Commonwealth of Australia Explanatory Memoranda

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(Circulated with the authority of the Minister for Finance, the Honourable
John Fahey, MP)

88513 Cat. No. 96 7723 2 ISBN 0644 502627


This Bill has been prepared in the context of the sale or refinancing of DASFLEET, however, the Bill's provisions will apply to any vehicle leased to the Commonwealth or a Commonwealth authority. This Bill provides for the registration of motor vehicles owned by or leased to the Commonwealth and Commonwealth authorities, and exempts from State and Territory taxation:
the sale of the DASFLEET assets that include the vehicle fleet
leases of vehicles back to the Commonwealth and Commonwealth authorities
the registration under State or Territory law of vehicles leased to the Commonwealth and Commonwealth authorities.

The Bill establishes a Register of Commonwealth motor vehicles and allows for vehicles that are owned by, or leased for at least 3 months to, the Commonwealth or a Commonwealth authority to be registered. Regulations will provide for details of the vehicle register, including such issues as registration certificates, labels and Commonwealth number plates. The Bill exempts vehicles on the Commonwealth motor vehicle register from the need to be registered under a law of a State or Territory or to have third party insurance.

The Commonwealth currently bears its own liability for third party claims arising out of the use of motor vehicles owned by the Commonwealth or a Commonwealth authority - see the Commonwealth Motor Vehicles (Liability) Act 1959. The question of the extension of the Commonwealth's liability to cover vehicles that are leased to the Commonwealth or a Commonwealth authority is being addressed in the Commonwealth Motor Vehicles (Liability) Amendment Bill 1997.


The measures contained in this legislation are intended to continue current arrangements with regard to vehicles used by the Commonwealth after DASFLEET is sold or its vehicles refinanced. The Bill will permit the Commonwealth to continue to use Commonwealth number plates rather than registering vehicles under State and Territory law and continue its existing exemption from stamp duty, registration and compulsory third party insurance.

Without the legislation:
The Commonwealth would incur costs in the first year of approximately $10m in registration fees, stamp duty on registration and compulsory third party insurance. The net present value over 10 years is in the order of $45m.
Purchasers would be charged stamp duty on the transfer of assets (excluding vehicles) of approximately $2.75m, which would generally be deducted from the sale price paid to the Commonwealth by purchasers.
The owner of the vehicles leased to the Commonwealth would be charged approximately $1.5m a year stamp duty on leasing arrangements, which would be passed on to the Commonwealth through vehicle leasing charges.

These figures relate only to approximately 9,650 vehicles which are currently operated by DASFLEET. There are a further 12,000 or so vehicles which carry Commonwealth number-plates which are not operated by DASFLEET, but which are covered by this legislation. The costs to the Commonwealth would be much higher in the event that these non-DASFLEET vehicles are leased from the private sector in the future. The total potential costs are approximately twice those estimated for vehicles currently operated by DASFLEET.


Part 1 - Preliminary

Clause 1 - Short title
1. This clause provides for the Act to be cited as the Commonwealth Vehicles (Registration and Exemption from Taxation) Act 1997.

Clause 2 - Commencement
2. This clause provides that the Act commences on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.

Clause 3 - Definitions
3. This clause contains definitions of certain terms that are used in the Act. The terms defined are Commonwealth authority, DASFLEET, DASFLEET asset, lease, motor vehicle, register, registered vehicle, registrar, registration, third-party policy, trailer and vehicle. "Commonwealth authority" is defined to be a body corporate incorporated for a public purpose by a law of the Commonwealth, the Jervis Bay Territory or an external Territory other than Norfolk Island, other than a prescribed body corporate. In the regulations it is proposed to exclude trading enterprises from the coverage of the Act.

Clause 4 - Objects of Act
4. This clause sets out the objects of the Act, which are to provide for the registration of vehicles used by the Commonwealth and Commonwealth authorities, and to exempt the sale of DASFLEET, the lease back of vehicles to the Commonwealth and the registration of those vehicles under State or Territory law from State and Territory taxes.

Clause 5 - Extension of Act to external Territories
5. This clause provides for the Act to extend to the Australian Antarctic Territory, the Coral Sea Islands Territory and the Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands. The Act automatically extends to the Jervis Bay Territory, the Territory of Christmas Island and the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Island.

Part 2 - Registration of Commonwealth Vehicles

Clause 6 - Register of Commonwealth vehicles
6. This clause establishes the register of Commonwealth vehicles under the control of the Registrar.

Clause 7 - Registrar
7. This clause establishes the office of Registrar within the Department.

Clause 8 - Vehicles that may be registered
8. This clause states that the only vehicles that may be registered in the register are those owned by, or leased for a continuous period of at least 3 months to, the Commonwealth or a Commonwealth authority.

Clause 9 - Registration of motor vehicles
9. Clause 9 deals with the procedure for the registration of motor vehicles by the Registrar.

Clause 10 - Cancellation of registration by Registrar
10. This clause sets out the circumstances in which the Registrar may cancel the registration of a vehicle.

Clause 11 - Automatic cancellation of registration
11. This clause provides that registration is automatically cancelled if a vehicle owned by the Commonwealth ceases to be so owned, or, in the case of a vehicle leased to the Commonwealth, if the lease expires or is terminated.

Clause 12 - suspension of registration
12. This clause sets out the circumstances in which the Registrar may suspend the registration of a vehicle and terminate that suspension.

Clause 13 - Surrender of registration
13. This clause provides that the owner of a registered vehicle may surrender the registration to the Registrar.

Clause 14 - Exemption from registration etc. under State or Territory laws
14. This clause provides that if a vehicle is registered under the Act there is no obligation to register the vehicle, or take out third party insurance in respect of the vehicle, under the law of a State or Territory, and a person is not guilty of an offence under a State or Territory law for driving such a vehicle.

Clause 15 - Regulations may make further provision with respect to registered vehicles
15. This clause authorises the making of regulations for the keeping of the register, the issue of registration certificates, number plates and registration labels and the display of number plates and labels, and the giving of notices to the Registrar.

Part 3 - Exemption from Taxation

Clause 16 - Exemption from State and Territory taxation
16. This clause provides that no tax is payable under State or Territory laws in respect of:
the sale by the Commonwealth of a package of DASFLEET assets that includes the fleet, or the major part of the fleet, of vehicles used by it for the purposes of DASFLEET
the sale by the Commonwealth of the fleet, or the major part of the fleet, of vehicles used by it for the purposes of DASFLEET
the lease of a vehicle for a period of at least 3 months to the Commonwealth or a Commonwealth authority
the registration under a law of a State or Territory of a vehicle that is leased to the Commonwealth, or a Commonwealth authority, for at least 3 months.

Part 4 - Miscellaneous

Clause 17 - Regulations
17. Subclause (1) provides the usual regulation-making power. Subclause (2) authorises the prescribing of penalties not exceeding 10 penalty units for offences against the regulations.


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