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2022-2023 THE PARLIAMENT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES COAG LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL 2023 EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM (Circulated by authority of the Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister, the Honourable Patrick Gorman MP)COAG LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL 2023 GENERAL OUTLINE 1. The COAG Legislation Amendment Bill 2023 would make minor amendments to various Commonwealth Acts to update references to COAG and Ministerial Councils to reflect the cessation of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) on 29 May 2020 and the establishment of a new Commonwealth-state architecture catalysed by the Review of COAG Councils and Ministerial Forums led by Mr Peter Conran AM. 2. There is benefit in progressing amendments that would provide consistency in Commonwealth legislation and the current framing of the proposed Bill would provide flexibility to avoid the need to amend legislation in the event of changes to the nomenclature of ministerial fora. 3. The Bill would amend the COAG Reform Fund Act 2008, the Federal Financial Relations Act 2009, the Fuel Indexation (Road Funding) Special Account Act 2015, the DisabilityCare Australia Fund Act 2013, the Disaster Ready Fund Act 2019, the Future Drought Fund Act 2019, the Medical Research Future Fund Act 2015, the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, and the Housing Australia Future Fund Act 2023. 4. Where the above Acts make reference to the "COAG Reform Fund", the Bill proposes to substitute these words with "Federation Reform Fund". 5. The Bill would also amend the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority Act 2008, the Australian Education Act 2013, the Australian National Preventive Health Act 2010, the Healthcare Identifiers Act 2010, the My Health Records Act 2012, the National Health Reform Act 2011, the Biological Control Act 1984, the Fisheries Management Act 1991, the Defence (Road Transport Legislation Exemption) Act 2006, the National Transport Commission Act 2003, the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013, the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011, the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, the Infrastructure Australia Act 2008, and the Water Act 2007. 6. Where the above Acts make references to "COAG", this Bill proposes to substitute this word with "First Ministers' Council", which would be defined flexibly to mean a body (however described) that consists only of, or that includes, the Prime Minister, the Premiers of each State and the Chief Ministers of the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory. 7. Further, where the above Acts include the term "Ministerial Council", this Bill proposes to change the definition to mean a body (however described) that consists of the Minister of the Commonwealth, and the Minister of each State and Territory, who is responsible, or principally responsible, for matters relating to a particular portfolio issue. 8. Where the above Acts include references to specific names of Councils (for example, the "Standing Council on Health" in the National Health Reform Act 2011), this Bill proposes to substitute them with the generic "Ministerial Council" term so that any 2
future title changes to ministerial bodies can be implemented without amending legislation. 9. The broad definitions this Bill proposes are intended to provide flexibility for any future changes to the title of an intergovernmental ministerial group so legislative changes to update titles are avoided. FINANCIAL IMPACT 10. The Bill has no financial impact. 3
STATEMENT OF COMPATIBILITY WITH HUMAN RIGHTS Prepared in accordance with Part 3 of the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011 COAG Legislation Amendment Bill 2023 1. This Bill is compatible with the human rights and freedoms recognised or declared in the international instruments listed in section 3 of the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011. Overview of the Bill/Disallowable Legislative Instrument 2. This Bill would: a. Update outdated references to "COAG Reform Fund" where it occurs in legislation with "Federation Reform Fund" (Schedule 1) b. Update outdated references to "COAG" with "First Ministers Council" where it occurs in legislation, defined flexibly to mean "a body (however described) that consists only of, or that includes, the Prime Minister, the Premiers of each State and the Chief Ministers of the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory" (Schedule 2), and c. Retain the term "Ministerial Council", but insert a flexible definition where it occurs in legislation to accommodate future changes to titles to these bodies, namely to mean a body (however described) that consists of the Minister of the Commonwealth, and the Minister of each State and Territory, who is responsible, or principally responsible, for matters relating to a specified portfolio issue (Schedule 2). 