - subsection 93(1) (paragraph (a) of the definition of separately identifiable constituent part) 10. These items amend certain definitions set out in section 93 to reflect the fact that the withdrawal from amalgamation provisions in Part 3 of Chapter 3 will apply to amalgamations and associated de-registrations that occurred under predecessor law. 11. 'Predecessor law' is a defined term: see item 9. Item 8 - subsection 93(1) 12. This item inserts a new definition for 'designated official' in the definitions for Part 3 of Chapter 3 of the Act. 'Designated official' has the meaning given by subsection 102(1A) and is relevant for the purposes of who can conduct a ballot in accordance with section 102. Item 9 - subsection 93(1) 13. This item inserts a new definition for 'predecessor law' in section 93 for the purposes of Part 3 of Chapter 3 of the Act. A 'predecessor law' means: Part 2 of Chapter 3 of Schedule 1 to the Workplace Relations Act 1996 as in force at any time on or after 27 March 2006 (paragraph (a)); Part 2 of Chapter 3 of Schedule 1B to the Workplace Relations Act 1996 (paragraph (b)); or Division 7 of Part IX of the Workplace Relations Act 1996 as in force at any time after 1 February 1991 (paragraph (c)). 14. In conjunction with the amendments in items 4 - 7 and 10, this item ensures that the withdrawal from amalgamation provisions in Part 3 of Chapter 3 will apply to amalgamations that occurred prior to 1 July 2009, when Part 2 of the Act commenced. Item 11 (definition of separately identifiable constituent part), described below, also ensures that the provisions in Part of Chapter 3 are also available to a branch, division or part of an amalgamated organisation that is separately identifiable under the rules of the organisation. Item 11 - subsection 93(1) (at the end of the definition of separately identifiable constituent part) 15. This item adds to the definition of separately identifiable constituent part, new paragraph (c) which is, any branch, division or part of the amalgamated organisation not covered by existing paragraphs (a) and (b) that is separately identifiable under the rules of the organisation. 16. The effect of this amendment is to provide that the withdrawal provisions set out in Part 3 of Chapter 3 apply to any branch, division or part of an amalgamated organisation that House of Representatives 2 Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamations) Bill 2020
Schedule 1 - Amendments is separately identifiable under the rules of the organisation. This means that the ability to withdraw from an amalgamation is not limited by the pre-requisite of de-registration in connection with the formation of the amalgamated organisation. Item 12 - subsection 93(1) 17. This item inserts a new definition of workplace or safety law to mean any of the following: the Act; the Fair Work Act 2009; the Building and Construction Industry (Improving Productivity) Act 2016; the Work Health and Safety Act 2011; a State or Territory OHS law (within the meaning of the Fair Work Act). 18. The definition of workplace or safety law is relevant to the assessment by the FWC in new section 94A as to whether it should accept an application for ballot more than five years after amalgamation. Item 13 - subsection 93(2) Item 14 - paragraph 93(2)(a) Item 15 - paragraph 93(2)(b) Item 16 - subparagraph 93(2)(b)(ii) 19. These items amend subsection 93(2) to make clear that for the purposes of Part 3 of Chapter 3, an organisation is taken to have been de-registered under Part 2 or a predecessor law in connection with the formation of an amalgamated organisation if the de-registration occurred in connection with the formation of: the amalgamated organisation (including that organisation as it existed before any subsequent amalgamation under Part 2 or a predecessor law (paragraph 93(2)(a)); or another organisation that was subsequently de-registered under Part 2 or a predecessor law in connection with the formation of the amalgamated organisation or an organisation that, through one or more previous applications of this section, was taken to have been de-registered under Part 2 or a predecessor law in connection with the formation of an amalgamated organisation (paragraph 93(2)(b)). 20. These amendments ensure that earlier de-registrations that occurred in connection with the formation of earlier organisations that were themselves de-registered upon amalgamation where there were successive amalgamations leading to the existing House of Representatives 3 Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamations) Bill 2020
