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2013-2014-2015 THE PARLIAMENT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Charter of Budget Honesty Amendment (Regional Australia Statements) Bill 2015 EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM and STATEMENT OF COMPATIBILITY WITH HUMAN RIGHTS Circulated by authority of Cathy McGowan MPCharter of Budget Honesty Amendment (Regional Australia Statements) Bill 2015 OUTLINE The purpose of the amendments are to ensure that the framework for the conduct of Government fiscal policy, which includes obligations on the Government of regular fiscal reporting, include an obligation to publicly release and table a regional Australia statement together with each budget economic and fiscal outlook report and each mid-year economic and fiscal outlook report. The purpose of the regional Australia statements is to provide information to allow the assessment of the impact of the Government's policy decisions on regional Australia. There is no standard Australian Government classification of regional Australia - the term generally refers to the regions outside metropolitan areas. FINANCIAL IMPACT The bill will have no financial impact. NOTES ON CLAUSES Clause 1: Short Title This clause provides for the citation of the Act as the Charter of Budget Honesty Amendment (Regional Australia Statements) Act 2015. Clause 2: Commencement This clause provides for the commencement of all Sections of the Act the day after the Act receives Royal Assent. Clause 3: Schedules This clause establishes that, as the intent of the Bill is to be realised through amendments to other Acts, the Schedules of this Bill will amend those Acts accordingly. Schedule 1 - Amendments Charter of Budget Honesty Act 1998 Item 1 of Schedule 1: Item 1 proposes an obligation upon the Treasurer to publicly release and table regional Australia statements together with each budget economic and fiscal outlook report and each mid-year economic and fiscal outlook report. Item 2 of Schedule 1: Item 2 inserts a new Part 5A - Regional Australia Statements after existing Part 5 Annual Government Reporting of the Charter of Budget Honesty Act 1998.
Section 19A outlines the public release and tabling of regional Australia statements by the Treasurer with each budget economic and fiscal outlook report and each mid-year economic and fiscal outlook report. Section 19B outlines the purpose of regional Australia statements to provide information to allow the assessment of the impact of the Government's decision on regional Australia. Section 19C details the contents of the regional Australia statements, including the likely economic, social, cultural and environmental impacts on regional Australia of key Government initiatives. Section 19D allows for the Treasurer to request Commonwealth bodies to provide information to help in the preparation of regional Australia statements and that the Commonwealth body is to provide the information in time to allow the information to be taken into account in the preparation of the statements. STATEMENT OF COMPATIBILITY WITH HUMAN RIGHTS Prepared in accordance with Part 3 of the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011 Charter of Budget Honesty Amendment (Regional Australia Statements) Bill 2015 This bill is compatible with the human rights and freedoms recognised or declared in the international instruments listed in section 3 of the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011. Overview of the bill The purpose of the bill is to ensure that the obligations imposed on Government in the Charter of Budget Honesty Act 1998 include an obligation to publically release and table regular regional Australia statements in the conduct of their Government fiscal policy. The purpose of the regional Australia statements is to provide information to allow the assessment of the impact of the Government's policy decisions on regional Australia. Human rights implications This bill does not engage any of the applicable rights or freedoms. Conclusion This bill is compatible with human rights because it does not raise any human rights issues. Cathy McGowan AO MP