3. The amendments in Schedules 1 and 2: a. Make amendments to the title of the "COAG Reform Fund" where it occurs throughout legislation, and b. Make amendments to outdated references to "COAG" and Ministerial Councils as a result of the cessation of COAG and its substructures. 4. The amendments in Schedules 1 and 2 are machinery or technical in nature and do not affect the rights or obligations of any person. Human rights implications 5. This Bill does not engage any of the applicable rights or freedoms. Conclusion 6. This Bill is compatible with human rights as it does not raise any human rights issues. 4
NOTES ON CLAUSES Abbreviations and Acronyms used in this explanatory memorandum • ACARA Act means the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority Act 2008 • Australian Education Act means the Australian Education Act 2013 • Australian National Preventive Health Agency Act means the Australian National Preventive Health Agency Act 2010 • Biological Control Act means the Biological Control Act 1984 • COAG means the former Council of Australian Governments • COAG Reform Fund Act means the COAG Reform Fund Act 2008 • Defence (Road Transport Legislation Exemption) Act means the Defence (Road Transport Legislation Exemption) Act 2006 • DisabilityCare Australia Fund Act means the DisabilityCare Australia Fund Act 2013 • Disaster Ready Fund Act means the Disaster Ready Fund Act 2019 • Federal Financial Relations Act means the Federal Financial Relations Act 2009 • Fisheries Management Act means the Fisheries Management Act 1991 • First Ministers means the collective group of the Prime Minister of Australia, the Premiers of each State, and the Chief Ministers of the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory • Fuel Indexation (Road Funding) Special Account Act means the Fuel Indexation (Road Funding) Special Account Act 2015 • Future Drought Fund Act means the Future Drought Fund Act 2019 • Healthcare Identifiers Act means the Healthcare Identifiers Act 2010 • Housing Australia Future Fund Act means the Housing Australia Future Fund Act 2023 • Infrastructure Australia Act means the Infrastructure Australia Act 2008 • Medical Research Future Fund Act means the Medical Research Future Fund Act 2015 • My Health Records Act means the My Health Records Act 2012 • National Health Reform Act means the National Health Reform Act 2011 5
• National Transport Commission Act means the National Transport Commission Act 2003 • NDIS Act means the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 • NVETR Act means the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 • Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act means the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 • Proceeds of Crime Act means the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 • Water Act means the Water Act 2007 Clause 1 - Short title 1. This clause provides for the short title of the Bill upon its enactment by the Parliament to be the COAG Legislation Amendment Act. Clause 2 - Commencement 2. This clause provides for the commencement of each provision in the Bill, as set out in the table. 3. Both Schedule 1, which address substitution of references to the "COAG Reform Fund", and Schedule 2, which address substitution of references to "COAG" and "Ministerial Council", are to commence the day after this Bill receives the Royal Assent. Clause 3 - Schedules 4. This clause provides that each Act that is specified in a Schedule is amended or repealed as set out in that Schedule, and any other item in a Schedule has effect according to its terms. Schedule 1 - Amendments of references to COAG Reform Fund etc. Introduction 5. Schedule 1 updates references relating to the "COAG Reform Fund" as a result of the cessation of COAG. 6. This Schedule will commence on the day after this Act receives the Royal Assent. 7. The COAG Reform Fund was established under the COAG Reform Fund Act 2008 as a mechanism through which the Commonwealth makes grants of financial assistance to the states and territories (states). The Act specifies that the terms and conditions on which financial assistance is granted are to be set out in written agreements between the Commonwealth and the states. 6
