Commonwealth of Australia Explanatory Memoranda

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             Amendments to be Moved on Behalf of the Government

              (Circulated by authority of the Attorney-General,
                    the Honourable Robert McClelland MP)



The Federal Justice System Amendment (Efficiency Measures) Bill (No. 1)
2008 (the Bill) amends various Acts in order to improve the efficient
conduct of business in the federal courts and ensures the concurrent
jurisdiction of the Federal Court of Australia under the International
Arbitration Act 1974.  It also responds to the decision of the Full Court
of the Family Court of Australia in Black v Black [2008] FamCAFC 7, where
the Court applied a strict compliance test in relation to certain
technical requirements for binding financial agreements made under the
Family Law Act 1975.

The Government amendments proposed to the Bill will address issues that
have arisen in submissions to the inquiry of the Senate Standing Committee
on Legal and Constitutional Affairs into the provisions of the Bill and
following consultation with key stakeholders.  The proposed Government
amendments will:

. amend the Family Law Act 1975 to enable legal practitioners to provide
 signed statements about the giving of prior independent legal advice to
 spouse parties to financial and termination agreements either before or
 after the spouse party signs the agreement

. amend the Family Law Act 1975 to provide that copies of those statement
 must also be provided either to the other spouse party or to a legal
 practitioner of the other spouse party

. amend the Family Law Act 1975 to provide additional protection for
 parties who enter into financial and termination agreements by enabling a
 court to declare, in enforcement proceedings, that an agreement is
 binding in spite of a failure to meet the procedural requirements
 relating to the making of the agreement if the court is satisfied that it
 would be unjust and inequitable if the agreement did not bind the spouse
 parties (disregarding any change in circumstances from the time the
 agreement was made)

. provide that the amendments to the Family Law Act 1975 in Schedule 5 to
 the Bill will not affect any court orders that have been made on matters
 covered by a financial agreement or a termination agreement

. ensure that the amendments to the Family Law Act 1975 in Part 1 of
 Schedule 5 to the Bill will not inadvertently render invalid financial
 and termination agreements made between 27 December 2000 and
 14 January 2004

. provide that a financial agreement or a termination agreement made
 before the amendments to Schedule 5 to the Bill commence will bind the
 parties who have signed the agreement if the spouse parties obtained
 independent legal advice prior to signing the agreement

. provide that the amendments to the Family Law Act 1975 in Schedule 5 to
 the Bill commence on the 28th day after the Bill receives the Royal
 Assent, and

. correct a minor technical point in the amendments to the International
 Arbitration Act 1974 to clarify that awards will be enforceable in the
 Federal Court as if they were a judgment or order of the Federal Court.


The proposed amendments will not have any significant financial impact.


Amendment 1: Clause 2, page 2 (table items 3 to 5) (legal advice

This amendment replaces items 3 to 5 of the table in subclause 2(1) of the
Bill to provide a new commencement date for the amendments to the Family
Law Act 1975 in Schedule 5 to the Bill relating to binding financial and
termination agreements.  The amendment inserts a new item 3 in the table to
provide for the amendments to commence on the 28th day after the Bill
receives the Royal Assent.  This will provide time for the legal profession
and the courts to be notified about the new procedural requirements that
will apply for agreements to be binding on the parties to the agreement.

Amendments 2 and 3: Schedule 2, items 2 and 4, page 6 (lines 12, 22 and 23)
(technical amendment)

    2. These amendments replace the words 'had been made by' in items 2 and
       4 of Schedule 2 to the Bill with 'were a judgment or order of'.
       This will clarify that foreign awards within the meaning of the
       International Arbitration Act 1974 will be enforceable in the
       Federal Court of Australia as if they were a judgment or order of
       the Federal Court of Australia.

Amendment 4: Schedule 5, page 12 (after line 11), after item 1 (legal
advice requirements)

    3. This amendment inserts item 1A into Part 1 of Schedule 5 to the Bill
       which will amend subsection 90G(1) of the Family Law Act 1975 as a
       consequence of the amendments made by item 4A (inserted by Amendment
       6) .

