Commonwealth of Australia Explanatory Memoranda

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(Circulated by authority of the Minister for Education, Science and Training the Hon Dr Brendan Nelson MP)



The Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act) was introduced with the objectives of:
- Ensuring that international students in Australia receive the education and training for which they have paid;
- Protecting the reputation and integrity of Australia’s education and training export industry; and
- Strengthening public confidence in the integrity of the student visa program.

The ESOS Act, which replaced the Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration of Providers and Financial Regulation) Act 1991, established key national elements for the regulation of the international education and training services industry. It addressed problems facing the industry; the uncertain financial protections for students’ pre-paid course fees; the emergence of a small minority of unscrupulous providers; and inconsistent quality assurance. The development of the ESOS Act involved consultation with industry, State and Territory authorities and Commonwealth agencies, particularly the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs. It is subject to an independent review, commencing within three years of receiving Royal Assent on 21 December 2000.

The ESOS Act established a new regime for the registration of education and training providers, which have been approved by State and Territory authorities; and established the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students (National Code) as a nationally consistent code to provide greater quality assurance for overseas students.

The ESOS Act contains measures for education and training providers registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) to belong to a tuition assurance scheme, to pay annual contributions to the ESOS Assurance Fund, to refrain from misleading marketing practices or deceptive recruitment of students and to refund student money in cases of default. It also contains Commonwealth powers to investigate, impose sanctions including conditions and suspension on provider’s registration, and remove non bona-fide operators from the industry.

This Bill continues support for a strengthened regulatory framework for Australia’s education and training export industry and will ensure its integrity and long-term viability. It will provide greater clarity about the Commonwealth’s powers and greater certainty for the education and training export industry. It does not involve a change of government policy but strengthens existing arrangements.

The Bill contains measures of a minor, technical and machinery of government nature that will improve the operation of certain sections of the ESOS Act. The changes proposed in the Bill arose from experience with the administration of certain provisions since the implementation of the ESOS Act. The Bill contains measures to correct technical anomalies; to improve clarity of the definition of registered provider; to explain to whom refund of student monies should be paid in the case of student default; and to provide greater flexibility to impose the full range of sanctions in cases of non-compliance, including the ability to impose lesser sanctions.


The Bill will be Budget neutral and will not increase costs to the Commonwealth or the education export industry.



Clause 1 - Short title

Provides for the Act to be cited as the Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment Act 2002.

Clause 2 - Commencement

Provides for the Act to commence on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.

Clause 3 - Schedule(s)

Provides that each Act that is specified in a Schedule is amended or repealed as set out in the applicable items in the Schedule and that any other item in a Schedule has effect according to its terms.

Schedule 1 – Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000

Item 1

Amends section 5 to redefine registered provider for a course for a State as “an approved provider that is entered on the Register as a provider for the course for the State”.

Items 2 and 3

Amend paragraphs 8(1)(e) and (f) to clarify that where a person who is registered to provide a particular course for a particular State (or where a person provides a course in accordance with an arrangement the person has with a registered provider for a particular course for a particular State), that person is not guilty of an offence under section 8 in respect of providing that particular course in that particular State.

Item 4

Amends the note to paragraph 9(2)(d) (which refers to section 14) to substitute reference to the “Minister” with a reference to the “Secretary”, to reflect amendments to paragraph 14(1)(a) and subsections 14(2) and (3) by items 7 and 8.

Item 5

Amends paragraph 9(6)(b) to have the effect of providing that, in deciding whether it is satisfied that a provider is fit and proper to be registered as mentioned in paragraph 9(2)(ca), the designated authority must have regard to whether the provider, or an associate of the provider who has been, is or will be involved in the business of the provision of courses by the provider has ever had his, her or its registration cancelled or suspended “for any one or more courses for any one or more States” under the Act or the old ESOS Act.

Item 6

Amends paragraph 11(1)(b) to have the effect of providing that, before a designated authority recommends an approved provider for registration, the provider must tell the Secretary and the authority if the provider or an associate of the provider has ever had his, her or its registration cancelled or suspended “for any one or more courses for any one or more States” under the Act or the old ESOS Act.

Item 7 and 8

Amend paragraph 14(1)(a) and subsections 14(2) and (3) to have the effect of providing that the powers and duties imposed on the Minister by section 14 to notify States in cases of suspected non-compliance with the ESOS Act or the national code, are to be conferred on the Secretary.

Item 9

Amends paragraph 17(1)(b) to have the effect of providing that a registered provider must tell the Secretary as soon as practicable if the provider becomes aware that an associate of the provider has ever had the associate's registration cancelled or suspended “for any one or more courses for any one or more States” under the Act or the old ESOS Act.

Item 10

Corrects Note 1 to section 26 by omitting the sentence “A breach of this section is also an offence: see section 104.”

Item 11

Repeals subsection 28(2) and substitutes a new subsection which has the effect of providing that, where there is a written agreement between the registered provider and the student setting out the refund requirements that apply in the case of student default as described in subsection 27(2), a provider must pay the amount (if any) required by the agreement to either the person specified in the agreement or otherwise to the student.