Schedule 1 - Amendments amalgamated organisation are captured through the inclusion of the reference to predecessor law. Item 17 - at the end of section 93 21. This item inserts new subsections 93(3) and (4). 22. New subsection 93(3) provides that for the purposes of subsection 93(2), a reference to an organisation is taken to include a reference to an organisation within the meaning of a predecessor law. 23. New subsection 93(4) provides that for the purposes of Part 3 of Chapter 3 of the Act, a reference to a constituent part becoming part of an amalgamated organisation includes a reference to a constituent part becoming part of that organisation as it existed before any subsequent amalgamation under Part 2 of Chapter 3 of the Act, or a predecessor law. Item 18 - subsection 94(1) 24. This item omits the term 'postal' from subsection 94(1). Under section 94, a designated official will be able to conduct a secret ballot as either a postal ballot or in a form other than a postal ballot, for example, as an attendance ballot. Item 19 - paragraph 94(1)(a) 25. This item provides that an application for secret ballot on the question of withdrawal from an amalgamated organisation may be made by a constituent part of an amalgamated organisation, if the constituent part became a part of the amalgamated organisation as a result of an amalgamation under Part 2 or a predecessor law. Item 20 - after section 94 94A Accepting applications for ballots more than 5 years after amalgamation 26. Item 20 inserts new section 94A which provides that the FWC may accept applications for ballots more than 5 years after the amalgamation and sets out the matters the FWC must consider in deciding whether it is appropriate to accept the application. 27. New subsection 94A(1) provides that despite paragraph 94(1)(c), which sets out a five year time limit after amalgamation within which an application may be made, the FWC may accept an application made under s 94 if the FWC is satisfied that, having regard to the matters set out in subsection 94A(2), it is appropriate to accept the application. 28. New subsection 94A(2) sets out an exhaustive list of matters the FWC must consider for the purposes of assessing whether it is appropriate to accept the application. These matter are: whether the amalgamated organisation has a record of not complying with workplace or safety laws and any contribution of the constituent part to that record (paragraph 94A(2)(a)); and House of Representatives 4 Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamations) Bill 2020
Schedule 1 - Amendments the likely capacity, of the organisation that that constituent part is to be registered as when the withdrawal from amalgamation takes effect, to promote and protect the economic and social interests of its members (paragraph 94A(2)(b)). 29. To aid the reader, a new note to paragraph 94A(2)(a) explains that a workplace or safety law is defined in subsection 93(1). 30. Matters that would go to informing the FWC as to whether an amalgamated organisation has a record of not complying with workplace or safety laws within the meaning of paragraph 94A(2)(a) include the presence of any of the following: findings by a court of contraventions of relevant civil penalty or civil remedy provisions of workplace and safety laws; findings by a court of criminal offence against provisions of workplace and safety laws; and findings by a court or tribunal in relation to the taking of industrial action (other than protected industrial action). 31. In determining for the purposes of paragraph 94A(2)(b), whether a constituent part has the capacity to promote and protect the economic and social interests of its members should it withdraw from the amalgamated organisation, the FWC could, for example, have regard to: any statement that describes how the constituent part intends to operate on behalf of its members for their benefit; and any demonostrated ability of the part to influence, advocate and promote the wellbeing of its members. 32. This is a forward looking consideration that does not require the FWC to assess the relative capacity of the constituent part to relevantly promote and protect its members moving forward, as compared to when it was part of the amalgamated organisation. 33. New subsection 94A(3) provides that if the FWC considers that an amalgamated organisation has a record of not complying with workplace or safety laws but the constituent part has not contributed to that record, then the FWC must decide that it is appropriate to accept the application. It is not necessary for both of the matters listed in new subsection 94A(2) to be present for the FWC to determine to accept the application. It is possible for the FWC in the exercise of its discretion, to determine that is is appropriate to accept the application for ballot, when only one of the matters listed in new paragraphs 94A(2)(a) - (b) are present. 34. New subsection 94A(4) provides submissions in relation to matters mentioned in subsection 94A(2) may only be made by: the applicant or applicants, or any person who could have made an application under subsection 94(3) in relation to the proposed withdrawal (paragraph 94(4)(a)); House of Representatives 5 Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamations) Bill 2020
