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5234-EM Corporations Amendment (Takeovers) Bill 2007 (Supplementary Explanatory Memorandum for amendment on sheet 5234 to be moved by Senator Murray on behalf of the Australian Democrats in Committee of the Whole) On Friday 23 March 2007 the Minister for Workplace Relations was reported as telling journalists outside the Australian Mines and Metals Association's conference in Perth that: "[Unions] of course don't have the same accountability [as corporates] - they don't disclose how much union executives are being paid, they don't go to members and ask them whether they can contribute millions of dollars to the Labor Party. "They don't have the same disclosure arrangements as corporate Australia. They don't have the same fiduciary obligations to act in the best interests of the company - or the union movement - as corporate Australia, and that's something that I think needs to be addressed." This statement leads me to conclude that there is now acceptance in the Government for reform in this governance area. The Corporations Amendment (Takeovers) Bill 2007 is the earliest legislative corporate law vehicle available to effect such reform. The Minister seems unaware that corporates do not have to gain shareholder approval for political donations, and that most do not. I have raised this issue several times since 1996. I drew attention to this matter in my Minority Report on the Joint Standing Committee on Corporations and Financial Services May 2004 report into CLERP 9, and I subsequently unsuccessfully moved an amendment reflecting my recommendation, to the Corporate Law Economic Reform Program (Audit Reform and Corporate Disclosure) Bill 2003 - see Hansard 17 June 2004 pp24138/42. I have [again] drawn attention to the need for companies making political donations without shareholder approval, and unions making political donations without member approval, and suggested the remedies for this - see my Supplementary Remarks to the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters September 2005 Report of the Inquiry into the conduct of the 2004 Federal Election and Matters Related Thereto. Item 1: the amendment provides for the prohibition of gifts and political donations by companies, unless the political donation is authorised by a resolution passed at a general meeting by a majority of shareholders of the company; or, unless the political donation is made in accordance with a shareholder approved donation policy.Index] [Search] [Download] [Bill] [Help]