Commonwealth of Australia Explanatory Memoranda

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                          HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

                         CARER RECOGNITION BILL 2010

                           EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM

                     (Circulated by the authority of the
 Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs,
                          the Hon Jenny Macklin MP)
                         CARER RECOGNITION BILL 2010


The Carer Recognition  Bill 2010  establishes  a  legislative  framework  to
increase recognition and awareness of informal carers  and  acknowledge  the
valuable contribution they make to society.

The bill is to:

    . establish a broad and encompassing definition of carer;

    . establish the Statement  for  Australia's  Carers,  which  states  key
      principles on how carers should be treated and considered;

    . establish that all public service agencies should  have  an  awareness
      and understanding of the Statement for Australia's Carers and  develop
      internal human resources policies, in so far as they may significantly
      affect an employee's caring role, with due regard to the Statement for
      Australia's Carers;

    . establish that public service care  agencies  should  take  action  to
      reflect the principles in the  Statement  for  Australia's  Carers  in
      developing,  implementing,  providing  or  evaluating  care  supports,
      consult with carers and involve them in the development or  evaluation
      of care supports,  and  report  on  compliance  with  the  obligations
      established; and

    . establish that associated  providers  should  have  an  awareness  and
      understanding of the Statement for Australia's Carers and take  action
      to reflect the principles in the Statement for Australia's  Carers  in
      developing, implementing, providing or evaluating care supports.

It is not  intended  that  the  bill  establish  carers'  rights  or  create
enforceable  obligations  binding  carers,   entities   affected   by   this
legislation, or the Commonwealth.

Financial impact statement

The bill will have no financial impact.
                         CARER RECOGNITION BILL 2010


                            PART 1 - PRELIMINARY

Clause 1 - Short title

This clause provides for the Act  to  be  cited  as  the  Carer  Recognition
Act 2010.

Clause 2 - Commencement

This clause provides for the Act to commence on  the  day  it  receives  the
Royal Assent.

Clause 3 - Object of Act

This clause provides that the object of the Act is to  increase  recognition
and awareness of carers and to acknowledge the  valuable  contribution  they
make to society.

Clause 4 - Definitions

This clause sets out the defined terms used in the bill.

In particular, subclause (1) provides:

agent includes a contractor.

annual report means, in relation to a public service care agency, an  annual
report relating to the activities of the public service care agency that  is
required by a provision of the Public Service Act 1999, or  by  a  provision
of another Act that establishes the agency.

associated provider has the meaning given by subclause (2).

carer - see clause 5.

care supports means policies, programs or services  directed  to  carers  or
the people for whom they care.

public service agency means an Agency  within  the  meaning  of  the  Public
Service Act 1999.

      A public service agency is defined as follows by the Public Service
      Act 1999:  'Agency means:

            (a)   a Department; or
            (b)   an Executive Agency; or
            (c)   a Statutory Agency.'

public  service  care  agency  means  a  public  service  agency   that   is
responsible for  developing,  implementing,  providing  or  evaluating  care

reporting period means, in relation to  a  public  service  care  agency,  a
period of 12 months to which an annual report of the agency relates.

Statement for Australia's Carers - see clause 6.

Subclause 4(2) provides that, if a public service care agency enters into  a
contract or funding arrangement with another  person  or  body  (called  the
first entity) for  the  first  entity  to  develop,  implement,  provide  or
evaluate care supports  (called  the  funded  activities),  then  the  first
entity is an associated provider  in  relation  to  the  funded  activities.
Also, if the first entity enters into  a  contract  or  funding  arrangement
with another person or body  (called  the  second  entity)  for  the  second
entity to undertake all or part of the funded activities,  then  the  second
entity is an associated provider in relation to  the  funded  activities  or
the part of the funded activities (as the case requires).

Subclause 4(3) provides that subclause 4(2) does not apply to a contract  or
funding arrangement that a public service care agency, or another person  or
body, enters into with a State or Territory.

Clause 5 - Meaning of carer

This clause defines carer for the purposes of this bill.

Subclause  5(1)  adopts  a  broad  definition  of  carer.   The   definition
encompasses all people who provide personal care, support and assistance  to
individuals who  need  support  due  to  disability,  a  medical  condition,
including a terminal or chronic illness, mental illness or fragility due  to

Subclause 5(2) provides that an individual is not a carer  for  the  purpose
of the bill in respect of care, support or assistance they provide:

    . under a contract of  service  or  a  contract  for  the  provision  of
      services; or

    . in the course of doing voluntary work for  a  charitable,  welfare  or
      community organisation; or

    . as part of the requirements of a course of education or training.