8. The title of the COAG Reform Fund requires amending to give effect to the cessation of COAG and the establishment of a new architecture for federal-state relations. Schedule 1 Part 1 - Amendment of the COAG Reform Fund Act 2008 9. The purpose of this Part is to amend the COAG Reform Fund Act to substitute the outdated term "COAG" with the term "Federation". COAG Reform Fund Act 10. Item 1 amends the title of the Act, substituting the reference to "COAG" with a reference to "Federation". 11. Item 2 amends the short title of the "COAG Reform Fund Act" so that it would instead read the "Federation Fund Reform Act". 12. Items 3 - 9 substitute references to "COAG" with references to "Federation". Schedule 1 Part 2 13. The purpose of this Part is to amend a number of Acts to: (a) repeal outdated references to the "COAG Reform Fund" and substitute that term with the "Federation Reform Fund". That term is in turn defined to mean the Federation Reform Fund established by section 5 of the Federation Reform Act 2008, as it would be renamed upon commencement of items 1 and 2 of Schedule 1 of this Bill; and (b) in the case of item 26, substitute an outdated reference to the COAG Reform Fund Act with a reference to the "Federation Reform Fund Act". DisabilityCare Australia Fund Act 14. Item 10 repeals the outdated definition of the "COAG Reform Fund". 15. Item 11 inserts a definition for the "Federation Reform Fund". Disaster Ready Fund Act 16. Item 12 repeals the outdated definition of the "COAG Reform Fund". 17. Item 13 inserts a definition for the "Federation Reform Fund". Federal Financial Relations Act 18. Item 14 repeals the outdated definition of the "COAG Reform Fund". 19. Item 15 inserts a definition for the "Federation Reform Fund". Fuel Indexation (Road Funding) Special Account Act 20. Item 16 repeals the outdated definition of the "COAG Reform Fund". 7
21. Item 17 inserts a definition for the "Federation Reform Fund". Future Drought Fund Act 22. Item 18 repeals the outdated definition of the "COAG Reform Fund". 23. Item 19 inserts a definition for the "Federation Reform Fund". Housing Australia Future Fund Act 24. Item 20 repeals the outdated definition of the "COAG Reform Fund". 25. Item 21 inserts a definition for the "Federation Reform Fund". Medical Research Future Fund Act 26. Item 22 repeals the outdated definition of the "COAG Reform Fund". 27. Item 23 inserts a definition for the "Federation Reform Fund". Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 28. Item 24 repeals the outdated definition of the "COAG Reform Fund". 29. Item 25 inserts a definition for the "Federation Reform Fund". 30. Item 26 substitutes the reference to the COAG Reform Fund Act with a reference to Federation Reform Fund Act. Proceeds of Crime Act 31. Item 27 repeals the outdated definition of the "COAG Reform Fund". 32. Item 28 inserts a definition for the "Federation Reform Fund". Schedule 1 Part 3 - Other bulk amendments 33. The purpose of this Part is to amend the specified Acts to substitute outdated references to "COAG Reform Fund", wherever occurring, with the term "Federation Reform Fund". 34. Item 29 outlines that the Bill would amend the specified Acts to substitute references to "COAG Reform Fund" with "Federation Reform Fund" wherever it occurs. DisabilityCare Australia Fund Act 35. Items 30-40 omit "COAG Reform Fund" and substitute with "Federation Reform Fund" wherever it occurs in the Act. 8
Disaster Ready Fund Act 36. Items 41-49 omit "COAG Reform Fund" and substitute with "Federation Reform Fund" wherever it occurs in the Act. Federal Financial Relations Act 37. Items 50 and 51 omit "COAG Reform Fund" and substitute with "Federation Reform Fund" wherever it occurs in the Act. Fuel Indexation (Road Funding) Special Account Act 38. Items 52-63 omit "COAG Reform Fund" and substitute with "Federation Reform Fund" wherever it occurs in the Act. Future Drought Fund Act 39. Items 64-72 omit "COAG Reform Fund" and substitute with "Federation Reform Fund" wherever it occurs in the Act. Housing Australia Future Fund Act 40. Items 73-82 omit "COAG Reform Fund" and substitute with "Federation Reform Fund" wherever it occurs in the Act. Medical Research Future Fund Act 41. Items 83-91 omit "COAG Reform Fund" and substitute with "Federation Reform Fund" wherever it occurs in the Act. Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 42. Items 92 and 93 omit "COAG Reform Fund" and substitute with "Federation Reform Fund" wherever it occurs in the Act. Proceeds of Crime Act 43. Items 94-99 omit "COAG Reform Fund" and substitute with "Federation Reform Fund" wherever it occurs in the Act. Schedule 2 - Amendments of references to COAG and Ministerial Council etc. Introduction 44. This Schedule deals with the cessation of COAG and changes to intergovernmental architecture by amending outdated references to COAG and COAG Councils or Ministerial Councils. 9