Amendment 5: Schedule 5, item 2, page 12 (lines 14 to 22) (legal advice

    4. This amendment replaces proposed paragraph 90G(1)(b) inserted by
       item 2 of Schedule 5 to the Bill with new paragraphs 90G(1)(b),
       90G(1)(c) and 90G(1)(ca).  These amended paragraphs will ensure that
       the technical requirements for a financial agreement in subsection
       90G(1) of the Family Law Act 1975 support the additional protections
       for parties that are proposed for insertion by these Government

    5. New paragraph 90G(1)(b) will require each spouse party to a
       financial agreement to obtain independent legal advice from a legal
       practitioner about the effect of the agreement on their rights, and
       the advantages and disadvantages, at the time that the advice was
       provided, of making the agreement.  This will ensure that spouse
       parties will receive independent legal advice before the agreement
       is signed so that they are able to make an informed decision.

    6. New paragraph 90G(1)(c) will require each spouse party to obtain a
       signed statement from the legal practitioner giving the advice
       stating that the advice was given (regardless of whether the
       statement is annexed to the agreement).  This will ensure that each
       spouse party obtains a statement evidencing that the advice has been
       received. The signed statement may be provided by the legal
       practitioner either prior to or after the execution of the agreement
       by the spouse parties.  This amendment is necessary to ensure that
       agreements are not rendered defective simply on the basis of the
       order in which the spouse parties sign the agreement and are given a
       statement signed by their respective legal practitioners.

    7. New paragraph 90G(1)(ca) will require that a copy of the signed
       statement given to a spouse party must be provided to the other
       spouse party or to their legal practitioner.  This requirement will
       ensure that there is objective evidence readily available to each
       spouse party that legal advice was provided to the other spouse
       party if they later seek to enforce the terms of the agreement,
       without overly complicating the requirements for such an agreement
       to be binding.

    8. Agreements that have complied with the requirements in current
       paragraphs 90G(1)(c) and 90G(1)(e) of the Family Law Act 1975
       (relating to annexure of certificates to, and distribution of copies
       of, the agreement) would meet the 'new' requirement to provide
       copies of the signed statements.

Amendment 7: Schedule 5, item 5, page 12 (line 29) to page 13 (line 5)
(legal advice requirements)

    9. This amendment replaces proposed paragraph 90J(2)(b) inserted by
       item 5 of Schedule 5 to the Bill with new paragraphs 90J(2)(b),
       90J(2)(c) and 90J(2)(ca).  These amended paragraphs will ensure that
       the technical requirements for a termination agreement in subsection
       90J(2) of the Family Law Act 1975 support the additional protections
       for parties that are proposed for insertion by these Government

   10. New paragraph 90J(2)(b) will require spouse parties to a termination
       agreement to obtain independent legal advice from a legal
       practitioner about the effect of the agreement on their rights, and
       the advantages and disadvantages, at the time that the advice was
       provided, of making the agreement.  This will ensure that spouse
       parties will receive independent legal advice before the agreement
       is signed so that they are able to make an informed decision.

   11. New paragraph 90J(2)(c) will require each spouse party to obtain a
       signed statement from the legal practitioner giving the advice
       stating that the advice was given (regardless of whether the
       statement is annexed to the agreement).  This will ensure that each
       spouse party obtains a statement evidencing that the advice has been
       received. The signed statement may be provided by the legal
       practitioner either prior to or after the execution of the agreement
       by the spouse parties.  This amendment is necessary to ensure that
       agreements are not rendered defective simply on the basis of the
       order in which the spouse parties sign the agreement and are given a
       statement signed by their respective legal practitioners.

   12. New paragraph 90J(2)(ca) will require that a copy of the signed
       statement given to a spouse party must be provided to the other
       spouse party or to their legal practitioner.   This requirement will
       ensure that there is objective evidence readily available to each
       spouse party that legal advice was provided to the other spouse
       party if they if the parties later seek to enforce the terms of the
       agreement, without overly complicating the requirements for such an
       agreement to be binding.

   13. Agreements that have complied with the requirements in current
       paragraphs 90J(2)(c) and 90J(2)(e) of the Family Law Act 1975
       (relating to annexure of certificates to, and distribution of copies
       of, the agreement) would meet the 'new' requirement to provide
       copies of the signed statements.

Amendments 6 and 8: Schedule 5, pages 12 (after item 4) and 13 (after item
7) (legal advice requirements)

   14. Amendments 6 and 8 insert new items 4A, 4B and 7A into Part 1 of
       Schedule 5 to the Bill.  These items will amend the Family Law Act
       1975 to enable a court to declare, in enforcement proceedings, that
       a financial or termination agreement is binding in spite of a
       failure to meet some of the technical requirements if the court is
       satisfied that it would be unjust and inequitable if the agreement
       did not bind the spouse parties (disregarding any change in
       circumstances from the time the agreement was made).