Schedule 1 - Amendments the amalgamated organisation from which the constituent part is seeking to withdraw (paragraph 94(4)(b)); the Commissioner (paragraph 94(4)(c)). Item 21 - after section 95 95A Proposed names and rules 35. This item inserts a new section 95A in relation to the proposed names and rules of the new organisation and the amalgamated organisation. 36. New subsection 95A(1) requires an application for withdrawal under section 94(1) to also be accompanied by: a statement of the name and a copy of the rules proposed for the organisation (the new organisation) that the constituent part is to be registered as when the withdrawal from amalgamation takes effect (paragraph 95A(1)(a)); and a statement of the name and a copy of the alterations of the rules proposed for the amalgamated organisation when the withdrawal from amalgamation takes effect (paragraph 95A(1)(b)). 37. New subsection 95A(2) requires that the name of the new organisation must not be the same as, or so similar to, the name of the amalgamated organisation, or to the name of any other organisation, as to be likely to cause confusion. 38. New subsection 95A(3) requires the name proposed for the amalgamated organisation to reflect the withdrawal of the constituent part. 39. New subsection 95A(4) requires the eligibility rules of the new organisation to: as far as practical, reflect the application of the eligibility rules of the amalgamated organisation in relation to the constituent part immediately before the application was made (paragraph 95A(4)(a)); and not have the effect of making a class of individuals eligible for membership of the new organisation if that class would not have been eligible for membership of the constituent part immediately before the application was made (paragraph 95A(4)(b)). 40. New subsection 95A(5) requires that the proposed alteration of the eligibility rules of the amalgamated organisation must, as far as practical, avoid an overlap with the eligibility rules of the new organisation. 41. New subsection 95A(6) makes clear that whether the eligibility rules have the effect required by subsections 95A(4) and (5) can be determined by looking at the organisational and administrative arrangements for the amalgamated organisation before the application was made. House of Representatives 6 Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamations) Bill 2020
Schedule 1 - Amendments 42. The purpose of the above provisions is to ensure that as far as practical, the eligibility rules for the newly registered organisation and the amalgamated organisation reflect the status quo applying immediately before withdrawal, meaning that members that are associated with particular parts of the amalgamated organisation remain able to be represented by that part following the withdrawal if they choose. Consideration of internal organisational and administrative arrangements can be used to demarcate coverage, where the rules are not explicit in this regard. 43. New subsection 95A(7) provides that if the applicant has insufficient information to prepare the statement and alterations mentioned in paragraph 95A(1)(b), the applicant may request the General Manager or Commissioner: give the applicant all information, as far as it is relevant to the preparation of the statement and alterations, in their possession (paragraph 95A(7)(a)); or direct the amalgamated organisation to give the applicant all information in the possession of the organisation that may be relevant to the preparation of those documents (paragraph 95A(7)(b)). 44. New subsection 95A(8) provides that the General Manager or Commissioner may provide the information requested by the applicant under new subsection 95A(7)), or direct the amalgamated organisation to provide that information. 45. New subsection 95A(9) provides that the amalgamated organisation must comply with a direction of the General Manager or Commissioner under subsection 95A(8). This is a civil remedy provision. The maximum penalty of 100 penalty units is commensurate with the existing penalty under subsection 95(3C) for failing to comply with a direction of the General Manager or Commissioner to provide information required to prepare an outline under section 95. A penalty under this provision can only be ordered against the amalgamated organisation who fails to provide the information directed. This provision ensures that the application process is not frustrated by the amalgamated organisation by its refusal to provide information that