45. The amendments made by this Schedule commence the day after this Act receives the Royal Assent. 46. The recommendations of the Review of COAG Councils and Ministerial Forums (the Review), led by Mr Peter Conran AM, were agreed by the National Cabinet on 23 October 2020. Recommendation 30 of the Review recommended that the Commonwealth introduce a bill to make amendments to the outdated references to COAG Councils and Ministerial Forums in Commonwealth legislation. 47. The amendments in this Schedule give effect to the Review's recommendation. Schedule 2 Part 1 - Main amendments 48. The purposes of this Part are as follows. a. Substitute the outdated term of "COAG" with the term "First Ministers' Council", which is defined flexibly to mean "a body (however described) that consists only of, or that includes, the Prime Minister, the Premiers of each State and the Chief Ministers of the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory". It is intended that this definition encompass any group that currently comprises, or will in future comprise, First Ministers (such as the current National Cabinet) as well as a group that comprises First Ministers and other representatives (such as the former National Federation Reform Council, which was constituted by both First Ministers and Treasurers of the Commonwealth, and each State and Territory, as well as the President of the Australian Local Government Association). b. Retain the term "Ministerial Council", but change the definition to mean a body (however described) that consists of the Minister of the Commonwealth, and the Minister of each State and Territory, who is responsible, or principally responsible, for matters relating to a particular portfolio issue. This broad definition is intended to enhance flexibility with any future changes to the title of an intergovernmental ministerial group so legislative changes to update titles are avoided. c. Amend specific names of Councils (e.g. "Standing Council on Health" or "Australian Transport Council") to the generic "Ministerial Council" term so that any future title changes to ministerial bodies can be implemented without amending legislation. ACARA Act 49. Item 1 repeals the outdated definition of "Ministerial Council" and updates with a definition of Commonwealth, State and Territory Ministers who are responsible, or principally responsible, for matters relating to education. 10
Australian Education Act 50. Item 2 amends the preamble by omitting "the Council of Australian Governments and Education Council" and substituting with "First Ministers' Council and Ministerial Council" respectively. 51. Item 3 inserts the definition of "First Ministers' Council". 52. Item 4 repeals the outdated definition of "Ministerial Council" and updates with a definition of Commonwealth, State and Territory Ministers who are responsible, or principally responsible, for matters relating to school education. Australian National Preventive Health Agency Act 53. Item 5 repeals the outdated definition of "Ministerial Conference". 54. Item 6 inserts a definition of "Ministerial Council" to mean "a body (however described) that consists of the Minister of the Commonwealth, and the Minister of each State and Territory, who is responsible, or principally responsible, for matters relating to health". 55. Items 7-10 substitute references to "Conference" with references to "Council" wherever it occurs in the Act. Biological Control Act 56. Item 11 repeals the definition of "Council" and substitutes with an updated definition for Council to mean a body (however described) that consists of the Minister of the Commonwealth, and the Minister of each State and Territory and the Minister of New Zealand, who is responsible, or principally responsible, for matters relating to agriculture, or a body prescribed by the regulations. Defence (Road Transport Legislation Exemption) Act 57. Item 12 repeals the outdated definition of "Australian Transport Council". 58. Item 13 amends the definition of "Exemption Framework" to remove the historical reference to endorsement by the former Australian Transport Council. This amendment reflects that the Exemption Framework has been updated by the group of responsible Ministers a number of times under a range of names. Fisheries Management Act 59. Item 14 repeals the outdated definition of "Ministerial Council" and updates with a definition of Commonwealth, State and Territory Ministers who are responsible, or principally responsible, for fisheries. 11
Healthcare Identifiers Act 60. Item 15 repeals the outdated definition of "Ministerial Council" and updates with a definition of Commonwealth, State and Territory Ministers who are responsible, or primarily responsible, for health. My Health Records Act 61. Item 16 inserts the definition of the "Health Chief Executives Forum" meaning a body (however described) that consists of the Secretary of the Department and each head (however described) of the Health Department of a State or Territory. 62. Item 17 repeals the outdated definition of "Ministerial Council" and updates with a definition of Commonwealth, State and Territory Ministers who are responsible, or principally responsible, for health. 63. Items 18 and 19 remove references to "a subcommittee of the Ministerial Council", substituting with references to "the Health Chief Executives Forum". NDIS Act 64. Item 20 substitutes the term "COAG" with "the Council of Australian Governments" to reflect the historical endorsement of the National Disability Strategy 2010-2020 by COAG on the 13 February 2011. 