   15. Item 4A will insert new subsections 90G(1A), 90G(1B) and 90G(1C)
       into section 90G of the Family Law Act 1975, which sets out the
       requirements for a binding financial agreement.  New subsection
       90G(1A) will enable a court to declare, in enforcement proceedings,
       that a financial agreement is binding on the parties to the
       agreement if:

    . the agreement is signed by all parties

    . there is a failure to meet the requirements as set out in one or more
      of paragraphs 90G(1)(b), 90G(1)(c) and 90G(1)(ca) of the Family Law
      Act 1975

    . the court is satisfied that it would be unjust and inequitable if the
      agreement did not bind the spouse parties (disregarding any change in
      circumstances from the time the agreement was made), and

    . the agreement has not been terminated and has not been set aside by a

   16. Item 7A will insert new subsections 90J(2A), 90J(2B) and 90J(2C)
       into section 90J of the Family Law Act 1975, which sets out the
       requirements for a binding termination agreement.  New subsection
       90J(2A) will enable a court to declare, in enforcement proceedings,
       that a financial agreement is binding on the parties to the
       agreement if:

    . the agreement is signed by all parties

    . there is a failure to meet the requirements as set out in one or more
      of paragraphs 90J(2)(b), 90J(2)(c) and 90J(2)(ca) of the Family Law
      Act 1975

    . the court is satisfied that it would be unjust and inequitable if the
      agreement did not bind the spouse parties (disregarding any change in
      circumstances from the time the agreement was made), and

    . the agreement has not been terminated and has not been set aside by a

Item 4B will amend subsection 90J(2) of the Family Law Act 1975 as a
consequence of the amendments made by item 7A.

Amendment 9: Schedule 5, item 8, page 13 (line 11) (legal advice

   17. Item 8 of Schedule 5 to the Bill sets out the application of
       amendments made by items 2 to 7.  Amendment 9 replaces '2 to 7' in
       subitem 8(1) of Schedule 5 to the Bill with '1A to 7A', to ensure
       that the items inserted into the Bill by Amendments 4 to 8 will have
       the same application as items 2 to 7 of Schedule 5 to the Bill.

Amendment 10: Schedule 5, page 13 (after line 16), at the end of item 8
(legal advice requirements)

   18. This amendment inserts new subitems 8(3), 8(4), 8(5), 8(6), 8(7),
       8(8) and 8(9) into item 8 in Part 1 of Schedule 5 to the Bill.

   19. Subitem 8(3) will provide that if a court has made a property
       settlement or a spousal maintenance order before the commencement of
       item 8 on the basis that a financial agreement or a termination
       agreement did not bind the spouse parties, the agreement is, after
       the commencement of item 8, taken not to bind the spouse parties.
       This means that item 8 will not operate to 'revive' any agreements
       that have been overtaken by court orders thereby giving certainty to
       any court orders.

   20. Subitems 8(4) and 8(5) will ensure that the retrospective
       application of the amendments proposed by the Bill will not
       invalidate financial agreements and termination agreements which
       complied with the requirements for independent legal advice in the
       Family Law Act 1975 prior to 14 January 2004.  Prior to
       14 January 2004 (the commencement date of the Family Law Amendment
       Act 2003, which amended the requirements for financial and
       termination agreements), parties to financial and termination
       agreements were required to obtain independent legal advice to
       address, among other things, whether or not an agreement was 'to the
       advantage, financially or otherwise, of that party to make the

   21. Subitems 8(6), 8(7), 8(8) and 8(9) will provide for the
       circumstances in which a financial agreement or a termination
       agreement made before the commencement of item 8 will bind the
       parties to the agreement.  Such an agreement will bind the parties
       to it if:

 . each party has signed the agreement, and

 . each spouse party, before signing the agreement, obtained independent
   legal advice from a legal practitioner about the effect of the agreement
   on their rights, and the advantages and disadvantages, at the time the
   advice was provided, of making the agreement.