the constituent part requires in order to be able to make an application for a ballot to be held. 46. New subsection 95A(10) provides that the FWC may allow statements of name or rules or alteration of rules to be amended by whoever files the application with the FWC. 47. New subsection 95A(11) provides that the FWC must order the making of any amendments the FWC considers are needed if the FWC is not satisfied that the proposed name complies with subsections 95A(2) or (3), or that the proposed rules or alterations of rules comply with subsections 95A(4) or (5), to ensure compliance with those subsections. Item 22 - subsection 100(1) 48. This item removes the term 'postal' to allow the FWC the flexibility to order the secret ballot be held as either a postal ballot or in a form other than a postal ballot, for example, as an attendance ballot. Item 23 - after paragraph 100(1)(b) House of Representatives 7 Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamations) Bill 2020
Schedule 1 - Amendments 49. This item amends section 100 to insert new paragraph 100(1)(ba). Section 100 requires the FWC to order a secret ballot be held of constituent members if it is satisfied of the specified matters. Paragraph 100(1)(ba) inserts the additional requirement that the FWC is satisfied that the material accompanying the application as required by section 95A satisfies the requirements imposed by that section. Item 24 - at the end of section 100 50. This item inserts new subsection 100(4) to provide that, if the FWC orders that a ballot be held, it may accept undertakings from the applicant or applicants, or the amalgamated organisation, that the FWC considers appropriate to avoid demarcation disputes that might otherwise arise from an overlap between: the eligibility rules proposed for the organisation that the constituent part is to be registered as after the withdrawal takes effect (paragraph 100(4)(a)); and the eligibility rules of the amalgamated organisation as proposed to be altered (paragraph 100(4)(b)). 51. To aid the reader, a new note to subsection 100(4) directs the reader to section 110B, which provides for when undertakings of the applicant are to take effect. 52. This subsection is intended to assist applicants and amalgamated organisations to work together to avoid demarcation disputes that may otherwise arise as a result of the withdrawal. 53. The FWC may only accept undertakings under this subsection that it considers to be appropriate to avoid demarcation disputes. Item 25 - before subsection 102(1) Item 27 - before subsection 102(2) 54. These items are minor technical amendments to include new headings for subsections 102(1) and (2). Item 26 - after subsection 102(1) 55. This item inserts new subsection 102(1A) that provides that despite subsection 102(1) which requires that ballots are to be conducted by the AEC in accordance with the regulations and at the expense of the Commonwealth, if: an exemption is in force under section 186 (Commissioner may permit organisation or branch to conduct its elections for office) in relation to elections for the constituent part, or any identifiable part of the constituent part, of the amalgamated organisation (paragraph 102(1A)(a)); and the applicant or applicants under section 94 apply to the FWC for the purposes of this subsection (paragraph 102(1A)(b)), House of Representatives 8 Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamations) Bill 2020
Schedule 1 - Amendments the FWC may, in making an order under section 100 that a ballot be held, allow the ballot to be conducted by an officer of the constituent part (the designated official), with the expenses of conducting the ballot to be borne by the constituent part. 56. New subsection 102(1B) provides that if the FWC makes an order under subsection 102(1A), it may make any other orders it considers are needed for the conduct of the ballot. 57. New subsection 102(1C) provides a ballot conducted by a designated official must be conducted in accordance with the regulations. Item 28 - subsection 102(2) 58. This item amends the chapeau in subsection 102(2) to clarify that the requirements in subsection 102(2) only apply in the case of postal ballots. This is a minor, consequential amendment. Item 29 - after paragraph 102(2)(a) 59. This item inserts new paragraph 102(2)(aa) to require the ballot paper sent to the members of the constituent part of an amalgamated organisation seeking to withdraw must also be accompanied by a copy of the material required by section 95A. Item 30 - after paragraph 102(2)(c) 60. This item inserts a new paragraph 102(2)(ca) to require the ballot paper sent to the members of the constituent part of an amalgamated organisation seeking to withdraw must also be accompanied by a copy of any undertakings accepted