65. Item 21 repeals the outdated definition of "COAG". 66. Item 22 inserts a definition of "First Ministers' Council" with a definition of a body (however described) that consists only of, or that includes, the Prime Minister, the Premiers of each State and the Chief Ministers of the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory. 67. Item 23 substitutes the outdated definition of "Ministerial Council" with a definition of Commonwealth, State and Territory Ministers who are responsible, or principally responsible, for the National Disability Insurance Scheme. 68. Item 24 substitutes the term "COAG" with "the First Ministers' Council". National Health Reform Act 69. Item 25 repeals the outdated definition of "COAG". 70. Item 26 inserts the definition of "First Ministers' Council". It also inserts the definition of the "Health Chief Executives Forum" meaning a body (however described) that consists of the Secretary of the Department and each head (however described) of the Health Department of a State or Territory. 12
71. Item 27 substitutes the term "COAG" with "First Ministers' Council". 72. Item 28 repeals the outdated definition of "Ministerial Conference". 73. Item 29 inserts a definition of "Ministerial Council" to mean "a body (however described) that consists of the Minister of the Commonwealth, and the Minister of each State and Territory, who is responsible, or principally responsible, for matters relating to health". 74. Item 30 substitutes the term "COAG" with the "Council of Australian Governments" to reflect that the National Health Reform Agreement was agreed by the Council of Australian Governments on 2 August 2011. 75. Item 31 repeals the outdated definition of "Standing Council on Health". 76. Item 32 substitutes outdated references to "the Ministerial Conference" and "Australian Health Ministers' Advisory Council", with references to "the Ministerial Council" and "Health Chief Executives Forum" respectively. 77. Items 33-37, 43-44, 53-56, and 58-59 substitute references to "COAG" with references to "First Ministers' Council". 78. Items 38-41, 45, 48, 50-52, and 60 replace references to "Standing Council on Health" with references to "Ministerial Council". 79. Items 42 and 57 substitute outdated references to "the Standing Council on Health" and "the Australian Health Ministers' Advisory Council", with references to "the Ministerial Council" and "the Health Chief Executives Forum" respectively. 80. Item 46 amends the heading of Section 230 from "Standing Council on Health" to "Constitution of Ministerial Council etc". 81. Item 47 repeals subsection 230(1) of the Act which had defined the "Standing Council on Health". 82. Item 49 omits the reference to "this Part" and substitutes with "Part 5.2", clarifying the application of the subsection in the context of Part 5.2, not Part 5.1, where subsection appears. National Transport Commission Act 83. Items 61, 64-79, 81, 83-84, and 86 omit references to "Australian Transport" with "Ministerial" to update outdated references to the Australian Transport Council with Ministerial Council. 84. Item 62 repeals the outdated definition of "Australian Transport Council". 13
85. Item 63 inserts a definition of "Ministerial Council" to mean "a body (however described) that consists of the Minister of the Commonwealth, and the Minister of each State and Territory, who is responsible, or principally responsible, for matters relating to transport". 86. Item 80 amends the heading of section 50 by omitting "Australian Transport Council and substituting it with "Ministerial Council etc". 87. Item 82 updates the saving provision to omit the reference to the "Australian Transport Council or the" and substitute with "Ministerial Council or the former". 88. Item 85 repeals the subsection which defines Ministerial Council for the purposes of section 50, and substitutes with a definition for the "former Ministerial Council". NVETR Act 89. Item 87 amends paragraph a) of the definition of "Ministerial Council" to mean "a body (however described) that consists of the Minister of the Commonwealth, and the Minister of each State and Territory, who is responsible, or principally responsible, for matters relating to training and skills". 90. State and Territory governments have been consulted in relation to consequential amendments to this Act to deal with the cessation of the Council of Australian Governments. Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 91. Item 88 amends the definition of "Ministers responsible for mineral and energy resources matters" to mean "a body (however described) that consists of the Minister of the Commonwealth, the Minister of each State and Territory and the Minister of New Zealand who is responsible, or principally responsible, for matters relating to energy or resources (or both)". 92. Item 89 amends paragraph a) of the definition of "Greenhouse Gas Storage Ministerial Council" to mean a body (however described) that consists of the Minister of the Commonwealth, and the Minister of each State and Territory, who is responsible, or principally responsible, for matters relating to, the injection of greenhouse gas substances into parts of geological formations; and the permanent storage of greenhouse gas substances in parts of geological formations, if there is a body of this description. Schedule 2 Part 2 - Contingent amendments Infrastructure Australia Act 93. Item 90 repeals the outdated definition of "COAG". 14
