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2016-2017 THE PARLIAMENT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA SENATE CIVIL LAW AND JUSTICE LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL 2017 ADDENDUM TO THE EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM (Circulated by authority of the Attorney-General, Senator the Honourable George Brandis QC)Index] [Search] [Download] [Bill] [Help]CIVIL LAW AND JUSTICE LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL 2017 NOTES ON CLAUSES This addendum responds to concerns raised by the Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills in Scrutiny Digest No.5 dated 10 May 2017. On page 45, after paragraph 195, insert: The inclusion of the Australian Border Force Commissioner and an APS employee in the Department administered by the Minister administering the Australian Border Force Act 2015 is a continuation of the ability under existing section 122A for officers of the Australian Border Force to make an arrest when authorised by the Act. It is envisaged that in practice, only Australian Border Force officers will be authorised by a court under this subsection. These officers already have arrest powers under other Acts, and would receive training appropriate to the exercise of those powers. Powers of arrest are already covered in a number of Australian Border Force operational training courses. On page 61, after paragraph 304, insert: Arbitral proceedings are distinct from enforcement proceedings. If the award debtor does not voluntarily meet its contractual obligation to comply with the terms of the award, the award creditor may need to commence enforcement proceedings. The Bill would simplify the procedure for applying to a court for enforcement of an arbitral award. This provision refers to arbitral proceedings commenced prior to commencement of the Bill. It does not refer to enforcement proceedings commenced prior to the commencement of the Bill. The simplified procedure would be available in all enforcement proceedings commenced after commencement of the Bill, even where the related arbitral proceedings had commenced prior to the commencement of the Bill. Proceedings for the enforcement of an existing award sometimes occur shortly after the conclusion of the arbitration, but may also be delayed by many years. The simplified procedure would be available in enforcement proceedings which commence after the commencement of the Bill--but which may relate to arbitral proceedings commenced prior to the Bill's commencement. This effect is not a retrospective application of law. The substantive rights of the parties which are determined by the arbitral tribunal and expressed in the arbitral award would not be impacted by this Bill. The Bill would only alter procedural aspects of enforcement proceedings which commence after the Bill, which would only come into existence once the enforcement proceedings are commenced. To be clear, enforcement proceedings which commence prior to the commencement of the Bill would be run according to the procedural requirements of the Act in its current form. The amended provisions would not apply to enforcement proceedings which commence prior to the Bill but continue after its commencement. 2