by the FWC as mentioned in subsection 100(4). Item 31 - subsection 102(3) 61. This item clarifies that the requirements in section 102(3) only apply in relation to any postal ballots. Subsection 102(3) requires that for postal ballots, the ballot paper must be returned in the declaration envelope provided and the declaration envelope must be in another envelope that is in the form prescribed by the regulations. Item 32 - subsection 102(3) 62. This item includes the 'designated official' in the chapeau in subsection 102(3) to clarify that the requirement to return the ballot paper applies in relation to the AEC or the designated official, as the case should be. Item 33 - at the end of section 102 Ballots other than postal ballots 63. This item inserts a new subsection 102(4) that provides for a regulation making power in relation to ballots other than postal ballots. 64. New subsection 102(4) provides that the regulations may make provision in relation to ensuring that the constituent members of a constituent part of an amalgamated organisation are given, within a reasonable period before voting in a ballot, in connection with the House of Representatives 9 Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamations) Bill 2020
Schedule 1 - Amendments proposal for the constituent part to withdraw from the amalgamated organisation, the material mentioned in paragraphs 102(2)(a) to (ca). The inclusion of a regulation making power is consistent with the scheme of the part that delegates much of the machinery of how ballots are to be conducted to the regulations. Any regulation made under this power would be subject to disallowance as set out in the Legislation Act 2003. Item 34 - section 103 (heading) 65. This amendment is a minor, consequential amendment to item 26. This amendment clarifies that the section applies to both electoral officials and designated officials. Item 35 - before subsection 103(1) 66. This item includes a new heading for subsection 103(1). This amendment is a minor, consequential amendment to item 26. The new heading clarifies that subsection 103(1) applies in relation to electoral officials, as distinct from designated officials. Item 36 - after subsection 103(1) 67. This item inserts a new subsection 103(1A), which requires an officer or employee of an amalgamated organisation to give information to the designated official conducting the ballot. 68. New subsection (1A) provides that a designated official may, if: it is reasonably necessary for the purposes of the ballot (paragraph 103(1A)(a)); and the designated official is authorised under this section for the purposes of the ballot by the FWC (paragraph 103(1A)(b)); require by written notice an officer or employee of the amalgamated organisation concerned or of a branch of the organisation: to give the designated official within a period of not less than 7 days after the notice is given and in the manner specified in the notice, any information within the knowledge or in the possession of the officer or employee (paragraph 103(1A)(c)); and to produce or make available to the designated official, at a reasonable time (not less than 7 days after the notice is given) and place specified in the notice, any documents in the custody or under the control of the officer or employee, or to which the officer or employee has access (paragraph 103(1A)(d)). 69. New subsection 103(1B) provides that where an officer or employee of an organisation fails to comply with a requirement made under subsection (1A), the designated official may apply to the FWC for an order directing the officer or employee to comply with the requirement. 70. New subsection 103(1C) states the FWC may make the order if the FWC is satisfied that the requirement is reasonably necessary for the purposes of the ballot. House of Representatives 10 Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamations) Bill 2020
Schedule 1 - Amendments 71. A new heading 'Offence' is included for subsections 103(2) to (4). Item 37 - at the end of subsection 103(2) 72. This item provides that an officer or employee of an amalgamated organisation or branch of the organisation commits an offence if the officer or employee fails to comply with an order made under subsection (1C). Item 38 - before subsection 103(5) Item 39 - before subsection 103(7) 73. These item are technical amendments to add a new heading for subsection 103(5) and subsection 103(7). Item 40 - subsection 103(7) 74. This item amends subsection 103(7) to provide that if any information or document specified in a notice under subsections 103(1) or 103(1A) is kept in electronic form, the electoral official or the designated official may require the information or document to be made available in that form. Item 41 - subsection 104(1) 75. This item is a consequential amendment to include requirements made under subsection 103(1A) or an order under subsection 103(1C) are also included in the declaration that the secretary or other prescribed officer of an organisation must make in accordance with subsection 104(2). Item 42 - after subsection 104(1) 76. This item inserts new subsection 104(1A) which provides that the secretary or prescribed officer is not required to make a declaration under subsection 104(1) for an order under subsection 103(1C) if a declaration was made for the corresponding requirement under subsection 103(1A). 