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2022 THE PARLIAMENT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES EMERGENCY RESPONSE FUND AMENDMENT (DISASTER READY FUND) BILL 2022 SUPPLEMENTARY EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM Amendments to be Moved on Behalf of the Government (Circulated by authority of the Minister for Finance, Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher)Index] [Search] [Download] [Bill] [Help]EMERGENCY RESPONSE FUND AMENDMENT (DISASTER READY FUND) BILL 2022 OUTLINE These amendments are minor technical corrections that are necessary to ensure the Bill achieves the intended policy outcomes. The errors occurred as an oversight in the finalisation and renumbering of the Bill. NOTES ON AMENDMENTS Item 1 would fix incorrect references in item 209 of Schedule 1 to the Emergency Response Fund Amendment (Disaster Ready Fund Bill) 2022 (Bill). Item 209 of Schedule 1 provides that the new arrangements for providing copies of directions apply only in relation to directions given after commencement of the item (from 1 July 2023). The new arrangements for providing copies of directions are made by items 80, 87, 96, 100 and 104, however the Bill incorrectly references items 80F, 86, 95, 96B and 99. This item replaces the incorrect references with the correct references, to ensure the Bill has the intended effect of providing transitional arrangements for the changes. Item 2 would fix an incorrect reference in item 8 of Schedule 2 to the Bill. Item 8 of Schedule 2 is intended to remove a reference in paragraph 28A(7)(b) of the Act to a subsection that is being repealed by item 12 of Schedule 2. Item 8 of Schedule 2, as currently drafted, would incorrectly remove a reference to subsection (6) that does not exist in paragraph 28A(7)(b). The correct reference to remove from paragraph 28A(7)(b) is subsection 7, and this amendment would achieve that (the reference to subsection 7 in paragraph 28A(7)(b) would be added by item 84 of Schedule 1). Item 3 would fix an incorrect reference in item 10 of Schedule 2 to the Bill. Item 10 of Schedule 2 is intended to remove a reference in subsection 32A(3) of the Act to a subsection that is being repealed by item 12 of Schedule 2. This change refers to the same subsection that is incorrectly referenced in item 8 of Schedule 2 (as per item 2 above). Item 10 of Schedule 2, as currently drafted, would incorrectly remove a reference to subsection (6) that does not exist in subsection 32A(3). The correct reference to remove from subsection 32A(3) is subsection 7, and this amendment would achieve that (the reference to subsection 7 in subsection 32A(3) would be added by item 103 of Schedule 1).