Item 12

Repeals subsection 30(1) and substitutes a new subsection which has the effect of providing that, where there is a written agreement between the registered provider and the student setting out the refund requirements that apply in the case of student default as described in subsection 27(2) and a person other than the student is specified in the agreement under section 28, the specified person is entitled to recover the amount owing under Division 2 of Part 3 as a debt by action in a court of competent jurisdiction. Otherwise the student is entitled to recover the debt. This amendment reflects the amendment made by item 11 to permit a refund of course money to a person other than the student in the case of student default.

Item 13

Amends paragraphs 76(1)(a) and (b) to have the effect of providing that a call is made on the Fund if the Fund Manager determines that, for an overseas student or an intending overseas student in relation to a course for which there is or was a registered provider, the provider is required to refund an amount under Division 2 of Part 3, it appears that the provider will be unable to satisfy its obligations under that Division and the student is not able to be placed promptly in a suitable alternative course under a tuition assurance scheme or by any other means. This amendment reflects the amendment made by item 11 to permit a refund of course money to a person other than the student in the case of student default.

Item 14

Repeals paragraph 77(1)(b) and substitutes a new paragraph to have the effect of providing that, if a call is made on the Fund and in consultation with the overseas student (or intending overseas student) the Fund Manager has been unsuccessful in placing the student in a course in Australia that the Fund Manager regards as a suitable alternative course, the Fund Manager must pay the person (other than the student) specified in an agreement under section 28 or otherwise the student, out of the Fund, an amount equal to the amount that the provider must still pay in order to satisfy the refund requirements under Division 2 of Part 3. This amendment reflects the amendment made by item 11 to permit a refund of course money to a person other than the student in the case of student default.

Item 15

Repeals subsection 78(1) and substitutes a new subsection to have the effect of providing that, after the Fund Manager pays an amount under section 77, the student or the person specified in an agreement under section 28 ceases to have any claim against the provider in respect of the student's course money. This amendment reflects the amendment made by item 11 to permit a refund of course money to a person other than the student in the case of student default.

Item 16

Inserts a new subsection 83(1A) which has the effect of providing that the Minister may take one or more of the actions listed in subsection 83(3) against a registered provider if the Minister believes on reasonable grounds that because of financial difficulty or any other reason the provider might not be able to provide courses or refund course money to its accepted students.

Item 17

Repeals paragraph 83(3)(a) and substitutes a new paragraph which has the effect of providing that one of the sanctions the Minister may impose for non-compliance is to impose one or more conditions on the registered provider's registration either generally or in respect of any one or more specified courses for any one or more specified States. Section 86 sets out some examples of the conditions the Minister may impose.

Item 18

Amends paragraphs 83(3)(b) and (c) to have the effect of providing that the sanctions the Minister may impose for non-compliance include suspending or cancelling the registered provider's registration for “any one or more specified courses for any one or more specified States”. The effect of suspension is set out in section 95.

Item 19

Inserts a new subsection 83(4) which has the effect of providing that the Minister may take action under section 83 against a registered provider’s registration for a particular course for a State even if the conduct or the situation that results in the Minister taking the action does not relate to that particular course.

Item 20

Provides that the amendments made by items 17, 18 and 19 apply to any action taken after the items commence, irrespective of when the conduct or situation that results in the action occurred.

Items 21 and 22

Repeal the heading to Subdivision B of Division 1 of Part 6 and section 87.

Item 23

A saving provision, which provides that the repeal of section 87 by item 22 does not affect the suspension of a registered provider’s registration, that was done under that section and is in force when the item commences.

Items 24 and 26

Amend paragraph 93(1)(a) and subparagraph 93(1)(d)(iii) to remove references to Subdivision B of Division 1 of Part 6 to reflect the repeal of that Subdivision heading by item 21.

Item 25

Amend subparagraph 93(1)(d)(i) to remove the words “of the possible breach” to reflect the fact that, with the insertion of subsection 83(1A) by item 16, the Minister may take enforcement action against a registered provider if the Minister believes on reasonable grounds that because of financial difficulty or any other reason, the provider might not be able to provide courses or refund course money to its accepted students.

Item 27

Provides that the amendments made by items 24 and 25 apply to any decision to take action that is made after the items commence, irrespective of when the conduct or situation that results in the decision to take the action occurred.

Item 28

Repeals section 95 and substitutes a new section dealing with the effect of suspension under Division 1 of Part 6.

Proposed subsection (1) has the effect of providing that a provider whose registration is suspended for a course for a State under Division 1 must not do any thing for the purpose of recruiting or enrolling overseas students or intending overseas students for the course for the State or solicit or accept any money from an overseas student or an intending overseas student for the course for the State. In addition, if an accepted student of the provider has not begun the course, a provider whose registration is suspended for a course for a State under Division 1 must not permit the student to begin the course for the State.

Proposed subsection (2) has the effect of providing that a provider whose registration is suspended for a course for a State under Division 1 is still registered for the course for the State for all other purposes.

Item 29

Amends paragraph 96(1)(a) to have the effect of providing that the Secretary must update the Register appropriately if a provider's registration is suspended or cancelled “for any one or more courses for any one or more States”. However, a failure to update the Register does not affect the validity of a suspension or cancellation.

Item 30

Amends paragraph 176(1)(b) to omit reference to section 87, which is repealed by item 22.


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