Commonwealth of Australia Explanatory Memoranda

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                          2016 - 2017 - 2018



                    MEASURES) BILL 2017


          Amendments to be Moved on Behalf of the Government

                     (Circulated by authority of the
             Attorney-General, the Hon Christian Porter MP)

AMENDMENTS TO THE CRIMES LEGISLATION AMENDMENT (POWERS, OFFENCES AND OTHER MEASURES) BILL 2017 (Government) GENERAL OUTLINE 1. The purpose of these amendments to Schedule 2 of the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Powers, Offences and Other Measures) Bill 2017 (the Bill) is to remove the obligation (currently proposed by the Bill) on investigating officials to take "reasonable steps" to notify an Aboriginal legal assistance organisation that an Aboriginal person or Torres Strait Islander is intended to be questioned by the investigating official. FINANCIAL IMPACT 2. The amendments will have no financial impact on Government revenue. 2

STATEMENT OF COMPATIBILITY WITH HUMAN RIGHTS Crimes Legislation Amendment (Powers, Offences and Other Measures) Bill 2017 3. The amendments to Schedule 2 of the Bill are compatible with the human rights and freedoms recognised or declared in the international instruments listed in section 3 of the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011. Overview of the Bill 4. The purpose of the amendments to Schedule 2 of the Bill is to remove the obligation (currently proposed by the Bill) on investigating officials to take "reasonable steps" to notify an Aboriginal legal assistance organisation that an Aboriginal person or Torres Strait Islander is intended to be questioned by the investigating official. Human rights implications 5. The amendments do not engage any of the applicable rights or freedoms. Conclusion 6. The amendments are compatible with human rights as they do not raise any human rights issues. 3

NOTES ON CLAUSES Crimes Act 1914 Amendment 1: Schedule 2, Item 4, page 4 (lines 15 to 22) 7. Item 4 has the effect of removing the words "immediately" from paragraph 23H(1)(a) and "accordingly" from paragraph 23H(1)(b) of the Crimes Act 1914, given the amendments contained in Item 3 of the Bill that clarify that both of the obligations applicable to an investigating official (that is, to inform an Aboriginal person or Torres Strait Islander that an Aboriginal legal assistance organisation will be notified, and then notify such an organisation), must occur before starting to question the person. The amendments in Item 3 render the terms "immediately" and "accordingly" unnecessary. 8. Item 4 also inserts into paragraph 23H(1)(b) the same wording from paragraph 23H(1)(a) about notifying an Aboriginal legal assistance organisation that a person is under arrest or a protected suspect (as the case requires) in order to clarify that the obligation is to notify such an organisation of that fact and not to notify them generally, for example. 9. Item 4 also has the effect of replacing the term "Aboriginal legal aid organisation" currently in the Crimes Act 1914 with the term "Aboriginal legal assistance organisation", reflecting the updated terminology and definition contained in Item 2 of the Bill. 10. Item 4 will also insert a requirement that an investigating official must notify an Aboriginal legal assistance organisation within the State or Territory where the person the official intends to question is located. This is intended to ensure that an organisation in the relevant jurisdiction is notified. Amendment 2: Schedule 2, Item 15, page 6 (lines 13 to 19) 11. Item 15 has the effect of removing the word "accordingly" from paragraph 23WG(4)(b) of the Crimes Act 1914, to achieve consistency with the amendments to paragraph 23H(1)(b) contained in Item 4. Existing subsection 23WG(4) makes it clear that an investigating official must discharge the obligations in that subsection prior to asking for an Aboriginal person or Torres Strait Islander's consent to a forensic procedure. 12. Item 15 also inserts into paragraph 23WG(4)(b) the same wording from paragraph 23WG(4)(a) about notifying an Aboriginal legal assistance organisation that a person is to be asked to consent to a forensic procedure in order to clarify that the obligation is to notify such an organisation of that fact and not to notify them generally, for example. 13. Item 15 also has the effect of replacing the term "Aboriginal legal aid organisation" currently in the Crimes Act 1914 with the term "Aboriginal legal assistance organisation", reflecting the updated terminology and definition contained in Item 2 of the Bill. 4

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