77. The purpose of this amendment is to reduce replication in the process outlined in section 103. Item 43 - subsection 106(1) Item 44 - paragraph 106(1)(c) Item 45 - subsections 106(2) and (3) 78. These items provide that the requirements for certificates showing particulars of the ballot apply to a designated official as well as an electoral official. 79. Item 43 provides that the designated official conducting the ballot must also prepare and sign a certificate showing particulars of the ballot. Item 44 is a minor technical amendment. House of Representatives 11 Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamations) Bill 2020
Schedule 1 - Amendments 80. Item 45 ensures that the designated official must immediately give the certificate to the parties listed in subsection 106(2) and make a copy of the certificate available to each applicant under paragraph 94(3)(a). Item 46 - section 107 (heading) Item 47 - subsection 107(1) Item 48 - subsection 107(2) Item 49 - subsection 107(4) 81. These items provides that the requirements for postal ballot reports apply to designated officials as well as the AEC, depending on who conducts the ballot. 82. Item 46 is a technical amendment to amend the heading for section 107. 83. Item 47 provides that, after completion of the ballot, the AEC or designated official must give a report on the conduct of the ballot to the parties listed in subsection 102(1). 84. Item 48 provides that the AEC or designated official must make the report on the conduct of the ballot available in any way that it considers appropriate to each applicant under paragraph 94(3)(a). 85. Item 49 is a consequential amendment to ensure that the requirements applying to the AEC in subsection 107(4) to include in the post-ballot report any unduly large proportion of out of date member's addresses and workplace addresses also apply to a designated official, if a designated official conducted the ballot. Item 50 - paragraph 109(2)(a) 86. This item repeals and replaces paragraph 109(2)(a). New paragraph 109(2)(a) requires that in making an order under paragraph 109(1)(b), the Federal Court must have regard to the assets and liabilities of the constituent part or organisation before the de-registration if the constituent part, or an organisation of which the constituent part was a State or Territory branch, was de-registered in connection with the formation of the amalgamated organisation. This amendment is consequential upon the amended definition of constituent part that recognises that a constituent part need not be de-registered in connection with the formation of the amalgamated organisation. Item 51 - paragraph 109(2)(b) 87. This item makes clear that paragraph 109(2)(b) only applies if paragraph 109(2)(a) applies. Item 52 - after paragraph 109(2)(b) 88. This item inserts a new paragraph 109(2)(ba) which provides that in making an order under paragraph 109(1)(b), the Court must have regard to any rules, arrangements, practices or understandings of the amalgamated organisation under which: House of Representatives 12 Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamations) Bill 2020
Schedule 1 - Amendments assets of the amalgamated organisation have been held for the benefit of the constituent part (subparagraph 109(2)(ba)(i)), or liabilities of the amalgamated organisation have been the responsibility of the constituent part (subparagraph 109(2)(ba)(ii)). 89. This provision will ensure that the Court can take into account the status quo in circumstances where a constituent part such as a branch or division substantially controls or is responsible for certain assets or liabilities, despite those assets or liabilities being owned, in name, by the amalgamated organisation to which the constituent part belongs. This is intended to ensure an appropriate apportioning of assets and liabilities following a withdrawal from amalgamation. Item 53 - after section 110 90. This item inserts new sections 110A and 110B. 110A Rules and alterations take effect 91. New section 110A provides that the day the rules and alterations take effect is the day determined under paragraph 109(1)(a) for: the rules of the newly registered organisation that were proposed for the purposes of section 95A (paragraph 110A(a)), and the alterations of the rules of the amalgamated organisation that were proposed for the purposes of section 95A (paragraph 110A(b)). 