Commonwealth of Australia Explanatory Memoranda

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                               ADDENDUM TO THE
                        EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM

(Circulated by authority of the Minister for Communications, Cyber Safety and the Arts,
                               The Hon Paul Fletcher MP)

This Addendum responds to the suggestions made by the Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills in Scrutiny Digest No. 9 of 2019, dated 27 November 2019. NOTES ON CLAUSES Telecommunications Act 1997 Schedule 6 - Numbering arrangements On page 31, after the sentence ending: "The provisions are designed such that the ACMA would remain responsible for the collection of numbering charges even if a numbering scheme manager was appointed." Insert new paragraphs: "The proposed arrangements are consistent with the regulatory policy objective set out in paragraph 4(a) of the Tel Act, which provides that Parliament intends that telecommunications be regulated in a manner that promotes the greatest practicable use of industry self-regulation. The proposed arrangements are consistent with industry-based regulation of various aspects of the telecommunications sector. The management of various numbering allocation functions has been managed by industry since 2014. Decisions made by the numbering scheme manager would be subject to judicial review to the extent that the decision represented the exercise of a power delegated to it by a public body or public official, or the exercise by the manager of a public function or public power, with remedies available in judicial review proceedings." Item 10 - Before Subdivision A of Division 2 of Part 22 After the sentence ending: "Apart from this requirement, proposed section 454A is intended to provide the Minister with discretion in selecting a person as the numbering scheme manager." Insert a new paragraph: "Under the proposed measure, the transition to industry-based numbering management would only take place if a number of safeguards were met. The Minister would only be able to appoint someone to be the numbering scheme manager if he or she was satisfied that they would be able to administer the scheme in accordance with the numbering scheme principles in the Bill. The Minister is not compelled to appoint an industry manager, and in this sense, the alternative arrangement is voluntary. It is expected that any proposed numbering scheme would be well-developed before the Minister would consider appointing a numbering scheme manager." After the sentence ending: "Before determining a person to be the numbering scheme manager, the Minister would be required to consult with the ACMA and the ACCC." Insert a new paragraph:

"Additionally, the Minister's appointment of a numbering scheme manager would be done by a legislative instrument. Legislative instruments are subject to Parliamentary scrutiny through the disallowance process. In addition, the Minister would be able to direct the numbering scheme manager to amend the rules or change the processes of the numbering scheme in a manner consistent with the numbering scheme principles. The ACMA and the ACCC would each have power to direct the scheme manager in relation to the management of the numbering scheme." After the sentence ending: "proposed paragraph 454C(2)(q) empowers the Minister to make a legislative instrument to determine additional principles." Insert new paragraphs: "The proposed complaints handling processes referred to in paragraph 454C(2)(n) would be developed by the numbering scheme manager on an administrative basis. An overly prescriptive legislated assessment process could prove impractical and could lead to increased and unnecessary costs for industry and the Government. In the event that the numbering scheme manager does not have an effective process in place for complaints, the Minister, the ACMA and the ACCC could use their respective powers to direct the numbering scheme manager to remedy the situation. The numbering scheme manager is obliged to comply with such directions. Similarly, the Minister would be able to revoke the appointment of the numbering scheme manager, if the Minister is not satisfied that the numbering scheme manager is managing the scheme in accordance with the numbering scheme principles."

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