This subclause means that an individual is not a carer for  the  purpose  of
this bill if they only provide care under these circumstances.

Subclause 5(3) provides, to avoid doubt, that an individual is not  a  carer
simply because they:

    . are the spouse, de facto partner, parent or other relative or guardian
      of an individual; or

    . live with an individual who requires care.

For example, a foster carer is not a carer for  the  purpose  of  the  bill,
unless the child being cared for needs support due to disability, a  medical
condition, including a terminal or chronic illness, or mental illness.


Clause 6 - The Statement for Australia's Carers

This clause provides that the Statement for Australia's Carers  is  set  out
in Schedule 1.


Clause 7 - Obligations of all public service agencies

Subclause 7(1) provides that each public  service  agency  is  to  take  all
practicable  measures  to  ensure  that  their  employees  and  agents  have
awareness and understanding of the Statement for Australia's Carers.

Subclause 7(2) provides that  each  public  service  agency  is  to  develop
internal human resources policies, in  so  far  as  they  may  significantly
affect an employee's caring role, with  due  regard  to  the  Statement  for
Australia's Carers.

Clause 8 - Additional obligations of public service care agencies

This clause places additional obligations on public  service  care  agencies
as they have responsibility for policies, programs and services directed  to
carers or the people for whom they care and, as  such,  have  a  significant
impact on the role of carers.

Subclause 8(1) provides that each public service care agency is to take  all
practicable measures to ensure that it, and its employees and  agents,  take
action to reflect the principles of the  Statement  for  Australia's  Carers
when developing, implementing, providing or  evaluating  care  supports  (as

Subclause 8(2) provides that public service care agencies  are  required  to
consult carers, or bodies that represent  carers,  on  the  development  and
evaluation of care supports (as defined).

Subclause 8(3) provides that each public service care agency  must,  in  its
annual report for each reporting  period  to  which  this  proposed  section
applies, report on its compliance as regards clause 7  and  this  clause  in
that period.

Subclause 8(4) provides  that  subclause 8(3)  applies,  in  relation  to  a
particular public service care agency, to the first  full  reporting  period
of the agency that starts on or after the commencement of the bill, and  all
subsequent reporting periods of the agency.

Clause 9 - Obligations of associated providers

Clause 9 provides that each associated provider is to take  all  practicable
measures to ensure that its officers, employees and  agents  have  awareness
and understanding of the Statement for Australia's Carers  and  take  action
to  reflect  its  principles  in  developing,  implementing,  providing   or
evaluating care supports (as defined).

                           PART 4 - OTHER MATTERS

Clause 10 - Act does not create legally enforceable obligations etc.

Subclause 10(1) provides that the bill does  not  create  rights  or  duties
that are legally enforceable in judicial or other proceedings.

Subclause 10(2) provides that a failure to comply with  the  bill  does  not
affect the validity of any decision, and is not a ground for the  review  or
challenge of any decision.  For  example,  this  bill  would  not  affect  a
decision made about an individual's qualification for  carer  payment  under
the Social Security Act 1991.

Subclause 10(3) provides that, if a public service agency, or an  associated
provider, is required by another law of the Commonwealth, or by a law  of  a
State or Territory, to  consider  particular  matters,  or  to  comply  with
particular requirements,  in  the  exercise  of  its  functions  or  powers,
nothing in this bill is to be taken  to  require  the  public  service  care
agency, or the associated provider, to act inconsistently with that law.

Clause 11 - Act not intended to exclude similar State or Territory laws

This clause provides that the bill is not  to  prevail  over  any  State  or
Territory legislation that establishes a Carers Charter (however  described)
or that otherwise provides for the recognition of carers.

Clause 12 - Regulations

This clause provides a power for the Governor-General  to  make  regulations
necessary and convenient for carrying  into  effect  any  provision  of  the

This Schedule includes  the  Statement  for  Australia's  Carers,  which  is
referred to in clause 6 of the bill.

The Statement for Australia's  Carers  will  not  create  rights,  but  will
instead establish key principles to provide guidance on  how  carers  should
be  treated  and  considered  by  public  service  agencies  and  associated
providers.  Public service care agencies  and  associated  providers  should
reflect the principles  in  the  statement  when  developing,  implementing,
providing and evaluating care supports (as defined).


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