110B Undertakings of applicant take effect as undertakings of newly registered organisation 92. New section 110B provides that an undertaking accepted from the applicant or applicants under subsection 100(4) is taken, from the day determined to be the withdrawal day under paragraph 109(1)(a), to be an undertaking accepted from the newly registered organisation. 93. Section 110B is a deeming provision, ensuring that undertakings given by an applicant during the application process are binding on the constituent part once it withdraws and is registered as a new organisation with a separate legal identity. 94. A note to the provision explains that at the time the applicant's or applicants' undertaking is accepted under subsection 100(4), the newly registered organisation has not come into existence. The amalgamated organisation continues in existence and continues to be bound by its undertakings on the terms they are accepted by the FWC. As such, no deeming of the specific date upon which the amalgamated organisations' undertakings are taken to have been accepted is required here. Item 54 - section 111 (heading) 95. This amendment is consequential to items 55 and 56. House of Representatives 13 Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamations) Bill 2020
Schedule 1 - Amendments Item 55 - paragraph 111(3)(b) and (c) 96. This item repeals paragraphs 111(3)(b) and (c) to and replaces them with new paragraph 111(3)(b) to provide that the written statement to be provided under subsection 111(2) must also, in addition to other requirements in subsection 111(3), inform the person that the person is now a member of the newly registered organisation (paragraph 111(3)(b)). This item is consequential to the amendments made by item 56 and does not prevent a person who no longer wishes to be represented by the newly registered organisation, from resigning their membership and, where eligibility rules permit, becoming a member of another organisation. Item 56 - subsections 111(4) to (11) 97. This item repeals subsections 111(4) to (11) and replaces them with new subsection 111(4). 98. New subsection 111(4) provides that a person referred to in subsection 111(2): ceases to be a member of the amalgamated organisation, with effect from the end of the day before the newly registered organisation is registered under section 110 (paragraph 111(4)(a)), and becomes without payment of entrance fee, a member of the newly registered organisation with effect from the start of the day the newly registered organisation is registered under section 110 (paragraph 111(4)(b)). 99. This reflects that the membership of the former constituent part voted by majority to withdraw from the amalgamated organisation and form a newly registered organisation, is transferred to the newly registered organisation. 100. Should a person no longer wish to be represented by the newly registered organisation, that person may resign their membership and, where eligibility rules permit, be represented by another organisation. Item 57 - subsection 123(2) 101. This item repeals and replaces subsection 123(2). New subsection 123(2) requires the rules of a newly registered organisation to not permit a person to hold office after the day that would have been the person's last day of term in the constituent office if the withdrawal had not occurred. Item 58 - after paragraph 343B(2)(b) 102. This item inserts new paragraph 343B(2)(ba) to provide that the powers of the General Manager and Commissioner provided for in subsections 95A(7), (8) and (9) to require the production of information in relation to the proposed name and rules are non- delegable. 103. This is consistent with the fact that the powers of the General Manager and Commissioner provided for under subsections 95(3A), (3B) and (3C) relating to the House of Representatives 14 Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamations) Bill 2020
Schedule 1 - Amendments production of information relevant to the preparation of the outline, on which those provisions are modelled, are also non-delegable under paragraph 343B(2)(b). Item 59 - application of amendments 104. This item is an application provision and provides that the amendments made by this Schedule apply in relation to an application for a ballot for withdrawal from amalgamation made under section 94 of the Act after this Schedule commences. This application provision does not otherwise impact the relevant timeframes that must be considered by the FWC under sections 94 or 94A. House of Representatives 15 Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamations) Bill 2020