A court will be able to declare, in enforcement proceedings, that the
agreement is binding on the parties where each spouse party did not obtain
that prior independent legal advice if it is satisfied it would be unjust
and inequitable if the agreement did not bind the spouse parties
(disregarding any change in circumstance from the time the agreement was

Amendment 11: Schedule 5, Part 1, page 13 (after line 16), at the end of
the Part (legal advice requirements)

   22. This amendment inserts new item 8A into Part 1 of Schedule 5 to the
       Bill which will provide for additional circumstances in which a
       financial and termination agreement made on or after 14 January 2004
       and before commencement of item 8A will bind the parties to the
       agreement.  Amendments to the Family Law Act 1975 which commenced on
       that date changed the matters about which spouses had to obtain
       prior independent legal advice for the agreement to bind them.  Some
       legal practitioners continued to rely on old precedents relating to
       the provisions of the Act as they stood before 14 January 2004 for
       agreements made for some time after that date.  Subitems 8A(2),
       8A(3), 8A(5) and 8A(6) will provide that the agreement binds the
       spouses if the prior independent legal advice obtained by one or
       both spouses was about matters on which advice was required under
       the Act to be obtained before 14 January 2004. Subitem 8A(7)
       provides that Amendment 11 does not apply to agreements set aside
       before the commencement of item 8A.  Accordingly, it does not give
       rise to the acquisition of any property rights.

Amendment 12: Schedule 5, page 14 (after line 10), after item 9 (legal
advice requirements)

   23. This amendment inserts new item 9A into Part 2 of Schedule 5 to the
       Bill which will amend subsection 90UJ(1) of the Family Law Act 1975
       as a consequence of the amendments made by item 12A (inserted by
       Amendment 14) .

Amendment 13: Schedule 5, item 10, page 14 (lines 13 to 21) (legal advice

   24. This amendment replaces proposed paragraph 90UJ(1)(b) inserted by
       item 10 of Schedule 5 to the Bill with new paragraphs 90UJ(1)(b),
       90UJ(1)(c) and 90UJ(1)(ca). The new paragraphs will have the same
       effect, in relation to Part VIIIAB financial agreements between de
       facto couples, as those inserted by Amendment 5 in relation to
       financial agreements between married couples.

Amendment 14: Schedule 5, page 14 (after line 25), after item 12 (legal
advice requirements)

   25. This amendment will insert new items 12A and 12B into Part 2 of
       Schedule 5 to the Bill.  The new items will have the same effect, in
       relation to Part VIIIAB financial agreements between de facto
       couples, as items 4A and 4B inserted into the Bill by Amendment 6 in
       relation to financial agreements between married couples.

Amendment 15: Schedule 5, item 13, page 14 (line 28) to page 15 (line 4)
(legal advice requirements)

   26. This amendment replaces proposed paragraph 90UL(2)(b) inserted by
       item 13 of Schedule 5 to the Bill with new paragraphs 90UL(2)(b),
       90UL(2)(c) and 90UL(2)(ca).  The new paragraphs will have the same
       effect, in relation to Part VIIIAB termination agreements between de
       facto couples, as those inserted by Amendment 7 in relation to
       termination agreements between married couples.

Amendment 16: Schedule 5, pages 14 (after line 8), after item 15 (legal
advice requirements)

   27. This amendment will insert new item 15A into Part 2 of Schedule 5 to
       the Bill.  The new item will have the same effect, in relation to
       Part VIIIAB termination agreements between de facto couples, as item
       7A inserted into the Bill by Amendment 8 in relation to termination
       agreements between married couples.

Amendment 17: Schedule 5, item 17, page 15 (line 26) (legal advice

   28. Item 17 of Schedule 5 to the Bill sets out the application of
       amendments made by items 10 to 15.  Amendment 16 replaces '10 to 15'
       in subitem 17(1) of Schedule 5 to the Bill with '9A to 15A', to
       ensure that the items inserted into the Bill by Amendments 12 to 16
       will have the same application as items 10 to 15 of Schedule 5 to
       the Bill.

Amendment 18: Schedule 5, item 17, page 15 (after line 34), at the end of
item 17 (legal advice requirements)

   29. This amendment will insert new subitems 17(3), 17(4), 17(5), 17(6)
       and 17(7) into item 17 in Part 2 of Schedule 5 to the Bill.  These
       subitems will have the same effect, in relation to Part VIIIAB
       financial agreements and Part VIIIAB termination agreements between
       de facto couples, as subitems 8(3), 8(6), 8(7), 8(8) and 8(9)
       inserted into the Bill by Amendment 10 in relation to married

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