94. Item 91 repeals the subsection which refers to the Minister having regard to any decisions by COAG, and substitutes it with the Minister having regard to any relevant decisions of a body (however described) that consists only of, or that includes, the Prime Minister, the Premiers of each State, and the Chief Ministers of the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory. Water Act 2007 95. Item 92 inserts a definition of "First Ministers' Council" as meaning a body (however described) that consists only of, or that includes, the Prime Minister, the Premiers of each State, and the Chief Ministers of the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory. 96. Item 93 substitutes the reference to "Council of Australian Governments" with "First Ministers' Council". Schedule 2 Part 3 - Application, transitional and saving provisions 97. Item 94 provides definitions for Part 2 of the Amendment Act. 98. Items 95 and 96 make transitional provisions for things done by, in relation to, or started but not finished by, COAG, prior to commencement of this Act. The items recognise any past decisions of COAG to be valid as if they had been done by the First Ministers' Council under an amended Act. After commencement of this Act, the First Ministers' Council may finish doing a thing under an amended Act, should they wish to do so. 99. Items 97 and 98 make transitional provisions for things done by, in relation to, or started but not finished by, a former Ministerial Council (within the meaning of a particular amended Act), prior to commencement of this Act. The items recognise any past decisions of a former Ministerial Council to be valid as if they had been done by a new Ministerial Council under an amended Act. After commencement of this Act, the new Ministerial Council may finish doing a thing under an amended Act, should they wish to do so. 100. Items 99 and 100 make transitional provisions for things done by, in relation to, or started but not finished by, the Ministerial Conference (within the meaning of the Australian National Preventive Health Agency Act) prior to commencement of this Act. The items recognise any past decisions of the Ministerial Conference to be valid as if they had been done by the Ministerial Council (within the meaning of the Australian National Preventive Health Agency Act as amended by this Act). After commencement of this Act, the Ministerial Council may finish doing a thing under an amended Act, should they wish to do so. 101. Items 101 and 102 make transitional provisions for things done by, in relation to, or started but not finished by, the Standing Council on Health (within the meaning of the 15
National Health Reform Act) prior to commencement of this Act. The items recognise any past decisions of the Standing Council on Health to be valid as if they had been done by the Ministerial Council (within the meaning of the National Health Reform Act as amended by this Act). After commencement of this Act, the Ministerial Council may finish doing a thing under an amended Act, should they wish to do so. 102. Items 103 and 104 make transitional provisions for things done by, in relation to, or started but not finished by, the Council (within the meaning of the Biological Control Act) prior to the commencement of this Act. The items recognise any past decisions of the Council to be valid as if they had been done by the Ministerial Council (within the meaning of the Biological Control Act as amended by this Act). After commencement of this Act, the Ministerial Council may finish doing a thing under an amended Act, should they wish to do so. 103. Items 105 and 106 make transitional provisions for things done by, in relation to, or started but not finished by, the Australian Transport Council (within the meaning of the National Transport Commission Act) prior to commencement of this Act. The items recognise any past decisions of the Australian Transport Council to be valid as if they had been done by the Ministerial Council (within the meaning of the National Transport Commission Act as amended by this Act). After commencement of this Act, the Ministerial Council may finish doing a thing under an amended Act, should they wish to do so. 104. Item 107 provides flexibility for the Minister to make rules to deal with any transitional matters in relation to this Act that may arise. 16